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Rules Feedback

Please can the following rules be looked at:

(8.1.3) The Police will always send in or have on-site an unarmed negotiator who will make himself known. This is part of the treasury robbery process. You can either start roleplay with the negotiator or decline negotiations by asking him to leave. You cannot kill him - he must leave, and if killed it is bannable. You also may not kidnap the negotiator. 

[SIZE=medium](10.7) PCSO’s and unarmed negotiators are not to be taken as hostages. If you find yourself taken as a hostage at these ranks: Inform the person (out of roleplay) that they cannot detain you at this rank. If they don’t release you, you are allowed to log out as a last resort. [/SIZE]

Can this be clarified in what situations this is for. Is it ANY unarmed negotiator? Is it only at the 3 major events (Treasury, Reserve, Cache)? Does it extent to fuel robberies? Or can police send an unarmed negotiator to ANY situation and they can NEVER be taken? It's been an issue for a while and clarification would be great.

Please can the following rules be looked at:

(8.1.3) The Police will always send in or have on-site an unarmed negotiator who will make himself known. This is part of the treasury robbery process. You can either start roleplay with the negotiator or decline negotiations by asking him to leave. You cannot kill him - he must leave, and if killed it is bannable. You also may not kidnap the negotiator. 

[SIZE=medium](10.7) PCSO’s and unarmed negotiators are not to be taken as hostages. If you find yourself taken as a hostage at these ranks: Inform the person (out of roleplay) that they cannot detain you at this rank. If they don’t release you, you are allowed to log out as a last resort. [/SIZE]

Can this be clarified in what situations this is for. Is it ANY unarmed negotiator? Is it only at the 3 major events (Treasury, Reserve, Cache)? Does it extent to fuel robberies? Or can police send an unarmed negotiator to ANY situation and they can NEVER be taken? It's been an issue for a while and clarification would be great.
While I of course am not staff and I would also like an official clarification I am very certain unarmed negotiators are only a thing during the major events. I mean the first rule is under "Heist rules" so my thinking is it only applies to the heists, and for 10.7 the only place unarmed negotiators are mentioned is in the heists rules so that's the definition for them (I would assume). But yea, official clarification would be good, to make it clear cut.

I was always under the impression that it was HM only, Weapon Cache and International if you turned up unarmed you could still be taken hostage

I was always under the impression that it was HM only, Weapon Cache and International if you turned up unarmed you could still be taken hostage
As are most people, but people are still confused and liaisons are called about it so it will save a lot of people time

I'm not sure under which rule it should go under, but it would be nice to have something regarding "unrestrain script". Many newer players don't know that when your handcuffs magically fall off you should stay put and put your hands up. I was in a liaison yesterday because a player used the fact he was unrestrained to his advantage and killed both cops in the area as they were unaware he is out of restraints.

In the liaison we have brought up that it's common sense that you should not abuse this mechanic, however when I was asked where does it say that in the rules there was nothing we could really say. Players can be unaware such mechanic or the fact that he shouldn't act like he was released.

Solution to this would be a pop up when you are unrestrained by the script that you have to stay at the location if the situation is still active, or add or amend an existing rule to include this.

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n the liaison we have brought up that it's common sense that you should not abuse this mechanic, however when I was asked where does it say that in the rules there was nothing we could really say. Players can be unaware such mechanic or the fact that he shouldn't act like he was released.
Tbh it isn’t really common sense if you are brand new to arma. On things like Gmod restrains only last a minimal amount of time before coming off/released from prison and if they have played these in the past it may not be obvious about such a difference in game play. There is also the fact that if people go AFK and come back and they aren’t restrained, how are they meant to know what happened, especially when this is normally only an issue in gunfights 

And the in game pop up wouldn’t be much use, as those tabbed out or AFK may not see it 

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I'm not sure under which rule it should go under, but it would be nice to have something regarding "unrestrain script". Many newer players don't know that when your handcuffs magically fall off you should stay put and put your hands up. I was in a liaison yesterday because a player used the fact he was unrestrained to his advantage and killed both cops in the area as they were unaware he is out of restraints.

In the liaison we have brought up that it's common sense that you should not abuse this mechanic, however when I was asked where does it say that in the rules there was nothing we could really say. Players can be unaware such mechanic or the fact that he shouldn't act like he was released.

Solution to this would be a pop up when you are unrestrained by the script that you have to stay at the location if the situation is still active, or add or amend an existing rule to include this.
Not even sure why restraint glitching is a thing tbh, afak if you interact with the restrained player the timer resets. If you have a prisoner in a gunfight and ignore him for 5+ minutes it makes sense they would have 'wriggled out'. If I'm wrong about the interacting thing that makes sense though.

I'm not sure under which rule it should go under, but it would be nice to have something regarding "unrestrain script". Many newer players don't know that when your handcuffs magically fall off you should stay put and put your hands up. I was in a liaison yesterday because a player used the fact he was unrestrained to his advantage and killed both cops in the area as they were unaware he is out of restraints.

In the liaison we have brought up that it's common sense that you should not abuse this mechanic, however when I was asked where does it say that in the rules there was nothing we could really say. Players can be unaware such mechanic or the fact that he shouldn't act like he was released.

