Quoting so everyone can re-read this.Well, I must say that was a couple of weeks of 14 hours days well spent, then, wasn't it?
I'm sorry Zaeex that you think everything is so shit. Do remind me to come and give you a lesson on 'how to give constructive feedback' sometime, pal. I'm sure you'll benefit from it.
The issues with the hellcat spawn will be checked out as a priority. We've spawned Mohawks and Hummingbirds there without problems (and lifted them off), but evidently the hellcat's rotors are lower, and they clip the fences. Hand up, I missed that, and so did the cops we invited to test the map whilst it was in development. Tough shit. I will spend more time and fix that, of course. But there's no need for anyone to be a cunt about it.
As for the location, it was chosen by the (at the time) CI of Kavala. It was agreed-with by the most-senior ranks of cop on the server (Killerabbit & Rich) as well as some others who knew, and agreed that it was a good location. I for one had NO influence over the location, though I rather liked it once Motosuwa 'sold' the prospects to me. I have worked very long hours to improve upon what was on the original basic map, and although I would not say it is 100% finished yet, it is a workable location, and fit the original remit which was put to us, to remove it from the main city, be less of a troll-magnet, and not require any form of militaristic blockwalling in order to make reasonably secure. Like I said... COPS chose this place. Not admins.
As for the other locations, Syrta is intended to be a pinch-point for drug-harvesters who are brave enough to utilise the west zone fields. More 'attractions' are planned for this area, but I can't talk about them just yet. As for Neochori, there is a civvy garage here (contrary to what was said above), but no car-shop nor DVLA... this is deliberate, because we want to ensure that there is always some reason to go to Kavala or Athira for 'state official' business like getting a driving licence. It's possible that (as society and state control break down) I may remove the DVLA from Sofia and/or Pygoras, so that some western-zone action is guaranteed, but I will NOT be putting carshops and DVLAs into every spawn zone or town in the west. The whole point is that different towns will (in time) gain a different flavour, and different gameplay.
Neochori is positioned to enable control of multiple towns and villages where 'action' routinely happens: and should be used as a base to patrol those other towns like Zaros (where a gun-store is located) which historically never got patrolled at all, yet were often danger-zones for civs whose calls went unheeded because cops were usually too far away. Most importantly, Neochori is on the 'road-corridor' between the drug-fields and the drug-processing, so is thought to be the best locations to enable ambush and ad-hoc vehicle checkpoints to investigate traffic heading to and from the peninsula. In a couple of weeks, stuff is happening which will make Neochori even more of a risky/exciting place to be, but again, I can't go into too much detail now - let's just say the circus is coming to town...
Neochori will also form a vital hub for the waterside patrols that will be required when we finally fix the turtle poaching zones that have been broken since forever. Code is in process to make these actually DO something, rather than be just dots on the map, but we didn't want to hold up the major map changes just for that - ultimately many, many things were changed already, and to wait for 'just one more thing' is a temptation that usually results in nothing ever getting published, so I took the call to run without the turtle zones this time around. There is still plenty of scope for water-based operations into Pygoras from Neochori quay, even to the extent of infiltration of the new rebel outpost that is north-east of Pygoras, or wholesale 'disappearing' of known criminals wandering around Pygoras from the safety of your patrol boats...it all depends on how far your own superiors allow you to push retaliatory actions in the red-zone.
All that said, I'm not going to say "it's perfect" yet. It's a first cut. Although it is a first cut we've had some feedback on (from more lucid and considerate people than perhaps the OP was, it must be said), so we were reasonably confident that it wouldn't provoke mass-whining and short-sightedness. I was (and still am) hoping that (over time), we'll get some sensible ideas for embellishment, based upon what actually happens at these new locations, rather than just get all 'handbags-at-30-paces' about what we think MIGHT happen at these places but haven't observed yet. The fucking map hasn't even been up 24 hours yet, and already people are talking about there being 'no cops left', etc, and this being the end of the world. That's just stupid. Give things a spin, and be rational. Tell me and Wilco which of the existing things on the map might be better served to be moved closer to XYZ HQ in order to attract more civs there in vehicles or on foot, or cause them to spawn there directly. It is NOT all about 'getting driving licences and buying cars'... there should be FAR more to consider than just those two subgames.
