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Police Playing As Rebels

Should the Police be allowed to play as rebels

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The King
Legendary Donator
So ... its been a few weeks now when we overturned a long standing rule about cops not being able to play as rebels.

Do you think its improved things on the server or has it been a bad mistake for the police force or for the civs/rebels.

Lets have a poll.... a simple yes/no vote.

I don't know if we're supposed to explain our vote, but here we go. I voted no. Because:

I understand cops want a day off every now and then, but I feel this new rule has brought disbalance to the server. Most cops play in a gang with their colleagues. This means that, when this group of cops is not online, their gang will immeadiatly have a big advantage. Them being online basicly means the cops are low on manpower. It also brings the fear of corruption. How am I going to trust the cops who are online, when I know that their colleagues are rolling around doing crime?

(this is just a feeling, haven't expierenced this corruption =)). My main point is the disbalance between cops and rebels. Cops used to be active throughout the day pretty much, but now groups of cops go off duty and play as rebels, which means a lot of times there is way more rebels than cops, and I think the cops can't do their jobs propperly anymore. I fear this may lead to other cops, who don't (as of yet) play as rebel, to either leave the force or to just also play as rebel, as a escape when there are too little cops online.

Just my view on it. TBH I thought about joining the cops a lot last week, to do my share, but as I am a Whitelisted Rebel, this carreer would only last until 5.0 is released, seems kind of useless then.

In my opinion i think its, fun for the cops to let loose and play as rebels. But i dont see so many cops active here, nowadays as they were before this rule came in.  So i pretty much voted "No".

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Tbh I'll be more active when the whole force changes, because ATM there is nothing that I like about the force !

Voted no. Albeit I enjoy playing as a rebel now and again, it creates way too much unnecessary hatred internally... and it hurts my bank balance. A lot.

yo, ppl should have there own choice which side they gonna play.

we got so many ppl we play with on rebel side that are cops.

and rebels that are slowing trying to beeing a cop, the game can be so one sided when you have to choose between cop and rebel.

i mean why should you be limited to play 1 side all the time.

and if you get like corrupt cops, just clean them out of the force.

with that said i voted Yes

In my opinion i think its, fun for the cops to let loose and play as rebels. But i dont see so many cops active here, nowadays as they were before this rule came in.  So i pretty much voted "No".
Cops being active has nothing to do with this, the fact of the matter is that the cops are getting bored of being cops as there is no good role-play happening. So they go on as rebels to let off some steam and have fun. The only people I see role-playing when I play are the off duty cops playing as rebels.

In my opinion it should stay the way it is. Just a few certain people are playing too much as rebels. If they play too much as rebels and not as cops they should be confronted, say to them "if you dont up your play time as cop then we will either de-rank you or kick you out the APC." 

If they don't like it then it is their own fault.

Not to mention the amount of rebels that joined the Police when this rule was introduced, so there will be a lot of people making the decision to either leave the Police or go full time rebel.

In conclusion:

  • Cops need to be more active and not play rebel as much.
  • Cops should have the freedom to play as rebel.
  • Potential for a lot of people making the hard decision to either leave the cops/ rebels.
I believe it is fine the way it is giving the cops the choice to let some steam off and try something different.

Just my opinion.

In my opinion, it'd be nice to regulate it.

if there are not enough officers on-line on a ratio of 5:1 (debate), then police cannot rebel.

Voted yes. I'd like it , only bad thing is their cop money funds the illegal stuff... Us medics get rubbish money :(

In my opinion, it'd be nice to regulate it.

if there are not enough officers on-line on a ratio of 5:1 (debate), then police cannot rebel.
Agreed on that.

Agreed, Kinda sick seeing people jumping on as rebel even when there are low numbers of police.

Sounds like we are going to regulate it at the least. 

Tbh I'll be more active when the whole force changes, because ATM there is nothing that I like about the force !
I didn't get much of a chance to play as a cop during the old way of having the 3 different HQ's and each officer assigned to that department, but I easily prefer it to the current system. It's been said time and time again by a lot of ex and still serving officers, this new system of having 1 global police force and being assigned to a random place as per the person in dispatch is just not as enjoyable.

I didn't get much of a chance to play as a cop during the old way of having the 3 different HQ's and each officer assigned to that department, but I easily prefer it to the current system. It's been said time and time again by a lot of ex and still serving officers, this new system of having 1 global police force and being assigned to a random place as per the person in dispatch is just not as enjoyable.
Must be that time of the month where we give the cops what they want, a month down the line they dont like it and it all changes again.


Regulation then, depending on the vote do we introduce a minimum play time? Play as a rebel so long then as a cop so long I don't think people would enjoy that. But as above, numbers online has been slowly creeping up a lot of the senior positions are putting a lot of time in I guess we will have to come up with a solution, we do need 30 cops online at 8pm prime time just for an excuse to use all these departments we have no point having a ghost hawk in the air if there aren't enough cops on the ground.

But will bring it up at police meeting this evening.

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Since this new rule allowed cops to go on as rebels I have only been on 4 times as a rebel and only been doing good RP and had fun and been able to defend myself with the weapons that is illegal.

We should make it so that only SGT and above can go on as rebels a little bit and I can assure you all that SGT and above make sure not to play rebel to much or do bad RP.

Changed my mind a bit about the ranking thing after I talked with Maratek and read what the others had written.

We should regulate it a bit and have it so that the cops dont go on as rebels when there is far to few cops to rebels ratio on.


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I don't know if we're supposed to explain our vote, but here we go. I voted no. Because:

I understand cops want a day off every now and then, but I feel this new rule has brought disbalance to the server. Most cops play in a gang with their colleagues. This means that, when this group of cops is not online, their gang will immeadiatly have a big advantage. Them being online basicly means the cops are low on manpower. It also brings the fear of corruption. How am I going to trust the cops who are online, when I know that their colleagues are rolling around doing crime?

(this is just a feeling, haven't expierenced this corruption =)). My main point is the disbalance between cops and rebels. Cops used to be active throughout the day pretty much, but now groups of cops go off duty and play as rebels, which means a lot of times there is way more rebels than cops, and I think the cops can't do their jobs propperly anymore. I fear this may lead to other cops, who don't (as of yet) play as rebel, to either leave the force or to just also play as rebel, as a escape when there are too little cops online.

Just my view on it. TBH I thought about joining the cops a lot last week, to do my share, but as I am a Whitelisted Rebel, this carreer would only last until 5.0 is released, seems kind of useless then.
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