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Report a player - Multiple Cutlass (Mainly Barry C) - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Grove Street
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Bruno Clark
Reported Players: Multiple Cutlass (Mainly Barry C)
Date: 13/05/2024
Time: 20:00
What best describes this incident: G1.3 Baiting - taking deliberate actions to create a scenario where you get chased or engaged with, especially to cause a firefight. Examples; Robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, deliberately committing crimes in front of the police, swearing at a group of gang members.
Please (in detail) describe the incident: Hello to whichever staff member(s) choose to take on this report. This report is being placed on behalf of Grove in general.

We believe that the following actions could come under G1.3 Baiting - taking deliberate actions to create a scenario where you get chased or engaged with, especially to cause a firefight. Examples; Robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, deliberately committing crimes in front of the police, swearing at a group of gang members.

The most recent example of this would be in this clip - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2cYds0c0EsWLB_/d13375lzL6Mg?invite=cr-MSx4UDYsMTk2MDMzNTA0LA

Cutlass had decided to come to Dutch London, a turf that isn't theirs, asking Brent if he had "paid his tax today". Brent is then told to "drive off and see what happens". He is then egged on to drive off, putting him in a catch 22 or blatant lose lose situation in which either way our member was going to be hurt in some capacity regardless of what he did. We believe Cutlass' only motive for this was to cause some sort of commotion. Trying to tax on someone else's turf or deliberately refusing to pay tax on someone else's turf have been well known examples of baiting for a long while now.

Cutlass have a history of this sort of behaviour. We saw it when they had a war with Coalition over their selling turf, we believe Cutlass is now trying to start a war with Grove to try and claim another selling area.
I also would like to state that they have been doing this with every single group for the past months over and over which is how most of their fights with any group start and this includes them doing it to Vagos members, Pirus members, Aztecas i could honestly go on and on about it.

Cutlass then decided to take to tweedle to continue baiting a reaction from Grove members;
And then in true Cutlass fashion, reverted back to their enjoyment of watching Gangs from the server disband;

Despite a very strong message coming from Bowen the last time they found enjoyment in this;

Following on from the original situation (after the clip above) Cutlass then came to Pillbox where they tried to pressure myself into giving them another apology or money (over something so minor). It was clear afterwards that Cutlass never intended to have a peaceful solution to the situation as they had other members stationed outside who then decided to open fire into Pillbox causing an all out gunfight in a hospital. Further proving the point of this 100k or die mentality Cutlass seem to have.

Another time Cutlass decided to come to Dutch London and attempt to tax one of our own members on their turf. Leyton asks a simple enough question, when did Cutlass take Dutch as their selling turf, and he is met with "are you mad. have you paid your tax yes or no?" and when he said no he was told to leave...our own turf.
Whilst writing this report, it is my understanding that Cutlass have decided to "push?" Grove turf with AR's and Shotguns, drilling into the safehouse, for what reason? Was this because our members refused to pay tax on our own turf? Was it because there was a bit of a back and forth on tweedle? They also called myself earlier on to "warn me" that this was the "last chance for an apology?".

It seems as though Cutlass' regular behaviour has turned into baiting a reaction, getting a reaction, and then demanding an apology or they will start an all out war over something so minor. It seems as though they have began to play for items, rather than the roleplay, with them asking for money or items off multiple gang members over minor issues. It seems as though, maybe Cutlass want the "top spot" that Azteca's and/or Balla's currently hold, and they think the way to do that is to war themselves to the top. This includes disbanding a new(ish) gang off the server not too long ago, boasting about Grove almost disbanding and pushing multiple other gangs off the server. We (and I don't just mean Grove) can't understand Cutlass' motives for wanting to make multiple gangs leave/disband other than to claim the server for their own?

The "high quality roleplay" that Cutlass pride themselves for seems to only be a luxury for those it would impress and benefit Cutlass as a gang. Everyone else gets a subpar/pittance of RP and almost a 100k or die style of roleplay which has been so prevalent with this group to the point of alot of groups pointing out that their roleplay has fallen to the point of being worst than 229 which everyone used to consider being a "fragging gang".
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2cYds0c0EsWLB_/d13375lzL6Mg?invite=cr-MSx4UDYsMTk2MDMzNTA0LA
It is only appropriate that I reply given you have brought up Cutlass on multiple occasions in this report.