Also, tell me what NEW sub-games you might like to see. I've already outlined (on TS) my plans to develop some new 'commodity chains' that involve a couple of steps, or multiple assets being combined in different ways, rather than the simple 'grab A, turn A into B, sell B' type of chains that we have at the moment. The simplest ones to add (which are still basic chains) will be alcohol-related, and fields for these will of course be placed within reach (but not on the doorstep of) Syrta and Neochori.
We could also move the JAIL to Neochori or nearby, if that would act as an attraction?
Instead of just crying 'its shit, it's shit, I liked the old way better and haven't enjoyed the 18 hours I've spent in the new land compared to the 2 month rut I was in on the old one", think bigger. Be excellent. Create, not destroy. Grow a dream - don't just pop everyone else's balloons and spoil the party.
Or I might just say fuck it all, and leave you to stew in your own shit. I don't mind constructive feedback, but fuck me, I HATE whiners, and I loathe people who can't describe their difficulties with a new progression without simply describing everything as 'shit'. It's so... low-brow. I don't work for low-brows or whiners. I work for smart, clever, creative, exciting, challenging people. Be some. Please.
Not commenting anything than this, just because it made me sick.Most of the force is willing to quit if you do not change the server.
I understand that you've taken time out of your life to make the server more fun, as of what you wrote, I like it. We definitely need more action in the west. Kavala is a ghost town of VDMers at the moment, myself and CSI Rich, CI Theend, DI Coltas and SGT BetimZ were scouting for a better location for the headquaters so you guys don't need to tweak the old one so much. We came up with a spot that's more ''reliable''. You can speak with Rich or Theend for further details, I'll add a screenshot of the location.Well, I must say that was a couple of weeks of 14 hours days well spent, then, wasn't it?
I'm sorry Zaeex that you think everything is so shit. Do remind me to come and give you a lesson on 'how to give constructive feedback' sometime, pal. I'm sure you'll benefit from it.
The issues with the hellcat spawn will be checked out as a priority. We've spawned Mohawks and Hummingbirds there without problems (and lifted them off), but evidently the hellcat's rotors are lower, and they clip the fences. Hand up, I missed that, and so did the cops we invited to test the map whilst it was in development. Tough shit. I will spend more time and fix that, of course. But there's no need for anyone to be a cunt about it.
As for the location, it was chosen by the (at the time) CI of Kavala. It was agreed-with by the most-senior ranks of cop on the server (Killerabbit & Rich) as well as some others who knew, and agreed that it was a good location. I for one had NO influence over the location, though I rather liked it once Motosuwa 'sold' the prospects to me. I have worked very long hours to improve upon what was on the original basic map, and although I would not say it is 100% finished yet, it is a workable location, and fit the original remit which was put to us, to remove it from the main city, be less of a troll-magnet, and not require any form of militaristic blockwalling in order to make reasonably secure. Like I said... COPS chose this place. Not admins.
As for the other locations, Syrta is intended to be a pinch-point for drug-harvesters who are brave enough to utilise the west zone fields. More 'attractions' are planned for this area, but I can't talk about them just yet. As for Neochori, there is a civvy garage here (contrary to what was said above), but no car-shop nor DVLA... this is deliberate, because we want to ensure that there is always some reason to go to Kavala or Athira for 'state official' business like getting a driving licence. It's possible that (as society and state control break down) I may remove the DVLA from Sofia and/or Pygoras, so that some western-zone action is guaranteed, but I will NOT be putting carshops and DVLAs into every spawn zone or town in the west. The whole point is that different towns will (in time) gain a different flavour, and different gameplay.
Neochori is positioned to enable control of multiple towns and villages where 'action' routinely happens: and should be used as a base to patrol those other towns like Zaros (where a gun-store is located) which historically never got patrolled at all, yet were often danger-zones for civs whose calls went unheeded because cops were usually too far away. Most importantly, Neochori is on the 'road-corridor' between the drug-fields and the drug-processing, so is thought to be the best locations to enable ambush and ad-hoc vehicle checkpoints to investigate traffic heading to and from the peninsula. In a couple of weeks, stuff is happening which will make Neochori even more of a risky/exciting place to be, but again, I can't go into too much detail now - let's just say the circus is coming to town...