Solution to this would be a pop up when you are unrestrained by the script that you have to stay at the location if the situation is still active, or add or amend an existing rule to include this.
Not sure what will be easier. To fix the handcuffs not falling off when the person dies that restrained them or to add a rule.

Why do things need to change? I think its great for RP when the script takes the restraints off you, when You've been left and ignored because of a gunfight, you can cut the ties on a sharp rock or wriggle out of them, and then escape, its roleplay? If somebody has left you alone in favour for a gunfight or just forgotten you then it A. give you a chance to escape and B. punishes them for forgetting or leaving you, obviously the script was implemented mainly for people that had been left in the middle of nowhere after being robbed, but i think in the circumstances mentioned, the restrained player should be able to escape, however I agree with Nick in terms of getting unrestrained and spraying people, maybe a rule similar to NLR in terms of a time limit before you can do anything hostile for a few minutes, will prevent people gunning you down.

Why do things need to change? I think its great for RP when the script takes the restraints off you, when You've been left and ignored because of a gunfight, you can cut the ties on a sharp rock or wriggle out of them, and then escape, its roleplay? If somebody has left you alone in favour for a gunfight or just forgotten you then it A. give you a chance to escape and B. punishes them for forgetting or leaving you, obviously the script was implemented mainly for people that had been left in the middle of nowhere after being robbed, but i think in the circumstances mentioned, the restrained player should be able to escape, however I agree with Nick in terms of getting unrestrained and spraying people, maybe a rule similar to NLR in terms of a time limit before you can do anything hostile for a few minutes, will prevent people gunning you down.
Yeah no, it doesn't work like that. You get ban for doing things like that. You can't just put your hands back down and then just escape, I have seen countless people banned for it and there is no doubt if people were to do this now, they will still be banned.

Although +1 to your idea, they should be able to roleplay it out but I think its unlikely that it will be allowed.

Yeah no, it doesn't work like that. You get ban for doing things like that. You can't just put your hands back down and then just escape, I have seen countless people banned for it and there is no doubt if people were to do this now, they will still be banned.

Although +1 to your idea, they should be able to roleplay it out but I think its unlikely that it will be allowed.
Thats what i mean, they should create a rule based around that idea, instead of a rule saying you gotta put your hands back up.

It’s clear that there have been many occasions since this whole mass unban and change of punishments from all perm to 24hr-perm, in which everything that is decided is up to the admins; this ends in many situations that make absolutely no sense in which some bans are going to be 7 days and others are met with a permanent ban for the exact same rule break. It does state in the rule 2.5 that it’s a permanent ban but this clearly needs to be changed, I am not making this for beef it’s just clear that either guidelines need to be followed or bans like that need to be less harsh.

Adding on from above.. Its pretty bad how some members of staff handle the new temp bans and they alone decide what happens. Like imagine wondering why there’s no faith in staff members when you’re upgraded from a 24hr ban to a 7d ban just because you presumed you’d be getting a 24hr ban. Just wish the system was used as intended and the people who handle bans do it appropriately and not to just piss the receiver off.

Not all staff though, a large majority are all decent and a credit to the place ❤️

Adding on from above.. Its pretty bad how some members of staff handle the new temp bans and they alone decide what happens. Like imagine wondering why there’s no faith in staff members when you’re upgraded from a 24hr ban to a 7d ban just because you presumed you’d be getting a 24hr ban. Just wish the system was used as intended and the people who handle bans do it appropriately and not to just piss the receiver off.

Not all staff though, a large majority are all decent and a credit to the place ❤️
Precisely, it’s not ideal what so ever

Adding on from above.. Its pretty bad how some members of staff handle the new temp bans and they alone decide what happens. Like imagine wondering why there’s no faith in staff members when you’re upgraded from a 24hr ban to a 7d ban just because you presumed you’d be getting a 24hr ban. Just wish the system was used as intended and the people who handle bans do it appropriately and not to just piss the receiver off.

Not all staff though, a large majority are all decent and a credit to the place ❤️
Don't know the specific situation, but remember these do apply to any rule.

it should be recognised however that staff may use their discretion to determine if players are using this system to their advantage to facilitate their breaking of rules
Repeated offences of the same rulebreak will escalate up the scale faster.
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Is it possible to get some clearer rules about interference with active HMs currently we only have this rule here:

(8.1.5) You may not write in sidechat that you are robbing the bank. This is your operation with the friends/group members that are there with you. You may not call for backup, only those on site at the beginning of the heist may take part. The Police may return after NLR timer is up however non-whitelisted civilians may not.

which states that only people at the HM when it starts can take part but it does not really touch on what a few things.

1. What counts as interference with an ongoing HM.

2. What makes a HM count as active.

3. At what stage, if any another group can involve themselves in the HM process for e.g. in the compound or in transport (obviously then you would have to define what classified these stages as to not cause confusion).

If these rules could be clarified somewhere it would be great as it always seemed to be a rule that you can't interfere with ongoing HMs but I can't find it explicitly written anywhere, this leaves it quite open to interpretation making deciding what is wrong and right quite a challenge.

Don't know the specific situation, but remember these do apply to any rule.

someone that has never broken a rule and was RDMed and medics were trolling him with no history of bans (perm)

someone that consistently combat logs (7 days)
