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Report a Player - [TCK] Jimmy, [TCK] Caisey - Poor/Low Quality RP (Action Taken)

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Your In-game name

(AMW)Rob Roberts

Name of the player(s) you are reporting

[TCK] Jimmy, [TCK] Caisey

Date of the incident


Time of the incident (GMT)


What best describes this incident ?

Poor/Low Quality RP

Which server did the incident take place on

Server 1

Please (in detail) describe the incident

Me and 2 other gang members were robbing jimmy, did not adhere to commands with 2 pistols to his head which resorted in kocking him out and ziptieing, we take off his gps and state we have taken his gps and radio, he has stated that he has friends and we will be shot, we see noone around us or following us. we take him to somewhere secluded and then take his items off him. we then ask him questions about him self, after being told he was TCK we had the idea to ransom him, we say that we will give him his phone and say what to type and if he doesnt type in the phone what we would shoot him and we would watch what he types. Soon after no transfer occurs but TCK show up and start shooting. The evidence in the video shows multiple rule breaks. The video shows jimmy comminting fail /poor RP with the "Hurry this up youre boring me", showing his resistance to RP, and giving away our location after we have stated we will be watching what you send and we will kill you if you type your location etc. His quietness throughout the whole situation also lead us to believe he was in contact with gang members throughout. He also broke RP by talking about tck members not being online. After we were all down aswell Caisey referred to one of us as a "little faggot" which is against the rules.
Hostage Video
other video

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot)

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!


You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting


This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans)


Hi guys, sorry we couldn't resolve this in TS. I was willing to sort this out if you didn't have members jumping into the channel and just shouting abuse at me. 

So from the video, you see you un-restrain me there are multiple instances where you are not facing me after you have unrestrained me and you are meant to be "watching" what I type on your phone. I did then send a text to another member of TCK with my grid reference and the demands of the kidnappers. 

For the metagaming slip up during roleplay in the early stages of the kidnapping, that was a lapse on my part as it was late at night and it was accidental and my word choice was poor. 

May i ask why i was reported i was not called to TS and i don't see any evidence to me doing any thing wrong ??? 

I also hear one of you guys call us meta gaming pricks, like to explain?

May i ask why i was reported i was not called to TS and i don't see any evidence to me doing any thing wrong ??? 

I also hear one of you guys call us meta gaming pricks, like to explain?
If you think its acceptable to call people faggots, with a video showing you saying  it there is no evidence against you then  i dont see why you shouldnt be banned. Unless you lying, like i have seen in another report,  and you know what you have done is wrong.

Joe said that in teamspeak, not in game because he was annoyed because you fail rped and also you guys shot him when he was just our ride he had nothing but hobo clothes he didnt have a gun out and was ducking when the bullets started flying, he wanted to report for rdm

Hi guys, sorry we couldn't resolve this in TS. I was willing to sort this out if you didn't have members jumping into the channel and just shouting abuse at me. 

So from the video, you see you un-restrain me there are multiple instances where you are not facing me after you have unrestrained me and you are meant to be "watching" what I type on your phone. I did then send a text to another member of TCK with my grid reference and the demands of the kidnappers. 

For the metagaming slip up during roleplay in the early stages of the kidnapping, that was a lapse on my part as it was late at night and it was accidental and my word choice was poor. 
I was standing in front of you the whole time you didnt actually have a phone this is roleplay, me standing there after what we had said to you is enough for you to do as we say and had you been doing what we told you to do writing a text and not talking in teamspeak, which im sure is what was happening, you would have had the message screen blocking your view.  You state you sent a text with your grid reference but you dont have a gps...? Do you have the video from your view i would be interested to see it?

