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PCSO ryze

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This is completely uncut. I am not recording 24/7, my HDD does not have the capacity to do so.

This recording started when I realised I had to record to defend myself against retards that would lie to get me banned. 

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furthermore if u read my initial statement which hasnt been edited i said that i had just meet these guys.. they took me on a coke run which is why my hemit box got scrapped.. fair enough... if they where glitching restraints which u show in your video then that wasnt me and is nothing to do with me... however i would love it if you could upload the 5 minutes prior to your video as my recording software failed for whatever reason..you know the bit where u run up and shot me... the only part particularly relevant to this post.............

This is completely uncut. I am not recording 24/7, my HDD does not have the capacity to do so.

This recording started when I realised I had to record to defend myself against retards that would lie to get me banned. 
at what point did i personally insult u with that kind off language?... also i stated in my initial post that u CAN roleplay and i believe you PANICKED... i was unaware that this is how adults communicate with one another and i am also aware that i have posted alot of ''one liners' should i say that are not particularly tasteful but i havent directly called u ''retarded'' have i... neither have i said u are lieing... tbh i was just really pissed off when u went all 'wasteland' on me and apologize for ''spamming posts''...

This does need sorting..

no more comments from me unless requested..

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at what point did i personally insult u with that kind off language?... also i stated in my initial post that u CAN roleplay and i believe you PANICKED... i was unaware that this is how adults communicate with one another and i am also aware that i have posted alot of ''one liners' should i say that are not particularly tasteful but i havent directly called u ''retarded'' have i... neither have i said u are lieing... tbh i was just really pissed off when u went all 'wasteland' on me and apologize for ''spamming posts''...

This does need sorting..

no more comments from me unless requested..
My apologies, I was above myself when I wrote that and I realised that I indirectly called you and your new friends retards.

I take that back and hope I did not offend any of you to much. 

To be honest if you have to evidence you are fighting a lost cause I have watched the video that Ryze posted, I here you guys breaking RP and saying your getting banned, which if you are active in this community was only just recently said by the Server Owner is a big no no.

I suggest you go and rethink your RP and try something knew because if it was me you was dealing with I would of reported you.

I'm going to use this thread just to speak about what happened yesterday, it has nothing to do with Ryze but about the cops on the server.

So this is pretty much what happened:

Me and two other gang members (Jack and Zeig) "had nothing to do" so we decided lets rob someone, so we went and did an ambush, i "crashed" the car we had and stayed asking for help and they hidden themselves.

And then came our victim, i asked for help and the guy was a cool dude and came to help, at that time my mates came and we held him restrained, and we though, ok we have him now what we do with him?

We then decided to ask for a ransom to the cops, not much money as it was a civilian and had not much value for them but we wanted to RP has it's what the server is all about. So we sent a message to the cops and they replied, soon one came and we asked for some money to get him free.

We went inside a house, after some time negotiating with the cop he wanted to go away, "get the money" but we asked for a transfer and he asked the account number, few minutes later gunshots allover the place, cops using the hostage has cover, the cop that was with us that we asked to get on the ground just comes running and restrains me...

So we were three and only i have survived... my mates were dead, now what about RP? isn't that what the server is about?

Why just came shooting down on us with real bullets not even tazers or rubber bullets?

Why not wait until hostage was safe and then come down on us? Why use him has cover at the front door?

Well this was it... cool RP cops

It's not reporting this guy or that guy for not RP or RDM, i'm not seeking that, just hope next time it all goes like it should, in real life cops just don't go all guns blazing after 3 guys who have someone hostage...

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To be honest if you have to evidence you are fighting a lost cause I have watched the video that Ryze posted, I here you guys breaking RP and saying your getting banned, which if you are active in this community was only just recently said by the Server Owner is a big no no.

I suggest you go and rethink your RP and try something knew because if it was me you was dealing with I would of reported you.

i would just like to point out that i didnt communicate with anyone in the video as i have clearly stated that on my screen i was left standing there and had no rights read to me.... this is clearly down to de-sync...i would also ask what i would have been reported for as to my knowledge i havent broken any server rules.. rather than stating to ''rethink my RP'' how about some constructive critism.. up to this point i havent shot at anyone on this server i have just role played unarmed for this exact reason.. I play on wasteland servers when i want to shoot people and come here to roleplay... this experience felt no different to me.. apart from the fact that i wasted my own time warning them and trying to initiate some form of roleplay. im not trying to argue with you... this is clearly a difference of opinion and perception and i understand that many people will take different views on what has been stated. to my knowledge i didnt break any server rules (apart from when i got out off the car hand cuffed if thats a rule) <-- this was more down to just being frustrated from the lack off roleplay i had just recieved..

