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Rules Feedback

  • The rules are far from straight forward.
  • Admins stall players with multiple questions to make their time longer
  • Admins neglecting these type of posts should be turned over as since this is a community you need to maintain high customer/player satisfaction not by losing players.
My proof of losing players is that this community has lostbetween 5,000-7,000 players due to being banned permanently forever and being rejected from simple rules such as threatening to report because this community is weird and doesnt like it when people stand up to rule breakers or when someone gets salty in chat which is insanely common. This community needs new a administration team which needs to re-do the rules and how thigns work to continue this community before it comes down due to a high player turn over.

It's really simple 

"Hey you RDM me, can we chat about it on teamspeak?"

Instead of 


Oh by the way dispute a ban takes awhile because its not as simple as "Ok you can be unbanned." Very complex things happen behind the scenes, we check money, steam account to make sure it's not a duplicate account. We also check for VAC bans, forum posting history etc... Then depending on the violation we make sure the player does knows the rules so it doesn't happen again.

Oh also I have a real life, we're unpaid volunteers, I don't do the forum work 24/7 and neither does everyone else.

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  • The rules are far from straight forward.
  • Admins stall players with multiple questions to make their time longer
  • Admins neglecting these type of posts should be turned over as since this is a community you need to maintain high customer/player satisfaction not by losing players.
My proof of losing players is that this community has lostbetween 5,000-7,000 players due to being banned permanently forever and being rejected from simple rules such as threatening to report because this community is weird and doesnt like it when people stand up to rule breakers or when someone gets salty in chat which is insanely common. This community needs new a administration team which needs to re-do the rules and how thigns work to continue this community before it comes down due to a high player turn over.
There is areason for admins for example no unban player strait away is to make sure  that they realy care about being here and not doing unban appeal just to come and troll and also admins doing hard work and very busy 

and about the Threatening to report is to maintenance high quality of Role Play  Insted of Standing like a turkey chicken  and writing for ever and pausing the Server ''i report you on the forum '' and there is a reason for that from past experience tha simply people start argue and flame all the server with the argument and well you may understand the rule wrong you can anytime  speak to the person that broke the rule and explain him and if you whant to report after it go for it but the ''i gone report you on the forum '' its just flaming the server with rage and negativity  and bit Note : you can also rp it (do it Modestly and calm so it aint gone blow up and become mockery or worn (hope im usinbg the mokery and worn well xD ) (sorry if im not ) 

And the best Suggestin i can give to people is to just tell the person To Come To Team Speak  And minimize the impact  on the players and Role Play and maintenance the Role play ''Mood'' (another word that not in place )(sorry im tired)

So i hope you understand one of the reasons of that rule 

PS: i dont whant to sound offensive or rude but when you (and how you ) saying those stuff  its abit offensive  dont understand me wron you can say what you think but  try in diffrent way dude :)


It's really simple 

"Hey you RDM me, can we chat about it on teamspeak?"

Instead of 


Oh by the way dispute a ban takes awhile because its not as simple as "Ok you can be unbanned." Very complex things happen behind the scenes, we check money, steam account to make sure it's not a duplicate account. We also check for VAC bans, forum posting history etc... Then depending on the violation we make sure the player does knows the rules so it doesn't happen again.

Oh also I have a real life, we're unpaid volunteers, I don't do the forum work 24/7 and neither does everyone else.
Or generic one in which players get perma banned for is saying "You are breaking the rules, you cannot do that so I'm going to report you" 'Admins come along to the non existing rule breaker and says hey that is mean im gonna ban you instead of that rule breaker.'

Note taken:


Old post:

Or generic one in which players get perma banned for is saying "You are breaking the rules, you cannot do that so I'm going to report you" 'Admins come along to the non existing rule breaker and says hey that is mean im gonna ban you instead of that rule breaker.'

Did you by any chance OD on salt?
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Sorry I believe that is breaching community rules on what you just said. Abuse isn't taken kindly. If you read the title it is called "Feedback",not hunt down a player and try to go against them instead of listening to them and just normally move on with your life.

Do not go on the aggressive, this is not a debate either and do not create this as an argument so I would end this here. You have no right to scrutinise me when it comes to a "feedback" post

The purpose of this thread is to give management feedback about what in-game rules should be added or changed, however this is not the place to discuss ban/unban policies, support/staff practices, or staff/support response times.

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Or generic one in which players get perma banned for is saying "You are breaking the rules, you cannot do that so I'm going to report you" 'Admins come along to the non existing rule breaker and says hey that is mean im gonna ban you instead of that rule breaker.'
that will count as Breaking RP !!

[SIZE=medium](6.2) Lethal weapons must be holstered inside green zones at all times [/SIZE]
How about: Only Tazers should be allowed unholsterd in the greenzone.

The rubber bullet gun is imfamus for killing someone if aimed in the head.

How about: Only Tazers should be allowed unholsterd in the greenzone.

