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Rules Feedback

@Felix - Yello aye mate its fucked it was just yesterday that I watched a guy on live stream say to someone "your mum as a massive brain tumour and as cancer" etc... putting the re word in direct and only gets a 1 day... Isnt it meant to me a insta perma? Nothing we can do about it tho mate just gotta get on with it.

@Felix - Yello aye mate its fucked it was just yesterday that I watched a guy on live stream say to someone "your mum as a massive brain tumour and as cancer" etc... putting the re word in direct and only gets a 1 day... Isnt it meant to me a insta perma? Nothing we can do about it tho mate just gotta get on with it.
Well we can only hope that this actually gets seen as the feedback it is and the staff don’t take it as me being malicious 🙂

Sometimes staff dont take into account that breaking rules sometimes can be justified and instead go after the number of people they can ban in a day. active, helpful and just good people get banned for the little things, KeirT got banned for logging off in a RP situation which is understandable after hackers ruin the server pretty much everyday now.

He had little to zero warnings and a staff member banned him for that. Its crazy to think a staff member who is meant to help someone can make someone want to quit the server after getting banned for something they are meant to prevent, hackers etc. Hopefully staff see this as feedback and not a malicious attempt to get back at some staff members who have previously myself and other people. 

D1.1 I feel like it should be changed to something more like  — Be a good sport. Do not focus on PvP aspect of the game and attack everything that moves just because you can or are good at it. Remember that not many players will enjoy being constantly attacked, therefore you should not dominate other groups or players into submission to a point where they can no longer accomplish their regular role play or enjoy the game. 

I say this because dayz is a survival pvp sort of game people don’t Roleplay as much as arma so maybe remove the ban side but try to make sure people don’t only go for pvp make it more of a please don’t just kos because rdm basically eliminates snipers for solos and nobody will die unless u run up to them so if u wanted ever to kill somebody by surprise you would be Rdming and that would mean a ban kind of defeats the gun aspect of dayz u can just u a spade to kill zombies so guns will be almost only for the big groups and people would always be at a disadvantage because they could never kill a team because they would have to initiate first and the team would be ready for a fight and just kill the solo however if the solo had a mosin he could of picked of a few guys before they realised meaning that solo could get loot then progress but if rdm is a ban it will be like hobos in altis always getting mugged never progressing also u lose everything in dayz if u die that’s why you can’t just carry rules over from arma 

Add the PCC Rules to the actual Rule Page

Additional comments

  1. Only the original complainant (original poster), police command and the officers involved should be commenting on an ongoing police complaint.
  2. Anyone who posts without contributing any value to the complaint in the form of relevant evidence will have their post hidden unless they are a member of the staff team. Warning points may be issued.
  3. Anyone who posts an edited video in an attempt to get those they reported into trouble will be banned."
There is no mention of this within the Forum Rules on the Rule page, and the likelihood is you are not going to be reading the Police Complaints Procedure document unless you are the person submitting it, so people may comment on it whilst being completely unaware of this rule without digging into the forums and stumbling across this post. I believe they should either be added into the Rules page under the 15.x heading or the forum punishment should be removed entirely, and it should be an in game punishment( Have interfering with Police Procedure) added to your record or something like that. 

You cannot expect people to have read this document if they are not the author themselves, and a majority of the rules in this post do not effect the person writing the message but instead just other people who may be reading them. I would also suggest that if there are any other examples of rules like this written in posts on the forums which are not actually written on the rules page then they should not be enforced, or written onto the rules page where a larger number of people will see them, and then have them enforced.

I don't think it should be in the rules page but maybe the procedures document should be more like a cover letter forcing you to go through that before you can view anything related to for example a pcc. Guess this is more of a forum suggestion really than a rules one. 

But doesn't that defeat the object of policing? A police officer won't turn a blind eye on a crime just because of the area the person is in 
I agree with you here, I think a rule more towards stopping police from camping airport spawn etc. To just take weapons from rebels as soon as they spawn in and with no way then to get out of it.

I agree with you here, I think a rule more towards stopping police from camping airport spawn etc. To just take weapons from rebels as soon as they spawn in and with no way then to get out of it.
^^ rules to ensure people have the opportunity to backpack/store their weapon in a car. If they take the piss with it then go ahead and take it but simply spawning or running to a pad to get a vehicle shouldn’t result in it getting yoinked 

Some kind of rule giving you a a small amount of time after spawning in (could literally be 30 seconds) where you are more or less safe to get in to it wouldn't be too bad of an idea. Problem would probably be how to define it so that it can not be abused.

