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Pistol only Tanoa

Pistols at dawn?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 16.3%
  • No

    Votes: 164 51.3%
  • Yes - but SMGS for the police

    Votes: 67 20.9%
  • Yes - But SMGS for the police if it doesn't work out

    Votes: 37 11.6%

  • Total voters
After much posts, I think most people would only whinge if it was pistols only, I'll admit I would like to use the new weapons but i'd rather have more interesting RP situations than gunfights. 

Maybe once the release of Tanoa happens, a trial on Altis could prohibit the sale of rifles but not outright remove them, rebel markets would only sell SMG's and pistols (with the new ones) making rifles a super rare item to some extent.

What say you all?
Mp5+vermin+pistol+MXC+PDW+Sting only????xD

After much posts, I think most people would only whinge if it was pistols only, I'll admit I would like to use the new weapons but i'd rather have more interesting RP situations than gunfights. 

Maybe once the release of Tanoa happens, a trial on Altis could prohibit the sale of rifles but not outright remove them, rebel markets would only sell SMG's and pistols (with the new ones) making rifles a super rare item to some extent.

What say you all?
Sorry, but it is a no for me

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This does sound like a pretty neat idea, but I think a large portion of the ALUK player base will find it boring after a while. We all love RP, but a large portion of the ALUK player base also enjoy firefights that break out from RP sitiuations. As I said, cool idea, but I think it wont work in practice in the long run.
They can stick to Altis then.

I think it should be limited to to pistols and smgs, but atleast the akm and ak-12 should be in along with the hk for armed response, these would probably cost twice as much as an smg tough

using an example based on the current economy, an smg would cost 110k-150k while a rifle would cost 220-280k.

it would ensure hobo's with rifles aren't that frequent leaving those other guns to people who have been longer here, and actually know the rules.

I mean i don't like RDM'ers, but it doesn't seem right having rebels without rifles, even if they are worse than the polices ones, i mean the akm can't be modified so it could stop some people buying it.

@Banana Duck

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Not really sure if it has been mentioned earlier but what about the SDAR? It's the only handheld weapon that functions underwater, would this mean that as a consequence of ARs being unavailable underwater hunting would be never be implemented?

I commented on this previously but I have another point so here gos....

The limitations to pistols is a really good idea IMO but I understand where people have complaints regarding only pistols only, I think some where in the middle would be good but no snipers/long distance scopes just to remove the "hill camping" aspect even with rifles now i still get lots of rp where people come at me with a rifle for close quarters fights/rp so it doesnt work, jsut because a few sit out far doesnt mean all do and shouldnt punish every one for a minority of players gameplay style

why not enforce rulings in tanoa regarding guns and such, enforce pistol holster as a rule you cant have a gun unless you are wearing a holster, if you are caught you are fined/gun licence/rebel licence removed and if you repeatedly offend you will be jailed for full server periods....

rather than ban hammering people for not abiding by the rules of the server (although that is an option) concealed weapons shouldnt be allowed or even add in an extra expensive losable concealed weapons licence to then counter the concealment aspect.

i think if rifles are allowed they must be on show at all times if this requires the core rifle weight being edited so that they dont fit in backpacks then that would make it a lot more fun as you can actually push more RP because the police can actively see the illegal weapons and such so the risk of loss/rp is greatly increased without removing rifles completely

i do agree with the general aspect of small arms, pistols/smgs but as i saw in comments what then happens for underwater hunting and such which requires the underwater rifle? special license for that or some thing and if you are caught with it away from a dock/fishing/water area then you are fined and lose the license for it?

to summarise: removing snipers/long range scopes but leaving all other weapons in would be good for all i believe
higher price for the weapons, certain weapons require rebel licence and must have the weapons on show, certain areas the guns are not allowed meaning that you could have checkpoints around the cities which stop check people and vehicles for illegal weapons being brought into the area (this also adds a fun rp blackmarket within the safe area for illegal weapons sales)
concealed weapon skill/licence
loss of licences for deaths, jail or confiscation by police for illegal activities
good rp can keep your weapon but must leave area 
have roaming police jeep patrols that look for people with illegal firearms and such around the jungles and such

for some reason in my head i keep envisioning "Welcome To the Jungle" aka "The RunDown" when I think of mining in Tanoa with a huge cartel overlooking and enslaving the miners haha

A concept where we could only get smg's/shotguns etc. from either raiding cops, or say raiding some type of 'gun cache' which is heavily defended (like raiding a bank on altis) would be really cool in my opinion.

At the end of the day. Arma is arma. People like their guns. It's just how the game is made.

It's an interesting idea, but you'll lose 50%+ of your players
Or gain ten times the amount, the point is you don't know, you can guess and make assumptions but you don't know until you try it and gather the data.


Or gain ten times the amount, the point is you don't know, you can guess and make assumptions but you don't know until you try it and gather the data.

Ok mate, when rebel roleplay is 75% of all roleplay on the server, remove guns and I dare you to still tell me you'll gain players.

Ok mate, when rebel roleplay is 75% of all roleplay on the server, remove guns and I dare you to still tell me you'll gain players.
Yes you would if there we something to do for people in form of legimate way. As far i know, they are fixing this to tanoa and there will be alot stuff to do as a civilian, what will mean more suitable ways to go in your life = less rebels = more RP.

Yes you would if there we something to do for people in form of legimate way. As far i know, they are fixing this to tanoa and there will be alot stuff to do as a civilian, what will mean more suitable ways to go in your life = less rebels = more RP.
LOL OK mate, you're missing the point I'm making, not everybody wants to go around planting crops all day, most people bought ArmA because it was a MILITARY simulator.

LOL OK mate, you're missing the point I'm making, not everybody wants to go around planting crops all day, most people bought ArmA because it was a MILITARY simulator.
I might be in a wrong place, but I got informed that this is roleplay community, not a milsim community? I'm trustful there is ALOT more legal and roleplay jobs, etc. to do at tanoa compared to altis. I put my trust on the DEV team that the island is gonna be 75% jobs legal stuff and good roleplay and that 25% rebel gunplay. Guns are essential part of the "life" world, but should never be the priority. They give the adrenaline rush when you encounter guy with a gun, who robs you or shoots at you. Make it happen too often, and you loose the thrill of it. Im sure if you feel otherwise there is plenty of those military simulation communities around. But hey, that is just my 2 cents.

I might be in a wrong place, but I got informed that this is roleplay community, not a milsim community? I'm trustful there is ALOT more legal and roleplay jobs, etc. to do at tanoa compared to altis. I put my trust on the DEV team that the island is gonna be 75% jobs legal stuff and good roleplay and that 25% rebel gunplay. Guns are essential part of the "life" world, but should never be the priority. They give the adrenaline rush when you encounter guy with a gun, who robs you or shoots at you. Make it happen too often, and you loose the thrill of it. Im sure if you feel otherwise there is plenty of those military simulation communities around. But hey, that is just my 2 cents.
Nice list of uncertainties

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I apologize if somebody has already said this but the idea might work better if the access to rifles and smgs was given to the players after a couple of weeks. This would give a chance for the pistol only gameplay to be played in extensive depth but still allow for the rifles to be used in the long term which is what everyone knows and loves in Arma.

How about those people who want to use pistols use them, and the people who want to use rifles use those. Why do people always want to infringe on others choices? Is it really so hard to just mind your own business? Pistols only will make no difference other than now hobos will run up to you before they shoot you. And also stop trying to take my fucking guns all the time jesus christ, thanks Obama.