And for the ts anyone who has met crazy joe would know he is loud he wasnt being abusive he was just asking questions and as soon as you mentioned you didnt wanna talk about it if people were shouting i removed him from the room so we could discuss but you still left.

i do see the evidence now i didnt see that video, yes i did say faggot i didnt think about what i said untill i said it it was late and was a slip up of words im sorry i offended you guys it wont happen again.

i do see the evidence now i didnt see that video, yes i did say faggot i didnt think about what i said untill i said it it was late and was a slip up of words im sorry i offended you guys it wont happen again.
you mentioned joe saying "metagaming pricks" before which is in that video immediately followed by you saying that, but you say you didnt see that video...

i was informed about that i didn't actually watch the full video either so i thought i would ask ?, ive said sorry i have nothing else to say man 

I just want to say from my point of view, being one of the TCK guys (the idiot who crashed his chopper), Jimmy did say on TS "I'm being robbed!!" And we where asking him where! WHERE! But he was being quiet only saying "they took my radio, I can't talk", IMO he did everything to continue the RP telling us to shut up and stop talking to him.

And then me and casiey started looking for the "red suv", me from the air and he from the ground. And then Jimmy comes on saying "they gave me back a phone, so I guess I could "throw quickly in the conversation ish where I am" and he said "side of that mountain closest to blablabla" on. From the air it was easy to see that you where not far away from Casiey that ofc was looking hard for his friend..

That was just my two cents, from the heli pov

I was part of this situation hence my input. (AMW) James Moat, (the one who forgot to mute his TS XD). Pure waste of fun and time this whole RP situation, we are clearly having a laugh but from the beginning the amount of rule breaks however minor/major is ridiculous from a so called respected gang. It seems everytime we play we are hindered by TCK to some degree, I am not wanting to start a big argument but the amount of times I see TCK with assault rifles on their back or even out, also selling drugs directly infront of the police who do f* all is a joke, it's becoming a whitelisted faction and hate the fact half your members, while on duty as police give you a get out of Jail card, so many new members see this as just low standards and favouritism JS. Anyways back to the report, your compliance during the robbery, we knew you were stalling, perfectly fine. The helicopter bullshit though is just that, pure bullshit, I watched it myself get stored, a black yellow stripe M900. I saw it land and stored. I made this clear to Jimmy i saw it was stored in the evidence and no cars followed us, ok so your next reply will be "we got it out again", again im sure any admins can hear that at no point is a helicopter hovering within a 3km vicinity at least. After the gunfight there was no helicopter there except the police heli (arriving ten mins after), I believe Admins were on duty and at the scene as police  in RP and can confirm this as the only heli and only one of you left alive which was LeBron. I want video evidence of your POV that this heli was used to find our secluded location, and if you state its been deleted, I messaged Jimmy multiple times to not delete any evidence so we can sort this minutes after the situation so no excuse guys! i have the proof! You clearly were in TS throughout this whole situation, from in the car where we ask you to say the alphabet as you're clearly on TS still, regarding the mobile we made it clear in RP terms we were watching your words while we lent you your phone (we cant physically type it for you its a game, RP wise would you text saying help im at this exact location with someone watching and guns pointed at your head NO). "Comon guys lets hurry up your boring me" - Jimmy. I mean what even was that when we pulled up, ye its not fun being robbed but your lifes in danger and we were RPing, you just wanted us to rob you and let you go and thats it, yet I see so many reports for poor initation, double standards much? Not Value for Life as sadly this rule has been removed but comon man. Yes CrazyJoe was fuming but again I don't blame him, we have a hostage having a laugh he comes unarmed to give us a lift and gets shot as you have clearly been in TS, Jimmy saying he was with us (he was unarmed and not geared at all), remember that Caisey shot the first bullet, so if you really want more evidence of that then I am happy to make it RDM as well for Crazy Joes side. Summarising just horrific fail RP, metagaming, breaking RP and not caring at all you were taken hostage, Caisey I recently saw a report where noone dared to dob you in, the was you coming to help people selling drugs, you ziptied a hobo and glitched him in a house to sell your drugs without saying a word so (y), I believe it ended up in the new hobo being banned himself, again Double standards and just poor RP. Finally Caisey, you sit behind a PC screen saying things like "let me execute this faggot", have you actually got something loose in your head, god forbid you ever have Children when your vocabulary out the 4 words in the video at all is this. If you ever want, to please walk into the street and call someone a faggot and see what kind of reaction you get instead of sitting behind a PC screen being a big heterosexual man, purely disgusting mate I don't know how old you are but I am guessing below 16. I know this is going to end up in a lot of hatred against AMW and some how be turned to us being banned due to possible BIAS, usually not leading us to report these situations and acceptingg the RDM, rudeness and police pet offs but the leaders of AMW decided this should be bought foward, as just overall I would expect more from someone who just started on the server than this. I have been in the middle of complying a video including evidence where police have let you roam as you feel with drugs and guns while those new players struggle to buy and obtain their rifles. Please provide your video of "flying round and finding us" and or Jimmys POV where he isnt using TS, which clearly he is because if this wasn't TCK members it would be a clear ban. I am not going to reply more on this post, the staff can see what's happened and I feel people are to scared to dare report against TCK as all I see in game is TCK... was killed "Come TCK lobby". I work 8-6 daily and manage to get around 10 hours playtime a week, I want to stay on this server and love everyone in it <3 even though their RP characters can be horrific ;) but I don't want to waste my time in horrific situations like this or posting on reports so peace out x (this has already tried to be resolved on TS so the answer is no to wasting more time for you to get out of this) 

