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Police and amount of them

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Jay Small

Well-known member
There needs to be a player cap on police its madness i didn't stop when getting pulled over for driving recklessly, the in have like 12 units chasing me all double crewed and 80% of them being firearms even one of the police said and i quote "this is retarded all these units for 1 guy" the win mentality of police is crazy and im going to say what everyone is thinking you are killing your own server with this crims are joining police because they cant be bothered any more, rework drugs to bring crims back and you will finally have a balance between crims and police again, police get new shit once a week i swear now they can pull people out of a car against there will but yet i cant look through someone's inventory when they are incapacitated make that make sense ?
Think i made a suggestion about something similar to this a while ago, i was told that the amount of police allowed to attend a scene is "assessed within game" and "up to the leading officers discretion" or something like that, but I agree I think it should be a rule/cap as to how many can turn up. It is not fun when you're outnumbered 5/1 for basic things like not stopping when pulled over or robbing a shop etc.
"up to the leading officers discretion" maybe they need new leading officers then why they got rid of frenchie is a weird one but oh well not a lot makes sense tbh police RP at the moment
Agree with this, robbed a shop few weeks ago on the server and was rushed by firearms: I had a bat.
don’t understand why so many police attended, we have caps already in place internally, like you are only suppose to have up to 5 cars in a pursuit and everyone else needs to break off and attend other incidents.
so if there are caps is that not a rule break ? and if its not why is this not enforced its a joke
The police win mentality is mad on how many police turn up to a situation just makes it unfun for the crim side its one of the reasons why i dont really log in on my crim character no more i just find it boring with 10+ feds chasing you or 10+ police turing up to shop robbery it should be balanced so theres a 50% chance for police and 50% chance for crims and most times over powerd police always win.

Nothing will happen off this suggestion there has been many suggestions about how unhappy crims are with police and the suggestions just gets shat on by police main's. Give it time and it will probably happen with this suggestion. When a police main puts a suggestion up about markys it gets accepted the same month when theres multiple suggestions up on the forums how crims feel about police just getting ignored. doesn't make sense.
The police win mentality is mad on how many police turn up to a situation just makes it unfun for the crim side its one of the reasons why i dont really log in on my crim character no more i just find it boring with 10+ feds chasing you or 10+ police turing up to shop robbery it should be balanced so theres a 50% chance for police and 50% chance for crims and most times over powerd police always win.

Nothing will happen off this suggestion there has been many suggestions about how unhappy crims are with police and the suggestions just gets shat on by police main's. Give it time and it will probably happen with this suggestion. When a police main puts a suggestion up about markys it gets accepted the same month when theres multiple suggestions up on the forums how crims feel about police just getting ignored. doesn't make sense.
Preach the word brother!


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so if there are caps is that not a rule break ? and if its not why is this not enforced its a joke
It's not a rule break, it's more of an internal issue within the faction.

The police win mentality is mad on how many police turn up to a situation just makes it unfun for the crim side its one of the reasons why i dont really log in on my crim character no more i just find it boring with 10+ feds chasing you or 10+ police turing up to shop robbery it should be balanced so theres a 50% chance for police and 50% chance for crims and most times over powerd police always win.
I was chased for wreckless driving with 10+ police cars after me leading somewhere up to an hour, the issue is, it's a mentality issue that cannot be resolved via rules, since Arma 3 there was always an issue between Crims and Police, the only way to fix it is by both sides allowing each one to build trust between one another the issue with that is when new players that haven't been within the community cause negligence towards police once again ruining their positioning of the crim side.
We do have internal "Rules" to limit chases to 6 cars however when its dead af officers will just attach. Not to mention with how the server is recently even 2 cars of like 6 cops are at risk of being gunned down or robbed, Its precautionary most the time or high presence policing.
Bring it to the attention (OOC) to police seniors with potential names or at least specific units that participated. If RPU or Response or Firearms Command don't get informed, it's hard to act on someone posting now and then in the forums when the pipe is full again
Is there not a cap on how many players can log on as Police onto the server? Cause i will be a lil shocked if its unlimited.
Is there not a cap on how many players can log on as Police onto the server? Cause i will be a lil shocked if its unlimited.
Im fairly certain it is unlimited. Back in Arma days there used to be set slots for cops and if there were too many on there would be no slots for others to get on as cop which used to be pretty good.

