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Report a player - General (Cutlass) - GTA RP

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Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Server: GTA RP
Your Character Name: Ronnie Trapp
Reported Players: General (Cutlass)
Date: May 28, 2024
Time: 12:28
What best describes this incident: NVL
Please (in detail) describe the incident: So I believe the evidence I've presented speaks for its self, there was around 8-9 of us at Sandy pillbox waiting for 2 of our friends to come out where we seen a guy in a orange GTO pull up with a downed "cutlass" member on his shoulder, so we decide too stick around & wait for the orange GTO guy too leave so we could rob him. When another cutlass member turns up who I believe too be General, 20 seconds or so later our two guys who we was waiting for have now grouped back up with us outside sandy pillbox where we decided to attempt too 'stick up' general. Rushing through the door, guns drawn we aim our weapons directly at him to tell him too put his hands up & not to move when he decides to radio through "I'm being robbed", couple seconds later another suspected cutlass member runs out the double doors & was met with straight forward demands, the exact same as General was told, yet this male also stalled, resisted our demands until the point he manage too gain a "Upper hand" & pull a machine pistol out & down the present people in the room sparking a gun fight outside when other members of cutlass showed up due too being told by general. This could of made for some fantastic RP, could of ended in a standoff for their members back or many other ways that could of been taken rather than "stop, drop & roll" & a shoot out.

Clip (My POV) & Screen shot from another POV
Link(s) To Any Evidence: https://medal.tv/games/gta-v/clips/2fL6itS-Qp59Mr/d1337hzBj88R?invite=cr-MSxXSHgsMjA1ODg2MDUzLA https://i.gyazo.com/de978598b2a167870cb0a165db25772b.webp
Good morning, In this sit I had my gang close by and members of cutlass inside pillbox. As you can see in your clip I noticed a blacked out squad looking very suspicious so I notified my gang via radio.
Not only that but inside pillbox I felt safer than usual because I knew my gang was very close by. As you can see by the rapid response time in your clip. I must say I saw 2 of your boys come off the bed straight out of pillbox then they come back in and its ** hands hands hands **. With these factors in mind along with my 2 armed gang members in very close proximity I do not believe this is NVL and evidently paid off in the end. This led to some great RP as you acknowledged in OOC and liaison. As in your clip you state " We should wait for that cutlass member hes gonna have a strap" You knew there was a high possibility that we was armed and dangerous. Unfortunately the situation didn't go in your favor but I'm glad it led to some enjoyable rp.

My POV - https://streamable.com/4qd32x

Would you be interested in another liaison to sort this out?
Afternoon general pal,

I appreciate you notifying your fellow gang members & they could of been 2-3 minutes away, maybe. However you was heavily outnumbered regardless of the other cutlass members that was around inside the pillbox ward (Jd & assuming the downed player he was carrying was another cutlass member). You was & as you've stated, you was met with demands almost immediately pushing you further into a disadvantage

Your gang members would not of been aware of us robbing you had you not radioed through when you did, yes you had informed them seconds prior but them being some distance out you would of been robbed & we would of been gone before they could of showed up so I don't know why you felt comfortable enough to take the risk & go on your radio, I also noticed from the video that you provided that when you made the call out over radio no one responded to your call out? & then your audio cuts out for a couple seconds & back in & then back out? would this be you informing your members through an OOC source of your location just in case they never heard your call out?

This altered the course of roleplay massively, Your other gang member that brandished the "Stop,drop & roll" mentality also helped change that too, there was no way a cutlass member was handing over his weapon just so easy.

It just into a massive mess when there was no call for it, as you can see from @West1 clip provided he had no idea it was even cutlass that showed, being in grove cars, markying from a distance it was just all a total mess.

Your right the situation didn't go in our favour due to a number of rule breaks, & as the situation leading to some enjoyable RP if you can call shouting "BIG C'S" "YOU MAN DUMB YEE" as enjoyable RP then fair enough but it certainly wasn't enjoyable for myself & I'm sure others can say the same.

