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SGT Willie Nelson - Unban appeal

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Willie Nelson

Active member
Your In-game name: SGT Willie Nelson

Your Steam Profile ID: 76561197963081581

Your GUID (Using this tool input your steam ID and press enter): 9810761774411adb0b0b5d995dbc6017

Date & Time you was banned: 04.06-2015?

Please copy and paste the rule you broke: 1B) Racism is punished by a permanent ban without appeal

Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance: Never been banned before. Been active on this community since the day i joined it. I am also not sure exactly why i was banned. I heard it was something about me singing "throw the jews down the well", wich i do remember i did, 2+ months ago (dont you need to report within 24 hours?) when i was in TKC. I am now a SGT in the police force. When i sang that song in the tkc  channel, we were discussing Borat (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0443453/) the movie. Borat is played by Sasha Baron Cohan, a jewish actor behind other characters like Ali G and Bruno. When he preformed the song in the movie he was in arizona, a state in america with some very hateful people towards foreign people(ofc, this is not the majority, we are talking _some_, wich is why Sasha Baron Cohan (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0056187/) wanted to end the movie in arizona (we were also mocking TKC Steve (for being american, in a friendly no offense taken manner). Anyways, i feel this is taken out of context to get me banned, I cant recall ever being racist towards anyone, i sure as hell aint a racist, so none of this makes sense to me, but still im banned and need to appeal. Iv made alot of good friends in this community, especially in the police, and i have a blast when i go on patrole. its sad to see it go, tho im not giving any apologys, cause i only give out an apology where an apology is due. And again, i feel this has been taken out of context of the original chat and discussion that was going on at that time.

I feel im wrongly banned for being a racist, and the 24 hour rule seems to not excist anymore, wich can open a can of worms if it doesnt excist.

No hatred towards anyone, not even you Stee, never have i ever taken one of the old tkc twitch sessions and manufactured a clip or used anything that was done/said when i was in tkc towards anyone in TI or TKC. What was said/done in that period, staid in that period. 

The Original clip from the movie Borat.

Regards, SGT Willie Nelson

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It was never stated the 24 hour rule does not exist, but sometimes things can come to light, where rule 17A can take effect.

I think the person who reported didn't understand the context of "Borat" and how Willie was quoting a movie  

He perfectly fine understand the context, we talked about the movie, and laughed about how funny it was. I think its more about "showing the right people the right part of the whole conversation to make it fit" is the case here. People who find Borat or Sasha Baron Cohan a racist, usually becomes speechless when you tell them that he is jewish, and his wife converted from christianity to jewdism when they got married.

He perfectly fine understand the context, we talked about the movie, and laughed about how funny it was. I think its more about "showing the right people the right part of the whole conversation to make it fit" is the case here. People who find Borat or Sasha Baron Cohan a racist, usually becomes speechless when you tell them that he is jewish, and his wife converted from christianity to jewdism when they got married.
So i take it the person who filed the report has some beef with you??

Guess, so, no idea, but il stop posting now and let the admins look at it.

But lesson learned the hard way, dont refer to anything Borat or sasha baron cohan related on teamspeak, your "friends" my turn on you and make you become a racist. Dont learn the hard way and become permanently banned like me.

SGT Willie Nelson

This feels like TKC and TI, rummaging through old footage as a retaliation to the recent bans against them.

If this ban is accepted after 2 months when it's purely a revenge attack, then I see no reason not to post footage of TKC and TI members glitching restraints and knocking me down when they have already been knocked down for several seconds.

The police gang relations are an absolute joke at the moment, and if were all just going out to get each other banned there will be no one left but hobos in kavala.

We all know willie,

He's the most laid back chilled out chap I know. He's not a racist in any form of the word and to brand him as such is absolutely ridiculous.

The clip was taken while willie was in TKC, he had his guard down as he was playing with his friends and I imagine they were all laughing.

Willie should've been given a chance to defend himself as in this case, I don't think willie is at fault , the only person I would be wishing banned in this situation would be STEE for shit stirring and using 2 month old footage in incorrect context for the purpose of revenge

I know I probably should post here as it is against the forum rules,

But in response to Endrogens post he mentions Police and Gang relations, he is right they are absolutely fucking terrible and it's gone so low now everything is on a personal level and no longer kept within the game.

Now I remember a few months back the UNMC did an exchange program with the Police and a few weeks after that TKC did the same, in the exchange program there was one for one trades between the two factions and in my eyes something like this happening because of the current issues could really help a lot.

Even if it isn't an exchange there should be at least some sort of activities involving the Police and the gangs on a more casual level, there has been quite a few officers that I have not been the biggest fans of in game but once I have actually spoke to them in person they are great guys.

Even if it was just one or two members from each of the big gangs, especially the ones that are struggling with relations it could really help a lot.

The issue I have is that anyone in that channel that did not know it's from Borat (and even if they did) could find it incredibly disrespectful/disgusting.

Why did it take him over 2 months to bring this up? Convienently less then a week after one of his gang members was banned in a report i was involved in.

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I did not report anyone. I was never in contact with any admins so you can say what you want.


If I say something between friends where no one is offended but someone records me saying something .

And then later plays back my voice to a new group of people who were not involved in the original conversation. who is being offensive.

Me, for saying something "racist" to a group of my friends who are laughing and joking about a film in context.

Or the person playing the recording to strangers, for taking what I said out of context and giving it new meaning?

The concept I'm concerned and slightly angry about here,

Is that someone has used a soundboard of willie saying something out of context which sounds racist, it only sounds racist because it is out of context.


If someone was to use a soundboard of a racist slur and we didn't know who said the slur, it would be the person using that soundboard that would be branded as racist.

Why is it any different?

No one was offended until Stee posted the audio clip... He's the antagonist here not Willie nelson

The concept I'm concerned and slightly angry about here,

Is that someone has used a soundboard of willie saying something out of context which sounds racist, it only sounds racist because it is out of context.


If someone was to use a soundboard of a racist slur and we didn't know who said the slur, it would be the person using that soundboard that would be branded as racist.

Why is it any different?

No one was offended until Stee posted the audio clip... He's the antagonist here not Willie nelson
Endrogen if you want to stay pissing me off and sayin I'm using a soundboard when I am not the one who reported Willie, when I get home 2nite I will show you the video and about 3 others of Willie singing the song. Well done fucking soundboard
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I don't need to see the video,

The fact that you deny involvement when the video is on your YouTube page is evidence enough of your intentions.

You're as foolish if you act if you think people can't see through your lies.

I don't need to see the video,

The fact that you deny involvement when the video is on your YouTube page is evidence enough of your intentions.

You're as foolish if you act if you think people can't see through your lies.
Right Endrogen ask the admins and see if they lie then aswell.
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