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After yesterdays rebellion fight, which the rebels won, we all noticed that the map had been changed completely, and not for the good of it. Due to this, several officers, including myself, found that our new HQ is utterly shit, you cannot get a hellcat out without having to break down most of the fencing around the helicopter shop, which of course is very bad, if there's a bank robbery going on, we must be able to move quickly, and not have to get a hunter out to break down some fences just so we actually can take off!

After this, myself and fellow Kavala units, took a helicopter and flew to the new city, whatever it's called, and spoke with officers there, just like in Kavala, their new HQ was also shit, we then proceeded with the officers from the new town to Athira, they did not like their HQ either. Kavala and the new city is pretty much ghost towns now, Athira will most likely also very soon become one. 

Wilco, if you want your nightclub to actually be a part of anything, you need to move our HQ back to the original location, during the police units meeting, I heard that most of the officers were actually going to quit if your server was becoming like blackwater gaming, as they described. I understand that you took time out of your life to set the fight up, and the server updates, but as I said before, they're utterly shit. I'm willing to bet that you do not want to lose most of your officers just because something stupid like this, but you're letting the server becoming shit.

As I've stated multiple times, the officers who said that they were willing to quit were not low ranked, most of the highranked officers said that they did not want the server to change like this, and I completely agree with them. 
                                                                               - TL;DR -

                                        Most of the force is willing to quit if you do not change the server.

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Just to point out that if you threaten to leave because you don't like something, it will not always mean it is going to be changed.

Also your comments seemed a little rude given the fact that the devs have spends quite a long time redoing the majority of the map, so maybe try and keep it constructive of you could.

Just to point out that if you threaten to leave because you don't like something, it will not always mean it is going to be changed.

Also your comments seemed a little rude given the fact that the devs have spends quite a long time redoing the majority of the map, so maybe try and keep it constructive of you could.
I agree with what you are saying, but if you were in the teamspeak after the fight, you would understand.

I tried to keep it constructive but I just couldn't.

I would like to add neochori HQ as a concern from there point of view.

Obviously i dont have a say or know as im not working there areas but overall im rather interested how everything will work out, but you have to understand its only been out 12 hours, and least give it a try.

Sooner or later it will feel like the same old same old, and at least its finally out the way so you dont have to deal with trolls.

The P.A.T base shouldnt be a concern (if this is the sytra?? one) hope thats the name , but yer it shouldn't be a concern due to the fact most of there time wont be spent there. 95% of the time should be spent on the road. 

As for neochori the guys there are simply worried that the city/town wont get used and they wont have anything to police, they feel they have been given an area that will be avoided by most people. If this army comes anytime soon, then maybe then they will have more traffic.

I personally like the update and appreciate all the hard work put in to get it out to us, once again its change and people dont seem to like change after the whole currency issue. There is alot of nice hidden gems to find and interesting concepts and its just a balancing act of getting people to go to certain areas at the end of the day. 

Zaeex you could have handle it a bit more diplomatic because saying that most high ranking officers / police are threatening to leave simply creates more work for me.

I would like to add neochori HQ as a concern from there point of view.

Obviously i dont have a say or know as im not working there areas but overall im rather interested how everything will work out, but you have to understand its only been out 12 hours, and least give it a try.

Sooner or later it will feel like the same old same old, and at least its finally out the way so you dont have to deal with trolls.

The P.A.T base shouldnt be a concern (if this is the sytra?? one) hope thats the name , but yer it shouldn't be a concern due to the fact most of there time wont be spent there. 95% of the time should be spent on the road. 

As for neochori the guys there are simply worried that the city/town wont get used and they wont have anything to police, they feel they have been given an area that will be avoided by most people. If this army comes anytime soon, then maybe then they will have more traffic.

I personally like the update and appreciate all the hard work put in to get it out to us, once again its change and people dont seem to like change after the whole currency issue. There is alot of nice hidden gems to find and interesting concepts and its just a balancing act of getting people to go to certain areas at the end of the day. 

Zaeex you could have handle it a bit more diplomatic because saying that most high ranking officers / police are threatening to leave simply creates more work for me.
I think he's just dissapointed at the update, wich most of us are. These are mine opinions regarding the latest update.

I belive the location of our Police HQ isn't the best. We are having issues even starting the chopper without it breaking because of the fences around. We have a dirt road to Kavala so getting there quick won't be possible. Also, it's so small..

We loved the location we had, but we rather see a checkpoint infront of it rather than moving the HQ to the desert.

