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Rayy - Community Banned - Racism / Bullying & DDOS Threats

''It does a fool no good to spend money on education.. because he has no common sense'' @*VPN* Rayy Maybe you should aim to become a garbage collector. Seems to fit you more than a job with responsibility.

I think we should stick to computer insults. And let's be honest. Can you judge how I'd act "IRL" to how I would act here? It's a community...People come and go. It's most importantly a game. 

@ I'll leave that job for you. I'm a little young to throw my life away, but you're around the age where it's ok.

I can't understand people nowdays sometimes, why do you even react like this when it's not going to get you nowhere, if you are pissed, stressed or furious or not in the mood to play the server, just go listen to some music and have a kitkat...?

@*VPN* Rayy

Going to issue a ban to your new account, Its obvious you don't want to be here and your also not welcome, Unsure why you felt the need to act like a complete idiot but no one has time for that.

@*VPN* Rayy I bloody well stick to whatever insults I want. And you better be damn sure we can judge how you would act in real life based on how you would act here. See, there is this simple rule when it comes to human beings. When they feel safest, locked away in their room behind their screen and keyboard, their true self will show. The fact you CAN act like a dick because it is online and anonymous, doesn't mean you SHOULD. But you did, and that... that shows us EXACTLY how you would act in real life.

So, I'm afraid I have to say this once more, kiddo.. Go try and argue with someone who has the same very limited social intelligence you have and kindly fuck off from our community. As for ruining my life.. Well what can I say? You are the one threathening to DDOS a game community, ruining countless people's fun (or trying to and failing miserably) just because YOU feel you got mistreated.. Fair play, you sure think you must be a important individual, doing all this just because of your own feelings got upset..

Good hint: Go sit in a corner and cry and feel ashamed of your sorry existence. You sir, are on hell of a pathetic excuse for a human being.

@Wilco now look what you did :( :p I go through all this trouble to try and politely insult him and now he can't even read it! =P

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As I Reverend, I often wonder "What would Jesus do or say in this instance?" 

I'm not a gambling man but I reckon he'd say this: 


*Views are my own and in no way reflect what Jesus may actually think at any given time.*

After reading this with all that goes on IRL atm I really don't know what to say.

In our academy we try to only let the best training material in so we know who gets trained and how.

From the moment Rayy joined I had my feelings about him.

Always talking back to higher ups.

Talking through people in our meetings.

Even trying to overrule a DSGT.

Every friday we have an academy command meeting where we go through our promotions.

And he wasn't listed to be an spc just yet, so we didn't promote him as well with the complaints.

It truly makes me feel bad about the people that had a bad interaction with Rayy.

And if anyone notices this with any academy member I'm open to talk to.

Given the fact I'm arranging a funeral this week I won't be around to much.

But whenever there is something just talk to me and I'll take it up with said academy member.

Once again sorry for this one black sheep in our academy especially since they are here to train people.

And we will keep an extra eye out for this.

Sometimes you can't keep it all in control but we'll work harder to make sure we do.

I've taken all the facts up with Rayy about the complaints before this happened.

And it didn't seem to bother him. Even told him that the attitude he has isn't going to get him anywhere.

Nor in the police or the community but it seems he didn't want to adjust it.

I just wanted to state this,

And make sure it never happens again within atleast our constabulary.


