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How are we doing? & How Can We Improve (Open Topic)

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Alright, I'm not an admin but I'll try to contribute in some areas.
I'm a forum moderator, yes, but you want me to do spell-check on everyone's post? I did a moderator survey back when it was just me and HDGamer, and the most requested action was spell checking everyone's posts.... You know how long that would take?
I'm more than willing to turn the basic patch-notes, or admin posts into more scripted letters, it's something I can do, but isn't being casual and talking to you such as "this post" more friendly?
Or do you want strict admins with the analogy of us being head teachers in a school of disgruntled children?
I'm in the spirit of "Roleplay Everything Everywhere" it's something I've been saying on this server since I started... ask vladic, he puts it in all his posts... So if you want it roleplayed more out on here are the Admins the Government? and why are there government in UNMC/Police?
Nitpicking on "spelling" is just crude... we need feedback to grow, to become better for/with the community. Is spelling and grammar going to make us better? or just please the grammar police?
The useful feedback is that such as slots, desync, restart times, etc. 
As for hidden posts!
i'll hide (not delete) posts that are not where they should be... silly posts on the police complaints, or report a player.  That way the other admins can see what you've done, and possibly warn you if you continue the same act in the future.

alRIGh7, I'm n07 aN @dmin but i'll try t0 C0ntRi8U73 in 5om3 ar3a$.
i'm @ forUm modeR@tor, Yes, 8u7 y0u waNt m3 70 D0 sP3lL-cH3cK 0n 3V3ry0n3's Po$7? I dId a m0deR@70R $urveY 8@ck wheN It W@5 jus7 m3 @Nd hDG@M3r, @nd th3 mo$7 Reque$73D ac7i0n W@5 sp3ll Ch3CkinG ev3ry0Ne'5 P0$7$.... yoU Kn0w h0w l0ng th@t Would take?
i'm m0Re tH@n wILLinG to turN 7H3 8a5ic p@7CH-n073$, 0r @dMin P0$t5 In70 m0r3 $crip7ed L3773Rs, i7'5 s0Me7hiNg i C@n D0, 8u7 Isn'7 8eInG ca5u@L @nd t@lKING t0 y0U 5ucH @s "7hi$ p05t" m0r3 fri3ndLy? 
or d0 You W@n7 $7Ric7 @dmin5 wI7H 7He @Nal0gY of Us 83ing he@d 73aCh3rs iN a $cho0l of Di$GrUntL3d Childr3n?
I'm In th3 5pirit 0f "rolepl@Y 3v3rYtHiNg eveRywh3r3" i7'5 5om37Hing i'V3 b33n s@yiNg on 7his s3rVer $iNce i st@R7eD... ask vladiC, h3 pU7$ i7 In @lL hi$ po57$... s0 IF Y0u W@n7 i7 Rol3pL@y3D m0R3 0u7 0N h3R3 @R3 7He @dmiNs 7H3 G0v3RNMeNt? aNd wHY @R3 ther3 Gov3rnM3Nt iN UNMC/p0liC3?
nI7PIcking 0N "5p3llInG" Is jus7 cRuD3... w3 n3eD f3ed8@Ck 70 Gr0w, 7o 83C0Me 83t73r F0r/wi7H tH3 c0mMUni7Y. is sp3lliNG @nd graMM@R g0InG 70 maK3 Us 83t7eR? 0r jU$t pl3@s3 tH3 Gr@mM@R polic3?
the useFul f33d8@cK Is 7hat $uch @5 $l07s, d3sYnc, r3st@Rt 7im3$, e7C. 
a$ F0r Hidd3n po$7$!
i'll HId3 (n07 d3l373) po5t$ 7H@7 @r3 n07 Wher3 7h3y sh0uld 83... 5ilLY p0$7$ 0n 7h3 poLiC3 C0Mpl@int$, or ReP0rt @ Pl@y3R.  7h@7 way 7h3 o7h3r @DMiN5 c@n s33 wh@7 you'V3 done, and p0s$i8Ly Warn Y0U If y0u C0n7inU3 7H3 5@Me ac7 In 7he fUtur3.
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I dont even see Ifrits anymore honestly
Got mine out yesterday, I shit you not the police flocked to us the moment they saw £3,000,000 on wheels. Had about 5 cars chase me when my intentions were to secure a HEMMT to Kavala, had the police Hellcat on me too. All police died, simply by crashing into each other, there's a video on our gang post, pretty amusing. We took out a .50 cal for the Hellcat, didn't down it though :(

The irony being, when all these police got involved with chasing me as an ifrit, they let 1.5mil of drugs sold in a police-less Kavala anyway, so we got our mission done without worrying about our ifrit!

Server 1 should stay at 120 slots. I see no difference between 90 and 120. Server 2 can stay as it is.

Dat Spoiler tho, @Neo

Also: This forum has a gif spam problem.  :D  

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Being constructive - Yeah, screw becoming a glorified spellchecker. It's actually pretty insulting to edit someone's post for grammatical errors. None of us are perfect. 

As for locking / deleting posts etc, personally I only really hide or remove dupe posts and spam - If something is getting out of hand then I will have a word because as Neo says, we could be strict and remove the fun from the forum. 