Neochori will also form a vital hub for the waterside patrols that will be required when we finally fix the turtle poaching zones that have been broken since forever. Code is in process to make these actually DO something, rather than be just dots on the map, but we didn't want to hold up the major map changes just for that - ultimately many, many things were changed already, and to wait for 'just one more thing' is a temptation that usually results in nothing ever getting published, so I took the call to run without the turtle zones this time around. There is still plenty of scope for water-based operations into Pygoras from Neochori quay, even to the extent of infiltration of the new rebel outpost that is north-east of Pygoras, or wholesale 'disappearing' of known criminals wandering around Pygoras from the safety of your patrol boats...it all depends on how far your own superiors allow you to push retaliatory actions in the red-zone.
All that said, I'm not going to say "it's perfect" yet. It's a first cut. Although it is a first cut we've had some feedback on (from more lucid and considerate people than perhaps the OP was, it must be said), so we were reasonably confident that it wouldn't provoke mass-whining and short-sightedness. I was (and still am) hoping that (over time), we'll get some sensible ideas for embellishment, based upon what actually happens at these new locations, rather than just get all 'handbags-at-30-paces' about what we think MIGHT happen at these places but haven't observed yet. The fucking map hasn't even been up 24 hours yet, and already people are talking about there being 'no cops left', etc, and this being the end of the world. That's just stupid. Give things a spin, and be rational. Tell me and Wilco which of the existing things on the map might be better served to be moved closer to XYZ HQ in order to attract more civs there in vehicles or on foot, or cause them to spawn there directly. It is NOT all about 'getting driving licences and buying cars'... there should be FAR more to consider than just those two subgames.
Also, tell me what NEW sub-games you might like to see. I've already outlined (on TS) my plans to develop some new 'commodity chains' that involve a couple of steps, or multiple assets being combined in different ways, rather than the simple 'grab A, turn A into B, sell B' type of chains that we have at the moment. The simplest ones to add (which are still basic chains) will be alcohol-related, and fields for these will of course be placed within reach (but not on the doorstep of) Syrta and Neochori.
We could also move the JAIL to Neochori or nearby, if that would act as an attraction?
Instead of just crying 'its shit, it's shit, I liked the old way better and haven't enjoyed the 18 hours I've spent in the new land compared to the 2 month rut I was in on the old one", think bigger. Be excellent. Create, not destroy. Grow a dream - don't just pop everyone else's balloons and spoil the party.
Or I might just say fuck it all, and leave you to stew in your own shit. I don't mind constructive feedback, but fuck me, I HATE whiners, and I loathe people who can't describe their difficulties with a new progression without simply describing everything as 'shit'. It's so... low-brow. I don't work for low-brows or whiners. I work for smart, clever, creative, exciting, challenging people. Be some. Please.
We also looked at diffrent locations, but this one seems to be the best one.I understand that you've taken time out of your life to make the server more fun, as of what you wrote, I like it. We definitely need more action in the west. Kavala is a ghost town of VDMers at the moment, myself and CSI Rich, CI Theend, DI Coltas and SGT BetimZ were scouting for a better location for the headquaters so you guys don't need to tweak the old one so much. We came up with a spot that's more ''reliable''. You can speak with Rich or Theend for further details, I'll add a screenshot of the location.
Thank you for your time developing the server and taking your time to read my topic and give me your response.
I would seriously love you if you did this. I think the basketball court just next to the car shop would be the best location for it, and I am sorry for trashing your time like that, I just didn't really like it against of what we used to have I guess, so I only saw the negative things.If the situation in Kavala is so bad, in terms of jailing prisoners, I can always add a mobile jail-spawn (proximity to the prisoner transport) or perhaps even a hotspot near the carshop? Or perhaps even the Hospital? Logically, if we're just constantly dealing with lunatics in Kavala, it could be said that the hospital has an 'RP reason' for being a place where people are incarcerated (under Section 8 of the Mental Health Act, I believe). Drag them there, within 50m of the front-desk, and send-to-jail... next lunatic form a disorderly queue, please.
I wasn't, it was someone else, theend I think, we were just testing our new HQ out.My first question... why is a CSO trying to get a hellcat out... my second question is why is anyone getting a hellcat out at kavala ?
Honestly, just stick with it a few days and you'll find a way to work it. I know ProActive have, but we've all just got to adapt to this new way of playing the game. I understand you might not like the new system now, but we'll all learn to love it in the long run.I would seriously love you if you did this. I think the basketball court just next to the car shop would be the best location for it, and I am sorry for trashing your time like that, I just didn't really like it against of what we used to have I guess, so I only saw the negative things.
I've seriously been pissed off sometimes because I have to drive to the HQ and then back just because I need to imprison someone.
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