Regarding the bank, I belive all of us are positive regarding the new location. All the units have a oppurtunity to respond quickly. The only bad thing about it is that it doesn't look like a bank. I rather see a building like our latest HQ in Kavala, with a few floors, a roof, big windows and a few rooms. Makes it better for both sides, to defend and to attack. 

When it comes to the map update, about the territory the rebels would get after last nights fight, is it just me or is the new rebel territory big? When I read about the war yesterday I thought the rebels would get the north-eastern part, not half the map. 

Don't get me wrong here guys, myself and everyone who plays on this server everyday appriciates the time you put in on updating the server/map, but this time it feels a bit unfair. It feels like the rebels are getting the majority advantage from the updates. It becomes more fun to leave the police force and join the rebels. We have lost good officers this last week, Yuri, HDGamer, Shadow, Matt, they have all left us to join the other side, wich is understandable after this update. I'm afraid a lot of people will do the same.

These are just my opinions regarding this, do NOT get offended please. 

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Were not happy at all with the new placement in nechori or however you spell it, one of the most remote and unknown towns in the server. Yes we all appreciate the work and time ed and wilco have put in to the server and they have made it such an experience but you've taken Sofia away which was a great little town and we can't see ourselves settling down in this remote town we were there for what felt like an enternity and had one player come across our mists, if anything we were considering arresting the tumble weed for driving off road!

As you can see I'm trying to make this as humorous as possible as the Sofia unit have never once complained about a single factor we have just got our heads down and got on with the job but we feel like we've just been thrown in to one of the most shittest locations of all time, a mass majority of the police force are more then unhappy, some will be willing to put their input in here some won't because they are worried as to how the big guys will react but I'm sorry if we don't get our views across on this I think were just going to end up disliking the new update.

Wilco I understand this is you're server and the changes are to better the community but the way the police unit see it is to put it bluntly the rebels have been given great changes and we get stuck with the crap I mean we don't even have a green zone or a DVLA or a car garage for civilians in nechori!

SGT Jason

From a 'rebel' point of view, the update was amazing for us!

However. I have seen the locations of police HQ's and I must admit, while it is good for us, you need to consider that the police do want to have some fun aswell!

The Kavala HQ, is a bit too far away from the town in my opinion, and the Nechori or whatever you call it, Until i read this post i didn't even relize was a town on the map! Forcing officers to sit in a 'dead' town, is just a chore and is a sure way to get the officers to quit.

All in all, the update is good, it was always rebels would get the east side of the map, and the cops would get west, however the locations of HQ's could be better.

Just my 2 cents.

Cry Cry Cry hellcat fence Cry Cry Cry hunter fence cry cry cry 

^^ That should have been your TLDR ^^

Alot of ppl did alot of work for yesterdays event, so for u to rage bitch like a 5 year old child cause u cant get your hellcat out without destroying a fence seems pretty fucking irell and retarded.Give the new map a chance first see how OTHER players feel about it, im sure if bugs and problems are detected they will be slowly ironed out no problems, but to literally shit all over someones hard work cause u cant get your pram out your house is pretty lame dude. . . . .  

MB a thread asking for certain changes to be made to the police HQ's would have been better than flaming ppl and calling thier server shit <3

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Cry Cry Cry hellcat fence Cry Cry Cry hunter fence cry cry cry 

^^ That should have been your TLDR ^^

Alot of ppl did alot of work for yesterdays event, so for u to rage bitch like a 5 year old child cause u cant get your hellcat out without destroying a fence seems pretty fucking irell and retarded.Give the new map a chance first see how OTHER players feel about it, im sure if bugs and problems are detected they will be slowly ironed out no problems, but to literally shit all over someones hard work cause u cant get your pram out your house is pretty lame dude. . . . .  

MB a thread asking for certain changes to be made to the police HQ's would have been better than flaming ppl and calling thier server shit <3
Officer Zaeex's approach could be more gentle, but i can understand thier frustration, as from the police point of view, they are now pretty much powerless.

Guys just to clarify we are not here to argue with anyone so please leave targeted replies to yourself we are here to get everyone's opinions across on the update and to address some issues. If you don't have anything positive to say all I ask is you respect the officers opinion this is the main reason to the creation of this post.

Thank you

Cry Cry Cry hellcat fence Cry Cry Cry hunter fence cry cry cry 

^^ That should have been your TLDR ^^

Alot of ppl did alot of work for yesterdays event, so for u to rage bitch like a 5 year old child cause u cant get your hellcat out without destroying a fence seems pretty fucking irell and retarded.Give the new map a chance first see how OTHER players feel about it, im sure if bugs and problems are detected they will be slowly ironed out no problems, but to literally shit all over someones hard work cause u cant get your pram out your house is pretty lame dude. . . . .  

