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I believe you should only be allowed to have 1 character in a gang F6.

What I mean by this is you shouldn't be able to have for instance 1 Character in a "Whitelisted" gang like Cutlass, Ballas, Mara etc and then have another character in Chippiones, Changaloas. Although they aren't whitelisted gangs they are also doing the same stuff as the "Whitelisted" gangs are doing. When their is a lot of RP happening etc on the whitelisted gang people will play that and as soon as nothings happening they will hop onto their second character who's in the non whitelisted gang to frag. I think this just shows certain people are here to shoot and nothing else.

Just a little suggestion! :)

RP between "gangs" can differ quite extensively. For example, having a main character in a well established whitelisted gang can be so much different to being in a smaller, brand new gang. Usually main characters have everything they want in terms of assets/money etc, the gang may have what they set out to achieve in terms of deals to access weapons, drugs and so on. That new character and new gang won't have that. They'll have to work towards getting deals for the gang, firearms, drugs etc. That brings about a LOT of RP that you don't get a lot of when you have established those connections in the whitelisted gang. Even the way "gangs" get treated when whitelisted or not is different.

A new gang on a 2nd character can be refreshing, taking it all back to the very beginning and bringing back that "grind". As and when that none WL gang did get WL that person would have to choose 1 gang to remain in anyway. It is then up to them on what they do with the other character. If people are making 2nd characters just to "frag" then that's on them and something the staff team will eventually pick up on.