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Rayy - Community Banned - Racism / Bullying & DDOS Threats


The King
Legendary Donator
Some of you may have been around this morning....

Out of the blue one of our police interviewers @Rayy started RDMing people on the server then started bragging in sidechat if he was banned from here he would ddos our servers.

This was reported to me and seeing the threats in the admin tool i instantly issued a ban, I then had reports from the servers Police he wrote the word "nigger" on the documents.

Completely unsure why he resorted to these actions, Looking on the forums and at his account i cannot see why... personally i ve never heard of the guy and that's usually a good thing.

Anyway just posting this if you wondered where he went! and why hes banned.... Very mature actions for an 18 year old.

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Very strange, I've seen him posting on the forums a lot but never seen him in-game. Nor have I ever seen anything that would hint towards him doing anything like this.. Maybe he just decided he wanted to move on, but that's a very childish way to go about it.

Oh well, another one bites the dust..

@♥PrincessShannon♥ Wilco does mention that he was a police interviewer, so my guess is yes?

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Some of you may have been around this morning....

Out of the blue one of our police interviewers @Rayy started RDMing people on the server then started bragging in sidechat if he was banned from here he would ddos our servers.

This was reported to me and seeing the threats in the admin tool i instantly issued a ban, I then had reports from the servers Police he wrote the word "nigger" on the documents.

Completely unsure why he resorted to these actions, Looking on the forums and at his account i cannot see why... personally i ve never heard of the guy and that's usually a good thing.

Anyway just posting this if you wondered where he went! and why hes banned.... Very mature actions for an 18 year old.
he was going to give me police interview yesterday..he was eating. 

Can i ask, is this PC Rayy ?

Very strange, I've seen him posting on the forums a lot but never seen him in-game. Nor have I ever seen anything that would hint towards him doing anything like this.. Maybe he just decided he wanted to move on, but that's a very childish way to go about it.

Oh well, another one bites the dust..

@♥PrincessShannon♥ Wilco does mention that he was a police interviewer, so my guess is yes?
Well a goodbye and thanks to people is always a good way to move on, But completely out of the blue... I did ask @Neo and apparently he didn't get promoted and wasn't happy... Still no excuse.

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I was there when this happened, and was one of several to report this when it happened. I have encountered him several times in game, and he was alright, though he didn't care about hostages. But he seemed to have just gone crazy all of a sudden.

Well a goodbye and thanks to people is always a good way to move on, But completely out of the blue... I did ask @Neo and apparently he didn't get promoted and wasn't happy... Still no excuse.
Promotions are done on Saturdays and only to people who have earned them, nowhere close to an excuse.

If indeed that was the cause.

Pahaha, love it @Reverend you beauty. (the signature for those not in the know)

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Im sorry to hear that Rayy is gone. He did my Module 2, he was an alright guy. Didnt expect that from him


I can enlighten some people a little on the matter,

I got sent a disturbing video of him talking about a couple of members of the police force basically saying a lot of inappropriate things, I discussed this with him and even though I do not think he fully understood what he had done wrong, he apologised to the people and that was that.

Today he was in a room with another PC and was abusing him, and after the officer had asked him to stop please, he continued and said if you do not like it you should leave the force, I got them message that he was still abusing the officer, I stepped into his room, and he went quiet, so I just said no need to stop on my account please continue, he said no its fine he is done now.

I opened a chat with Rayy and explained what he was doing is classed as bullying etc, and he said he does not want to speak with me he wants a different CSI, so I said fine I can pass it on to the Board meeting tomorrow, his response was good luck and started to try and abuse me, at that point I had enough of his attitude and thanked him for his time in the police but sadly his time had come to an end, he abused me some more and left.

I then receive a message fro someone on TS caled "Yolo #lol" saying nice PTO database you have I hope you like my changes,

I go and check the changes all data had been deleted and inappropriate pictures had been put on their with racist words everywhere, I proceeded to inform Admin Neo, I removed him from TS fixed the issues with the database and Neo did the other bans.

Sadly he was on the server at the time on an RDM spree.

I believe this all stems from him not receiving promotion to SPC.

H believed due to having a new constabulary he would be promoted fast sadly he was incorrect.

This is an adult community and acting like that just proves he is not ready for a serious community like this.


CSI Fuel

I dont know what to say


Well i have seen rayy ingame he was pretty good on what he was doing.... i dont really know

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I can enlighten some people a little on the matter,

I got sent a disturbing video of him talking about a couple of members of the police force basically saying a lot of inappropriate things, I discussed this with him and even though I do not think he fully understood what he had done wrong, he apologised to the people and that was that.