MB a thread asking for certain changes to be made to the police HQ's would have been better than flaming ppl and calling thier server shit <3
You guys deserve your territory, no one is saying anything else. I rather see you guys support us in this matter instead of behaving like you are right now. Don't you rather see both sides have fun and compete against eachother? If it keeps on going like this there will be no cops left and I highly doubt it will be any fun for the rebels.

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I absoloutely agree with you here guys, if I had to stay in a town where the biggest event would be a local bake off I would be pulling my hair out in frustration. I can also see how annoying the movement of the kavala HQ is but resisting it is just human nature, you've gotten used to the old location and don't want a change. Just give it a week or two and see how it goes, if it still is terrible and you feel grumpy and miserable take up the call for it change.

I am sure if the police concerns are presented to the admins with a calm & logical approach then they will be addressed as soon as possible.

I agree it is a bit silly to put fences around a garage to make it impossible to get vehicles out & I am sure this will be sorted now the problem has arisen.

As for the positions of the HQ's lay out your arguments for & against then lets see what happens.

Ok well as this is an oppinion matter i would like to say that i absolutely LOVE this change and its going to be so interesting to see all the new things that happen with this red zone. so many more civs will be forced into this tighter spot of the map so there will be more action on the policing side of things. awesome!!

Second point is, me like a lot of police pour their hearts out into this game and go beyond game play to get involved. i really try hard to get involved with as much as possible to better the server. i help with white listings, accepting applicants, training CSO's and calming heated situations and more. after all of this and all this trying to better the server, i am sorry to say but disappointed and almost back stabbed at the location i have now been applied to. im not going to go into details but its bad, its really bad. all i need to do is look at the map and see that we are in the middle of nowhere.

None the less i like to be as possetive and constructive as possible so as i said i love this change and i'm exited to see what happens, but in order to see anything, this police base needs to be moved, that is all i am unhappy about, the location and nothing more. i have not had enough time to experience the new server yet so all other aspects are A-OK to me

PS. Thank you Ed and Wilco for all the work you do. trust me when i say it does not go unnoticed to me

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Give it a little while, lads. After a week or two you will have hard facts that Wilco, Ed et all will be able to use to tweak the cops to better adjust to the new situation.

Treat the new layout as a BETA and keep in mind that the devs are likely already aware of the situation and discussing it.

Just don't feel shafted by the whole situation as you know it certainly wouldn't of been their intention to upset you.

Sent from my One X using Tapatalk

So far all is happening is we drive about kavala for 20 min, get the VDMers then we get a heli out and go play battlefield in the red zone. Amazing change, just a bit of a bummer that i already own the EA version of battlefield4

Cry Cry Cry hellcat fence Cry Cry Cry hunter fence cry cry cry 

^^ That should have been your TLDR ^^

Alot of ppl did alot of work for yesterdays event, so for u to rage bitch like a 5 year old child cause u cant get your hellcat out without destroying a fence seems pretty fucking irell and retarded.Give the new map a chance first see how OTHER players feel about it, im sure if bugs and problems are detected they will be slowly ironed out no problems, but to literally shit all over someones hard work cause u cant get your pram out your house is pretty lame dude. . . . .  

MB a thread asking for certain changes to be made to the police HQ's would have been better than flaming ppl and calling thier server shit <3
I swear if i was a normal person on this server i would come down on you and rip your post to pieces, as for now. You have fun over there

So far all is happening is we drive about kavala for 20 min, get the VDMers then we get a heli out and go play battlefield in the red zone. Amazing change, just a bit of a bummer that i already own the EA version of battlefield4


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So far all is happening is we drive about kavala for 20 min, get the VDMers then we get a heli out and go play battlefield in the red zone. Amazing change, just a bit of a bummer that i already own the EA version of battlefield4
Sorry but this was just eating a way at my soul. Battlefeild 4 is made by EA and so by saying "i already own the EA version of Battlefeild 4" this is just begging the question. its like saying "opiates have a sleep inducing property because they are a soporific" 

Sorry Sorry Sorry

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I absoloutely agree with you here guys, if I had to stay in a town where the biggest event would be a local bake off I would be pulling my hair out in frustration. I can also see how annoying the movement of the kavala HQ is but resisting it is just human nature, you've gotten used to the old location and don't want a change. Just give it a week or two and see how it goes, if it still is terrible and you feel grumpy and miserable take up the call for it change.
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