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Make Kavala a Safezone (Closed - Outcome: No)

Should the whole of Kavala be a safe/greenzone

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The King
Legendary Donator
This will increase RP and the police can role-play to there content along with civilians without the dangers of someone being shot.

Anyone caught firing in Kavala would be banned however the police would be allowed to taze / rubber bullet civilians

This could massively increase RP in Kavala and also make the drug dealer more risky with the rebels/civilian's needing to run away

This is a Yes/No poll that will run for 24 hours, Before voting please cast your mind about RP only not about if your going to find it harder to sell drugs.

If you vote then please give a reason what you voted for and why for your vote to be counted

In terms of other city's we will be shortly adding greenzone's around garages, this topic/poll is about Kavala only.

I voted no for the simple reason that Kavala will always be Kavala.

The vast majority of shit that happens there will continue to happen in a greenzone (and does).

I feel like this will simple result in the report a player section being flooded.

Localized greenzones are fine, we have experienced cities being greenzones before, it did not work.

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I'm saying yes, but maybe not permanently, give it a trial and then remove it and ask people again if they liked it as a green zone or not.

In the end I don't know how Kavala would be if people couldn't be killed there, it would be very different and I'm pretty sure the police there will love it for the first couple hours and then get bored and leave kavala to patrol on the roads farther north.

On another note would the green zone mean they can't rob cars or people?

I agree with Commado, I think you should do it on a trial to see how it works out for a week then ask peoples opinions again.

Yes but,
Drug dealer would have to be moved.

You'd have to prepare to be bombarded on the RaP section.
I'd suggest On the spawn in screen put Athira above Kavala as test see how it pans out.

I voted no.

Rebels wont be able to do anything vs Police to defend themselves, the Police can camp the gold buyer after a bankjob without any threat of a firefight, the drug dealer will have no action at all.

There's many other things that are wrong with green zoning a whole city this would just not work.

I voted no, because as the layout of kavala as it stands now wouldn't benefit from this.

I would probably have voted yes, if the rba bank, drug dealer, gold buyer or other straight up illegal things were moved out of the green zone. As much as people can role play in these places, we would still have the firefights for when the role play isn't going in the direction that one side would hope.

Well my plans would be to move the gold buyer and the RBA bank... however keep a very high risk high priced drug dealer there....

Whys it always about guns ?... have you never done a runner ?

Answer: No

Reason: I've seen servers turn Kavala into a green zone before. It didn't work out well, the RP in Kavala got extremely boring without the threat of being robbed/killed and most of the player base left directly because of this. If you really want to try it out then maybe do a trial but from my past experience on other servers I do not believe it is a good idea at all.

No, it won't work personally. Nobody will visit that drug dealer without the right to protect themselves. RP will die and Kavala will become a ghost town.

Voted No (but honestly it's a bit of both):

If it were left to me, I'd make the green zone larger, but not the whole of Kavala, I'd have to grab a copy of the map to see where I'd draw the boundaries, but as with any real city, there are nice safe areas and darker seedier areas. I definitely think a larger green zone would be beneficial and even if that meant the whole of Kavala had to become a green zone, that's better than the current situation. It's so frustrating to see fresh people join the server and then get shot or robbed when they take their first steps in Altis.

I imagine it's out of the question to run some sort of script which prevents the equipping of weapons for civs in that green zone whatever size it may be?

Even if they gold seller and another drug dealer where implemented it would just turn kavala into a boring place where nothing happens, similar to how pyrgos used to be after the gold buyer was moved. My vote will be no.

No, it won't work personally. Nobody will visit that drug dealer without the right to protect themselves. RP will die and Kavala will become a ghost town.
Do you honestly think without drug dealers etc Kavala would become a ghost town ?

I can advise you now it wouldn't, every day since this server started Kavala is always busy with just people RP'ing with each other... its also a magnet for trolls unfortunately...

Die and become a ghost town ?... Never! I personally think it will thrive for new players doing legal things.

Answer: No

Reason: I've seen servers turn Kavala into a green zone before. It didn't work out well, the RP in Kavala got extremely boring without the threat of being robbed/killed and most of the player base left directly because of this. If you really want to try it out then maybe do a trial but from my past experience on other servers I do not believe it is a good idea at all.
Drop that thought.... we are not like other servers! You will find a lot of people here (not everyone) but a lot only play here for roleplay so what hasn't worked on other servers might have a different outcome here.

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Voted No (but honestly it's a bit of both):

If it were left to me, I'd make the green zone larger, but not the whole of Kavala, I'd have to grab a copy of the map to see where I'd draw the boundaries, but as with any real city, there are nice safe areas and darker seedier areas. I definitely think a larger green zone would be beneficial and even if that meant the whole of Kavala had to become a green zone, that's better than the current situation. It's so frustrating to see fresh people join the server and then get shot or robbed when they take their first steps in Altis.

I imagine it's out of the question to run some sort of script which prevents the equipping of weapons for civs in that green zone whatever size it may be?
Draw a map then! :)

I would need to discuss with Ciaran, If it causes the the server or client extra work everytime someone walks in that zone in a busy kavala the server population will soon suffer the effects but good suggestion.

I was going to vote no, but after thinking, i voted yes. How great would it be that we hardly have to use weapons! I'm llooking forward to drug dealers dressing up as hobos and actually using TACTICS to make some money, rather than going in with 10 people armed to the teeth. genuinely think it would increase roleplay, so it gets my vote.

Kavala will never die and become a ghost town because it is always at the top of the list when you spawn in, that is the reason why it's the busiest, that's the reason why it will remain the busiest. 

Instead of doing this, raise the rebel license price, way too cheap at the moment to get automatic weapons.

I am all for role play, and I rather do something legal than illegal.

But I just saw what I think is a worst case scenario unfold in my mind:

6 people selling drugs in kavala, the police spotted them with I-99 and moves in on foot and they call out a warning, and none surrenders and rubber bullets everywhere.

or even worse, the police opens fire with no warning given .

That is what I fear. I would be all for trying it as a test for a week or two weeks.

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