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PCSO ryze

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Ive been out all day and come back and read this and i sound like someone from Jerry springer or some shit lol..

Im not saying either one off us is correct, I am saying that there is a difference of opinion and that is a good thing.

I agree with prankster, i would like to know more about police rules of engagement, if you could forward us to the correct thread if there is one that would be useful.

I think that i may have over imagined how far people would use their own imaginations parallel to mine in a role play sense without explanation. (hope that makes some sort of sense)

           i.e: if someone tells you to suck their dick most people would have a rough idea off what was involved to do to ''role play'' that            scene.. anything more elaborate is maybe a stretch to far from my end.. i dont know...

Anyway enough bitchiness from me.. im done with that, i would just like to say that im going to just stop reporting people. Unless its like some mental RDM/ VDM rambo looking MoFo, its to stressful and my life is stressful enough thanks.. why do you all think im playing altislife??... <--- (rhetorical xD) 

anyway peace out mutha clucka's!


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Ive been out all day and come back and read this and i sound like someone from Jerry springer or some shit lol..

Im not saying either one off us is correct, I am saying that there is a difference of opinion and that is a good thing.

I agree with prankster, i would like to know more about police rules of engagement, if you could forward us to the correct thread if there is one that would be useful.

I think that i may have over imagined how far people would use their own imaginations parallel to mine in a role play sense without explanation. (hope that makes some sort of sense)

           i.e: if someone tells you to suck their dick most people would have a rough idea off what was involved to do to ''role play'' that            scene.. anything more elaborate is maybe a stretch to far from my end.. i dont know...

Anyway enough bitchiness from me.. im done with that, i would just like to say that im going to just stop reporting people. Unless its like some mental RDM/ VDM rambo looking MoFo, its to stressful and my life is stressful enough thanks.. why do you all think im playing altislife... <--- (rhetorical xD) 

anyway peace out mutha clucka's!


We he was next to where you was holding the hostage shooting at cops

So if he is not with you he is just their to ruin situations, as he was above your location shooting at cops, but I have been told he is not here for RP but to kill as much as he can,

Red the RP your talking about you had a hostage and we saw an opportunity to take you guys out which we did.

Hostage was safe 1 hostage taker was detained 2 was killed.

No cop died

So from our point of view yes it was perfect

Jesus H Christ you little scamps! I'm locking the thread, it's turned into a clusterf*ck. There is enough evidence for admins to make the call.

READ BELOW BEFORE EVEN COMMENTING (Warning points will be issued)


1. The original poster and the person defending themselves may contribute to the post but keep it clean and act like adults.
2. Anyone who does not have any evidence who cannot provide value with evidence there post will be deleted, unless they are of a Admin rank.
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