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Report a player - Marabunta - GTA RP

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Well-known member
Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Alex Torez

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Marabunta

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 10/25/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 12

What best describes this incident ?: NVL, Metagaming

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Me and my friend were looking for people to rob whilst bored in the morning since our characters are like that. We find a member who's discord is "Karpen" and we decide to rob him, my friend pulls a gun pointing it to his head as seen in Clip 1, to which "Karpen" just drives off and then swerves around with his gun pointed at us (2 people with guns) before running off after putting a few shots into his car, we then search for the same person and found him 20-30 minutes later so we try to pop his tyres so he can't keep running and eventually down him as he starts shooting back at us.

I believe this is blatant NVL as he has a gun pointed at him and starts driving away then pulls a gun out vs 2 armed people? Tried to resolve this in discord which they denied NVL for and told me to take it to forums, they also admitted here that users "Micky Reid" "Aqain" and "Cerberxs" admit they were not in the city and just watching it happen in screenshare from the user "Karpen" - this is important for the metagaming accusation as suddenly these users who were watching the incident in screenshare are suddenly now in the city.

This next part will be referring to Clips 2 and 3. Later on whilst driving into the city the discord user "Cerberxs" is driving in a taxi with no passenger and happens to come across us asking us questions about the guy in the back (his friend, who he admitted he was previously watching on screenshare), and so he chases us whilst calling in the other users on radio, who also have admitted they were watching our hostage on screenshare before flying into the city, but we lose him and hide out for 5~ minutes. We then drive down to civilian impound whilst it's clear no-one is following us as I was checking in my own POV as well as in the clips provided - there was nobody in a far range watching us. Also tried to resolve this in discord with them however they all conveniently had clips aside from the person calling out where we are (the black taxi) claiming we had our lights on - whereas in the clip we evidently do not have our lights on, and claiming that it's easy to see from very far away (at night, on a car that has no lights on and is blacked out). In clip 3 we're also looking around and there is no sign of any cars following us, however upon reaching the civilian impound they suddenly pounce on us?

Quite blatant metagaming especially considering that most people involved admitted to watching our hostage (Karpen) on screenshare before they started the game up.

I would also like to add that in the (deserved for NVL) report against me by a marabunta member, you can even see that they're still screensharing during the whole thing which I understand is not against the rules, however I feel like bolsters the claims of metagaming as they claimed they were not even in VC anymore and not screensharing, however you can literally see in their clip that they are constantly screensharing in their discord at 0:33 or see the screenshot for a clear snapshot of it - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/G06MQYi2e1mft/d13371jnj2w3?invite=cr-MSxMczUsOTI0NjE2NjMs and although that isn't against the rules, there are 2 of them screensharing to their gang members who are actively in the server? With the one currently streaming being OUR HOSTAGE?!?!?! (Karpen)

Would like to add that staff member Nikolai was present when they claimed that our hostage was NOT screensharing anymore, after flying into the city from the first clip's incident. However, as seen in their own recordings, the same user (Karpen - our hostage) was STILL streaming until the end. If this is not enough proof of metagaming (our hostage screensharing to active members, with no excuse to be screensharing as at the point this screenshot was captured he was still downed), I do not know what is and frankly the rule should be removed if it won't be punished unless one of them literally admit to it.

Clip 1 - https://youtu.be/KQQO4QWfL2k
Clip 2 - https://youtu.be/CYdRZmNfJEU
Clip 3 - https://youtu.be/JWGKpNFV2_A

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes





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 there are 2 of them screensharing to their gang members who are actively in the server? With the one currently streaming being OUR HOSTAGEView attachment 20081
So what if we are screensharing? I was asked by people not in game to screenshare as they were interested in what was going on? Oskar was in pillbox at the time and if I'm not wrong screensharing isn't against the rules.
 image.png image.png

Both of these people are not in game and regardless this screenshot was taken whilst I was at marabunta dodgy doctor waiting for you to continue the roleplay so this screenshot is completely irrelevant. 
Also please specify in your report who in marabunta you wish to report as there were only a few of us out of a 25-member gang.

