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PTT or Voice activation


Legendary Donator
Legendary Donator
Do you think its bad RP, if you restrain someone, but you dont *remove coms* from the restrained, and he communicates with members of he's group still?

I.E: Mr.PlankyWanky restraines me, I have my hands on my back, but Im still speaking with my friends/gang via coms. I have a reconnassiance team on overwatch, scoped on Planky, ready to take the shot. I warn him, saying something like; "If you doesnt unrestrain me now, a sharpshooter will take you down".

Mr.PlankyWanky have read the rules, and knows that "I cant communicate with someone when my hands are taunted on my back".

Lets see on some outcomes;

  • 1. Mr.PlankyWanky restrains me, informs me that he has taken my radio and other communication devices, (radio, earpiece, phone, GPS etc) = I CANT COMMUNICATE TO SOMEONE OTHER THAN DIRECT CHAT!  
  • 2. Mr.PlankyWanky restrains me, does not take my communications devices away from me = I CAN STILL COMMUNICATE WITH MY GANG/FRIENDS!   99% will say; you cant communicate while your hands are on you back! 1% will think; "there is not only PTT radio's out there. You do have access to voice activated coms.

I will give you a example from reallife.    I work in the armed norwegian forces in reallife. We communicate through radio all the time, day in and day out. some of us, do have voice activated devices that will catch our voice, and auto transmitt it through the radio frequensy / channel we are on, to communicate with our team.       Will you consider it fail RP if someone sais "I have a voice activated device" when you say he cant communicate with hands on back?      

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If you are restrained, and your equipment haven't been removed, and you are using "voice activated" comms, then you have to speak in game, so they can hear you're communicating with your friends.

You can't talk while restrained at all.. Anyone that gives you the whole its voice activation crap is power gaming the hell out of you because there is no way to counter that at all. 

You can't talk while restrained at all.. Anyone that gives you the whole its voice activation crap is power gaming the hell out of you because there is no way to counter that at all. 

Ofcourse there is; "I remove your communication devices". Then its nothing reasonable he can say.

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I believe there is a rule stating that if you're restrained, you must mute your "communications" or as we know it Teamspeak/Skype/Mumble/Discord or what ever else you can use. This is because with your hands behind your back you're not going to be able to press the push to talk button on said radio. The whole wireless thing would be disputed because as crazy stated, you'd have to talk in game with it... you can't just turn on your "voice activation just because you've been restrained. Sadly it doesn't work like that. 

What I think is allowed, someone please correct me if I am wrong, but you're allowed to listen to your communications whilst restrained if your communication devices haven't been taken from you since you'd be wearing a ear piece. You just cannot talk on the "radio" whilst restrained! 

If I am at all wrong in this post, please inform me!

If you read my post, but I will say again; 

IRL in my job, we use radios that have the "vox" (Voice Operated eXchange) option. 

Therefor, If the guy/girl who restrains you, doesnt say "Im taking / I took your communications / radio away", and if I talks in direct (double taps ctrl) and speaks in direct, whilst my team hear me, I see no reason this is not allowed. 

You say as 99% does; "You just cannot talk on the "radio" whilst restrained"

Thats the whole thing with the vox option, you can still communicate, weiter you are firing a weapon, driving a car, or is doing first aid on someone.

the fact that 99% goes of eith the fact, that "to be able to speak / receive transmission on the radio from your friends, whilst you are restrained / hands over head, you have to press down the PTT, or else its considered foulRP.

Them simply saying "I have taken your comms" does not count, they have to actually make you drop your radio / GPS / hat with mic.

Also, if you were restrained, and had voice activated comms, you wouldn't start speaking to your gang right in front of the rebels would you? They would her you, and know that people are coming.

To be honest I see this as powergaming. Just because you're role playing you have voice activated comma doesn't mean you are allowed to. How is anyone supposed to know you do? If you tell them they will remove if. If you don't I sure as hell hope they kick up a shit storm and have a go at you.

Ive never heard of it being allowed to talk whilst restrained under any circumstances, unless they roleplay they're handing you a radio.

Just because they're a iris scanners in real life doesn't mean that cops can roleplay that they have them to powergaming rebels, does it?

