Evening chaps sad to see it's come to the forums everyone's least favourite place to be.
so I was kiiLLA passenger on the bin truck
This all came around due to you saying
"fuck off, fuck off you soft cunts" then speeding off in your duneloader thinking thats okay to speak to people that way. We was going to speak to you then about it but we didn't have a car that would catch up to you we did end up seeing you again and that's where you got rammed into.
You say you didn't want to talk to us but then say "fuck off, fuck off you soft cunts" at Sanitation that would lead me to think you're looking for trouble to which that's what came around. There's a saying for that fuck around and find out. After all this is an RP server talking to people is the biggest part of RP telling someone you don't know to
"fuck off, fuck off you soft cunts" is only ever going end badly for you.
After your clip you then came to find us and proceeded to do the exact same thing you're complaining about in this report
2 wrongs don't make a right. If you was that unhappy with the situation you could of asked us to come to QE to talk about it in OOC
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There's the clip of either you or your friend confirming you did the exact same thing to us and Dwayne saying you're known for this kind of behaviour and combat logging
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Also the clip of what im pretty sure is ID 299 combat logging
Then comes the the part you saying we did it again we didn't ram you I pulled up in front of you and we got out of the car but that's an escalation from a series of events leading up to both of you being shot which the driver of the duneloader had a gun to his head then decided to attempt to run kiiLLA over to which the driver got shot and one of you came from behind the duneloader with a baseball bat smacked kiiLLA a couple of times then baseball bat guy was also shot by me.
As I see it this was a series of events starting from your poor attitude towards people you don't know at Sanitation could it of been dealt with better yes but judging by the way you were acting I feel outcome would of been the same and thats here on the forums complaining.
If you would like to talk about it in QE to try and resolve the issue there let me know.