 We then drive down to civilian impound whilst it's clear no-one is following us as I was checking in my own POV as well as in the clips provided - there was nobody in a far range watching us. Also tried to resolve this in discord with them however they all conveniently had clips aside from the person calling out where we are (the black taxi) claiming we had our lights on - whereas in the clip we evidently do not have our lights on, and claiming that it's easy to see from very far away (at night, on a car that has no lights on and is blacked out). In clip 3 we're also looking around and there is no sign of any cars following us, however upon reaching the civilian impound they suddenly pounce on us?
I'll tell my entire story of the situation as in discord it was impossible to get my point across without you shouting bullshit. To start I was in city when Micky said on radio that a close friend of ours had found one of our members downed in the back of a stolen local car with two people in with him, the first location was triads turf given by the man in the taxi who was apparently following you, so I drove around the area and found nothing. Shortly after I was given more information stating that the taxi had lost sight of your car but was last seen going to Vinewood hills so I went there next, me and my gang searched the area until yet again the taxi man said he had seen you going back into city from tequila-la then past red garage. I went back to triads turf then to towards legion as you could've only gone a few ways as you are in a local car and cannot get that far too fast, unfortunately I don't have it clipped as my medal is set to record the past 2 minutes but I saw the taxi pulling out from peaceful street so I followed which is when he saw you turn left to civilian impound which you can clearly hear in the clip provided.
I'd also like to point out clear nvl here from you as I clearly tell you to put your hands up with a gun pointed at you, yet you still point a weapon at me forcing me to gun you down which shouldn't have happened if you valued your life.

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Also please specify in your report who in marabunta you wish to report as there were only a few of us out of a 25-member gang.
See image posted, surprising that gang members don't know each other's character names, or are you just avoiding giving me them?

Both of these people are not in game and regardless this screenshot was taken whilst I was at marabunta dodgy doctor waiting for you to continue the roleplay so this screenshot is completely irrelevant. 
However, it shows you guys have LIED about Karpen (our hostage) not screensharing anymore - he was screensharing before you entered the city - when we took him hostage (you and others admitted) as well as being shown to STILL be screensharing at the end of the situation. And it doesn't matter who is screensharing to who, Karpen who was being held hostage has been shown screensharing in the discord during the situation where other members of the gang who are in the server can actively see where he is and even if not watching the screenshare, they can definitely see the preview of a general location he was in. This coupled with the lies that you guys told me you aren't screensharing at all makes it pretty obvious in my opinion that he was definitely screensharing the entire time.

And more importantly: Why is Karpen, our hostage who is downed, still streaming at all? Yes the screenshot is taken at dodgy doctor but what on earth is he doing streaming at all? He's still downed as there was not enough time for him to be rezzed.

I'll tell my entire story of the situation as in discord it was impossible to get my point across without you shouting bullshit. To start I was in city when Micky said on radio that a close friend of ours had found one of our members downed in the back of a stolen local car with two people in with him, the first location was triads turf given by the man in the taxi who was apparently following you, so I drove around the area and found nothing. Shortly after I was given more information stating that the taxi had lost sight of your car but was last seen going to Vinewood hills so I went there next, me and my gang searched the area until yet again the taxi man said he had seen you going back into city from tequila-la then past red garage. I went back to triads turf then to towards legion as you could've only gone a few ways as you are in a local car and cannot get that far too fast, unfortunately I don't have it clipped as my medal is set to record the past 2 minutes but I saw the taxi pulling out from peaceful street so I followed which is when he saw you turn left to civilian impound which you can clearly hear in the clip provided.
I'd also like to point out clear nvl here from you as I clearly tell you to put your hands up with a gun pointed at you, yet you still point a weapon at me forcing me to gun you down which shouldn't have happened if you valued your life.
Quite irrelevant in my opinion as well as being incorrect - I was civil the entire time even through some of you throwing insults at me due to something someone else said, and we all had our turns to speak at the playground with Nikolai watching over it, so I don't think we need to get petty about each others behaviour. Furthermore there were 2 of us and only you had a gun as we were aware the taxi driver did not have one, and even if he did it would still be a 2v2 so my friend had every right to pull a gun on you in that situation.

