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Red/Rebel Zone

Do we want the Red/Rebel Zone to be KOS?

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I thinks its stupid that the rules enforce roleplaying, and make it seem really serious. But then players see the red zone and just go full rambo
We totally didn't make up our mind that we were going to do this last night......

Guys just give it a chance. I have noticed since it has being put back that the role play was a lot better yesterday. We are not going to make it easy to go and get guns and give it to you on a plate, you have to work for your stuff. So instead of moaning about the whole red zone, give some consructive feedback. 

Also you have to remember their are on official rules yet about the redzone, so stop moaning about it and just be patient. 

The idea behind the redzone is a very good idea. but on the other  hand. i do not agree with that the gang hideouts should be in the redzone. this will simply just turn the entire RP server to an KOTH server in my opinion. i dont have a problem shooting my way in there to get better guns. done it several times already. but now that is me. but i do think about new players. what i do belive will happen is that new players will do a couple attempts on entering the area. and instantly die. then afterwards they will just become so pissed off that they probably rage quit. and this will be a bad thing. cuz then that means no new players. and also. this raises the skill level of the server drastically. now theres gonna be those who already was weak in the begining, they will become even weaker now as they cant get any gear and they will probably quit too.

eventually... its only going to be a  certain amount of players in the servers and all is going to fight for the guns (fight between who controls the guns) and voila. you guys just got yourselves a KOTH server.

as i said. i like the idea of the red zone. but i personally think it should have been done differently. i have not yet found an answere that could potentionally solve this issue. but i am trying. 

im not saying this for my own sake as i got no issue with it... but i see that this might become a problem for the server in the future.


The idea behind the redzone is a very good idea. but on the other  hand. i do not agree with that the gang hideouts should be in the redzone. this will simply just turn the entire RP server to an KOTH server in my opinion. i dont have a problem shooting my way in there to get better guns. done it several times already. but now that is me. but i do think about new players. what i do belive will happen is that new players will do a couple attempts on entering the area. and instantly die. then afterwards they will just become so pissed off that they probably rage quit. and this will be a bad thing. cuz then that means no new players. and also. this raises the skill level of the server drastically. now theres gonna be those who already was weak in the begining, they will become even weaker now as they cant get any gear and they will probably quit too.

eventually... its only going to be a  certain amount of players in the servers and all is going to fight for the guns (fight between who controls the guns) and voila. you guys just got yourselves a KOTH server.

as i said. i like the idea of the red zone. but i personally think it should have been done differently. i have not yet found an answere that could potentionally solve this issue. but i am trying. 

im not saying this for my own sake as i got no issue with it... but i see that this might become a problem for the server in the future.


You mean like this http://plays.tv/video/57fda9fff218b6fb08/dms-verse-kahila-scope-arma-3

Feels like it's back to the good old days. I like the redzone, you need to be aware of surroundings all the time. Just being able to rush in knowing you won't get shot is kind of boring, basically low risk - high reward. Give it a try, maybe add blackmarket in UNMC or closer to Kavala so cops can go to it, still make it risky, but no KOS.
I have never gone to the rebel outpost thinking I will never get shot/robbed because it happens, I've seen people robbed and have been robbed multiple times at rebel and I couldn't care as it was with good RP. This is a roleplay server and what roleplay comes into being shot without communication?

So, I'll throw my hat in the ring.

Redzone, Much needed. With the current set up before, Crim v Cop it got to the point of Hands up or die, just for a gunfight. Now, gunfights *CAN* be fun, but if it is one sided or one group is constantly getting attacked then it's not brilliant. A redzone is a great place for people to vent anger, shoot first, talk later. We all need to do that now and again. But what I disagree is that both rebel outposts are located their. People will camp them, just for the lulz. You know who you guys are.

Personally, keep the redzone, maybe turn it into some sort of king of the hill. But people, change the outpost locations, I don't want to have to take a tank to get some new clothes. 

So, I'll throw my hat in the ring.

Redzone, Much needed. With the current set up before, Crim v Cop it got to the point of Hands up or die, just for a gunfight. Now, gunfights *CAN* be fun, but if it is one sided or one group is constantly getting attacked then it's not brilliant. A redzone is a great place for people to vent anger, shoot first, talk later. We all need to do that now and again. But what I disagree is that both rebel outposts are located their. People will camp them, just for the lulz. You know who you guys are.

Personally, keep the redzone, maybe turn it into some sort of king of the hill. But people, change the outpost locations, I don't want to have to take a tank to get some new clothes. 
+1 Keep the redzone but put a rebel outpost outside of it pls... its just silly when gangs decide to camp and kos at the only rebel outposts on the map.