Bruno, it's unfortunate that you were not there in yesterday's group leaders meeting, as the topic of "baiting" was brought up. Not to mention, it's disappointing that you downplay the numerous role-playing exchanges we've had before our relationship ended.

In the clip I've posted, you can be seen fighting to the death to keep a pair of glasses. People might be astonished by such actions because they stand in stark contrast to the previous occasion when you willingly gave up your most lucrative drug-selling location, "Cutch London," to another gang.

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Please remember that Bowen made a reference to something "OOC"; in character, we use the term "disband" as an insulting term. Our main objective is for this community to continue growing because we enjoy playing and being a part of it, not for any gang to really split apart in game.

We have put a lot of effort into portraying the "Gangsters" image, which we find enjoyable. Increasing our turfs, or spheres of influence, is what we "Gangsters" want to do. Our relationship with Grove and yourself is, to put it mildly, strained, as previously mentioned, and what you have described here is what I would call the "war of attrition".

Regarding Barry C', I've added his clip to provide additional background and possibly give some clarity.

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In the clip I've posted, you can be seen fighting to the death to keep a pair of glasses. People might be astonished by such actions because they stand in stark contrast to the previous occasion when you willingly gave up your most lucrative drug-selling location, "Cutch London," to another gang.
What you don't understand Kash, is unlike other people in the server I won't let you or your gang bully me. Giving over the glasses wasn't as simple as just handing over a pair or glasses was it not to mention the reason why i use said glasses so much in RP (which is another thing entirely to why i fought for the glasses)? You demanded something in order to try and make me look stupid and to make it look like I'll do anything you say. At the time I was a leader of a gang, just like you wouldn't want to look like anyone's "bitch", I wasn't going to become your "bitch".I would also like to point out that whilst none of your business, Grove have always had a very good relationship with Aztecas. It wasn't a case of we "willingly gave up" our selling turf, as Aztecas own half of Dutch and it was amazing RP that led to that happening. Better RP than my gang has ever received off Cutlass. Aztecas wanted to branch out, we offered them that branch in return for other things in RP as normal business deals go which you dont need to be aware of. That is business between Grove and Aztecas so I'm not sure what influence it holds in this report? Let's keep it to the point of the report.

Please remember that Bowen made a reference to something "OOC"; in character, we use the term "disband" as an insulting term. Our main objective is for this community to continue growing because we enjoy playing and being a part of it, not for any gang to really split apart in game.
I'm glad your brought this up. Can I ask how you have any idea in game what happened with Grove? Since no on in Grove said anything IN GAME in regards to our status? It leads me to believe that these messages (https://gyazo.com/6ee0e1d2d908baa79ed5ac63420e62b6, https://gyazo.com/d056eb9e4559268785b595b56e507034) are metagamed information? You, and your gang, would have no idea IN GAME as to what happened with Grove, you only know OOC, so I would also like to add on the breach of G3.1 OOC Information in regards to Barry C's tweedles.I would also like to point out a time (before Cutlass) where another member of a different gang (candice) continued to use the term "gonna make you stop waking up". Yes, whilst it may be in character it obviously has a different motive behind it, Considering you and your gang only started to mention this kind of stuff on tweedle after Coalition disbanded (shortly after a war with Cutlass + The Lost), I feel as though myself personally or any group can see it from the outside that you are using that language for the exact OOC meaning that you were warned about in the groups discord. Not to mention the fact that the first thing your group did when they got an idea what might be happening to Grove was to go into the groups discord bragging about their "accomplishment". At this point I refuse to believe that it's an "in character" thing.

We have put a lot of effort into portraying the "Gangsters" image, which we find enjoyable. Increasing our turfs, or spheres of influence, is what we "Gangsters" want to do. Our relationship with Grove and yourself is, to put it mildly, strained, as previously mentioned, and what you have described here is what I would call the "war of attrition".