And it's very convenient that you guys have all the clips in the world EXCEPT the clip of spotting us again? Whilst you were admittedly searching in a different location to where we were as seen in the image AQ sent me on discord (Red being where you guys were searching and blue being the route we took)  - which by the way you all were all-over the place for, first stating you last saw me at Tequila-la after losing me in Vinewood, you decide to search Little Seoul and then switch to searching Red garage conveniently at the same time we happen to drive into the civilian impound? All whilst our hostage was streaming on discord to the users "outside of the city" whilst all of you in the city were also in the same call? - what a joke.

"until yet again the taxi man said he had seen you going back into city from tequila-la then past red garage."  You can see in clip 3 at around 0:49 we look around and there is nobody following us at all.



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I will not be replying any further to this report unless staff require me to as I have given my side of the story and I feel we will go back and forth just like in liaison.

Report a player 

Your In-game Name: Alex Torez

Name and/or ID of the player(s) you are reporting: Marabunta

Which server did the incident take place on: GTA RP

Date of the incident: 10/25/22

Time of the incident (GMT) 24hr Format: 12

What best describes this incident ?: NVL, Metagaming

Please (in detail) describe the incident: Me and my friend were looking for people to rob whilst bored in the morning since our characters are like that. We find a member who's discord is "Karpen" and we decide to rob him, my friend pulls a gun pointing it to his head as seen in Clip 1, to which "Karpen" just drives off and then swerves around with his gun pointed at us (2 people with guns) before running off after putting a few shots into his car, we then search for the same person and found him 20-30 minutes later so we try to pop his tyres so he can't keep running and eventually down him as he starts shooting back at us.

I believe this is blatant NVL as he has a gun pointed at him and starts driving away then pulls a gun out vs 2 armed people? Tried to resolve this in discord which they denied NVL for and told me to take it to forums, they also admitted here that users "Micky Reid" "Aqain" and "Cerberusx" admit they were not in the city and just watching it happen in screenshare from the user "Karpen" - this is important for the metagaming accusation as suddenly these users who were watching the incident in screenshare are suddenly now in the city.

This next part will be referring to Clips 2 and 3. Later on whilst driving into the city the discord user "Cerberusx" is driving in a taxi with no passenger and happens to come across us asking us questions about the guy in the back (his friend, who he admitted he was previously watching on screenshare), and so he chases us whilst calling in the other users on radio, who also have admitted they were watching our hostage on screenshare before flying into the city, but we lose him and hide out for 5~ minutes. We then drive down to civilian impound whilst it's clear no-one is following us as I was checking in my own POV as well as in the clips provided - there was nobody in a far range watching us. Also tried to resolve this in discord with them however they all conveniently had clips aside from the person calling out where we are (the black taxi) claiming we had our lights on - whereas in the clip we evidently do not have our lights on, and claiming that it's easy to see from very far away (at night, on a car that has no lights on and is blacked out). In clip 3 we're also looking around and there is no sign of any cars following us, however upon reaching the civilian impound they suddenly pounce on us?

Quite blatant metagaming especially considering that most people involved admitted to watching our hostage (Karpen) on screenshare before they started the game up.

I would also like to add that in the (deserved for NVL) report against me by a marabunta member, you can even see that they're still screensharing during the whole thing which I understand is not against the rules, however I feel like bolsters the claims of metagaming as they claimed they were not even in VC anymore and not screensharing, however you can literally see in their clip that they are constantly screensharing in their discord at 0:33 or see the screenshot for a clear snapshot of it - https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/G06MQYi2e1mft/d13371jnj2w3?invite=cr-MSxMczUsOTI0NjE2NjMs and although that isn't against the rules, there are 2 of them screensharing to their gang members who are actively in the server? With the one currently streaming being OUR HOSTAGE?!?!?! (Karpen)

Would like to add that staff member Nikolai was present when they claimed that our hostage was NOT screensharing anymore, after flying into the city from the first clip's incident. However, as seen in their own recordings, the same user (Karpen - our hostage) was STILL streaming until the end. If this is not enough proof of metagaming I do not know what is and frankly the rule should be removed if it won't be punished unless you literally have an insider in their discord with them recording them do it...

