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Re add the screen flash on a kill or the red X

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Exactly this! I have no connection whatsoever to gunfights, if possible I avoid them. So my impression is biased. However I have played ambitiously FPS half my life so I know where this uproar is coming from. But this is a ROLEPLAY server FFS. If you wanna frag, go play the respective games. Rocket league is awful enough.

If you've got no connection to gun fights how are you able to comment on the state of them? That's like me saying being a mechanic is boring, I've never been a mechanic so wouldn't have the experience to make that assumption. Going off what you see or hear isn't a reliable way to judge things. I'm not discrediting the whole "rocket league meta" being aids because it is but a red x isn't taking away from your rp if your a civ because you won't be seeing it whilst just going about your day to day 

If you've got no connection to gun fights how are you able to comment on the state of them? That's like me saying being a mechanic is boring, I've never been a mechanic so wouldn't have the experience to make that assumption. Going off what you see or hear isn't a reliable way to judge things. I'm not discrediting the whole "rocket league meta" being aids because it is but a red x isn't taking away from your rp if your a civ because you won't be seeing it whilst just going about your day to day 
Well I do understand the concept and the effect it has. I am indeed able to transfer knowledge and experience to understand the concept of some equal matter. And I'm as far as I know entitled to a opinion and the opinion of the concept of this server. My understanding is the server shifted a lot to massive gunfights for little reason in the past time. Yes, my view is biased since I play cop, but so is everyone's. But overall I have the impression it's not the direction the general development of RPUK wants to head to. 

The missing effect of kill confirmation leads to uncertainty of the shooter and leads to slowing down the situation since if you want to know if you were successful you have to check, and that takes time and some kind of roleplay. I don't really understand how that is necessarily bad for the server development in terms of atmosphere. 

What I witness a lot is what I know from my experience from competitive FPS games, yes I did those, in ESL ladder with trainings and what not. So why the fuck has that found it's way onto a roleplay server?

Well I do understand the concept and the effect it has. I am indeed able to transfer knowledge and experience to understand the concept of some equal matter. And I'm as far as I know entitled to a opinion and the opinion of the concept of this server. My understanding is the server shifted a lot to massive gunfights for little reason in the past time. Yes, my view is biased since I play cop, but so is everyone's. But overall I have the impression it's not the direction the general development of RPUK wants to head to. 

The missing effect of kill confirmation leads to uncertainty of the shooter and leads to slowing down the situation since if you want to know if you were successful you have to check, and that takes time and some kind of roleplay. I don't really understand how that is necessarily bad for the server development in terms of atmosphere. 

What I witness a lot is what I know from my experience from competitive FPS games, yes I did those, in ESL ladder with trainings and what not. So why the fuck has that found it's way onto a roleplay server?
you say all this, however if you feel it really effects your gameplay then you can simply turn it off as it’s an optional feature and none is being forced to use it or not use it

+1 Didn’t take away from RP, end of the day it’s still a game, removing the effect just leaves hella confusion which is more irritating rather than creating RP

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