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Limit the number of shops a character can work for.


On A Spiritual Pilgrimage
Elite Donator
Los Santos Police
Florida, USA
As the title suggests, I would like to gauge the communities' interest in limiting the number of shops a single character can work for as there is a limit on how many employees a shop can have. As it currently stands, there is no limit. However, upon some investigation on my end, there are more than a few people who are employed at an excessive number of shops. I'd like to remind people that the amount of time and effort a single shop can take, is massive. How does this manifest when someone is employed at 6 shops? Inactivity or the lack of roleplay attention that shop deserves.

The number of shops I believe makes sense for a single character to be employed at is two. This would allow a greater amount of our active player base (you should not be hiring inactive players) to be a part of the legal shop economy and breathe life into a lot of these shops that currently sit empty. As it currently sits from my view and opinion is that so many of these shops are starved for roleplay activity due to this.
-1 what if a player owns multiple business / has shares in multiple businesses and then there is also the fact of if the work at mechanic shops that would also count as a job. I own a business myself but i also have shares in a business and work at nobles and mechanic so i don't think this is a great idea

i would like to add to my opinion that all the shops i work at / own are fully stocked and dont get neglected.
- 1.
It is hard to find people who wants to devote the time to different businesses as it is.
If someone can work multiple places at once and make it work, they are probably putting in the effort.
+1 For me

makes no sense for example that somebody is employed all over the city, 1 or 2 jobs fair enough, but seeing the same people employed at most car dealers makes no sense
-1 what if a player owns multiple business / has shares in multiple businesses and then there is also the fact of if the work at mechanic shops that would also count as a job. I own a business myself but i also have shares in a business and work at nobles and mechanic so i don't think this is a great idea
Maybe limit players to be able to work for like 1 shop,1 car dealer/mechanic. I think that would be fair as car dealers for example are well sort after jobs, so players having 2/3 is kind of unfair to the rest of the players.

- 1.
If someone can work multiple places at once and make it work, they are probably putting in the effort.
Working at car dealers doesn't take much "effort" so to speak, most players will not stand around the dealership treating it like a "job". It's a 5 minute interaction max and you are able to make a lot of money so being able to work in many of these types of places where there is hardly any RP but a lot of reward should be looked into.

Working say at Kraken or a shop as an employee may not make you lots of money so its done strictly for RP is completely different. Like back in day when I first started in RPUK I worked in taxi rank where there wasn't a lot of money in it but I done it for RP, so I don't think these jobs should be in the same category as a mechanic or car dealer (Those higher paid jobs).

So to me this is a +1 suggestion
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+1 but a bit more moderately than 2 imo, probably just 1 or 2 per category idk.
agreed. creates so many more opportunities for people out there that are "hidden gems" the more opportunities people get to express their RP, the more people you will find, some may be bad, some may be good, but there's always them few gems out there that make it worth it.
I do agree with the idea in principle, but I think the limit should be a bit higher or subject to the type of job.

Some people like myself aren't affiliated with groups/gangs/factions and spend most or all their time in the server working at businesses.

As someone who manages 2 dealerships and works at a mechanic shop I can say I have plenty of down time even now, if I was limited to just the 2 I'd have lots of time with hardly anything to do.
I am all for opportunity for as many people as possible,

Though I agree that there may be a couple scenarios where certain characters put an extreme effort into every single job they're doing, you could also argue that the help provided doesn't mean they would need to have a set of keys and be on the books as a member of Staff but rather be contracted additionally, thus creating more potential business RP or solicitor RP, if needed.

A question though; Does this limitation also include jobs such as NHS and Police, or are these negated?

I.e. Could Jess work at NHS, Benny's & the Casino? Or could be also work at a Car Dealership?
I.e. Could Jess work at NHS, Benny's & the Casino? Or could be also work at a Car Dealership?
The NHS isn't a shop, so yes.

+1, there aren't infinite shops on the server, providing the ability for more people to be employed instead of the same people being employed at many shops which have limited employee shops can only really benefit newer players and improve RP potential, making shop employment more of an RP avenue for people
The NHS isn't a shop, so yes.

+1, there aren't infinite shops on the server, providing the ability for more people to be employed instead of the same people being employed at many shops which have limited employee shops can only really benefit newer players and improve RP potential, making shop employment more of an RP avenue for people
Well, the NHS isn't a shop, but NHS command are assigned all pharmacies, would that count so they can't work anywhere else?
The NHS isn't a shop, so yes.

Where this is true, would this not though contradict the initial point of the suggestion?

I'd like to remind people that the amount of time and effort a single shop can take,

Inactivity or the lack of roleplay attention that shop deserves.

This would allow a greater amount of our active player base (you should not be hiring inactive players) to be a part of the legal shop economy and breathe life into a lot of these shops that currently sit empty. As it currently sits from my view and opinion is that so many of these shops are starved for roleplay activity due to this.
+1 From me multiple people working for rival shops just doesn't make sense. Imagine 2 garages open up and are rivals but employ the same staff members it just doesn't make sense.
There could be so much more rp made from different shops having different employees. Could have such good banter and shop employee events where teams from each place go head to head etc.
Also when you post on tweedle if anyone works there and someone turns up and your at a pretty fancy shop yet they turned up blacked iut in a helmet or in casual clothes that's not realistic is it I mean cmon lol.
It would give more people more opportunity and passion to actually want to keep flying in as they'd have something more to do than just bins or mechanic or taxi work.

So for me bigggg +1 let other people grow there rp instead of the rich gettin richer and putting no effort into it.
Surely this should be down to shop owners to regulate themselves?

If you don’t like it, don’t hire someone that has 25 other jobs.
I don’t think that’s the point in the suggestion I think the suggestion has been added so there is more opportunity and potential RP for a wider range of players.
I do think instead of a max of 3 jobs since someplaces really do struggle to hire people but the owner should be willing to put the work in to find people who want to work
I think places like car dealerships and Mechanics should be looked at differently than place such as the Kraken or The Tavern as there isn’t “too” much money to be earn from them places it’s strictly RP based. So I think places like those “bars” would struggle a lot if that was the case. So maybe 1 car dealer/mechanic and 1 shop/bar worker could be an option.
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