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Rayy - Community Banned - Racism / Bullying & DDOS Threats

As Fuel stated, it all seemed to stem from not being promoted, ive spoken to Rayy multiple times and never seen this side of him or heard it until a few days ago.

Regarding Rank to some people it feels like a big deal, think of it as leveling up in any Game, you unlock new toys, more respect and so on.

In the end it comes down to Bullying, 

Oh yeah im going to get spc or sergeant get dat sports and speed to 325 and have mx's and be badass and i will put people in their place.....

But seriously who cares about ranks.

The admins and high-end police dealt with this in the correct way IMO. I just never thought Rayy was like this. Anyway good job guys in keeping a happy and stable community.

It pains me, it really does.

I patrolled with him a fair bit, I never thought it would come to this. The admins made a good decisions.

But why rayy? why...


Well to be honest i never liked him. And also i would like to get promoted to SPC but i am not bragging nor crying. Just working my ass to earn that promotion which Rayy should have did inorder to earn his promotion. And going on a RDM fest messing the PTO database and threathning admins about a DDoS is not the right way to get a promotion :p .  And Mr Fuel it must be a nightmare to fix that database i imagine 

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Honestly I'm shocked. Me and Rayy are good friends, but as I haven't been on today this is the first I have heard of this. I honestly don't know what has happened. I would never have expected Rayy to do anything like this. I am no way trying to appeal for him and/or go against the decision because quite frankly the ban was deserved but damn I'm shocked. I am very disappointed with his actions, and being his friend I felt obliged to comment. And rayy I wish you luck in your future and whatever has caused you to do these things I'm sorry to hear about it.

Kind Regards, Kylan.

Some people are total 'rank whores' I've lead communities based around rank and the nicest person can turn into the complete opposite when they don't get their Virtual Letters in front of their name, it's pathetic really.

Out of curiousity there is no possibility that it could be someone using his account? He seemed decent from what I knew.  :huh: :huh: :huh:

Some people are total 'rank whores' I've lead communities based around rank and the nicest person can turn into the complete opposite when they don't get their Virtual Letters in front of their name, it's pathetic really.

Out of curiousity there is no possibility that it could be someone using his account? He seemed decent from what I knew.  :huh: :huh: :huh:
Someone using his account is a viable question, however it is highly doubtful as Said person would also need access to his gmail account to mess with the pto database. Sounds like the kid had a screw loose.

He was very obsessed with rank and seemed pretty cut up about someone getting SPC before him but honestly thought he was more mature. Let's face it the only promotion that matters is getting out of a blue uniform haha

No good experiences at all with him. Hope he will learn from his actions.

Resorting to this because you get passed over for a promotion to SPC. He must have really wanted that sweet sexy vermin badly.

But seriously its just pixels at the end of the day, go hit a wall if you get mad, or disconnect and go into that mythical place called outside.

It really pains me that he decided to resort to such actions, I would never imagine him doing stuff like this over a promotion. I had fun patrolling with him and reading this shocked me quite a bit :/

I can enlighten some people a little on the matter,

I got sent a disturbing video of him talking about a couple of members of the police force basically saying a lot of inappropriate things, I discussed this with him and even though I do not think he fully understood what he had done wrong, he apologised to the people and that was that.

Today he was in a room with another PC and was abusing him, and after the officer had asked him to stop please, he continued and said if you do not like it you should leave the force, I got them message that he was still abusing the officer, I stepped into his room, and he went quiet, so I just said no need to stop on my account please continue, he said no its fine he is done now.

I opened a chat with Rayy and explained what he was doing is classed as bullying etc, and he said he does not want to speak with me he wants a different CSI, so I said fine I can pass it on to the Board meeting tomorrow, his response was good luck and started to try and abuse me, at that point I had enough of his attitude and thanked him for his time in the police but sadly his time had come to an end, he abused me some more and left.

I then receive a message fro someone on TS caled "Yolo #lol" saying nice PTO database you have I hope you like my changes,

I go and check the changes all data had been deleted and inappropriate pictures had been put on their with racist words everywhere, I proceeded to inform Admin Neo, I removed him from TS fixed the issues with the database and Neo did the other bans.

Sadly he was on the server at the time on an RDM spree.

I believe this all stems from him not receiving promotion to SPC.

H believed due to having a new constabulary he would be promoted fast sadly he was incorrect.

This is an adult community and acting like that just proves he is not ready for a serious community like this.


CSI Fuel
Ah, that explains it. I messaged a mentor as I was in a public room with a few gang members (TSS just got a TS3 channel of their own so until then we had to use the publics) and this "yolo" guy joined, then changed his name to something along the lines of "you're a dickhead" then back to "yolo #lol" and started going through the channels one by one shouting abuse in english about murdering family members, and then moving onto other languages. Figured he wouldn't last long.

Was around in the morning to witness his rdming and threats in sidechat. Glad to see he's already gone.

I've been told there were many lies on this post, they weren't wrong. My rank had nothing to do with it. Like I stated from day 1 "I don't care about my rank, I put in what I get out".

However, the reason behind my "Rage quit" was due to Fuel. As Wilco stated, I'd never actually done anything wrong on this community. But I'm being told "You're removed from the force" no questions, no investigation but an arrogant CSI with a personal grudge. Can't tell me no one would honestly be fucked off a tad?

As to the address the DDoS threats. I never actually stated I would DDoS anything. Take the comment how you will.

As for the RDM. Can't really deny it, I lost my cool. As I do ;) .

Well I'm out.

PS: As for the PTO database. I reserve my own right to remove my doing.

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Lost your cool? So you started RDMing people because you were removed from the police? Well that kinda makes me think the other things aren't really lies as you state... And I see you don't deny the racism?

I thought you were a good guy, but I guess appearance can be deceptive...

Good luck becoming a math teacher, I really think you have the right mindset for it.

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@*VPN* Rayy

By your actions afterwards i personally believe no one is going to believe you if your claims of lying are true or not

However the server keeps logs on everything said in direct/sidechat/groupchat & vehicle chat.

This is what you typed yesterday morning

11:14:17 BattlEye Server: (Unknown) Rayy: Once i'm banned the servers coming down lol
11:14:21 BattlEye Server: (Unknown) Rayy: ;)
11:14:50 BattlEye Server: (Unknown) Winchester Longscope: Rayy, was that a ddos threat ?
11:15:24 BattlEye Server: (Unknown) DIRTY ERNIE: A DDOS threat, what are you  like 9 years old
This was after a number of people was complaining of you RDMing them, Sorry but that is no way to act on the server, The fact you then took to the documents to type "Nigger" across everything in my view... I am glad your banned, you sir are not a very nice human being and not someone we want in this community.
.... Becoming a maths teacher ?.... I wouldn't want my future children being taught by someone like you... Good luck with that, No doubt by your actions here yesterday you have a lot of growing up to do.
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