Clip 1 - https://youtu.be/KQQO4QWfL2k
Clip 2 - https://youtu.be/CYdRZmNfJEU
Clip 3 - https://youtu.be/JWGKpNFV2_A

Link to any evidence (Youtube/Screenshot):

This report is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!: Yes

You tried to resolve the situation with the player(s) before reporting: Yes

This is not a revenge report (Abuse will lead to forum/community bans): Yes

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I am the one in the bottom corner that you have highlighted, and i was never involved yet even on the server. I was sat in the call doing things on my computer just talking to people

Shortly after I was given more information stating that the taxi had lost sight of your car but was last seen going to Vinewood hills so I went there next, me and my gang searched the area until yet again the taxi man said he had seen you going back into city from tequila-la then past red garage. 
Agreed, I feel like I've given enough information to this report so unless requested by staff I won't be adding more. I would however like the staff member reviewing this to take it all into account,  the "taxi man"  waiting in our general area for where we would re-enter the city, with him also being the one to find us the 2nd time - coupled with the fact he claimed his medal was being buggy/not working and our hostage admittedly screensharing to "outside of the city" members in the same call as members in the city.

@Steve WittenberryI'm aware, just highlighting as your profile picture is the only one that could be mistaken for Karpen's so just wanted to make it more clear that you weren't Karpen.

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https://imgur.com/mfTE0Tb // Staff calling you out on OOC.
https://imgur.com/WJTeeYM  // Context of the image you created.

Context of the images : 

- In discord we were debating on the fact that you did in fact drive next to 'Red Garage' and near 'Triad territory' and so that's why I've made an image to provide evidence as I'd like to think that I have a decent map knowledge of the GTA 5 map.

I don't know why you are dragging me into this but using our DMs without my permission is a bit scummy and in my opinion these images don't really state nor prove anything worth of value, but that is besides the point...

Let's be honest, the reason why you are on the forums is because you broke many rules, as seen in many of videos, and now you are trying to cover it all up by reporting everyone that was in a situation where a gang member was doing taxi work and another individual who was in the 'SAME GANG AS HIM' saw him in the car and tried to help by telling you guys to take him to Pill Box.

Honestly, the fact that you made this into a report is baffling and I have nothing else to add simply because like me, everyone who is in Marabunta knows the consequences of rule breaking like me, everyone who is in Marabunta knows that we will get yelled at by both staff and lead for these things and that our leader is very serious with good roleplay and bad roleplay. As a member of a whitelisted gang, I wouldn't even think of doing these sort of things.

Essentially what I am trying to say is that, everyone from Marabunta was trying to help you out on discord but instead you and your friend started to be petty and ignorant by either yelling or talking over the people who are trying to explaining how you calling us for 'meta gaming' is a crazy idea.

At this point I have nothing else to add but these recordings of how the discord conversations really went and how you are trying to portray us as 'meta gamers.'

Unfortunately, you decided to break many because you didn't like that fact that by server rules, we were not allowed to stop an active situation where you were seen talking on OOC for who knows how long. Rule broken seen here...

and I really to wish the best to you and your friend.

The clip provides proof of how you agreed that someone found you legitimately, but you both still tried to be petty and ignore it as if it didn't happen.

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I have many more videos with the conversations that happened on discord and if needed, I shall provide.

29 minutes ago, aqnr said:

https://imgur.com/mfTE0Tb // Staff calling you out on OOC.
https://imgur.com/WJTeeYM  // Context of the image you created.