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Why is this even a debate? rule 3H is explicitly clear. If you are restrained or zip tied you are not to able to communicate with anyone else apart from directly to those around you, whether your voice is push to talk or voice activated don't mean jack. You don't even have to say I'm removing your comms (although I would), it's not shoddy role play it's pure breaking the rules.


3H) Restraining & Zipties
If you have been restrained or Ziptied you are no longer able to use any communication to contact your friends or gang members, This includes: group chat/teamspeak/skype or any other way of communication.
Read the rules pls
It would add an interesting dimension to role-play if you had to hotmic when talking to gangs... but it's not realistic, and therefore, as puppy said you are not allowed to do this.


3H) Restraining & Zipties
If you have been restrained or Ziptied you are no longer able to use any communication to contact your friends or gang members, This includes: group chat/teamspeak/skype or any other way of communication.
Read the rules pls

Rules are read.. Due to the fact its a rule, does this mean u cant take it up? Well, I might've put it in the wrong section (sorry if I did).

But alright.

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The answer is when restrained, you can't for one simple reason, to create some balance into the game.

We all know that in real life you can have open communication radios, that don't require and activation to speak to people but it just makes things so difficult for the people restraining if you're constantly giving you / their positions to your team mates to get a shot / kill.

I personally like it as it is, as when I kidnap someone, I generally want to be left in peace from their other gang mates / cops whilst I role play and then eventually release them (I almost never execute hostages). If what you say was allowed, there is a 99% chance that every time I kidnap someone, its just gonna end in a gunfight with lots of people dying and actually very little or no role play actually taking place (other than the boring, let me go or snipers will kill you).

No-one refutes the logic in your argument, but as mentioned before, the rules are in place to create a balance to the game.

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It would add an interesting dimension to role-play if you had to hotmic when talking to gangs... but it's not realistic, and therefore, as puppy said you are not allowed to do this.
Just stating out whats out there, what we use IRL, and braught into the game. I believe aslong as you roleplays it, it should be fine. But you all are forgetting something; IF THE YOU SAY YOU'VE MOVER MY COMS, I cant do anything. 

But alright, I see where this is going.

Nevermind this... Obviously its hard to say "I've taking your coms away".

Just stating out whats out there, what we use IRL, and braught into the game. I believe aslong as you roleplays it, it should be fine. But you all are forgetting something; IF THE YOU SAY YOU'VE MOVER MY COMS, I cant do anything. 

But alright, I see where this is going.

Nevermind this... Obviously its hard to say "I've taking your coms away".
As police we are forbidden to arrest people on certain laws ( I can't remember the legislation however I know we could arrest everyone for it), we are also forbidden to use the PTT hardware like yourself as its common sense. There is a multitude of different things that are available IRL but cannot be brought in game because it would either promote metagaming or powergaming.

Some things are better left as they are.

People shouldn't need to say they're taking someone's comma away when they're restrained. It saves a lot of arguments if people just roleplay that when restrained they cannot talk on the radio. There would be countless rebel on rebel or rebel on police arguments that it would just cause more problems than roleplay of this was allowed.

I understand you can find roleplay reasons for this to be allowed, however it's not practical in any sense. Never mind the fact that people cannot actually take away the radio full stop unless they unrestrain them and force them to drop it. Technically they can talk when they're unrestrained, or try for their gun. It just over complicated situations unnecessarily.

People shouldn't need to say they're taking someone's comma away when they're restrained. It saves a lot of arguments if people just roleplay that when restrained they cannot talk on the radio. There would be countless rebel on rebel or rebel on police arguments that it would just cause more problems than roleplay of this was allowed.
I think you've hit the nail on the head if I remember, lots of people arguing in reports about gang communications of people saying "I didn't hear you say you took my comms". The rule was made more black and white for the reason of stopping these arguments.

Look at it this way. To use a VOX, you have to push it and activate that option. You wouldn't know when you're gonna' get robbed or restrained so you wouldn't push it. If someone who was robbing you saw you push a button on your radio (as you have to tell them they would see it due to RP), they will shoot you.

This is powergame and 3H explicitly tells you this.

This whole "powergaming" thingy is sh**... Poor RP? Wouldnt say so, All RP is about, is using ur imagination..

Ofcourse, a magic wand or hamster is one thing, a "switch" is another.. 

Sooner or later ALTISLIFE isnt a RP mode, but a theater if it goes this direction