You can use that excuse to get in gun fights all you like, but that's where we have different points of view on what constitutes "high quality roleplay". You and your group say you want to "expand" and you find that as an excuse to start a war with anyone or demand anything to get a gun fight out of it. What has your group started a war over previously? I believe in the last couple months, every remaining gang has been threatened with war over something minor by Cutlass. If you think that is good RP then I'm not sure what to tell you.What I am saying is, it's fine to expand, go ahead but the fact that you the excuse of "expanding" to start another war is laughable. It makes 0 sense to be in Grove and live on Grove street and then go start taxing outside Tequi-la-la just because I feel like it? And I say it as a Grove member, but it would be the same for Vagos, The Firm, Aztecas, Ballas etc.This might be 1 report specifically for 1 situation (that you still haven't really acknowledged which tends to be typical) but this has been happening to multiple groups, not just Grove and it's not just 1 situation that deservers a report. I barely put reports up, if I ever come to the forums and take the time to type up a report it's because I feel like something that has happened 1000 times to the point where a liaison is pointless needs to be sorted with staff intervention. Demanding something so minor, over am minor situation is how a war almost started between our 2 groups a couple months back. Your group is atleast in my opinion at this point being more of a warmonger group than 229 ever was in the past and they were known for having a "fragging mentality" and personally i don't know if thats your intention or not but from an outside prespective thats the way it looks, regardless if you think you're "gangster".Saying you have put a "lot of effort into portraying gangsters" doesn't mean you have an excuse to go around shooting and starting wars over the most minor shit and demanding items or money. This isn't a 100k or die server but that is the mentality you and your members seem to have and the RP you seem to be bringing to everyone else in the community that isn't someone that you deem "good enough" to RP with or that doesn't benefit your group specifically gets thrown with subpar RP that your group has been currently providing imo.

Also would like to add that the rule states this : G1.3 Baiting - taking deliberate actions to create a scenario where you get chased or engaged with, especially to cause a firefight. Examples; Robbing a service station with the intent of a gunfight, deliberately committing crimes in front of the police, swearing at a group of gang members.
To me and you can say whatever you want to defend this claim but regardless of what action was taken in that scenario a firefight was gonna happen without any choice on the matter because as you can see there were attempts to avoid it from our side yet the fact of regardless of what RP approach we took it was gonna happen regardless.

This is also not to mention the fact that every time a report has been posted against cutlass, the reply always seems to be deflective onto something that happened ages ago or trying to make staff confused, i would like us to keep it on the report at hand and not go into different situations or RP scenarios that are completely irrelevant to the fact like the glasses situation that you mentioned for example.

I don't wanna clog the report any more so whichever staff member that's dealing with the report doesn't get lost in it,so i will reply to staff if needs be.
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To be clear, you had Aztecas as secondary characters in your gang until a rule was implemented that disallowed it, shortly after you "gifted" Aztecas your territory "Cutch London". Is there any chance you might provide a clip of any of the "amazing" RP that went into the territory being gifted? But now throughout this report, you are defending it? To be honest, Bruno, it's becoming very complicated.

"Unlike other people in the server, I won't let you or your gang bully me" was one of your statements. We purposefully chose not to demand anything in exchange for your glasses because we didn't want to cause you significant emotional or financial distress. It seems like you have strong feelings for Cutlass that wouldn't exist if you practice character separation. From our chats in the game, Ramsey can tell that I like you, Bruno, and that I want Grove to be successful.
To be clear, you had Aztecas as secondary characters in your gang until a rule was implemented that disallowed it, shortly after you "gifted" Aztecas your territory "Cutch London". Is there any chance you might provide a clip of any of the "amazing" RP that went into the territory being gifted? But now throughout this report, you are defending it? To be honest, Bruno, it's becoming very complicated.

First of all this is completely irrelevant to the report so again trying to skewe the conversation from the actual point and also the fact is i don't need to prove anything to you about the RP that was provided unfortunately.
Indeed we had second characters from aztecas but i know this might be new i guess but we always had a good relationship with aztecas for 3 years since i joined grove to the point that we were involved in the Apostles x Aztecas x Grove VS Ballas and Triads when they were doing the alliance that ultimately made the teaming rule exist and again this was before Cutlass even existed while yes we had small confrontations here and there where we had like 1 or 2 fights with them still we had a decent relationship with them which reiterates my point that the second characters wasnt the reason for any of the RP that happened before or after the fact.