Context of the images : 

- In discord we were debating on the fact that you did in fact drive next to 'Red Garage' and near 'Triad territory' and so that's why I've made an image to provide evidence as I'd like to think that I have a decent map knowledge of the GTA 5 map.

I don't know why you are dragging me into this but using our DMs without my permission is a bit scummy and in my opinion these images don't really state nor prove anything worth of value, but that is besides the point...

Let's be honest, the reason why you are on the forums is because you broke many rules, as seen in many of videos, and now you are trying to cover it all up by reporting everyone that was in a situation where a gang member was doing taxi work and another individual who was in the 'SAME GANG AS HIM' saw him in the car and tried to help by telling you guys to take him to Pill Box.

Honestly, the fact that you made this into a report is baffling and I have nothing else to add simply because like me, everyone who is in Marabunta knows the consequences of rule breaking like me, everyone who is in Marabunta knows that we will get yelled at by both staff and lead for these things and that our leader is very serious with good roleplay and bad roleplay. As a member of a whitelisted gang, I wouldn't even think of doing these sort of things.

Essentially what I am trying to say is that, everyone from Marabunta was trying to help you out on discord but instead you and your friend started to be petty and ignorant by either yelling or talking over the people who are trying to explaining how you calling us for 'meta gaming' is a crazy idea.

At this point I have nothing else to add but these recordings of how the discord conversations really went and how you are trying to portray us as 'meta gamers.'

Unfortunately, you decided to break many because you didn't like that fact that by server rules, we were not allowed to stop an active situation where you were seen talking on OOC for who knows how long. Rule broken seen here...

and I really to wish the best to you and your friend.

The clip provides proof of how you agreed that someone found you legitimately, but you both still tried to be petty and ignore it as if it didn't happen.

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We asked for proof that you found us at the civil impound legitimately but you never provided it, you did however provide many other clips which don't show how you found us, whilst in our clips it's evident from looking around upon going to red garage, that nobody was following and black taxi was definitely not anywhere in our sight. I've stated my full truth.

This clip you just posted above is about when Jak first spotted us - which he did indeed and we never denied, but then we lost him in Vinewood which you can hear at 3:50-4:05 which is also backed up by you all admitting he lost us. So I don't understand this clip as it only shows that we lost him the first time, which is inline with everything I've said in my report, as well as in the provided clips (Clip 2 specifically). This is just cluttering the report with unnecessary information, and bringing up another situation in a report that has already been made and I fully accepted that I did rule break.

Me NVL'ing doesn't discredit how obviously you have all metagamed here.

It's also still very suspicious that Jak was waiting in the area we re-entered the city by, whilst our hostage was streaming his downed gameplay to members "outside of the city" whilst in a call with many of you who were also in the city too.

Also baffling? I told you I was making an NVL report on Karpen anyway so I don't understand how you found this baffling, the blatant metagaming came afterwards. You always knew I was going to make a report.

Drex typed that liaisons are "advised" to be held after the situation so I still wasn't aware it was breaking a rule, and I was upset by the blatant metagaming which was unrelated to the situation we were in, and all the information I received from this was "do it after the rp situation" - which we did and so the course of the RP was completely unaffected as I was still held at gunpoint by 3 people.

I still don't know why this is being mentioned in this report and not the report on me?

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Does this proof not show you that we found you at impound? 
How on earth does this 30 second clip (starting half a street away), not showing the initial sighting of us, prove anything when we're wondering how you found us there when nobody was following us? As well as avoiding the straight down route from where you admittedly last saw us (Tequila-la). This has become a repeat of the discord liaison as well as you trying to distract from the actual issue at hand.

All the evidence, especially of the hostage streaming himself in a private discord full of marabunta members who were also in the city, while downed, speaks for itself, and after that you are expecting me to believe you did not metagame whilst having no proof of sighting me the 2nd time ingame?

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How on earth does this 30 second clip, not showing the initial sighting of us, prove anything when we're wondering how you found us there when nobody was following us?
The clip provides proof of the fact that you were seen just before going to impound and the fact that 2 people were behind you... The fact that you are ignoring this information is beyond crazy to me.