I think a rule more towards stopping police from camping airport spawn etc. To just take weapons from rebels as soon as they spawn in and with no way then to get out of it.
See that I agree with, cops normally turn a blind eye when someone has just spawned in but you get the odd few who like to take weapons in the GZ, I normally ask them to put it away for example 

Some kind of rule giving you a a small amount of time after spawning in (could literally be 30 seconds) where you are more or less safe to get in to it wouldn't be too bad of an idea. Problem would probably be how to define it so that it can not be abused.
Problem with this is that you’d have to immediately race for a vehicle to escape, which is not fun for people just spawning in. A lot of the time as well if I make it to a vehicle then cops just use their weapons to disable it - in a GZ. 

Perhaps a rule alone the lines of “Police are not allowed to arrest and strip the weapons of players just spawning in at airport unless a warning has be given to hide their weapon and two minutes to comply.” Or something more along them lines, so if they decide to keep the weapon out after 2 minutes of being warned then it’s just fair game

^^ rules to ensure people have the opportunity to backpack/store their weapon in a car. If they take the piss with it then go ahead and take it but simply spawning or running to a pad to get a vehicle shouldn’t result in it getting yoinked 
It's pretty much an un written rule to never arrest anyone in the little spawn room in air port we wait for them to run out and and start doing stuff, you have a chance to backpack it then but, would u really expect cops to just let people run around with mk 18s in air port and just leave them? Your suggestion to fix the issue is by making the officer tell you to put it away, I feel that will vary from person to person Roberts may do it as he is experienced in cops and rebel so he knows the bore of having your gun yoinked but a semi new prob pc will be all over it and will try everything to take it. Cops generally take weapons from people depending on factors, the calibor of weapon, the peerson holding it and attitude. If you are walking around openly with a big gun (7.62) it'll be yoinked its dangerous and is more powerfull than most cops have, if the officer knows the person with the gun they may be more inclined to ask them to hide it and the attitude of the person well if u are gonna be rude and evasive the officer will take it without hesitation. U also have the chance to roleplay your way out of it, make a story up or make a hunting document or something then u are likely to keep it. 

It's pretty much an un written rule to never arrest anyone in the little spawn room in air port we wait for them to run out and and start doing stuff, you have a chance to backpack it then but, would u really expect cops to just let people run around with mk 18s in air port and just leave them? Your suggestion to fix the issue is by making the officer tell you to put it away, I feel that will vary from person to person Roberts may do it as he is experienced in cops and rebel so he knows the bore of having your gun yoinked but a semi new prob pc will be all over it and will try everything to take it. Cops generally take weapons from people depending on factors, the calibor of weapon, the peerson holding it and attitude. If you are walking around openly with a big gun (7.62) it'll be yoinked its dangerous and is more powerfull than most cops have, if the officer knows the person with the gun they may be more inclined to ask them to hide it and the attitude of the person well if u are gonna be rude and evasive the officer will take it without hesitation. U also have the chance to roleplay your way out of it, make a story up or make a hunting document or something then u are likely to keep it. 
Where would they backpack an mk18? Considering you’re one of the cops who has gone to airport and targeted people just spawning in I am not surprised to see you here trying to justify it. It’s the most scummiest thing to do. When people log in they just want to chill out and decide what to do, not immediately have to leg it or surrender their firearm because a cop is stood at airport with his rubber gun. The rule I posted above should be a thing, everyone should be able to spawn in and not immediately become stressed. Warn and wait 2 minutes and if you can’t handle that then just avoid airport altogether.

Maybe a dev solution that could add a countdown spawn in timer above folks heads so police can see that. 

Perhaps this should be addressed more to the police command so that they need to have a specialist operation in order to confiscate. Still think tazers only GZ should be a thing as opposed to the ability to use 850rpm rubber bullet guns. 

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Where would they backpack an mk18? Considering you’re one of the cops who has gone to airport and targeted people just spawning in I am not surprised to see you here trying to justify it. It’s the most scummiest thing to do. When people log in they just want to chill out and decide what to do, not immediately have to leg it or surrender their firearm because a cop is stood at airport with his rubber gun. The rule I posted above should be a thing, everyone should be able to spawn in and not immediately become stressed. Warn and wait 2 minutes and if you can’t handle that then just avoid airport altogether.
I apologise for driving through the airport and seeing illegal firearms and taking them? How am i meant to know if someone has just spawned or not, i agree with Tadeusz comment on having a timer above their head this could be posted to the player suggestions to get an idea of peoples different views. I thought rubber guns arent allowed anyway as it says no firearms in GZs i thought tazers were an exception, and if they are then maybe a suggestion to remove them being allowed.

Ngl a timer above someone’s head just sounds kinda tacky and would look stupid if you ask me 

just don’t take it tbh. In gz people often get together and joke around - then suddenly police come and take your gun - then later on police ask “omg why you take me hostage/initiate/kill us for no reason” - even If initiateD on in gz and you run out, police often won’t leave the zone/will be behind you and still tasing at you and shoot at you still from inside - so even when you shoot back at them they won’t die due to the green zone protection. Just don’t do it without giving them fair chance to put gun in the car. Even then tho just let them keep the guns on the back cus in cars there is the chance of it going boom
