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Report a player - Multiple Grove Street - GTA RP

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Active member
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: lew cloud
Reported Players: Multiple Grove Street
Date: Jun 18, 2024
Time: 23:30
What best describes this incident: NLR/NVL
Please (in detail) describe the incident: During a combat situation with Grove members multiple went down on their turf and had been taken to pillbox by the few remaining, then as soon as they was back on their feet, they returned to the combat situation and i believe i was downed/shot at by people who returned. I know this for certain as in Clip 1: you can see a from grove in another members arms at 1:54, and then again in Clip 2 at 5:10 running past me just as he was shooting and i believe multiple people had directly put themselves into a combat situation to gain an advantage.
Link(s) To Any Evidence: Clip 1:
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Clip 2:
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This matter was sorted in Discord Liaison with staff. I will not comment further on this incident.
@dingbatL Just to clarify was this resolved last night or not? Mainly so we are on the same page before reviewing the report

@Rogueybearx Do you wish to give your side or no? As your message reads "Staff delt with it" so no report can be made! So honest time, Was it resolved or is there more too it that you are failing to mention?
From our perspective the matter was resolved in QE with two members of staff present. I have the whole QE recorded and will happily provide it in a ticket. After what seemed like an amicable resolution this just seems a desperate attempt to get people banned.
@Stuart i did not feel like it was resolved no, the only thing we clarified was the fact that a rule break had happened even though ramsey throughout maintained the energy that he didnt and that none of his members that came back was shooting, looking through the clips the next day i noticed people that was most definately shooting once arrived back on turf. not only this but in the liasion call that you have recorded you called me a "cunt" now im not here to be verbally abused if thats what you call resolved then we have different definitions.
Did not call you a cunt directly, I said "ARE YOU JUST GOING TO BE A BUNCH OF CUNTS OR WE GOING TO SORT THIS OUT HERE" As this was a response to you answering with a clearly silly answer to prevoke a reaction which you got and I agree, I should not have said that but want to make it clear. I did not directly call you it. Also We did not feel that there was an ongoing situation so we returned to "OUR" safehouse. We had no idea it was still ongoing and we did not get involved as soon as shooting was about to start or had we was in safe house and not getting involved.

@Stuart - My side of this story, We had been fighting cutlass for a while and had two downed by safe house. There was a random car that then came with a blacked out male in the vehicle. (Key point here is random local car and blacked out male, We had no idea if this was cutlass or not.) This vehicle then ran over a bike causing it to explode. I believe that this situation was RDM and NVL as he was alone blacked out and tried to rush 14 of us. Due to this i think 7 of us went down. We had been taken to pillbox and we still had no idea who this random persons was that had just downed us all.

We then recovered at Pillbox and as far as I was aware no active shooting or situation was ongoing. We arrived on turf and once on turf I then turned my radio on when i heard "TWO BLACKED OUT PEOPLE IN A CAR WITH GUNS JUST JUMPED OUT" Everyone then that was in the porevious situation and was downed then ran into the safehouse to avoid any interference. And as far as I am aware no persons that was downed shot at anyone.

We understand that we should not have returned but we did not believe this was an active situation and did not know we was then going to get pushed again by "TWO FULLY BLACKED OUT PEOPLE" At that point we didnt even know if these was Cutlass. For all we knew this was someone else trying to rob us.

We believe that these where two different situations and believe that we did not impact or stop the RP that then went on from there.

Overall I understand the NLR rule buut believe that we did not stop or influence the RP in anyway and once we was aware we did our best to stay out of the situation as we at that point had no where else to go other than sit in the safehouse and wait for everything to stop.
@Stuart i did not feel like it was resolved no, the only thing we clarified was the fact that a rule break had happened even though ramsey throughout maintained the energy that he didnt and that none of his members that came back was shooting, looking through the clips the next day i noticed people that was most definately shooting once arrived back on turf. not only this but in the liasion call that you have recorded you called me a "cunt" now im not here to be verbally abused if thats what you call resolved then we have different definitions.
No problem, We will review the report in that case. I might not be the one dealing with the report however wanted to clarify prior to any staff member reviewing :)

I have the whole QE recorded and will happily provide it in a ticket.
Feel free to send it my way ^
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I have a few questions. There are two videos above from two different people, Why?

How can I even be sure the videos are from the same day or from the same situation? Both videos end and start at different points.

I've watched both videos and I am struggling to understand if it is part of the same situation or not. Mind clarifying that @dingbatL Also why don't we have one full video of the situation?

Who was driving the vehicle that hit multiple Grove members?

Finally why is no sessionheads available in the second video?

Do you have any prior video of what you we're doing before you crashed?

@Rogueybearx Do you have any footage you wish to add since I've left this waiting for you to provide some, However if none is then I would be moving on without it as I have already allowed 9 days.

Can you explain this to me in your own statement above?

Overall I understand the NLR rule buut believe that we did not stop or influence the RP in anyway and once we was aware we did our best to stay out of the situation as we at that point had no where else to go other than sit in the safehouse and wait for everything to stop.