I also appreciate you posting your POV, I'd also like to see JD'S POV if its possible & we had a liaison last night which didn't resolve nothing but your end basically deeming our evidence "doubtful" & trying to steer us away from reporting IMO.
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Good morning, In this sit I had my gang close by and members of cutlass inside pillbox. As you can see in your clip I noticed a blacked out squad looking very suspicious so I notified my gang via radio.
Not only that but inside pillbox I felt safer than usual because I knew my gang was very close by. As you can see by the rapid response time in your clip. I must say I saw 2 of your boys come off the bed straight out of pillbox then they come back in and its ** hands hands hands **. With these factors in mind along with my 2 armed gang members in very close proximity I do not believe this is NVL and evidently paid off in the end. This led to some great RP as you acknowledged in OOC and liaison. As in your clip you state " We should wait for that cutlass member hes gonna have a strap" You knew there was a high possibility that we was armed and dangerous. Unfortunately the situation didn't go in your favor but I'm glad it led to some enjoyable rp.

My POV - https://streamable.com/4qd32x

Would you be interested in another liaison to sort this out?
Want to provide the clip where the audio isn't edited? Or is this going to be a "Oh I don't have it sorry"......
Good evening,

My pov -
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I would like to tackle the "Stop, drop & roll" mentality. Firstly if this was the case I would've pulled my gun out soon as I came through the double doors and shot but I didn't I attempted to RP with you guys, I attempted to deescalate the situation and wanted to give you guys a way out and leave with your life's knowing full well how close my gang was. Upon you attempting to hands me I saw how unorganised you guys were, 2 of you were more interested in General turning both your backs to me leaving it a 1 on 1 which I then decided to take the chance which ended up paying off.
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Good evening,

My pov -
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I would like to tackle the "Stop, drop & roll" mentality. Firstly if this was the case I would've pulled my gun out soon as I came through the double doors and shot but I didn't I attempted to RP with you guys, I attempted to deescalate the situation and wanted to give you guys a way out and leave with your life's knowing full well how close my gang was. Upon you attempting to hands me I saw how unorganised you guys were, 2 of you were more interested in General turning both your backs to me leaving it a 1 on 1 which I then decided to take the chance which ended up paying off.
Do you want to provide the audio with that video or no?.... In all honesty I am very curious why both General and you are not providing it from that time.

Care to explain?
Here is a longer clip -
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Here is a longer clip -
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Thank you for the longer clip I asked for. Now in this video provided from you. You took your friend to Sandy and stayed with him and then decided to run towards the doors. Explain this to me?

Why did you abandon your friend and the roleplay you we're having?
At the time of 3:50 you hear a lot of photo's being taken suggesting a lot of weapons in the vicinity. Initially I thought my car was being stolen as you see I walked out to check but instead I walked out to the masked men and situation in hand.
I tabbed out to check if my clipping software was working as the message instructed in break-room.
Sound @JJDD pal,

Nice one for the reply & presenting your POV, as for my statement with the "stop drop & roll" i stand by that as you can see also from your POV you mutter a few broken words, "whats going on lads" & "chill chill chill chill" to "right click aim, left click shoot" like we was in arena.
I tabbed out to check if my clipping software was working as the message instructed in break-room.
I'm very very curious at this. Why would you "Tab out" Whilst in a roleplay situation. Wouldn't this of made sense prior and not during? Help me make sense of this as to me logic isn't being logical here.
we had a liaison last night which didn't resolve
Really? By what I and Sammy heard it seemed like it was resolved. So explain how this changed?

Now I want to know something from you as you decided to make a report. Explain the roleplay well lack of and why one of you decided to try and become a tap dancer in the video. Please explain.
Really? By what I and Sammy heard it seemed like it was resolved. So explain how this changed?

Now I want to know something from you as you decided to make a report. Explain the roleplay well lack of and why one of you decided to try and become a tap dancer in the video. Please explain.
Hi Stuart thanks for looking through the report. I would love to help you make a decision on the matter but i am unsure as to what you mean by "Tap dancers". I was present in the situation all though outside looking in so cant comment on the quality of roleplay that was said but would like to help all i can.
Being polite & respectful during a liaison doesn't change the fact that part of my role play was altered due to a rule break?

