Hello guys! As discussed with Stuart I will reply here on behalf of Bmav.
It seems there has been some misunderstanding somewhere down the line so I'm going to try and clear some things up quickly.
So, the report was posted as we/Bmav believes that Cutlass had come to Dutch London baiting. A clear example why this has been reported can be found here -
https://www.roleplay.co.uk/threads/report-a-player-robz-ballas-gta-rp.419340/#post-2452209. In this report, another member of the community was banned for baiting through a similar situation. They were on someone else's turf refusing to pay tax during a heated time between their gang and another. The reason that Bmav has reported here is because Cutlass came to a turf that wasn't theirs and started asking Grove members for tax on their own turf.
I have seen that Cutlass members have claimed that the reason they were attempting to tax on Dutch London was due to their assumption that the selling area belonged solely to Aztecas. This is untrue. This has been assumed by Cutlass from seemingly nowhere? Just to clear this up once and for all. Dutch London does not belong only to Aztecas. Aztecas were given 50% ownership of Dutch London due to our prolonged relationship with the gang and their wish to expand. We were approached, within RP by Aztecas about a deal involving them having shared ownership of Dutch. Grove agreed to this, each gang gained something from the deal. There is no need to keep repeating this cycle of Dutch belonging to Aztecas. Aztecas were not "gifted" anything and it had nothing to do with us having Aztecas on 2nd characters in Grove Street as we have had a good relationship with Aztecas since way before their 2nd characters.
Even if Aztecas did solely own Dutch London, I would still consider this baiting as they have admitted previously that they are still in heated times with Aztecas so I question whether their actions were just to get a reaction from Aztecas?
@Stuart, I'm going to try and answer as many of your questions as possible.
why is your videos been shortened now showing what @6AN6 provides giving more context.
In terms of this, there is no missing context imo. In relation to Kash's provided clip on Dutch London, Bmav had his gun in his hand prior to Cutlass' arrival. This was because quite often someone in gang will watch over those selling to prevent robberies. As soon as Bmav pulled up and realised that his gun was out, he quickly puts it away and even says "my bad" as it wasn't meant to be intentional. The Cutlass members then try to push a narrative that Bmav was being disrespectful and then continue to pull their own guns out in retaliation. They then start to get aggro with Bmav even though he is being very calm with them asking why they are taxing our own members on their own turf to which he receives nothing but attitude, seemingly wanting a reaction. They then start demanding an apology for "disrespect" even though Bmav had been nothing but calm, saying "my bad" to having a gun out and just trying to have a simple conversation with them. They then tell him to stop "being lippy" and that the Grove members they were trying to tax were "giving lip" for simply saying they are not paying tax on their own turf. The Cutlass members then start to continue following Bmav making constant comments seemingly looking for a reaction from Bmav.
Since following the trail it does look like it was only mentioned after Bowen made the post in Group members.
The disbanded comments did only start towards Grove since Bowen made it clear that it is unacceptable in groups. This is also information we're confused about Cutlass having since no one knew in game what was happening in Grove Street at the time. No one had told anyone that we almost disbanded, nor that we had 0 members. Whilst Ramsay states in his meeting with Kash that he "needs to rebuild" there was no talks of disbandment. The talk turned to Neb not being in the gang, and the OG members that are still within the gang, but no comments were made about lack of members or disbandment, so we would like to know how Cutlass know this information IC as we feel as though the "almost disbandment" was taken from the Groups Discord into game. Again, such comments we don't feel are acceptable as it's all we hear from Cutlass, that they "almost disbanded us once and they'll do it again" - it does come across that there are OOC influences to that.
Looking over it seems very cherry picked from your part. So care to explain why?
Bmav had no intentions for anything to look "cherry picked". He runs session recordings religiously. After each session recorded has ended, he then goes into that recording and take clips of the parts he feels are necessary. In relation to this report, he took clips of the baiting in which he was reporting as well as the shootout at Pillbox. Had he though that the rest would be necessary he would have clipped it all. Unfortunately, after he has what he thinks he needs he deletes the whole session recording as to not eat up the space on his pc. After I have personally spoken to Bmav, it has been agreed that everyone in Grove Street that has session recordings will keep said recordings for a whole 24 hours before they delete them. This is to prevent things like this happening again. As I am sure you can understand not everyone will use the session recording method, and will clip what they feel necessary during game play, but at the same time they will be limited to the clip lengths that medal allows.
In terms of this clip (
here) - this was a situation that happened months ago, whilst Aztecas were still at war with Cutlass, around February time. We are confused how this holds any relevance to the report itself due to how long ago it was and feel it is an attempt to steer the report in a different direction.
Screenshot of the date of this incident has been sent to Stuart directly as to avoid metagaming, as before Cutlass showed up Bmav was at that location with someone else.
It was "Out of the blue" to where the Cutlass members said you aren't getting an apology. Now it is obvious there is more to the situation
In terms of this, Bmav was at Pillbox as earlier on in the day he had pissed off some locals on Grove Street (they are known to be incredibly aggressive) and he had been shot by them, causing some injuries. Bmav had decided to go to Pillbox to lay in a bed and heal his injuries. This is when Cutlass arrived and a conversation started. Cutlass then started asking Bmav for an apology in which the conversation took a turn when Bmav asked why he shouldn't get an apology from them. Then as you see in the clip, one of the Cutlass members takes off towards the back doors of Pillbox before a Cutlass member outsides opens fire into the hospital at Bmav - causing an all out gun fight inside the hospital.
There are 2 clips from 2 different members of Grove that Cutlass tried to tax that day:
Brent was the first to be approached -
Then later on in the day Leyton was also approached -
Regardless on who Cutlass thought owned Dutch, we would still consider this baiting, whether they were wanting a reaction from Grove or Aztecas.
I hope I have managed to clear some things up. Please if you have any questions let me know