I admit im new to roleplay on altislife but having been playing games for almost 20 years mainly rpg, fps, rts and mmo genres im not an arse and in most cases if i have been i would admit it.. i would also add that im trying my hardest to find viable ways to initiate roleplay.. which doesnt involve robbing innocent civi's or shops as this doesnt interest me... the thought off protecting the vulnerable from armed men be it cops or rebels seems quite alluring and being a spectator at that specific point maybe i acted without thinking (which i can admit) i guess what i was hoping for was that the cops would value the life off a brother in arms and actually negotiate with me... but if life isnt worth worrying about then what chances do we have at roleplay when the person you are trying to negotiate with doesnt care if u kill their friend or not.....

i know i said i wouldnt comment again but i felt your comment provokes a response..

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I'm going to use this thread just to speak about what happened yesterday, it has nothing to do with Ryze but about the cops on the server.

So this is pretty much what happened:

Me and two other gang members (Jack and Zieg) "had nothing to do" so we decided lets rob someone, so we went and did an ambush, i "crashed" the car we had and stayed asking for help and they hidden themselves.

And then came our victim, i asked for help and the guy was a cool dude and came to help, at that time my mates came and we held him restrained, and we though, ok we have him now what we do with him?

We then decided to ask for a ransom to the cops, not much money as it was a civilian and had not much value for them but we wanted to RP has it's what the server is all about. So we sent a message to the cops and they replied, soon one came and we asked for some money to get him free.

We went inside a house, after some time negotiating with the cop he wanted to go away, "get the money" but we asked for a transfer and he asked the account number, few minutes later gunshots allover the place, cops using the hostage has cover, the cop that was with us that we asked to get on the ground just comes running and restrains me...

So we were three and only i have survived... my mates were dead, now what about RP? isn't that what the server is about?

Why just came shooting down on us with real bullets not even tazers or rubber bullets?

Why not wait until hostage was safe and then come down on us? Why use him has cover at the front door?

Well this was it... cool RP cops

It's not reporting this guy or that guy for not RP or RDM, i'm not seeking that, just hope next time it all goes like it should, in real life cops just don't go all guns blazing after 3 guys who have someone hostage...
What were the names of those cops?

Not sure ATM there was a tom something(the negotiator) , i will tell you later, we have it recorded but i have no access to the video ATM and the recording sound was bad, my mic even recorded me breathing... 

But as i said i'm not reporting anyone!

Just want this guys to think about it next time, how would cops act...

we were expecting a awesome RP and in 5 minutes it all went down the drain...

I always though cops had lots of money to this kind of situation, what's it worth to have millions just to sit on the bank?

and we only asked for like 200 or 300k, that alone should be enough for them to see we wanted RP.

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Not sure ATM there was a tom something(the negotiator) , i will tell you later, we have it recorded but i have no access to the video ATM and the recording sound was bad, my mic even recorded me breathing... 

But as i said i'm not reporting anyone!

Just want this guys to think about it next time, how would cops act...

we were expecting a awesome RP and in 5 minutes it all went down the drain...

I always though cops had lots of money to this kind of situation, what's it worth to have millions just to sit on the bank?

and we only asked for like 200 or 300k, that alone should be enough for them to see we wanted RP.
I was around for this incident,

can I ask why would you bring a hostage to near the bank when there is 10+ cops at the bank job?

And from our point of view the hostage was saved and all the criminals either captured or eliminated.

a pretty much perfect hostage OP from our side.

until snickersbar decides he wants to turn up and try to RDM people, but thats something different all together,

Reference the hostage OP try to move him away from cops not take them too us and expect us not to react.

I was around for this incident,

can I ask why would you bring a hostage to near the bank when there is 10+ cops at the bank job?

And from our point of view the hostage was saved and all the criminals either captured or eliminated.

a pretty much perfect hostage OP from our side.

until snickersbar decides he wants to turn up and try to RDM people, but thats something different all together,

Reference the hostage OP try to move him away from cops not take them too us and expect us not to react.

Near the bank? Why not near Kavala? 

Did we said something about don't go to the bank or we kill the hostage? or we are with the people robing the bank?

You call that perfect?

Then that Serious Roleplay goes to shit when it's the cops doing their thing.

We did not shoot at you or threaten anybody, your negotiator was not harmed in any way, we did not even search him! We were RP!

And you call that perfect?!

You put the life of a civilian in front of money and call that perfect?! Should come join us, the rebels.

Your reaction is kos...

about snickersbar don't know him he wasn't with us...

Oh and btw i only survived because the negotiator that was with us, who we told to get on the floor when the shooting started run to me and handcuffed me, who is he? chucknorris?

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We he was next to where you was holding the hostage shooting at cops

So if he is not with you he is just their to ruin situations, as he was above your location shooting at cops, but I have been told he is not here for RP but to kill as much as he can,

Red the RP your talking about you had a hostage and we saw an opportunity to take you guys out which we did.

Hostage was safe 1 hostage taker was detained 2 was killed.

No cop died

So from our point of view yes it was perfect

I don't agree with you, only tom RP with us, you did not say anything just started shooting, cops should value life not take it...

That just makes you a rebel... but i'm not going to argue about it, it's my point of view...

not like we harmed the police or had even threaten to...