Today he was in a room with another PC and was abusing him, and after the officer had asked him to stop please, he continued and said if you do not like it you should leave the force, I got them message that he was still abusing the officer, I stepped into his room, and he went quiet, so I just said no need to stop on my account please continue, he said no its fine he is done now.

I opened a chat with Rayy and explained what he was doing is classed as bullying etc, and he said he does not want to speak with me he wants a different CSI, so I said fine I can pass it on to the Board meeting tomorrow, his response was good luck and started to try and abuse me, at that point I had enough of his attitude and thanked him for his time in the police but sadly his time had come to an end, he abused me some more and left.

I then receive a message fro someone on TS caled "Yolo #lol" saying nice PTO database you have I hope you like my changes,

I go and check the changes all data had been deleted and inappropriate pictures had been put on their with racist words everywhere, I proceeded to inform Admin Neo, I removed him from TS fixed the issues with the database and Neo did the other bans.

Sadly he was on the server at the time on an RDM spree.

I believe this all stems from him not receiving promotion to SPC.

H believed due to having a new constabulary he would be promoted fast sadly he was incorrect.

This is an adult community and acting like that just proves he is not ready for a serious community like this.


CSI Fuel
Shocking way to conduct yourself

Thanks for sharing Fuel

Wish you would of told me after the event, I would of issued a ban on the grounds of bullying saving this guy from proving what he is really like

Bullying / Racism / Threats of breaking the law...... must be a very hard and miserable life for this person

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I can enlighten some people a little on the matter,

I got sent a disturbing video of him talking about a couple of members of the police force basically saying a lot of inappropriate things, I discussed this with him and even though I do not think he fully understood what he had done wrong, he apologised to the people and that was that.

Today he was in a room with another PC and was abusing him, and after the officer had asked him to stop please, he continued and said if you do not like it you should leave the force, I got them message that he was still abusing the officer, I stepped into his room, and he went quiet, so I just said no need to stop on my account please continue, he said no its fine he is done now.

I opened a chat with Rayy and explained what he was doing is classed as bullying etc, and he said he does not want to speak with me he wants a different CSI, so I said fine I can pass it on to the Board meeting tomorrow, his response was good luck and started to try and abuse me, at that point I had enough of his attitude and thanked him for his time in the police but sadly his time had come to an end, he abused me some more and left.

I then receive a message fro someone on TS caled "Yolo #lol" saying nice PTO database you have I hope you like my changes,

I go and check the changes all data had been deleted and inappropriate pictures had been put on their with racist words everywhere, I proceeded to inform Admin Neo, I removed him from TS fixed the issues with the database and Neo did the other bans.

Sadly he was on the server at the time on an RDM spree.

I believe this all stems from him not receiving promotion to SPC.

H believed due to having a new constabulary he would be promoted fast sadly he was incorrect.

This is an adult community and acting like that just proves he is not ready for a serious community like this.


CSI Fuel
Never met the guy, but he sounds like a bit of a tosser. Wow.

I can enlighten some people a little on the matter,

I got sent a disturbing video of him talking about a couple of members of the police force basically saying a lot of inappropriate things, I discussed this with him and even though I do not think he fully understood what he had done wrong, he apologised to the people and that was that.

Today he was in a room with another PC and was abusing him, and after the officer had asked him to stop please, he continued and said if you do not like it you should leave the force, I got them message that he was still abusing the officer, I stepped into his room, and he went quiet, so I just said no need to stop on my account please continue, he said no its fine he is done now.

I opened a chat with Rayy and explained what he was doing is classed as bullying etc, and he said he does not want to speak with me he wants a different CSI, so I said fine I can pass it on to the Board meeting tomorrow, his response was good luck and started to try and abuse me, at that point I had enough of his attitude and thanked him for his time in the police but sadly his time had come to an end, he abused me some more and left.

I then receive a message fro someone on TS caled "Yolo #lol" saying nice PTO database you have I hope you like my changes,

I go and check the changes all data had been deleted and inappropriate pictures had been put on their with racist words everywhere, I proceeded to inform Admin Neo, I removed him from TS fixed the issues with the database and Neo did the other bans.

Sadly he was on the server at the time on an RDM spree.

I believe this all stems from him not receiving promotion to SPC.

H believed due to having a new constabulary he would be promoted fast sadly he was incorrect.

This is an adult community and acting like that just proves he is not ready for a serious community like this.


CSI Fuel

That is absolutely disgraceful, hopefully this man didn't leave a bad taste in the mouths of any civilians regarding the police force.. Glad he's gone in that case.

Completely shocked how someone can go from one of the most dedicated cops to a complete arse in a matter of weeks but ok.

Didn't have high hopes for him after an insignificant incident with him, but didn't see this coming from him. Good riddance i say