The rubber bullet gun is imfamus for killing someone if aimed in the head.
!!!! Well Tricky Suggestion And well 

1:just general suggestion (for the police) its not recommended to aim at the head becasue a small surface area so insted of trying aim at the head and spending time on focusing try to head the chest or legs (also not so recommended ) an another point is there is no reason too shoot at the head ( yea i know some times its happen without you focusing on but too all of the blueberries that do so (save some ammo by shooting at the chest xD 

And last time i was an a cop (i beileve its still like it ) the command requesting to holster the rubber bulet gun in green zones considering there is no reason to 

well yea there is some times that this is the only way to prevent mess

And as general when you shooting if you  a pro shoot at the head but yea police in general even in real life aint gone aim in the head unless its life threating situation but yea conclusion aim at the center of the body and you gone save some ammo and also its look bad and nasty when the police aim at the head :) so try not too (that my thoughts)

ARAC personel should be able to ride Ifrits. I've talked to about this permissions to use an orange Ifrit for an ARAC vehicle and he said the rule was my main problem and that he could not adjust the rules. Therefore i would like to express my idea now. If an ARAC member owned an Ifrit from Blackmarket, and they painted it orange like the ARAC color then i think it should be allowed to use them for on duty ARAC.


It's armour plated and it keeps me safe in dangerous environments

It has heavy duty wheels that dont break during collisions so i dont have to use my toolkits on myself

It's fast offroad and i can get to my clients faster if they are out in the field

It's a strong vehicle and it can take my to areas that are otherwise inaccessible with the standard issue Service Offroad

It can be used "Love tap" my clients vehicles, should it get stuck on a rock or something like that, without breaking my car in the process

It can hold more toolkits and supplies

My clients feel safe in it, should i need to give them a ride to somewhere


(1) It can be hard to manouver around towns and can cause traffic accidents

(2) It's hard to find a decent parking spot for it

(3) The vehicle can be intimidating in nature and people could fear it if it was parked in public

(4) It can be stolen and used for malicious purposes

(5) Clients who are uneducated or just didnt read my message could mistake me for rebels and flee the area and call authorities

(6) It is contrary to the rule:

(8.3.2) ARAC members must be using the ARAC offroad while they are performing ARAC duties

To drive in the Ifrit while on ARAC duty

Solutions for "Downs"

(1) I have prior experience with driving the Ifrit and i have not yet caused any loss of life in traffic with the Ifrit and i am a skilled mechanic so i can easily repair broken vehicles, should i cause someone to break down

(2) The Ifrit can be parked outside city limits if needed

(3) As a part of the experiment i have parked the Ifrit in this spot and i always sit next to it at all times so people can come and ask if they have questions regarding the vehicle, to assure people that it is not a danger to them or anyone else

(4) It could be stolen and in that case i would be perfectly fine with having it scrapped, getting it stolen would mean that i look out for it sufficiently and that is on me

(5) The reason why people find the Ifrit intimidating is because it has been hyped up to be dangerous and mainly commandeered by rebels, I personally think people should'nt let their lives be affected by fear and fear mongering and allowing certain ARAC people to own these cars would help people fear eachother less

(6) This rule can be expanded to be:

(8.3.2) ARAC members must be using the ARAC offroad (or an orange painted Ifrit with special permission from CSI or the Mayor) while they are performing ARAC duties

instead of:

(8.3.2) ARAC members must be using the ARAC offroad while they are performing ARAC duties

To avoid confrontation with staff

I understand if you deny this request and let down my suggestion because of the issue with the server rule but it actually makes for some really good roleplay. Many civilians and police officers, notably Romell Dudley and Killersky had very good and enjoyable roleplay and i spent more time arguing my way out of trouble with the police than i actually did responding to calls and it was lots of fun.

To clarify i think you should still have to personally ask for permission by the police or mayor before using the Ifrit, but im simply asking if this can be made allowed by the rules to use it for ARAC duty

Thank you for your consideration


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ARAC personel should be able to ride Ifrits. I've talked to about this permissions to use an orange Ifrit for an ARAC vehicle and he said the rule was my main problem and that he could not adjust the rules. Therefore i would like to express my idea now. If an ARAC member owned an Ifrit from Blackmarket, and they painted it orange like the ARAC color then i think it should be allowed to use them for on duty ARAC.