Right I will try to explain,

We do value life, the life of the hostage,

When a hostage is taken we are presented with 3 options

1. Give you your ransome and get the hostage

2. Give you your ransome and get the hostage, then try to pursue you for an arrest.

3. If we see an opportunity to take the hostage takers out keeping the hostage safe

You kept 2 guys in a building with the negotiator 1 guy on the rocks and the hostage was outside handcuffed alone

We talked to the negotiator and Tom said if we took 1 guy out in the building he could restrain the other the only problem was we needed to get a guy close enough to the building to do that they would of been seen by the sniper on the rocks

So I took out the sniper with 1 silenced round so you could not know he was dead,

We moved up on the building and I gave the go ahead to take out one guy inside while Tom restrained the 3rd if you had the hostage inside the building we could not of done this.

So from our point of view we did what we needed to do and did it very well.

There was no need to choose option 1 or 2 because we could end the situation quickly and efficiently which is what happened, the only spanner in the works was snickersbar who tried to join in to try and kill cops,

Which once I suppressed him he was taken out quite easily.

As officers we do make errors in judgment same as anyone else but in this case it was faultless just because it did not go your way does not mean we did anything wrong.

you have your point of view i have mine...

Police have threat level, if the kidnapers do not threat anyone why take their lives?,

that's my point, if you had come and tazed us all or stunned with rubber bullets i would be happy!

Very good work!  :D

Now what you did was trigger happy cop action... I did not die, don't think that i'm fucked because you got us... i wanted rp and see where it ended... 

May i ask does normally  anyone robbing the bank ask for a negotiator or just say that they don't want to negotiate?

sometimes we get the chance to negotiate most of the times we get shot on arrival,

we could not rubber bullet due to the sniper on the rocks, so none lethal was not an option unless the admins give me a rubber bullet MK18 then I would love to give it a go

Right I will try to explain,

We do value life, the life of the hostage,

When a hostage is taken we are presented with 3 options

1. Give you your ransome and get the hostage

2. Give you your ransome and get the hostage, then try to pursue you for an arrest.

3. If we see an opportunity to take the hostage takers out keeping the hostage safe

You kept 2 guys in a building with the negotiator 1 guy on the rocks and the hostage was outside handcuffed alone

We talked to the negotiator and Tom said if we took 1 guy out in the building he could restrain the other the only problem was we needed to get a guy close enough to the building to do that they would of been seen by the sniper on the rocks

So I took out the sniper with 1 silenced round so you could not know he was dead,

We moved up on the building and I gave the go ahead to take out one guy inside while Tom restrained the 3rd if you had the hostage inside the building we could not of done this.

So from our point of view we did what we needed to do and did it very well.

There was no need to choose option 1 or 2 because we could end the situation quickly and efficiently which is what happened, the only spanner in the works was snickersbar who tried to join in to try and kill cops,

Which once I suppressed him he was taken out quite easily.

As officers we do make errors in judgment same as anyone else but in this case it was faultless just because it did not go your way does not mean we did anything wrong.
so you admit that in my circumstance your cop was in the wrong.. as you have stated your 3 options and none off these 3 options were taken.. clearly you must agree with me.. if someone has a gun to a cops head that isnt a clear situation to just kill on site is it... I am referring to your 3rd option....

 3. If we see an opportunity to take the hostage takers out keeping the hostage safe 

if these are really your only 3 options then why the negative comments directed towards me when now that you are talking to someone else you have changed your mind.. and using my example as your argument... you have officially baffled me... which is quite the achievement >xD

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so you admit that in my circumstance your cop was in the wrong.. as you have stated your 3 options and none off these 3 options were taken.. clearly you must agree with me..
no your situation is not a hostage op, a hostage op is completely different,

what you have done is contradicted yourself over and over making no sense reporting people without any evidence and when counter evidence shows up, it proves you break RP you glitch out of cars and out of restraints so you should be banned not PCSO Ryze

Ok Fuel,

not going to argue anymore.

But this situation makes me think how much "serious" is the RP.

I think i took it too much serious and hoped to had a "proper"(calm) police response.

You should try to ask people to put their gun down before attacking... maybe you can be surprised someday...

Maybe tonight we'll try again, i dunno...

And as i said this is not an attack on any of police officers!

I just wanted to understand how your roe(rules of engagement) work.

guys i know justin in rl and i know what you see on vid that your calling glitching out of the cuffs he wasnt doing intentionaly we have been playing for like 5 days and wouldnt have the first clue how to glitch the game we play because we enjoy the interactions and we wouldnt have put then jump suits on and made the police run in circles if we didnt want to get caught, justins still learning how not to brake role an i dont want you all thinking he is a cheat, theres no getting away from the fact that you have police breaking rules i got killed by a guy and a cop that was doing a coke run and he crushed my box truck, i also had a cop run up to me cuff me and run and throw me in to the water without a word on my first day, i get it that everyone that feels butt hurt by a cop will try an get the cop banned but the only down side to this game is the cops that think roleplaying a cop means he must be an arrogant asshole with a superiority complex some of the best moment of role play are with the cops that play along like there also trying to have fun not stop it

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