I am a cop main and I agree it is madness at how many cops respond to certain situations. I myself stand down a lot of units in pursuits. Personally I think the limit of 6 cars in an FTS is madness. It should be more like 3/4 cars. However this is something I will be bringing up myself in police meetings.
Im fairly certain it is unlimited. Back in Arma days there used to be set slots for cops and if there were too many on there would be no slots for others to get on as cop which used to be pretty good.

I am a cop main and I agree it is madness at how many cops respond to certain situations. I myself stand down a lot of units in pursuits. Personally I think the limit of 6 cars in an FTS is madness. It should be more like 3/4 cars. However this is something I will be bringing up myself in police meetings.
Then there needs to be a server cap too.. I personally don't think there needs to be anymore than 50 police on. That can handle anything. For a faction to have unlimited slots is mad. I understand they are pretty much against all the gangs but not all gangs are actively always in gun fights or robbing. and if there are to many unit going on small pointless jobs then there is clearly too many police on the server.
This is a very relative thing that differs from day to day, like one day the Police are fucked as we don't have enough units then the next we are running around like headless chickens going from job to job, panic to panic like Yesterday. However, I completely agree that we can be an overwhelming force, but that does go hand in hand with crims/gangs. You'd be surprised how many police do not have access to guns, only tasers and that they are left out of crime as most of it now has guns involved. Question, what is the max amount of people you can have in a gang? Because there is usually about 35-40 police on duty on a good day, and then that will include all different units, ones without guns and even probies without tasers.

I also agree though that there needs to be more balancing, but are still hard done by. We most definitely do not get an update every other week, we have to work hard for what we get in the police and restricted by actually being good, restrictions of being in a certain amount of time before doing training's etc and also limited slots in certain units.

Police also get to deal with all the bullshit in the server, like MRPD getting raided, whether by baldies or fully armed suspects which happens most days as of late. Actually happening 12 days in a row the other week. We understand crims work ery hard for their things too but people need to think, we are not there to be dicks. If you comply with a traffic stop, we aint gonna take your shit for no reason, we are there to RP as police, have a chat and off you go. Fleeing is you making us chase you then having to arrest you. Anyone who knows Will White in game knows that he is chill af and will just chat and off you go, I dont give a fuck about winning coz i will just die, respawn and grab my stuff back for free.

What im trying to get at is if crims actually go along with the RP most of the time you will just be on your way. None of us want to arrest you for speeding, tinted windows etc. its a waste of our time to be frank. Also i would say be more careful with stuff you want to keep, don't flash it everywhere or instantly get aggy at police coz it makes us think you have something to hide.

We do need to sort out unit priority for dispatches and we do need to hear these things from you guys so we know how to improve and bring these up in meetings. The police as a whole are starting to bring ourselves closer and be better and I personally am grateful for this so we can know where to start. Remember, at the end of the day we are roleplaying, we want to do things like traffic stops, community policing etc. Thats why we joined the police, we don't care about winning, its about the fun, but we need both police and crims to work together to do that :)
Ok so here comes my what is probably an unpopular opinion again.
Let us start by addressing the suggestion for a cap and then I will talk about possible solutions as I see it. I am a police main, and I have no real interest in doing anything else I have tried the solicitor side of things and although I found it enjoyable, it was not enough that I continued it. Does that mean if a cap is implemented I can't play on the server effectively? Seems a bit unfair. thus I dont think a cap is the right solution. It would also mean individuals like myself who do do the despatch role and things like custody offcier would be less included to offer those RP avenues as we would be needed outside the station on patrol

So what do I think could work ?
There are ways to deal with incidents within the police however they are IC and if people don't put in complaints about them then supervisors will not know about them so my first suggestion would be if you think the police have been too aggressive with you put in a complaint at MRPS.
Despatchs are something that was brought in awhile ago however they are very rarely used as there is very little for a dispatcher to do and can be hard trying to organise units when people dont respond to you on the radio or they go off and do their own thing. once again this is an IC issue that needs to be dealt with but I do think more work should be done for despatches and trying to encourage officers to do it.
Crims not taking a mile when the police attempt to reduce our capabilities - A few months ago it was trailed that firearms officers weapons would only be carried on them if there was a firearms situation the rest of the time they were kept in the weapon safes. What happened? Robberies, kidnappings and attempted sky rocketed. SO proactive carry was brought in again and they wnet down. Then it was taken away and it went up. The LSPS gave an olive branch we will reduce our firearms capabilities and it was abused. personally, I would love to see Avant Guarde being phased out however I know the way things are at the moment it would not be feasible. So what could crims do to help this? basically dont take the Micheal every situation is judged on its risk if we are having traffic stops regularly turn into failure to stop then officers getting shot at then you will get a more robust police response (more units more firearms attending) In the last week I have gone to do 2 traffic stops for minor things that have turned into firefights the first was because an individaul failed to stop then decamped and pulled and gun and just started shootting the second was becuase the suspect (who was only being pulled over because of their tints) didnt want to provide his name and as such was arrested. As Whill W sad above most of the time its pull you over have a chat yes mabye you get a ticket but thats it your eon your way if you comply.