It's armour plated and it keeps me safe in dangerous environments

It has heavy duty wheels that dont break during collisions so i dont have to use my toolkits on myself

It's fast offroad and i can get to my clients faster if they are out in the field

It's a strong vehicle and it can take my to areas that are otherwise inaccessible with the standard issue Service Offroad

It can be used "Love tap" my clients vehicles, should it get stuck on a rock or something like that, without breaking my car in the process

It can hold more toolkits and supplies

My clients feel safe in it, should i need to give them a ride to somewhere


(1) It can be hard to manouver around towns and can cause traffic accidents

(2) It's hard to find a decent parking spot for it

(3) The vehicle can be intimidating in nature and people could fear it if it was parked in public

(4) It can be stolen and used for malicious purposes

(5) Clients who are uneducated or just didnt read my message could mistake me for rebels and flee the area and call authorities

(6) It is contrary to the rule:

(8.3.2) ARAC members must be using the ARAC offroad while they are performing ARAC duties

To drive in the Ifrit while on ARAC duty

Solutions for "Downs"

(1) I have prior experience with driving the Ifrit and i have not yet caused any loss of life in traffic with the Ifrit and i am a skilled mechanic so i can easily repair broken vehicles, should i cause someone to break down

(2) The Ifrit can be parked outside city limits if needed

(3) As a part of the experiment i have parked the Ifrit in this spot and i always sit next to it at all times so people can come and ask if they have questions regarding the vehicle, to assure people that it is not a danger to them or anyone else

(4) It could be stolen and in that case i would be perfectly fine with having it scrapped, getting it stolen would mean that i look out for it sufficiently and that is on me

(5) The reason why people find the Ifrit intimidating is because it has been hyped up to be dangerous and mainly commandeered by rebels, I personally think people should'nt let their lives be affected by fear and fear mongering and allowing certain ARAC people to own these cars would help people fear eachother less

(6) This rule can be expanded to be:

(8.3.2) ARAC members must be using the ARAC offroad (or an orange painted Ifrit with special permission from CSI or the Mayor) while they are performing ARAC duties

instead of:

(8.3.2) ARAC members must be using the ARAC offroad while they are performing ARAC duties

To avoid confrontation with staff

I understand if you deny this request and let down my suggestion because of the issue with the server rule but it actually makes for some really good roleplay. Many civilians and police officers, notably Romell Dudley and Killersky had very good and enjoyable roleplay and i spent more time arguing my way out of trouble with the police than i actually did responding to calls and it was lots of fun.

To clarify i think you should still have to personally ask for permission by the police or mayor before using the Ifrit, but im simply asking if this can be made allowed by the rules to use it for ARAC duty

Thank you for your consideration

Sorry Buddy but its an MRAP, a repurposed Military item stolen from some faction or other, I dont expect to walk out my door and see a military transport when i am nipping for a pint of milk from my local Spar why would i see an Ifrit.

-1 in my opinion.

@FELL I have to agree with almost everyone since I think this will cause more problems than it solves, you will have people stealing them and instead of someone having an offroad they have a heavily armored vehicle to drive around in and if everyone and their mother uses them for ARAC the police will go mental with VDMers using them as battering rams -1 Due to many repercussions. 

@Maratek  i get where you're coming from, but just look at Cuba... the embargo meant everything was re-purposed. They took war vehicles and turned them into every-day things.  Altis Island is far from stable... it's not difficult to think someone took an abandoned war machine and re-purposed it to feed their family. The locals will take whatever resources those invading warmongers leave behind. Plenty of Anti-Air trucks driving produce around in Cuba today (yeah, still running 50-70 years later... Cuban mechanics are magicians).

@SectorOnPc   I haven't been around for a bit but the last few weeks I was online All I did was drive around an orange ifrit while wearing a prison jumpsuit and ARAC backpack...  Loads of fun. Even had an MK14 on my back with a silencer+scope... precision impact rifle used to remove lug nuts and replace wheels. 

I can understand the concern but really, if you drive carefully (as you should be anyways...) taking an Ifrit around towns for ARAC duty is probably less dangerous than a hatchback sport, and you have an easier time accessing people that aren't near/on any main roads, just make a straight line through/over all the chicken wire your heart desires.  I never got robbed of my ifrit... I had a beret on the entire time (meaning i never died or got sent to prison during this).  The issues against this you've brought up are issues that will always exist so long as Kavala's hobos keep reproducing, it's just a fact of life.  When I was doing this I had cops coming after me almost constantly, and I would pull over every time, and shenanigans would ensue... it was only in the end when a certain PC got froggy that things got bumpy (a civilian decided to VDM me and ruined everything). I'm getting the itch to get back to it actually.

I know I was playing in a grey area as someone walking around in a prison jumpsuit certainly can't be an ARAC mechanic... but it was fun, everyone I ran into loved it, and these rules restricting ARAC are redundant I feel, as there are already rules against doing illegal things while on ARAC uniform, this should already cover driving illegal vehicles, but anything is possible in RP, so adding an extra rule restricting vehicles just restricts roleplay.


i think it really should be a rules that you do like bankjobs etc. you cant just drive around in your ifrit shoot a guy an then just jump in again to the next guy its so unfair to do its just for the guy in the ifrit to get right behind the cop shot him and jump in again before noone can react 

try and snipe the cops instead it wouldnt be so funny if cops came in with hunters just drove in and tasted everybody or killed them with lethals
