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Secret Santa 2015

Looks like I've got another day to enter, count me in.

@Walt is the best secrey santa ever!

He got me not 1, but 2 gifts, BOTH of which were on my wishlist! In addition to this, he gave me a riddle, and made me laugh. He also said I have been a "good little RP egg this year" and that I am his "baby goose". 

Quite funny that one of the gifts I received was one I sent to my secret santa xD.

Thank you again Walt!

I am so glad that everyone is happy! And a big Thank You to @Junior for helping me out! It was a lot of work and without you I think I would still be assigning Partners!

@Finchyy yo man you didn't need to give anything back, hope you enjoy farming simulator and cheers for Rocket League 

Just wanted to leave a quick +1000 to @PC Bradley

This chap gifted me a game I have wanted since before release and have never been able to afford.

Thanks Brad! Made my year there mate!