i only shot the gun who pulled out a gun on me after explaining he would get shot and giving him about 10 seconds to comply, i joined tck yesterday so i dont get your point, another thing is why would you put this on a report if you had that much of a problem with tck let a staff member no, mostly everything you say has no reason to be on this report, i said im sorry for what i said, but what is this shit "have you actually got something loose in your head, god forbid you ever have Children"/ "to us being banned due to possible BIAS" saying the staff are bias is also not helping your self or this situation, throwing insults at me and im the kid???, this is pathetic behaviour mate. 

you didn't ask me to ts to talk about it, i would've came and said sorry to you all for my bad language, but it seems that just wanted to report me for the sake of it, i feel like you guys just dont get on with anyone and just want everyone you dont like to get in trouble, and i know you guys have a personal hate towards us and i dont think this is fair on us, i dont see why your taking the things i do/did in the past or present to you in game is actually effecting you so you put up this report on me without talking to me with the hope that i get banned, care to say anything on this?

Again, I'll put it from my rookie/n00b pov, I was driving a taxi, bored and talking about shi** with tck guys, I got in a chopper at the small airport and headed towards my friends, for no reason other than they where all in Kavala. And then, midair, this situation starts. As as said, Jimmy was imo roleplaying as he should, not giving us more than he could at any point. I flew direct to the northern routhe and was circling above the metal export, looking for "a red suv", which was all the info Casiey could relay to me as that was all "he knew" when Jimmy got his phone back and told us the direction, I headed that way ofc.

I have not been a part of either TCK or lived long enough on the island to comment your feelings towards the tck and that they are "almost whitelisted", that seems like something you should take up elsewhere if it's a concern? And I'm also not saying "I NEVER BROKE RP" (I know I'm not the one "on trial"), but it seemed like they tried. In the real world though, if you give a hostage a phone to call in a ransom, there is a chance he will scream out your position and names right...? Which is what I felt happened here RP-wise :/ 

Jim87878: Please, oh please divide your text into paragraphs next time, I'm an old man with shitty eyes :p 

I just noticed in the video, for some reason, the hostage takers have some magical way of knowing, and discussing long before any signs of resistance, how many gang-member friends of Jimmy that are active on the island...? Isn't that just as much rp-breach as anything? (I'm actually asking, not trying to be a di**)

Ok last post then, "You only shot the guy who pulled out a gun" Rob Roberts - Yes thats true, u were also killed instantly by our new recruit if you look at the chat feed TCK Caisey was killed by Viral, its right there at the exact last second, I don;t get your point on that, we weren't going to shoot, we didn't think in any way we were being found unless someone was metagaming and if you had the chance you would have killed us all. If Rob said put your hands up and initiated first, you would have been shot if you didn't comply or we would have a double hostage situation :p. It seems both of you are new to TCK I hadn't looked on your profiles until just, so my view on the BIAS bit is irrelevant, just my 2cents on the TCK situation on the server atm and am complying videos of police helping TCK sell drugs, letting them run round armed etc so you are right I apologise it probably doesn't have a place on this report but I would like this report to be reviewed by someone not affiliated with them (a previous thread in suggestions was made that UNMC shouldnt deal with police reports and vice versa etc but wasn't implemented, all admins I have dealt with so far seem more than reasonable but I do not know ALL of them).