In summary :
Complain IC
Better implementation/ Rework of despatch
If crims starts to bring the risk level down (less shooting offciers, less assalting offciers for minor things like traffic stop) then it will give room for the LSPS to bring our level down

oh and just a note we have been able to pull individuals out of cars for a very long time most offciers either choose not to or dont know how
It just plays of each other though both have got to give for both to receive, it’s so 50/50 on wether it will be a simple pull over and get a warning or if the officers gonna be a knob and try arrest you, then flip the coin if police chase a crim it’s 50/50 on wether they stop and take a warning or wether they believe they can become John wick with it, but because of the controversy’s that goes on between the crim and police both sides never trust each other and want to take the 50/50 chance. Both sides love a moan at each other and aslong as that continues there will be no change often these threads just turn into a complaint rather than a suggestion. I’ve played crim for a hell of a lot of time and police/crim has always been a topic but definetly in the last year it’s worsened and for me it’s down to 2 things the ego of some players now a days on both sides and also the value of items crime don’t want to go down without a fight when there weapons is about a days work and some police get satisfaction from taking that days work when they can just dip into an armoury at free will.
"this is retarded all these units for 1 guy"
Hello, I am the police unit that said this, We have a general policy to make things more fair for crims to not have more then 6 UNITS on a chase, a lot of people don't know or just dont care, I try my best to make sure its less then 6 cars involved especially if its a SINGLE car we are chasing, Sorry you had a shit experience in that RP situation, The Only time I'll say more then 6 Is if there are more suspect cars to chase.

Edit: to all the people who seem to think there's REALLY an issue with how the police in the server do things you CAN COMPLAIN OOC to police seniors, just go into Police Public, ask for a senior of whatever unit the person you wanna complain about is in, and then tell them what happened, this can also be done in RP, I know theres some bad apples (Like real life) but the real side of things is most of us are not cunts, you had a couple bad experiences sure, So have I but in reality MOST of the people who are here for fun don't even believe theres a WIN mentality.

Simply put if an officer is WIN obsessed they get removed, its as simple as that, command has zero tolerance on that although I'm not command its said countless times in the police meetings.
the best is complain in city about it then why would we complain in city when there should be a server cap on feds its a joke well let me guess you complained about marksmen pistols in city ? im sure that was on suggestions anytime anyone complains in city about anything you dont get a response because your all to busy fragging out in this server which is losing its reputation of a good balanced roleplay server its more a police main server you are driving everyone away with this police issue all police will end up with is baldies not actual people here for roleplay
I mean I didn't disagree with your suggestion btw, and also Marksmans were a joke a lot of crims agreed thats why It was changed to sniper ammo, I think you are combining all your bad experiences with police all into one and forgetting about any good experiences with police, In fact most people I've dealt with in RP as police have been chill even when they are mad that they lost, What happens is people get mad they were arrested, take it out on anyone whos in the cells and then some officers be dicks back to them by making their time worse, if everyone just chilled the fuck out in RP and started only caring about the interaction and not the win (Police included) then everyones time on the server would be better, its not a one side is better then the other, everyones as bad as eachother, certain crims/groups give police a bad image on them and certain officers give a bad image for crims thats just how it is.

We take our couple of bad experiences and then judge and entire group based off of that, I had a really negative image on the Ballas for example from previous experiences on my cop character, I took the time out on my crim character to interact with them more and see their side of things and now I honestly have no issue with them, or any gang as a matter of fact, I think a lot of crims need to try out cop or G6 or something before judging an entire group of people and same for police, try out a crim character and see the struggle and grind, anyways thats all I'll say skrr
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