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Rules Feedback

Spiking a stationary vehicle is bullshit, the rule should be changed however and enforce it more often as it's abusing Arma 3 physics to your own advantage. Don't understand the fun of spiking a halted vehicle, surely the police chase would be alot more fun.

I agree with Jouxie on this one, spiking a stationary vehicle, especially when they've stopped it to have a conversation with you is stupid and there should probably be something for it perhaps from a Police command pov for example, however spike strips are designed that way by the devs and have worked that way since they were implemented for how many years now? @DylannSshouldn't have gotten a ban for something that every other player on the server has likely done before. Personally looks like a poor excuse to ban him for whatever reason.

+1 I agree he should NOT of been banned. A polite reminder should of taken place about spike strips, not a PERM ban.

Spiking a stationary vehicle is bullshit, the rule should be changed however and enforce it more often as it's abusing Arma 3 physics to your own advantage. Don't understand the fun of spiking a halted vehicle, surely the police chase would be alot more fun.
That’s like me shooting your car tires once and then you driving off and I say “but I shot your tires, they should have popped, you’ve abused an arma mechanic”

you can’t pick and choose what parts of the game are real life and which counts as abusing arma mechanics and if you do you should have a detailed listing of these, as you can’t say roleplay everything and at the same time call common sense on everything.

If it’s in the game, you should be able to do it IMO. If it’s exploiting, (as in we shouldn’t be able to do it) Fix the exploit and make it physically unachievable. 

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Actually, this question was raised back in 2017 - This is the topic if some of you wish to have another read. 
It's common sense

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It’s common sense if I shoot you in the head you’re dead. So you should hold F and not get revived then right?

It’s common sense that if my car blows up it shouldn’t be in the garage after restart, therefore I shouldn’t use it.

It’s common sense if a plane hits me I should die, so should I press respawn when this happens and ignore the game mechanics of the server?

it’s common sense that if you get put in zip ties you should be able to run around, but because of game mechanics we can’t do this.

if you want, I could provide plenty more examples when the common sense argument isn’t used for game mechanics and is not bannable.

common sense vs game mechanics. Like I said, you can’t pick and choose without providing a detailed list.

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Yes and no,  there are RP servers featuring 'permanent death', meaning that character cannot respawn - Your logic is a bit flawed there, as whomever sets the rules clearly can pick and choose in that matter. 

RPUK FiveM is featuring that; (G5.3) Character Death - Your character can permanently die (be deleted) as a result of an RP scenario provided you and the other parties involved agree to it. Such a request would need to be directed to staff, thereafter the staff team may or may not comply with this request, depending on the situation.

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My logic is flawed? But you’re screaming common sense and then picking and choosing when it occurs. 

and actually all characters on altis have perma death which is why you remember nothing after you die? 

and you’re talking about a specific rule? I’m talking about the general consensus where there is no specifics to when common sense is applied and when the game mechanics are superior.

Actually, this question was raised back in 2017 - This is the topic if some of you wish to have another read. 
It's common sense

The rule is bull shit.

"Spiking a vehicle that is stationary that is fine, Obviously withing reasons. Not to troll around. Unfortunately due do arma physics, The spike strip take out tires instantly instead of when the vehicle moves." - Jefke V, January 12th 2020.

Evidently, it has not been a thing since 2017
Guess long bear has more commons sense in his brain than jefke huh?

If you gonna ban someone for something that staff less than a year ago said was "fine" why is it a permanent ban and why would you not just unban the guy straight away after proof has been shown of a staff lead saying that it is allowed?

The punishment for it wasn't permanent - It was upgraded to perm due to fairbans system?

I mean. Exploiting is a perm ban regardless of the fair ban system. So if he’s banned for exploiting, the fair ban isn’t applicable @Drex

unless it was common sense? Then it should be apparent from this string of posts, there was nothing common about it as most players didn’t even know

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That’s like me shooting your car tires once and then you driving off and I say “but I shot your tires, they should have popped, you’ve abused an arma mechanic”
Cannot really compare base game mechanics to non-base game mechanics... If you shoot a tire with a 9mm IRL it's not just going to pop and instantly be flat btw... Not assuming you've never done that but if you had you should know this xD unfortunately this game and even modern games don't have very good mechanics especially when it comes to gravity, physics and comon earthly features such as air etc, which why when games do hit one of them marks they usually pop due to how realistic it is, and even still, not very realistic, unfortunately we cannot change the Arma 3 Base Mechanics and if someone could it would take them an extremely long time to perfect such things, however, if we could manage to not abuse A3 physics on purpose, like, placing a Spike Strip that instantly disables any vehicle on a stationary car especially when we all know that's not how spike strips work and should be common sense....... Maybe just don't do it as it's placed and controlled by a player, if you choose to abuse that mechanic then you should probably realize at that point what you're doing is wrong if you're willing to abuse mechanics and lack to think with natural common sense you may aswell desync vdm intentionally, DPI explot and whatever else stupid things that players can purposely abuse, but we can surely stop placing spike strips under stationary vehicles and use them correctly, no? Afterall, it is the individual player whom declares to do such thing and nothing to do with A3 Mechanics.

