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Yet you cannot prove otherwise....This is the exact point I'm making. No one mentioned in RP so we're wondering where Cutlass got the information from if it wasn't taken from OOC?
Bmav (Grove made this report no)? Are we at the point where we make reports on baseless claims now? It's becoming stupid.How do I prove no one said anything in RP? I know for a fact none of our members went around telling people about the deal with Aztecas or that Grove almost disbanded.
Different person, Different situation and nothing to do with Grove what so ever. Action on other reports have no barring on this report. That I will tell you, So wind your neck in.The person banned for this was Candice (married to Ju Long), an ex-tried, 2nd in command afaik. I'm sure there will be a log of this somewhere.
Well without any evidence there isn't anything more for me to do nor review right.Again, I'm not sure how you'd like me to prove no one said anything in RP?
I have reviewed this report fully anyway and nothing shown other than a few messages on tweedle that you cannot prove come from an OOC source. This report in all fairness is stupid and it is becoming to show that people simply can't deal with roleplay drama they are involved in.
Everything in this report is a roleplay issue. I highly suggest you and Grove actually roleplay and not jump to an OOC Warrior, Or trying to witch hunt. This isn't something we will stand for and if more reports come in that is a witch hunt it won't end well.
If a report is up for a REAL rule break by all means but I'm not going on a witch hunt nor down a rabbit hole as I have already and gone to two pages on this report.
Also just to finish off for you @6AN6 Tell your lot not to go about boasting about "Disbanding" as I am sure you are aware of what Bowen said in the groups discord. It's a poor look so ensure this stops.
I hope I have made it clear the stance and why nothing will be done on this report other than it being denied. I would like to end this with one thing and this can apply to everyone.
Keep RP to RP and OOC to OOC. Don't mix the two as it will cause issues, Both for your characters and community as a whole.