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PCSO ryze

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Sterling Archa

Active member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): PCSO ryze
Time & Date this happened: 7am 25/11/14
Description of what happened:they scrapped my hemit box and then arrest 2 guys i had jus meet for escaping prison as they had jump suits on... both cops took the prisoners seperately so ifollowed one pulled my gun and told him to unrestrain the guy and drop his gun on the floor... i saw his buddy who was well out off ear shot come running towards me... i told the officer that the over cop needs to stand down or he will be shot.... pcso ryze the cop now running towards us ignores any attempt of rolplay and jus shots us... if this is how the whitelisted 'trained' cops behave then this clearly is not a roleplay server..... i was under the impression that i was recording but i wasnt which is completely convenient for this cop... he needs a demotion fro a whitelisted position if he cannot roleplay... however he can roleplay as about 1 hour earlier we was!!!.... so why is he denying it in game when we have 5 witnesses including him....
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: yes he is ignoring all comments about it and jus arresting us....
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
i have no video as my fraps wasnt recording at the time.... but this isnt a false complaint and needs to be taken seriously as he is whitelisted as a cop... i have put other complaints with video evidence and would hope u would take my word and that off all parties involved...

sincerely Mr Tibbs 'aKa' Sterling Archa

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I am sorry to say but if you threatened their life they are well within their rights to defend themselves anyway they can, you initiated the RP by saying release him or be shot, it works both ways, we pull someone over for speeding and they get out and shoot at us, if this is reportable then every single rebel on the server would be banned.

Next time when your trying to free your friend make sure you have an advantage and not just try your luck

Truly this has really aggravated me... as i come to a roleplay server to roleplay....there was a beautiful chance for a negotiation until said cop comes in like he is playing fucking wasteland.... if i wanted to kill cops i would go onto a server with a 10mil start not work my arse off for cash to be able to roleplay to then jus be shot down by some panicing cop!!.. fair play if he panick shot but he should jus admit it and not be a dick about it... instead of ignore the matter entirely and jus sending us to prison.... no rights read NOTHING!!!!..

This guy needs some MORE training or something...

but then i guess bambi's panic, that would be fine if u admit it!

you was 2 blocks away and as soon as i pulled my gun you started running towards me.. sooo wat the cop i had a gun pulled on just thought it would be ok to radio for backup did he?..... give me a break...

you know if you dont value the officers life stood with a gun pointed as his head then that isnt roleplay simply is it....

just because you dont pay for your equipment as cops doesnt mean you dont have to value each others lifes...

I am sorry to say but if you threatened their life they are well within their rights to defend themselves anyway they can, you initiated the RP by saying release him or be shot, it works both ways, we pull someone over for speeding and they get out and shoot at us, if this is reportable then every single rebel on the server would be banned.

Next time when your trying to free your friend make sure you have an advantage and not just try your luck
make sure i have an advantage..... i.e. like a gun pointed to an officers head?..

I was with PCSO  Ryze during this stop. You have to understand that we are not allowed to discuss this matter in game and break RP, so he did the right thing and not talk to you about this problem. If you wanted to talk you should have came into teamspeak and talked. Also I didn't call in backup he was with me the whole time. 

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I'm not going turn this into a war on the forums. All I'm going to say is he was right behind the shed and heard you say that. I'm done responding on here. The admins will sort this out. 

PC Bracer

I was with PCSO  Ryze during this stop. You have to understand that we are not allowed to discuss this matter in game and break RP, so he did the right thing and not talk to you about this problem. If you wanted to talk you should have came into teamspeak and talked. Also I didn't call in backup he was with me the whole time. 
thats perfectly fine if you are not aloud to talk 'out of roleplay' in game i understand that.... but why did he stop roleplay completely.... he jus arrested us... i wasnt read my rights or anything jus thrown in jail....

i was the guy cuffed with the officer at the end of the street and theres no way he should of heared what was happening up the street an around the bend also he didnt say anything, it would of been such a better event if he tryed any type of roleplay

Did you remove the officers comms? if not he is allowed to talk on TS if he wants.

Officers do pay for their own gear it is only rubber bullets and tazers that are free.

Just because the officers made a decision and it was not to your liking does not mean they did anything wrong.

If I was their I would of probably done the same and shot you in the face.

Hello friends :)

Sry for bad quality, I will upload 1080P when I go to sleep if you want to be able to see names here. 

Though if not, I will not waste more time on you Tibbs.

Im not reporting anyone, simply adding truth to your report on me. 

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Did you remove the officers comms? if not he is allowed to talk on TS if he wants.

Officers do pay for their own gear it is only rubber bullets and tazers that are free.

Just because the officers made a decision and it was not to your liking does not mean they did anything wrong.

If I was their I would of probably done the same and shot you in the face.
How could i possibly ''remove the officers comms''???? after he shot me with a ''tazer''' yes a free weapon.. he didnt read me any rights or anything... he jus put us in da car while ignoring any questions we asked and arrested us sending us to jail... this is against roleplay 101 if u ask me..furthermore if the officer can get free tazers and rubber bullets and thats all they use then thier is ZERO roleplay to be had in taking a police hostage or anything along these parameters if the officer doesnt value his own life and is just like shoot me..... awesome roleplay... <-- sarcasm.. the officer made a decision and it wasnt to my likeing correct... that doesnt give him the right to break server rules and abolish any form of roleplay.. no comment on your last comment...............


Hello friends :)

Sry for bad quality, I will upload 1080P when I go to sleep if you want to be able to see names here. 

Though if not, I will not waste more time on you Tibbs.

Im not reporting anyone, simply adding truth to your report on me. 

fair enough you read me my rights i retract that statement... but on my screen i was left standing where u picked me up and then just got sent straight to jail..... guessing that was just de-sync then....

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