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Police Advanced Medical DNR


On A Spiritual Pilgrimage
Staff Team
Elite Donator
Los Santos Police
Florida, USA
Controversial opinion potentially but if you are downed by the police, I believe the police should have the option to DNR you. However! It should come with extra steps.

I say DNR for the simplicity of the term since it's the system the NHS has in place, however for the police I believe the functionality should be altered. For example, if someone is shot ten times and wants to roleplay, they're dying but there's no NHS then I only have the option as Advanced Medical of taking them to Pillbox and "forcing" them to check in by placing them in front of the desk in a Ward. Although I can't force you to check in actually, I feel a lot of players feel obligated. There's no mechanism in-game to allow police to help someone bleed out besides time or getting the NHS if they are around.

Now this isn't me saying police can walk up and just go "You're dead" and send you six meters under. I believe if we look at the dodgy doctor system of asking a player and adapt it to if they want to die or not would be the best solution. It requires the Advanced Medically trained police officer to initiate the DNR and you agree to it, so both parties in agreement. I'd say if NHS are online, police not being allowed to make this decision. This would ensure that if you want to die, you can if that's the roleplay choice you make. However, since it's a two-party agreement it would eliminate people who have been shot 100 times from saying they stubbed their toe or the person who stubbed their toe saying their heart exploded from the act.

I believe those who want to roleplay with the police and continue on after treatment will still do so, however it allows for a mutual ending as neither side wins. The police don't get a suspect, and you lose your stuff and forget the scenario altogether. There are pros to this system and con's however I feel like players should have the option of dying while in the hands of police if they put the necessary medical roleplay into it. Another potential feature is this system couldn't be activated immediately on downing, after 5 minutes or so (enough time to do medical) the decision could be made by both parties through the course of roleplay for that character to die.
I don't much see a benefit to this on either side of the equation.

Downsides for police, this will incentivise criminals "dying" in RP because they want an immediate DNR. Even with your policy of it not applying if the NHS are online, this will not stop people trying it more often to get out of the RP and the situation. They're going to lose their items anyway, so they have a choice of having the chance of respawning instantly from the police, or going through the process of being imprisoned. The 10-15m bleedout time at least introduces a buffer that people have to wait before bleeding out normally, allowing police time to catch their breath and making people actually value their time, which makes you not want to die so often.

For crims, if police do not want to deal with you as expected, a scenario that you may have actually wanted to RP may end up in a quick 2 minute DNR and respawn. Can you image setting up an RP scenario for an officer to say "Well he was shot with a rifle 6 times so he's dead" and respawn you? That'd be awful.

There's a reason DNR is restricted to NHS, I feel it should stay that way. I don't believe any of the limitations stated in this post are enough to negate the downsides.
I think people might miss your bit about this being a two way thing Gordon, you might want to emphasise that within your suggestion before moving forward as people might glance over it
so they have a choice of having the chance of respawning instantly from the police
They wouldn't I suggested there's a minimum amount of time and I agree that I also wouldn't want it to be instant.

The 10-15m bleedout time at least introduces a buffer that people have to wait before bleeding out normally
This is why I suggested 5min min (working figure) before it could be used

a scenario that you may have actually wanted to RP may end up in a quick 2 minute DNR and respawn
It couldn't as I suggested it's a two-party agreement, the police and the victim need to agree to it.

Can you image setting up an RP scenario for an officer to say "Well he was shot with a rifle 6 times so he's dead" and respawn you? That'd be awful.
Except they couldn't as the two-party agreement system wouldn't allow the officer to make that choice.

The only way this could work is if the police dnr option would be for a small select few (maybe inspector or higher) as unfortunately some people may use it as a way out of prolonged rp medical scenarios, whether that be crims or police. Also if it is a mass event where there are too many bodies down, the dnr timer may have run down before someone has even managed to get any medical rp unless it only starts when med rp is done (packing bandage, first aid kit etc is used on patient)
With the possibility of a 2 party agreement, would it be possible for maybe 3 person, one being a higher rank, 2nd being a 2nd opinion & 3rd being the injured party themselves, so it couldn't be a quick "right s/he's dead" after the timer. Maybe even waiting just a couple of mins before the incapacitated timer (to where they can respawn themselves) before police are allowed to dnr could be another option of prolonging the rp.
no thanks, keep it to NHS, don't think we as police haev the legal powers to declare someone dead on the server anyway
As a police main unfortunatley have to -1 this as Phoenix said, i believe this will only increase the /me dead that we already deal with all the time.
As another police main here, who enjoys shooting crims and dumping the dead bodies on response people with AMT I'd rather not have the Option to DNR, Police IRL (to my knowledge) have absolutely no legal way to declare someone as dead and as Jay said above me it will lead to an even more increased /me dead no pulse to quickly respawn and die again in a gunfight