Your report is currently being reviewed, Please be patient while the evidence is reviewed

Please keep checking this report regularly just in case the reviewing staff member has any questions

Thank you for your report and you doing your part to keep our community clean!


The clip provides proof of the fact that you were seen just before going to impound and the fact that 2 people were behind you... The fact that you are ignoring this information is beyond crazy to me.
Not ignoring it, I just believe you metagamed to get there and it feels quite obvious as you all have clips recorded except Jak sighting me the 2nd time and how it got to that point. You're claiming it was coincidence that you were looking there at the perfect moment to spot me. I simply don't believe and think you just looked at Karpen's stream.

Not ignoring it, I just believe you metagamed to get there and it feels quite obvious as you all have clips recorded except Jak sighting me the 2nd time and how it got to that point. You're claiming it was coincidence that you were looking there at the perfect moment to spot me. I simply don't believe and think you just looked at Karpen's stream.
Just because you got away for about 5 minutes in the Vine-wood bowl doesn't mean that you are invisible, and that doesn't mean that you are impossible to find. It takes some sort of skill and map knowledge to understand where someone is going. Please stop trying to assume that we 'meta game' when we told you everything that happened on discord with proof but you are still trying to deny it.


Just because you got away for about 5 minutes in the Vine-wood bowl doesn't mean that you are invisible, and that doesn't mean that you are impossible to find. It takes some sort of skill and map knowledge to understand where someone is going. Please stop trying to assume that we 'meta game' when we told you everything that happened on discord with proof but you are still trying to deny it.

You didn't show any of your comms leading up to finding me at the civil impound, even after someone offered them and I accepted (presumably because you guys were talking in discord during it), all I got was this 30 second clip of "oh found him found him". If you had evidence of your comms between losing sight of me and finding me at the civil impound this would all be put to rest, which begs the question: you're obviously recording things as you have the full recording of our liaison, why not post the comms between losing me in vinewood and finding me at civil impound?

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I`m the "taxi man" when do i begin in this report, i first spotted you going from of the high way i seen what looked like a mara jacket in the back of your car so i start to follow you and "ask is that a mara boi in the back of the car"  you say no witch i know is bc i was in that gang for a long time, i can stop that jacket of from a mile away i then ask what are you doing you said talking him pillbox or something i really cant remember word for word as it was 6 hours ago i then follow you for a around the city, i begin to phone one of the mara members who i know is normally awake at the time this happened he picked up the phone i said one of your boys is down in a black 4 door local car then we go towards vine wood hills i lose you so i begin to check around vine-wood hills and saying on radio  i lose them in that area so as i normal person who is looking for someone would do i then drive down a street and see your car flying past me i try and keep up but i rolled mt taxi on the hilly roads around around tequila luck for me my car lands back on this wheels so i keep driving the way i seen you head last we go past red garage i keep going past Alta street app ( also knowing as Alta street apartments from different severs) i take a left to wars impound and seen you yes might seem sus but there is a thing in this world called luck my friend and it was on my side, i then call out on radio like i have been since i last seen uses you pull into the impound and of of used got shot im guessing you had a gun so you tried to defend your self i how ever don`t carry when doing taxi so i pulled up be hide you waiting for the overs to help the one mara guy that was there and the rest from dodgy doc was piss poor RP from you and a NVL 

i will be adding no more into this nor responding to message unless asked by staff

Also there is no footage from my end as my clipping was not working don`t ask me why because i don`t know why 