I agree with Khaan on this point. I really like how they have added more things back into the server and changed the map around a bit, however I really dislike the red zone. People just now camp at rebel outpost and spray anyone they see even if you are unarmed and just takes the roleplay away. 

So did anyone bitching about the rebel outposts being in the red zone see any of the posts mentioning that management are considering putting a place to buy guns outside of the red zone? Let's see how the vote changes when people can gear up again with no risk of getting shot.

Call yourself a rebel? Great, grow some balls and show it by going into the red zone and taking what you want. Seriously, if you can't be bothered to put in effort to get a gun, then in my opinion you don't deserve a gun.

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ofc you would know cuz tck only comes on 4 am to 10 am xD must be hard for you guys since server 2 isn't up at that time!
funny how im on server 1 all the time, 16 hours a day xD 

'Adult community' buddy, act like an adult eh :))))

Yeasterday i came onto this post and i wanted the red zone gone. Just because i had a bad experience with it. Todat i set myself a task of trying to like the red zone and i did and i love it. I understand why people dont like it and they want it gone but if you get a few friends and dont rush in and think about what you then it is fun. Before today i have never had a fight with the UNMC and even though all 4 of us died around 10 of them died and i have got to say it was really fucking fun. To all the people that dont like it, get a few friends and try hold it down, it can be a lot of fun. I only have one thing to change with the red zone and i think that if you hold the outpost and your gang captures it. Every 15 mins of it being captured by your gang they should be a gang paycheck and it adds money to your gang funds. I think this used to be a thing but not too sure.

i fell like adding a place to by decent guns to be able to fight ur way into the rebel out post would help or add a out post outside of the kos zone would help since both outpost are in the kos just my 2 cent but i love the kos zone for the pvp and cant wait to get there great work dev the server is great and we all thank u for ur hard work and keep it up  thanks again

You feel like a gunfight? you go hunting in the redzone. where the big boys plays. Cant handle it? heard telos has a gun store maybe you should go buy a gun from there and be the little hobos that you are. :)

love kaden x x x

Redzone is good for everyone! TriggerHappies stay in redzone, Roleplayers stay outside of it. Should make everyone happy. Those that complain about not being able to buy a gun?  Dont buy a gun then, and try talking to someone without a gun to their face for once.

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Went to the Red zone during peak hour on the server, scouted all the hills and bushes, kept the heli running at all time and took turns to gear up. Much stress and fear but got away safely. Much fun. But could do without it tbh xD

Maybe add a blackmarket in the UNMC area but make it 2-3x the price. Think of it like an import tax.
I agree. Maybe instead of 2-3x price on weapons, UNMC could add something like ''Blackamarket Tax'' and that would be a chunk of money that you have to pay to the UNMC instead of to the dealer. If they dont pay the tax, UNMC will hunt them down and punsih them by the exodus charter. That will also create more activity in the UNMC lands.

-PCSO Maxi I.

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I actually like to say this. I do not support this. In fact when it was implemented back in the day. I went there during high peak times and had no issues really. I think everyone is just a bit tad babyish over the Redzone camping thing. If you are truly worried about that then just get your mates with guns. I know for a hard fact that most homes that some gentlemen own are stock piles of armory's. I'd say just find a way to counter or just make a better planned trip? And to be honest this is to make it harder as it was SUPER easy before it was implemented.

Here are the odds and facts to this

Red Zone

- High risk to obtain equipment (Sometimes it should be a challenge)

- Camping (Now if you are worried about this then scout the area)

- Killed or be killed (Simple enough)

- Trigger itch (This helps feed those who got an addiction to killing)

- Gives choice (Gives a player a decision to be a cold blooded killer or a role player)

- Expansion (This gives the island more love that it needs!)

- Realism (In real life a area known to have dangerous gangs in it would mean relations between them.)

I can say back in the day, it was so fucking fun to risk your life in the Red Zone. Very spooky and gives excitement. But indeed if you want to not get shot make friends you can trust in the Red zone. I find it so pointless to remove a feature that is SUPER helpful for activity and keeps gun fights low in the Role play zone for once. I find it better this way for a lot of people.

I like the idea of the red zone as you can run around killing mercilessly.

However, I don't like the idea of people camping the rebel outposts and simply shooting people before they have a chance to buy their grear!.

A good way to counter this would be to make the rebel outposts green zones, and everything outside of it keep in the Red. This way if you're lucky enough to make it to the green zone without being picked off by a sniper then you then know that you're safe until you leave. 

Just a thought. 

Its strange peeple saying it was easy before to get gear at outposts but before you were totally able to camp it and rob peeple or take bribes to let them buy gear  but i guess that would be too boring and roleplayish for the triggerhappy cod bois ..hobo pride 
