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Police Teargas Vote

Police Teargas - You Decide

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The King
Legendary Donator
A poll to decide the much disputed police teargas

You decide the outcome

This poll will run until 1st of June 2014

If you make it weaker, i'm afraid some might use it quicker.

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Every rebel will vote it out every police in I believe in it rebels are more numerous better equipped and basically can shoot on sight god forbid we ever did that we are trained officers of the law only maybe one in ten make it so if I am facing six armed men and there are me and my partner we need an advantage to even the odds.

This is my own personall opinion.

The issue with the tear-gas has always been its overpowered and used at every given opportunity by the police.

The other day I was watching a group of rebels at kavala castle have a shoot off with the police, It ended fast by about 6/7 chucks of tear-gas into the castle.

My pleas to not use the teargas (only for crowd situations) to the police since the introduction of it falls upon deaf ears, So its time for the people to decide :)

I am sure because of all the use of the teargas the please now lack shooting skill ;)

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Wilco can I have some funds from the treasury to go buy some Aloe Vera for those burns

In my personal opinion, I think that we should keep the tear gas.

Most of the time when I use it will be when there are multiple rebels opening fire upon us. In real life situations they will use tear gas to control situations like bank robberies, riots, etc, personally I think if it is removed then they will be removing a key item used in roll-play.

- DI RobTheBig [P.A.T]

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Honestly, keep it. If we have to use tear gas in operations, often it allows us to arrest the criminals involved (or should do, at least). With no tear gas, usually one option:

Shoot 'em dead. No RP, kinda goes against the morals of the server (RP first, correct?).

Honestly, if we used tear gas to arrest people more often, roleplay would be enhanced due to the fact we could arrest then and use them as a bargaining chip against rebels - at least I would heheh. Finally, if the Altis Government succumbs to the scumbag rebels, but still chooses to slightly favour the honorable APC and it is made weaker, then the double - escape tactic needs to be sorted out, because if not then CS Gas will be the equivalent of cheap 5p stinkbombs.

- SPC Jake [P.A.T]

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I definitely think we should keep it in and keep it how it currently is, if it is removed completely or made so it can be tolerated then officers will be forced to use lethal force more often than not which I think will cause even more problems with complaints on how situations are handled. Surely popping a few tear gas and being able to restrain the rebels than just killing them all? If the problem lies with the fact officers are being a little too quick and hasty when using tear gas then personally I think some retraining for officers would be a more logical answer.

I agree with DotVol most of time I have spent rebelling on the server , although tear gas is a pain in the ass, it adds a challenge and more depth we should be adding things to the server not taking away, not to mention it is hilarious screaming down the microphone when you have been teargassed running in any direction possible or trying to drive, most time I have been tear gassed I have sucessfully escaped without aid 

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I don't know what rank is required to equip teargas, but make it even higher.

In real life, well atleast where i live the police isn't equipped with teargas and they have to call in a bigass van which has the ability to spray teargas or water.

My point is if you only equip high ranked officers with teargas, lower ranked officers have to request teargas at their location and quick.

And in the meantime they have to keep the situation under control and if that doesn't work get behind cover and try to convince them to surrender, in real life when a officer is talking with the criminal to surrender and he says no, the police do not react like "Well he said no guys, let's headshot him." they keep trying until there is no other way, for example when there is no officer online with teargas.

When there is no teargas  available remember you have a tazer, let someone flank around while you keep the criminal busy and he goes in for the taze.

And with high ranked officer i mean like CI because i see people that have been in the police for a week or so, already at SGT which is unrealistic as fuck.

Well that is my view on this shit.

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me and foxhound encourage all sophia police to not have CS gas on their person. when a situation rises when CS gas is needed then we can take it out. CS gas works wonders on trolls too. i dont believe i have used CS gas in any other situation other than trolls in kavala. in my oppinion keep the CS gas but have an extra training module for those who advance to SPC. anyone under SPC has no access at all ever. this will limit the use.

I think that tear gas should remain, and at its full strength, but only be avaliable to SCO19. 

I know most of you might think that I am only saying this as I am obviously a member, but I have some justification as to why.

Tear gas should not be carried as part of a daily loadout. That it the problem we are currently presented with. All cops seem to be carrying 3+ cans of CS and that is mainly why it gets used so often.

SCO19 are called for armed response, in extreme situations, we bring the big guns, and you don't want us to be there. We are called when extreme measures are needed. I think that it is only times like this that it should be used, not by every single patrolling officer. 

As DI, I can vouch for all members of my unit that they are very sparing on the use of tear gas, and I do not even carry it on me, due to the boonie hat looking too cool to swap out for the gas mask. However, if I do feel that I will need it, I ditch the fashion preferences and suit up.

I do also think that rebels should have either a cheap, half-protection, or a very expensive gas mask.

I voted against it, but I actually like the idea of tear gas. Its only OP because there's no protection against it, if rebels had the option to buy head gear that stops the effect then I'd be down for keeping it in.

I think tear gas should be removed. It's just too overpowered and takes away the good old firefights between cops ans rebels. I have acces to tear gas for a while no and I've never used it, even not in big firefights against rebels. It just takes away the challenge and the fun.

We could always bump it up so only CI's and above can use it. Hopefully by the time they reach that rank they know when they should and shouldnt use it in a situation.

I would love it if its only used in crowd control or the odd situation in terms of controlling a rebel group bigger than yours. 

I am interested to see the vast majority that want to keep it are police...

I kind of knew this would happen before posting this poll, its like me posting one asking the rebels/civs if they want a 50.cal sniper rifle


Yer of course it was going this way. It all depends if people want to allow us to try to suppress it in terms of usage. 

Or if they want it gone completely. If it offer no roleplay opportunity then let it be gone. 

Technically Wilco I am still a rebel:p Havn't started my police training but I do find tear gas hilarious even when used against me 

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