I'll explain the roleplay or lack of as you state, we had be out robbing for a good couple of hours it was getting towards the end of the night for everyone when we had noticed the other players at pillbox while waiting for friends to recover? where we decided to rob these cutlass members as we know their fighting many groups & would of been good targets as they're highly likely to be carrying weapons.
As we're already on the rob it sounded like a good idea, but our avenue's of roleplay got bluntly shut down when we got gunned down. Too simply put it stuart, we didn't get chance, i agree it wasn't the cleanest i've seen but if the other players involved had been co-operative then we would of been able to offer much more but sadly didn't get a chance.

I'm unsure what you mean by Tap dancer I'm assuming your referring to the player Rolling back at 3:54?
i am unsure as to what you mean by "Tap dancers".
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- 4:10 to 4:14 here, The term "Tap Dancer" is more referencing why spend time rolling about in essence.

Being polite & respectful during a liaison doesn't change the fact that part of my role play was altered due to a rule break?
Didn't yous and Cutlass even agree at the end when yous who we're taken by Cutlass and finally roleplayed enjoyed it and there we're no hard feelings?

I'll explain the roleplay or lack of as you state, we had be out robbing for a good couple of hours it was getting towards the end of the night for everyone when we had noticed the other players at pillbox while waiting for friends to recover? where we decided to rob these cutlass members as we know their fighting many groups & would of been good targets as they're highly likely to be carrying weapons.
As we're already on the rob it sounded like a good idea, but our avenue's of roleplay got bluntly shut down when we got gunned down. Too simply put it stuart, we didn't get chance, i agree it wasn't the cleanest i've seen but if the other players involved had been co-operative then we would of been able to offer much more but sadly didn't get a chance.
Does that give you the right to provide no roleplay that we did observe? There we're many times that roleplay was attempted from Cutlass and got nothing from the Vagos taken by them. So to say there wasn't a chance just isn't true and we both know that.

Just doesn't make sense not to roleplay with people that have taken you hostage effectively until the end where we both sides we're talking about the situation. Leads me to another question, If we are going with "Well I'd been on for hours and couldn't do it to a better standard" Why bother to start with and why not simply goto Pillbox before logging off? Just doesn't make much sense does it?
Good Evening hope everyone reading this is well, I am the lad who has the Gun on JD and was Shot First I would like to offer a response to Stuart, And reply to the lack of roleplay Statement while i admit it wasn't the greatest on our part. From entering the hospital Within 30 Seconds 3 of us was shot dead (whilst not firing a single bullet ) Where during this time was we able to give good quality roleplay, maybe if general has complied and not NVL we might have been given the chance to better and further our roleplay. I also don't see what the lacklustre roleplay provided by us has anything to do with this this report as its for NVL on Generals Part ?.

I was also the said tap dancer I cant say for the reason why i did i guess just out of habit

Thank you for the taking the time to read this
Many Thanks
Good Evening hope everyone reading this is well, I am the lad who has the Gun on JD and was Shot First I would like to offer a response to Stuart, And reply to the lack of roleplay Statement while i admit it wasn't the greatest on our part. From entering the hospital Within 30 Seconds 3 of us was shot dead (whilst not firing a single bullet ) Where during this time was we able to give good quality roleplay, maybe if general has complied and not NVL we might have been given the chance to better and further our roleplay. I also don't see what the lacklustre roleplay provided by us has anything to do with this this report as its for NVL on Generals Part ?.
I'm not talking about the roleplay "Inside the hospital from the Vagos inside", Yous we're taken and failed to provide any and Myself and another saw this when spectating. This of course wasn't provided to show everything in the situation only up to the point yous we're shot. That is where it come from and why I am asking about it and wondering why it wasn't provided. I'll go into the NVL claim that has been made further down once all my questions have been answered from both sides.
In all fairness stuart the liaison was a place for kash & his boys to pick apart clips & our side of the story? I even recall saying i got left in pillbox along with 2 others, cutlass managed to scoop three of us up. As I wasn't one of the people present out of these three people I cannot comment for them, We keep reverting back to "Lack of roleplay" here, but we're sticking him up? telling him to put his hands up? once the situation would of be controlled & both in zipties we would of carried on & indulged into some RP as we're a group who like to roleplay.
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