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How are we doing? & How Can We Improve (Open Topic)

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The King
Legendary Donator
You are the player... you have been playing here for months and we are very thankful for your loyalty and we hope that you are getting a good experience but must importantly having a good time!

I hope you have found a home in AltisLife.co.uk

This is a open topic so you can advise us how are doing as a community and how you think we can improve.

This is not for coding suggestions this is for how its run, how its managed, how the community is and what you think we can change.


  • Yes you can moan here about admins/ingame admins/moderators but no singling out individuals 
  • No swearing 
  • Constructive only... please expand on your reasons

The floor is open! Hit us!

I would moan about the amount of de-syncing happening at the moment. Earlier I either crashed into an invisible car or a car crashed into an invisible ambulance.

I think first things first bank jobs need new rules and re worked- reason, the forums wars between gangs and police of the lack of rp.

Hi I am really having a lot of fun but I have one issue license prices

Proposed new license prices:

Arac from 1mill-500k change to

Taxi from 1mill-500k change to

Rebal from 500k-1mill

Bounty Hunter from 2mill-1mill (and yes I was here wheb it was abused so you don't need to let me know that)

Thanks, Alex F

I would say, set it to 100 persons agian, change restart till every 3rd hour, problem solved amazing server now


I've got a few things I can put on here, but for now I'll start with one.

I'd like to see a little bit more care and delicacy about how bans are applied to people.

This specifically relates to a friend of mine, that has been banned twice, and in both times it was completely not his fault, nor any rules broken.

In the first instance he was banned for trying to message people (he was trying to RP) at the time a hacker was on the server, and an admin completely mistook the situation and banned him.

The second instance was due to an incorrectly named forum report for someone else with a similar name.(but you could see from the report video, that the name was different from the one reported on the forums).

In both instances, his bans were appealed, but totally over 12-14 days he couldn't play on the server. Through no fault of his own.

With a bit more care and delicacy regarding the bans, it could have been noticed that he did not actually do anything wrong / was not the right person who needed to be banned.

Not having an important member of our gang for that length of time, was frustrating for us, and probably doubly so for him.

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I would say, set it to 100 persons agian, change restart till every 3rd hour, problem solved amazing server now
i like the idea i just lag like crazy on server 1 with 120 people on makes me not want to play on server 1 and i like server 2 for that reason not to make money just i don't lag like it was going out of style on server 2 and server 2 is my server home and less hobos trying to kill me for no reason i would say bring it back to 100 people

No hiding of posts due to differences in opinion, often posts are hidden due to differences that "go against the tide", even when they lack inflammatory content.

More admin involvement with the community in suggestion-threads, as to engage members more.

Improvements in the level of English used to make forum/server announcements, to improve the "look" of the server and make it seem more professional. 

More appreciation of active/helpful community members/players/RPers, to ensure the retainment of "high-quality" players is better.

More admin involvement with the community in suggestion-threads, as to engage members more.

I, too, feel that the suggestion forum needs to be looked at and considered seriously more often. There are currently loads of really good ideas on there that have yet to have an admin say anything about it (is it a good/bad idea, and what can be improved, etc.), as well as quite a number of suggestions in the 'Queued' section that have yet to be decided upon.

How do I think this can be improved? I think that the forum needs a deep clean. The admins should go through every post, look it over, and sort it into the correct folder. Yes, I know this will take a lot of work, but it will be easier in the long run. Then, after this, new posts can be seen and dealt with more easily - leave a post for a week or so, to try and generate thoughts, then make a decision.

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Drop the server slots from 120 down to 100 is my first suggestion. My second suggestion is have more in-game admins, not because our current ones are doing a poor job, but i think if we had maybe 2 more it would free up some more time for the senior admins to deal with the higher priority admin decisions etc.

No hiding of posts due to differences in opinion, often posts are hidden due to differences that "go against the tide", even when they lack inflammatory content.

More admin involvement with the community in suggestion-threads, as to engage members more.

Improvements in the level of English used to make forum/server announcements, to improve the "look" of the server and make it seem more professional. 

More appreciation of active/helpful community members/players/RPers, to ensure the retainment of "high-quality" players is better.
Id like to comment about the hiding of posts... I have only ever hidden posts myself if they are a threat to the community i.e (DDOS etc etc) because thats what people looking in are looking for.

I know other admins/forum mods have hidden posts do to them not being constructive and sometimes that is ok, a lot of people do moan but do not have a different way to suggest... I am all about change, I in fact feel sorry for people when they say they hate change... but sometimes if things work well there isn't a better way.

In terms of English used and make the server look more professional, I guess this is a prod towards me rather than Ciaran or the other admins, I am sorry if sometimes my English is not that good... I have a few things going against me 1. Being from the West Country we talk a little different down "ere!" 2/3. I am dyslexic and have dyspraxia... I have never hidden that and i think i need to sometimes take more time on posts :)

Thanks for your post some good things for me to go over.

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Id like to comment about the hiding of posts... I have only ever hidden posts myself if they are a threat to the community i.e (DDOS etc etc) because thats what people looking in are looking for.

I know other admins/forum mods have hidden posts do to them not being constructive and sometimes that is ok, a lot of people do moan but do not have a different way to suggest... I am all about change, I in fact feel sorry for people when they say they hate change... but sometimes if things work well there isn't a better way.