Caisey I am not throwing insults, I completely despise you and have good reason to, saying stuff like that in game is sick and twisted its the 21st century, you can hide in a game all you want but there is no reason ever to say such things. I am not insulted because I am not gay, I am insulted because you throw these words around like a child that doesn't comprehend the fact that some people go through life struggling with issues like coming out and being bullied and you are there throwing these derogatory terms around like nothing, it wasn't a slight mistake, you only correct yourself "o i called you a maggot" as we were all recording and you knew at that time you fucked up, saying we had a GoPro. In real life this is discrimination, in a work place its gross mis-conduct and could end up in serious trouble so whys it ok to say it behind a PC when you have meta gamed us and got salty we killed you?

Alex sorry for the no divide in paragraphs haha was on my phone and speed typing. From the sounds of it you are not in TCK. I can assure you that you were not mid flight when this robbery took place, the heli had just been stored in the garage or turned off, it was way out of view, if you were in the heli did you parachute out at some point because you were not in this situation at all, there were 4 TCK members, 3 died, there were 3 AMW members to start then 4 (Joe our unarmed ride) 3 of which were downed, Rob by Caisey pretty quickly and poorly (no flanking or tactical just get out and spray in anger also RDMing Joe which he hadn't initiated on or knew was part of us, just happened to be in the area when he fired his first bulet), the hostage was also killed by TCK for some reason, and Viral leaving me and LeBron both camping until police arriver 2 minutes later. No helicopter is heard, 4 TCK members were online, so unless this is one of them silent invisible helicopters, its bullshit, Jimmy metagamed. Final note regarding the metagaming, it was probably 30 seconds max he had his PHONE, we did not give him his RADIO back, we gave him his phone! You admitting they were talking on radio and he was not hotmicing is two rule-breaks. And no I have never heard of someone being taken hostage in Africa, Jamacia, UK or anywhere in fact where they have 2 guns on their head and someone watching them text "scream their location", we could have just killed him and dipped like in real life, just fail RP tbh.

Please provide TCK POV regarding this "Heli" and also the TS where Jimmy should be silent from the removal of his GPS and communications from all the way near the garage, I can sync the chat feed so we can see when this should be. xx Both me and Rob do not want to comment any more, please let admin review in 24 hours giving enough time for counter proof to be provided.

it was le bron that said the maggot part, Anyways you did not ask me to come to teamspeak to discuss this and to be clear I am more than happy to meet with you for a mature discussion on teamspeak at a time of your suiting with a member of staff present should you feel this is necessary. I feel you are making this report and refusing to discuss this with me in an adult manner because of a personal dislike of my gang because of past events not involving me.  
I will gladly meet yourself on teamspeak to discuss this incident with those involved but otherwise I will make no further comment.

You are completely right in that I am very new to the island, and VERY new to TCK. While I do appreciate you giving me a lot of credits for being a good soldier, I am really not that good at either shooting, heli-flying, communicating all at once :p

It was not a co-ordinated plan of any sort that I got in a chopper, I can prove nothing, so I won't argue. I think it might have been a bit of misunderstanding here, because Casiey was also in (his) chopper(?)

Anyways, I have no more proof or opinions, just wanted to "air" my pov and not taking either my gang or your side actually, In my book it's in the *shit happens* pages, letting an admin weigh in seems most reasonable. 

I will say this however, to all parties me being an old geezer, please keep language civil. It just turns the entire debate to nothing the second "you said, but she said" starts

I was not involved in the TS reseloution but I do know that your gang did not want to resolve, hence the report and I can provide chat evidence of me stating its going to report. No dislike at all, that would be a revenge report. Rob is away so cannot reply. He is reporting because of all the rule breaks. My feel that their is some BIAS in the server at the moment has no regards to this report except that I do not want it to be turned around on us like many other TCK reports I have seen ok?

"I'm not on trial here"

I can not answer towards anything anyone else says on TS. I am not looking on this as a revenge report at all, just wanting to clarify what is, and what isn't good RP, trying to become a "better" player :) 

This is the last thing jimmy tried to solve his part, My part happened after and i was not called to ts, still my last post if you want to discuss the situation?, my final post to this 

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