Again, no one gifted anyone anything. You're taking what you think know ooc and swearing it on the bible. What happens between Grove and Aztecas is between Grove and Aztecas and the reasons behind what happened remain between Grove and Aztecas. Whilst I may have clips of the RP that led to us sharing OUR selling area, it holds no significance in this report so how about we stay on track.
I actually explained this to the Lost MC at the time when i got questioned about it and i even explained the reasons on why the bussiness deal was done and still don't regret the RP leading to doing that bussiness deal because at the end of the day it was all RPed out and played out due to multiple situations occurring at the same time and for the like 20th time it wasn't "gifted" there was a deal done that you don't need to know about same as i don't need to know about who you get guns from or how much you get them from etc..

"Unlike other people in the server, I won't let you or your gang bully me" was one of your statements. We purposefully chose not to demand anything in exchange for your glasses because we didn't want to cause you significant emotional or financial distress. It seems like you have strong feelings for Cutlass that wouldn't exist if you practice character separation.
Unfortunately, as has been made evident multiple times Grove want no dealings with Cutlass. Our members don't like and don't want anything to do with Cutlass. So regardless of if you like us, you stating you "want us to be successful" is completely contradictory to the way you run around the server holding an ego over smaller gangs and also i am surprised you say this yet your members were bragging about disbanding a gang in the groups discord and still proudly go around throwing that same comment around.

I won't be replying to you any longer. I would like to hear from the main person being mentioned in this report and that is Barry. I don't appreciate how you are attempting to misdirect the report and completely ignore what is actually being reported.
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"Unfortunately, as has been made evident multiple times Grove want no dealings with Cutlass" doesn't stand true because we have an ongoing situation with Grove, as shown in the clip below, one of many situations we have with Grove at the present. Something is not adding up here.

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I think you have a personal problem with us, which is understandable, however, once your leader returns from holiday, the very reasons for this report might be resolved in-game. Instead of attempting to roleplay, it appears that you are more interested in making all kinds of claims on here.
"Unfortunately, as has been made evident multiple times Grove want no dealings with Cutlass" doesn't stand true because we have an ongoing situation with Grove, as shown in the clip below, one of many situations we have with Grove at the present. Something is not adding up here.

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I think you have a personal problem with us, which is understandable, however, once your leader returns from holiday, the very reasons for this report might be resolved in-game. Instead of attempting to roleplay, it appears that you are more interested in making all kinds of claims on here.
Again what does this have to do with the report ?
Not to mention how does a gun deal retract the baiting factor ? honestly these replys make me even more confused and probably even the staff members get confused with all of it.
Cutlass arrived at Dutch London to tax as a result of an ongoing beef with Aztecas, which have resulted in multiple shootouts between the groups and various back and forths on tweedle. From my understanding, while Grove were losing the war to Ballas, they gave the turf to Aztecas so that it would not be taken from them. Due to the recent disputes between Cutlass and Aztecas, this is why Dutch London was chosen as a way to continue the roleplay story and heighten the already building tension between Cutlass and Aztecas.

I have not been informed of Dutch London being returned to Grove and if it has, it is not public knowledge.

"He is then egged on to drive off, putting him in a catch 22 or blatant lose lose situation in which either way our member was going to be hurt in some capacity regardless of what he did."

This is clearly false as this member left the situation at Dutch London unharmed.

"Trying to tax on someone else's turf or deliberately refusing to pay tax on someone else's turf have been well known examples of baiting for a long while now."

You have failed to add the context of Dutch London being widely known as Aztecas property, the history of Cutlass disputing this turf while in beefs with Aztecas, and the current tension between Cutlass and Aztecas.

"We believe Cutlass' only motive for this was to cause some sort of commotion."

I have explained the reason Dutch London was being taxed and this is not the case.

"Cutlass have a history of this sort of behaviour. We saw it when they had a war with Coalition over their selling turf, we believe Cutlass is now trying to start a war with Grove to try and claim another selling area."

I don't understand how it would benefit Cutlass to war Grove for a turf that isn't theirs?

"I also would like to state that they have been doing this with every single group for the past months over and over which is how most of their fights with any group start and this includes them doing it to Vagos members, Pirus members, Aztecas i could honestly go on and on about it."

I'm not sure why you are referencing different situations without the knowledge of what happened. Let's keep the information relevant to this report please.