Who is "We"? Yes I do want names.
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hello @Stuart
the two videos are from two people because i wasnt present for that part of the revenge push on grove turf, conducted by two other cutlass members that survived a shooting at arcade ( a fight in which i was downed) I had been taken to pillbox and had went to rest after getting out of pillbox down at mirror park. i wait my 15 mins and cutlass members kilo and theo are doing a revenge push on grove turf, theo has been blown up in a freak explosion in which time a few remaining grove take 11 downed grove to pillbox, they can be seen at pillbox in my clip, in this time kilo is still actively on grove and manages to shoot one dead on their turf that was lucky enough to survive the explosion . then we back up and re group as i was fit enough to help out and decide to land it on grove to weed out any remaining stragglers.. and am met with gunfire by people who had previously gone down in the explosion, the 1st clip is for referance that it did infact happen, Also id like to say this was all admitted and confirmed it was on the same day and that the downed grove returned straight away by ramsey himself with 3 staff members in the call.
no sessionheads was available because i simply forgot to press my keybind, but im hoping the visual evidence along with some logs could confirm the accusations presented.
i did have it but since i uploaded to youtube i have since deleted the original clip, it was 10 mins long and i dont have space to keep them, i uploaded the clip to youtube and deleted the obs file as i normally do.
thanks lewis
@Stuart Sorry I have been extremely busy with work recently. I have nothing further I would like to say on this report. I cannot recall everyone that was there this night and not sure who went down ect as it would be a guess.
the two videos are from two people because i wasnt present for that part of the revenge push on grove turf, conducted by two other cutlass members that survived a shooting at arcade ( a fight in which i was downed) I had been taken to pillbox and had went to rest after getting out of pillbox down at mirror park. i wait my 15 mins and cutlass members kilo and theo are doing a revenge push on grove turf, theo has been blown up in a freak explosion in which time a few remaining grove take 11 downed grove to pillbox, they can be seen at pillbox in my clip, in this time kilo is still actively on grove and manages to shoot one dead on their turf that was lucky enough to survive the explosion . then we back up and re group as i was fit enough to help out and decide to land it on grove to weed out any remaining stragglers.. and am met with gunfire by people who had previously gone down in the explosion, the 1st clip is for referance that it did infact happen, Also id like to say this was all admitted and confirmed it was on the same day and that the downed grove returned straight away by ramsey himself with 3 staff members in the call.
Do we have any evidence to show the gap between both videos?

Reason I ask is to ensure both are the same situation and not different situations. As looking at the videos, One shows a car being drove into multiple grove after Kash is down and the second is a gunfight. I wouldn't like to assume either way if it was or wasn't.
Here is the situation from my POV, a lot of Grove went down and returned within minutes.

I was unable to record a minute since my game crashed. As you can see in my clips, members like Ravi go down and come back a matter of minutes later, as Ramsay confirmed in liaison. I believe this is NLR also this gives an unfair edge, and as far as I know, this is limited to The Lost and similar factions.

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Do we have any evidence to show the gap between both videos?

Reason I ask is to ensure both are the same situation and not different situations. As looking at the videos, One shows a car being drove into multiple grove after Kash is down and the second is a gunfight. I wouldn't like to assume either way if it was or wasn't.
@dingbatL Can you have a look and respond to the above please?
kashs response is all i have, as you can see the downed timer.. and logs will be able to concur especially the ones that returned and shot. i can only clip 10 mins at a time with limited storage, i wouldnt have a 40 mins video showing the whole situation. @Stuart
kashs response is all i have, as you can see the downed timer.. and logs will be able to concur especially the ones that returned and shot. i can only clip 10 mins at a time with limited storage, i wouldnt have a 40 mins video showing the whole situation. @Stuart

Whilst logs are good and all, It's down to the people making the report to provide us evidence. I have done a bit of looking and have even more questions now.

From looking there was a gunfight to where Kash did go down, What time did this start? Was it prior to Kash's video? Was it all one big fight?

In relation to the two clips being provided it would be impossible to determine if it was still an on-going thing or if it ended. Can you see my point here?
What more evidence is needed? They went down at Grove and returned within minutes of getting up violating "(G4.5) - Due to your injuries, you must not re-enter the combat situation that caused you to be downed, unless an aggressor forces you into combat. Deliberately placing yourself in a position that would re-enter you into that combat situation is not allowed". Not only by their own admission here but also in liaison with staff present. I do not believe anything is complicated with this report. Many of them returned to the combat situation that caused them to be downed, you can see members like Ravi shooting after being downed only moments before.
You could find out exactly when Ravi went down and then match that time to the moment Lewis Cloud was wounded. If the multiple clips we've provided are insufficient, that should let you see the events more clearly.
You could find out exactly when Ravi went down and then match that time to the moment Lewis Cloud was wounded. If the multiple clips we've provided are insufficient, that should let you see the events more clearly.
If we use this logic of when Ravi went down it would of been a day later. You are saying that this was the same situation however the more and more I look into this I have even more questions.

What time did the fight actually start?
I would disagree with the comment deliberately putting ourselves in a combat situation. For 1 we believed there would be no further attacks and two we did not even know who downed us as they was fully backed out and that was not where the fight happened. We brought you back to turf after fighting elsewhere. The only fight that then happened was after we had returned and we was not involved in that fight and as far as I am concerned is a separate incident.
Using the data from my clips, I was able to determine that Ravi and Ramsay, along with the other members of Grove Street, went down on Grove Turf at 23:27 (as shown in the clips) and were back by 23:39 shooting.
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