- frag montages are gonna be made anyway whether there are kill effects or not.
- people find it fun making these videos and gives people something to do when the server gets boring
if you don't like watching these "frag montages" then don't watch them, simple.
you say it adds RP but when u kill someone in a car the car stops moving or crashes into a wall meaning your going to know they are dead in that car. its going to have the same outcome whether you have a flash on your screen or not.
the server for years have had kill effects/the red X when u get a kill, it is an in game setting which has always been optional, i feel like if you want no kill effects it should be up to you and not by force due to how little it changes the RP in the server
i don't see the problem with having it in the server due to it being such a small aspect that most people enjoyed to have as u can tell with the amount of upvotes/comments this post has