"And then in true Cutlass fashion, reverted back to their enjoyment of watching Gangs from the server disband;"

I apologise that you're offended by the language our characters use. Though it does not disregard the fact that gangs have, in fact, disbanded in the roleplay story. (Which we were informed about extensively in-game by current members of Grove and ex-members.)

"Cutlass then came to Pillbox where they tried to pressure myself into giving them another apology or money (over something so minor). It was clear afterwards that Cutlass never intended to have a peaceful solution to the situation"

You've already named two peaceful resolutions in this very statement, along with the various others that could have been discussed if Bmav as a character was willing to talk. If you roleplay an egotistical, antagonistic character, do not be upset when other gang members do not appreciate the attitude.

"It seems as though, maybe Cutlass want the "top spot" that Azteca's and/or Balla's currently hold, and they think the way to do that is to war themselves to the top."

This is where our mentalities toward the server differ, Bmav. I enjoy providing enjoyable roleplay storylines, it does not bother me who you and your friends consider to be the "top fraggers."

There were many avenues of which Grove could have taken after being taxed; one being informing Aztecas who currently own Dutch London. The two members that Cutlass attempted to tax left the situation unharmed, and it only escalated further once Bmav, with the knowledge of who was in Sultan (4 Cutlass members), approached with a firearm drawn and without his colours after a dispute with his fellow gang members. There is extensive history between Bmav and Cutlass as shown in previous responses, and I don't think it's unreasonable for him to be given an aggressive response considering the circumstances. If he had approached police, he would be promptly arrested and saying "I had my gun out before hand" wouldn't justify his actions. Although you haven't provided the clip of the extensive conversation that happened inside Pillbox, and the clear escalation that resulted in the gunfight, that doesn't negate the fact that it happened.

Cutlass arrived at Dutch London to tax due to the conflict between Cutlass and Aztecas. Grove happened to be there, and were taxed as anyone would have been. Disrespect was shown by the initial Grove member by driving off and ignoring the attempts to talk to him which escalated the situation to a verbal dispute and resulted in warnings, eventually this member left unharmed. A second Grove member was then attempted to be taxed and lingered around the area which escalated it to a point of him being removed with a threatening presence and also left unharmed. Bmav approaches with his gun drawn and escalates the situation further, being shown an aggressive response by the Cutlass members. After a verbal dispute between the two parties involved, Bmav was chased and tried to hide in Pillbox. Cutlass arrive to have a conversation and try to resolve the situation and were not content with the resolution and the attitude being shown by the character of Bmav and so it escalated naturally to a point where the two groups butt heads and it turned into a physical dispute.

We provided a roleplay scenario for you and although you continue to blur the lines between roleplay and reality and were upset by the result, an example being the 229 comments being made in game/on tweedle as well as OOC, we did not a bait a situation with Grove. With the history between our groups, the personal history between Cutlass members and Bmav, and the context of the situation applied (Taxing Dutch London which is publically known as Aztecas turf), it is not unreasonable for there to be hostility between our characters. I think it's a misconception that after a war ends, all members of both gangs must immediately be friends and disregard all history and prior roleplay that has happened otherwise it's baiting a situation.
Following on from the original situation (after the clip above) Cutlass then came to Pillbox where they tried to pressure myself into giving them another apology or money (over something so minor). It was clear afterwards that Cutlass never intended to have a peaceful solution to the situation as they had other members stationed outside who then decided to open fire into Pillbox causing an all out gunfight in a hospital. Further proving the point of this 100k or die mentality Cutlass seem to have.
Explain why you we're at Pillbox? Where is the rest of the video and why is your videos been shortened now showing what @6AN6 provides giving more context.

Now, In relation to to the tweedle things why was the disbanded things mentioned there as a kind of badge of honor by Barry @6AN6

If you can both respond please. As I've watched the videos above and in all honesty I'm not impressed by not getting the full story behind the "Beef". Some of the situations have been watched by Staff so we know more than is being posted.
Explain why you we're at Pillbox? Where is the rest of the video and why is your videos been shortened now showing what @6AN6 provides giving more context.

