This is a very relative thing that differs from day to day, like one day the Police are fucked as we don't have enough units then the next we are running around like headless chickens going from job to job, panic to panic like Yesterday. However, I completely agree that we can be an overwhelming force, but that does go hand in hand with crims/gangs. You'd be surprised how many police do not have access to guns, only tasers and that they are left out of crime as most of it now has guns involved. Question, what is the max amount of people you can have in a gang? Because there is usually about 35-40 police on duty on a good day, and then that will include all different units, ones without guns and even probies without tasers.
I also agree though that there needs to be more balancing, but are still hard done by. We most definitely do not get an update every other week, we have to work hard for what we get in the police and restricted by actually being good, restrictions of being in a certain amount of time before doing training's etc and also limited slots in certain units.
Police also get to deal with all the bullshit in the server, like MRPD getting raided, whether by baldies or fully armed suspects which happens most days as of late. Actually happening 12 days in a row the other week. We understand crims work ery hard for their things too but people need to think, we are not there to be dicks. If you comply with a traffic stop, we aint gonna take your shit for no reason, we are there to RP as police, have a chat and off you go. Fleeing is you making us chase you then having to arrest you. Anyone who knows Will White in game knows that he is chill af and will just chat and off you go, I dont give a fuck about winning coz i will just die, respawn and grab my stuff back for free.
What im trying to get at is if crims actually go along with the RP most of the time you will just be on your way. None of us want to arrest you for speeding, tinted windows etc. its a waste of our time to be frank. Also i would say be more careful with stuff you want to keep, don't flash it everywhere or instantly get aggy at police coz it makes us think you have something to hide.
We do need to sort out unit priority for dispatches and we do need to hear these things from you guys so we know how to improve and bring these up in meetings. The police as a whole are starting to bring ourselves closer and be better and I personally am grateful for this so we can know where to start. Remember, at the end of the day we are roleplaying, we want to do things like traffic stops, community policing etc. Thats why we joined the police, we don't care about winning, its about the fun, but we need both police and crims to work together to do that