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I`m the "taxi man" when do i begin in this report, i first spotted you going from of the high way i seen what looked like a mara jacket in the back of your car so i start to follow you and "ask is that a mara boi in the back of the car"  you say no witch i know is bc i was in that gang for a long time, i can stop that jacket of from a mile away i then ask what are you doing you said talking him pillbox or something i really cant remember word for word as it was 6 hours ago i then follow you for a around the city, i begin to phone one of the mara members who i know is normally away at the time this happened he picked up the phone i said one of your boys is down in a black 4 door local car then we go towards vine wood hills i lose you so i begin to check around vine-wood hills and saying on radio  i lose them in that area so as i normal person who is looking for someone would do i then drive down a street and see your car flying past me i try and keep up but i rolled mt taxi on the hilly roads around around tequila luck for me my car lands back on this wheels so i keep driving the way i seen you head last we go past red garage i keep going past Alta street app ( also knowing as Alta street apartments from different severs) i take a left to wars impound and seen you yes might seem sus but there is a thing in this world called luck my friend and it was on my side, i then call out on radio like i have been since i last seen uses you pull into the impound and of of used got shot im guessing you had a gun so you tried to defend your self i how ever don`t carry when doing taxi so i pulled up be hide you waiting for the overs to help the one mara guy that was there and the rest from dodgy doc was piss poor RP from you and a NVL 

i will be adding no more into this nor responding to message unless asked by staff
Refer to clip 2 at around 2:15. You lost us in the middle of the city, under the city hall, so we were not even close to vinewood hills anyway - funny that I didn't notice that before. We go wait in the vinewood hills, after losing you under the city hall, for a bit and say at 3:03 in clip 2 that we're at Tequila-la - which probably explains why you were near Tequila-la! Even though when we left nobody was behind us. And you didn't just drive down the road as we waited hidden in the hills for around 4-5 minutes; can provide evidence of this if needed.

Luck? Don't think so.

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You didn't show any of your comms leading up to finding me at the civil impound, even after someone offered them and I accepted (presumably because you guys were talking in discord during it), all I got was this 30 second clip of "oh found him found him). If you had evidence of your comms between losing sight of me and finding me at the civil impound this would all be put to rest, which begs the question: you're obviously recording things as you have the full recording of our liaison, why not post the comms between losing me in vinewood and finding me at civil impound?
We'll actually I did state that I heard "Taxi Man" give a comm saying he thinks that you were last seen 'Las Lagunas Blvd' the bridge over 'Del Perro' freeway. I personally could of clipped it but I didn't think that I would need it as no one was 'meta gaming' and no one knew that we would be reported.

Refer to clip 2 at around 2:15. You lost us in the middle of the city, under the city hall, so we were not even close to vinewood hills anyway - funny that I didn't notice that before. We go wait in the vinewood hills for a bit and say at 3:03 in clip 2 that we're at Tequila-la - which probably explains why you were near Tequila-la! Even though when we left nobody was behind us. And you didn't just drive down the road as we waited hidden in the hills for around 4-5 minutes; can provide evidence of this if needed.

Luck? Don't think so.
I have said this many times before, just because you got found, doesn't mean that it is impossible. You are accusing us because of the fact that you think everything goes your way.

We'll actually I did state that I heard "Taxi Man" give a comm saying he thinks that you were last seen 'Las Lagunas Blvd' the bridge over 'Del Perro' freeway. I personally could of clipped it but I didn't think that I would need it as no one was 'meta gaming' and no one knew that we would be reported.

I have said this many times before, just because you got found, doesn't mean that it is impossible. You are accusing us because of the fact that you think everything goes your way.
I find it strange how you're trying to make everything personal, aqnr. I don't know you and don't hold any grudge towards you, I believe that Karpen NVL'd and the others involved metagamed using his screenshare, which has also been further exposed in Cerberxs response as it seems I was right about some of you joining the server after what you saw on screenshare.

"i begin to phone one of the mara members who i know is normally away at the time this happened he picked up the phone i said one of your boys is down in a black 4 door local car then we go towards vine wood hills i lose you so i begin to check around vine-wood hills and saying on radio  i lose them in that area"

Lost us under the city hall which you all confirmed when looking at the recordings, but somehow knew we went to vinewood hills and further on above Tequila-la?

I believe that my suspicions of metagaming have very good basis, and now unless you post any evidence of anything this is truly my final response as I feel it's devolved into he said, she said.

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