Now, In relation to to the tweedle things why was the disbanded things mentioned there as a kind of badge of honor by Barry @6AN6

If you can both respond please. As I've watched the videos above and in all honesty I'm not impressed by not getting the full story behind the "Beef". Some of the situations have been watched by Staff so we know more than is being posted.

If I were to write about everything that has happened in this situation, which has been building for many months, it would fill several chapters in the book of Kash. As one of the last insults that isn't meant to anger people out of character, we use the word "disbanded" as an insult IC. We Roleplay as if to be gangsters and act like them; we're not nice people IC and we might throw insults on Tweedle in addition to killing, robbing, and extorting.
If I were to write about everything that has happened in this situation, which has been building for many months, it would fill several chapters in the book of Kash. As one of the last insults that isn't meant to anger people out of character, we use the word "disbanded" as an insult IC. We Roleplay as if to be gangsters and act like them; we're not nice people IC and we might throw insults on Tweedle in addition to killing, robbing, and extorting.
Indeed and not expecting everything to be put however just the main things above that are in the report.

I understand the IC comments and things on tweedle as it makes sense, However mainly wanted to know where the comment come from that was linked above by bmav and how it come to being in RP.
Indeed and not expecting everything to be put however just the main things above that are in the report.

I understand the IC comments and things on tweedle as it makes sense, However mainly wanted to know where the comment come from that was linked above by bmav and how it come to being in RP.

I'm a bit confused about what you mean, is this in regards to the word "disbanded"?
I'm a bit confused about what you mean, is this in regards to the word "disbanded"?
Kind of, Since following the trail it does look like it was only mentioned after Bowen made the post in Group members. This is why I wanted to know how this come about with Grove as a whole. Since both sides are using one person to talk it does make the report less cluttered and easier to deal with. I'm not expecting you to know however if you can find out from Barry and put it here for me so we have clarification.
We originally used the term of "disbanded" against Alliance IC; this appears in one of their videos, which I will not post here for obvious reasons.
We originally used the term of "disbanded" against Alliance IC; this appears in one of their videos, which I will not post here for obvious reasons.
Ah so it's more common practice. Just so I have an understanding going from everything.

I'll await Bmav's response as I believe I have everything from your side including the parts missed from the main report before I move forth with the report.
@Bmav Can you explain the above please?

Explain why you we're at Pillbox? Where is the rest of the video and why is your videos been shortened
@Bmav Can you explain the above please?
Didn't see that part, i think i had injuries to heal at the time from a previous scenario where locals shot at me but don't fully remember it since it was a while ago already as for the rest of the videos i usually upload whatever clips i needed from a recording and then after that i usually throw the rest out since i already took what i needed out of the recording so it doesn't clog to much space on my computer. I uploaded what i felt was the only things kinda worth clipping so don't really know what purpose that part would change.
Didn't see that part, i think i had injuries to heal at the time from a previous scenario where locals shot at me but don't fully remember it since it was a while ago already as for the rest of the videos i usually upload whatever clips i needed from a recording and then after that i usually throw the rest out since i already took what i needed out of the recording so it doesn't clog to much space on my computer. I uploaded what i felt was the only things kinda worth clipping so don't really know what purpose that part would change.
Now seeing the videos from Kash and yourself they paint two totally different pictures no?

Why wouldn't the rest be relevant? In all honesty it's good that Kash and other Cutlass do record and are able to save/upload the full situation should we need it. Looking over it seems very cherry picked from your part. So care to explain why?
Now seeing the videos from Kash and yourself they paint two totally different pictures no?

Why wouldn't the rest be relevant? In all honesty it's good that Kash and other Cutlass do record and are able to save/upload the full situation should we need it. Looking over it seems very cherry picked from your part. So care to explain why?
I am confused, what cherry picking am i doing, there was no situation previous to the clips i showed by Brent and Leyton, Barry C posted my interaction (Bruno is missing video) with him entirely so what else is there to post
The Bmav's glasses video was like months ago i don't know what relevancy does it even have and i fully died in that scenario aswell so am i the one really cherry picking ?
I have been in this community for 3 Years and you can look at my history reporting wise and i barely report anyone i take this as a last resort situation if someone won't listen to a liason or reason on a liason so if i am gonna report someone its for a reason not because i want to get people gonne at all its more because all other ways were expended or are known to be useless with the individuals that constantly do the same things.
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