I'm of the belief that community members should be privy to pretty much all the info when it comes to developments and their suggestions and input are important. There is a slight flipside to this though which is the admins do need to keep certain things quiet as there are other communities that steal ideas so a big fanfare before including them into the game / forum is not always a good call - It's what keeps Altislife.co.uk number 1.  :D

I've said from way back before I was a forum mod that I believe the community should be welcome to have full input, I personally see the validity of community members commenting on player reports etc BUT if I see a flame war or a thread that is so fucking long that it will scare the admins off, I will try and trim the fat... But often the comments are a good indication to the admins of how an individual is seen by other members of the community. 

In terms of the forum, I want it to be a fun and friendly place, the real heart of the community. We are all just people playing a game and I think sometimes there can be bad feeling spill over into the real life side of the forum. 

Anyhoo... Love to all. 

Rev. xx

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One suggestion I do have is that people put SOMETHING up as a profile picture.  To the untrained eye, it looks Kanye West has posted his picture on everyone's profiles. 


Guys does this say PLF and police banter room? No stay on topic please. 

Hiding irrelevant posts as thread was derailed - SEE! WE DO NEED TO HIDE THINGS FROM TIME TO TIME! 

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Hello! Great server and community. Actually, this place is the best choice for Altis Life. 

The only thing I think we(for now) need is some way to protect your vehicles from being Chopped. Insurance maybe? Blow up the Chop Shops? Feels like you should be able to do that. 

I also wanted to "bitch" about the prices of certain vehicles, but it doesn't matter. No. I have to. The Ifrit(BatMobile) is crazy expensive now. Please! WE are poor. Give us a break!

Cheers lads!  :D

Hello! Great server and community. Actually, this place is the best choice for Altis Life. 

The only thing I think we(for now) need is some way to protect your vehicles from being Chopped. Insurance maybe? Blow up the Chop Shops? Feels like you should be able to do that. 

I also wanted to "bitch" about the prices of certain vehicles, but it doesn't matter. No. I have to. The Ifrit(BatMobile) is crazy expensive now. Please! WE are poor. Give us a break!

Cheers lads!  :D
The way to protect your vehicles from being chopped is to take care of them when you bring them out. :)
Move server slots 100 or 90 I understand the new server is stronger and what not but that doesn't mean you max it out.  When the server was originally 100 it probabl should have been 70-80

TO add the intro and outro are unneeded talk about resource management -.-.  Its cool and all but you get tired of it about the 2nd time and it just becomes an annoyance.  Ive noticed a significant increase in lag since this implementation

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The way to protect your vehicles from being chopped is to take care of them when you bring them out. :)
Yes, but it is so easy for someone to just walk up, lock pick, drive away and then poof! I don't like random punches to my family jewels just because I went in to buy an Altis Kebab. The thing is that I think we need better protective measures for our vehicles. Profits have decreased and prices increased in some parts. For better and for worse. #ProtectionForMyCar2k15!

I just think that if I invested ALOT of money in a vehicle, I should be able to protect it without packing a .45 in my pants.  ;)   :)   :D

The 2 main problems are quite serious in the fact they can produce a lot of problems in game, and sometimes it is unplayable.


Although this can happen due to internet problems on the players side, I believe a lot of desync is happening because of the server. The other day our Gang was doing some operations and doing a convoy in 6 trucks, 3 of us died blew up and lost our gear due to desync. Also sometimes at peek times players disappear and stutter around the map. this is not my internet, I am wired to my router and I get 25-30 ping to the server. also being in the UK I have better connection to the DC.


Unable to access anything

This issue may seem odd, although it happened to two of our gang members over the past 3 days. We was in the middle of processing oil and after we had done, one of our gang members could not use his scroller to access anything. He could not process he could not access his vehicle nor could he drive anyone else's vehicle. this forced him to relog and causing problems.

Although I know you are constantly updating the server and making weekly updates for players on the server, which is unique as I know the admin team are very keen to keep the server up and running with the very best up to date things on the server, which in some cases is awesome, but I believe working on the stability of the server is a priority and should be at the top of your list. I'm sure that many other people could agree they would rather see increased stability rather than more updated

Callum - R3DY246

Every other server I play I get over 40fps constant. Log in to ALUK drop to 15fps... Why god why! I just which there would be anything you guys could do for this..

At the moment, I believe the focus is on getting stability, the database working, no-one stuck trying to spawn, etc.

A couple ideas that came up just recently to improve the community:

Taking in reportee's stance into consideration in unban appeals., this makes a lot of sense since the penalties applied should be enough to force a change in the players stance. If they individual who initially was upset by a players actions, it should be open to them to offer at least a recommendation of improvement. 

OR referencing/talking to the community more in the forums. Sometimes it feels like talking to a brick wall. If you're going to deny something, say it and why. If it's obvious and somewhere, just link it. Hopefully offering the common decency of "replying" in some areas (especially the suggestions section) may mean that more intelligent folks than I will start giving better and more elaborate suggestions but at the moment people are too apathetic to even bother posting... since seemingly nothing ever comes of any post made there.

Taking swifter action (giving higher priority) to unbanning false bans, as a sign of professionalism.

Making the administration processes more transparent, also as a sign of professionalism. 

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