Point is, Spiking a stationary Vehicle should be a big no as you're purposely exploiting something you should know not to.

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Cannot really compare base game mechanics to non-base game mechanics... If you shoot a tire with a 9mm IRL it's not just going to pop and instantly be flat btw... Not assuming you've never done that but if you had you should know this xD unfortunately this game and even modern games don't have very good mechanics especially when it comes to gravity, physics and comon earthly features such as air etc, which why when games do hit one of them marks they usually pop due to how realistic it is, and even still, not very realistic, unfortunately we cannot change the Arma 3 Base Mechanics and if someone could it would take them an extremely long time to perfect such things, however, if we could manage to not abuse A3 physics on purpose, like, placing a Spike Strip that instantly disables any vehicle on a stationary car especially when we all know that's not how spike strips work and should be common sense....... Maybe just don't do it as it's placed and controlled by a player, if you choose to abuse that mechanic then you should probably realize at that point what you're doing is wrong if you're willing to abuse mechanics and lack to think with natural common sense you may aswell desync vdm intentionally, DPI explot and whatever else stupid things that players can purposely abuse, but we can surely stop placing spike strips under stationary vehicles and use them correctly, no? Afterall, it is the individual player whom declares to do such thing and nothing to do with A3 Mechanics.

Point is, Spiking a stationary Vehicle should be a big no as you're purposely exploiting something you should know not to.
But it IS a game mechanic that spikes disable vehicles when placed next to them? You’re literally proving my argument. (The server isn’t modded so what is a non base game/base game) 😂

What can you not understand? You’re saying not to spike stationary vehicles is common sense. No. It is a game mechanic. If it shouldn’t be done, specify it, or prevent it with coding.

I feel like I’m trying to explain stuff to a brick wall to people that don’t actually read what I’m writing. 

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But it IS a game mechanic that spikes disable vehicles when placed next to them? You’re literally proving my argument. 

What can you not understand? You’re saying not to spike stationary vehicles is common sense. No. It is a game mechanic. If it shouldn’t be done, specify it, or prevent it with coding.

I feel like I’m trying to explain stuff to a brick wall to people that don’t actually read what I’m writing. 
DPI'ing is a game mechanic, as I said, so is tower lagging, sad but people do it, aswell as desync vdming... There should be no difference to abusing the Spike Strips in such a way, there is no argument, just don't do it, it's obviously exploiting and should be treat as such, I don't understand how you's can argue that just because it's not ruled out in big massive fonts across the forums that it's for some reason alright to exploit the mechanic behind it, we "could" fix ALOT of bugs, but as I said, that will take a very long time for people to do, so if people could -NOT- purposely abuse features in the game (Exploiting.) then it should be no issue to even be on this topic since it's straight common sense...

There is no argument to purposely abusing a mechanic which is seen as exploiting, no argument at all, especially because it's not in big fonts all over the forums disclosing the simple fact it's exploiting, sorry.

Obviously we won’t agree to see eye to eye, maybe a staff member wants to hide all the responses of back and forth that don’t contribute to an actual rules suggestion. (Don’t want to clog up the rules suggestion page)


How can you not understand it's exploiting?
Because it is a feature which has had many different opinions over the years. Some days it is fully fine other days it is exploiting. What we are generally saying here is there should have been no punishment in this case and insead a PSA saying that in future anyone caught doing it will be banned for exploiting. Many long term players have commented here confused about the situation, and I think this clearly shows that there is a serious miscommunication with this.

It often has been interpreted as "I am slashing your tires", which is logical when putting spikes under a stationary car. If I want to knock someone out to restrain I could say I am going to kick your teeth in if you don't comply and then knock them out, the same way I could say I am going to rugby tackle you if you do not comply. It is how the RP is interpeted, and this knocking out thing is the same sorta thing. 

Does a ruling saying I am not allowed to use spike strips to slash tires now also mean I cannot RP a different way to kick someone to the ground and now I have to say "knock you out" every time whereas before I would say "Smash ya jaw in" or "Beat you down"