In terms of English used and make the server look more professional, I guess this is a prod towards me rather than Ciaran or the other admins, I am sorry if sometimes my English is not that good... I have a few things going against me 1. Being from the West Country we talk a little different down "ere!" 2/3. I am dyslexic and have dyspraxia... I have never hid that and i think i need to sometimes take more time on posts :)

Thanks for your post some good things for me to go over.
At the risk of this sounding anything other than an honest and friendly thing: if you ever want someone to go over posts and do grammar or the like, then I'm free. I'm one of these weird people who likes doing that sort of thing, and has the time to do it.

Would love to see a section on the forum for people to submit player made content, there is some great talent out there that is virtually untapped. Obviously let people know by submitting content it becomes the property of altis life to do with it as it pleases, but awards will be given with recognition e.g. Free month donator status possibly.

This is not for me, but have seen some people put alot of effort I'm with little feedback.


Dyslexic myself have even lost a job from it, don't ever let it stop you from posting though. Thank god for spell check eh :)

From a post i made earlier today, I believe this is relavant.

Would it be possible to get group tags for the leaders of groups

E.g. @admin @police @NHS @unmc?

Obviously not everybody in the group would get the message but could prove quite useful imo.

Many thanks
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I will just start speaking welsh, its better than my English. 

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I opened a post about another early AM admin and a lot of the current admins chimed in and said they were not currently able to do their duties because of XYZ/sleep but now after xmas they'd be coming back. I appreciate that and everyone is human. But I've been on a bunch of times again at the 2am-7am slot (why can't I sleep dammit!) and I still see utter fucking chaos.

If getting another full blown admin can't be actioned, can you think about some sort of trusted police (as they're whitelisted already and have had some vetting) game-rank which can do a 24 hour ban instead of a permanent one. The quasi-admin must take video and write a quick report for each ban they do and then a full blown admin could either let the 24 hour ban expire or increase it to a permanent one as per normal.

I'll be honest, if I'd joined the community at that time slot and come back a few days in a row when no admins have been present (which has been perfectly possible in the last few weeks), I'd have gone elsewhere, which is a fucking shame as this place is great.

Wow. I didn't see this one coming. Glad it did, though.

Let's get going then.

  • Reduce the server back to 100.
    The server is lagging enough as it was at 100 players. I fully understand that having 120 players is better for business, but you must remember to provide a enjoyable experience for the players involved.

[*]Look into VON solution.
  • In the past few days, there has been a numerous instances of a ruined experience, simply because VON was way, way too stuttery. I have, still do, and probably always will recommend Task Force Radio - although I fully understand why it won't happen.

[*]Give us a challenge, make acquiring weaponry a long, hard day of labour.
  • Currently acquiring weapons and other rebel gear in general is way, way too easy. If you die, no big deal - you'll buy new stuff. I believe increased prices, or a play-to-win system would work better. Play-to-win as in the longer you played on the server, or any other factor (that isn't money!) should determine what arsenal you have access to.

[*]Don't issue bans just because a ban is the "easy" way out.
  • Talk to the player, damn it. Sure if someone mass-VDM's in Kavala, get the idiot out, but if it's a player who is known to respect and follow the rules, the least you can do is confront them before giving the boot.

[*]Don't make people go through the embarrassment of the unbanning process, when in fact the admin banned the wrong player.
  • I have seen this happen on multiple occassions. A player is mistakenly banned due to a mixup in names, and yet, despite the fact that the admin was wrong, the player has to be publicly embarrassed, simply because that's standard procedure. This is one of the few things that really makes me tick. Fix it, please!

[*]​​Be more open as an administration.
  • This server is like no other when it comes to rumours. Not one day goes by without someone saying "Oh, i've heard this!" and another saying they've heard something completely different. If you are working on something, let us know, damn it! Hiding and tucking everything under a table won't work. I am certain the player base will be happy to be kept in the loop as to what's going on, be it a update in the works, or when there's a big "drama" going through the server.

[*]​Sort out the "forum rules".
  • I have recently seen a lot of my friends being threatened by mostly moderators/ingame admins, that if they don't keep their mouth shut, they'll recieve a forum ban. This is disgusting. 99,99 % percent of us live in the western hemisphere, which, as we all know, have been blessed with a thing called "freedom of speech". Excersice this. Obviously, if someone is completely out of hand, toss them out. But banning someone, simply because they expressed their opinion? Hell to the no.

That's it. For now, anyway. I'll edit this post in case I think of more.

There's two things I would like to point out, however. My points above will seem mostly negative, and that's because this is where I feel the server as a whole should improve. My points are not targeted at any individual, but the administration team as a whole.

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I would like to be allowed to take my jet to the west side to the map, and also be allowed to land on the smaller airfields, and a hangar at a few of the smaller airports.

Also the ability to start a company and produce items, as well as a new "mission", take a look on the post under:

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The only thing I want is less admins in the police force so you can see how bitchy this police force is.

The only thing I want is less admins in the police force so you can see how bitchy this police force is.
This is something we have been working hard on to make people feel welcome... the rumour mills and the constant bitching in the police needs to change as a group of school girls are more behaved :)

In the past it has not been a nice experience for people who just want to play the game... silly eastenders drama is not good.

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