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Force walkstyle after cuffs


Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Local Trashcan
After being cuffed, you should be forced walkstyle to casual or default. The silly quick walkstyle is stupid and abused to heavily. It is very difficult to put suspects into cars when they just quick jog away every time you unescort them when its just silly.

Especially during high risk situations, they just keep jogging away until their mates come and if you tase or hit them its abuse. So please, either remove that stupid walkstyle or make it so when cuffed, the walkstyle is reset to default. If this is an intended effect, then everyone should be set to this walkstyle when cuffed so they can jog away whilst in cuffs. Or make it so we can vehicle placement someone whilst escorting them.

Here's an example:
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Unfortunately mate I disagree, I think things are fine how they are - If you have an issue with someone not complying - use the tools you've got to deal with it ;) let them waddle around looking like they've shat themselves I personally find it hilarious.
After being cuffed, you should be forced walkstyle to casual or default. The silly quick walkstyle is stupid and abused to heavily. It is very difficult to put suspects into cars when they just quick jog away every time you unescort them when its just silly.

Especially during high risk situations, they just keep jogging away until their mates come and if you tase or hit them its abuse. So please, either remove that stupid walkstyle or make it so when cuffed, the walkstyle is reset to default. If this is an intended effect, then everyone should be set to this walkstyle when cuffed so they can jog away whilst in cuffs. Or make it so we can vehicle placement someone whilst escorting them.

Here's an example:
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I don’t see a issue with what he did. You wanted him in the car quickly as his mates was coming, you couldn’t get him in quickly so his mates rammed you. You got upset. Roleplay it out deal with his friends then secure the area and get his friends gone.

The officer could of grabbed him to stop him running. I’ve had it happen to me and just rp it out.
Unfortunately mate I disagree, I think things are fine how they are - If you have an issue with someone not complying - use the tools you've got to deal with it ;) let them waddle around looking like they've shat themselves I personally find it hilarious.
I agree
-1 this is a bit silly tbh, When a criminal is cuffed literally all they can do is walk, theres leg restraints for a reason, if you cant figure out how to put them in leg restraints thats on you ngl.

Also if you're having an issue trying to put someone in a car heres a pro tip - You don't need to un-escort them to put them in.
I don’t see a issue with what he did. You wanted him in the car quickly as his mates was coming, you couldn’t get him in quickly so his mates rammed you. You got upset. Roleplay it out deal with his friends then secure the area and get his friends gone.

The officer could of grabbed him to stop him running. I’ve had it happen to me and just rp it out.

I agree
Ok. Grab him and what? Can't leg restrain, he'll run again. Can't put him in, he'll run again. Shall I walk him to the PD whilst constantly holding him? Maybe get 4 cars and box him in and vehicle place him so he'll end up in 1 of the 4 cars. Stop using RP it out as a cheap out. This is a clear issue.

The video was an example of how the walk style is used. I have many example of this issue.

-1 this is a bit silly tbh, When a criminal is cuffed literally all they can do is walk, theres leg restraints for a reason, if you cant figure out how to put them in leg restraints thats on you ngl.

Also if you're having an issue trying to put someone in a car heres a pro tip - You don't need to un-escort them to put them in.
Yes you do need to stop unescorting to put them in.

Yes because when a criminal is cuffed thats approaching the end of their ability to escape and its on others to help him. That's like saying when a criminal is in a cell, all he can do is walk around 1x1 cube.

And the leg restraints reason has already been addressed. Leg restraints require the same menu and steps to put on and by then they've jogged away. Hence the same issue.
Yes you do need to stop unescorting to put them in.
No you dont.

And the leg restraints reason has already been addressed. Leg restraints require the same menu and steps to put on and by then they've jogged away. Hence the same issue.
Be quicker? I guess? I've put many people in leg restraints because they keep running away, you can tackle them and do it, or just be quicker with the menus, theres workarounds that don't need for it to be nerfed or to force them into a walk animation
Ok. Grab him and what? Can't leg restrain, he'll run again. Can't put him in, he'll run again. Shall I walk him to the PD whilst constantly holding him? Maybe get 4 cars and box him in and vehicle place him so he'll end up in 1 of the 4 cars. Stop using RP it out as a cheap out. This is a clear issue.

The video was an example of how the walk style is used. I have many example of this issue.

Yes you do need to stop unescorting to put them in.

Yes because when a criminal is cuffed thats approaching the end of their ability to escape and its on others to help him. That's like saying when a criminal is in a cell, all he can do is walk around 1x1 cube.

And the leg restraints reason has already been addressed. Leg restraints require the same menu and steps to put on and by then they've jogged away. Hence the same issue.
grab him and take him to car or try and get restraints on, it would be overpowered if you didn't have the third eye to leg restraint them as they have no way of refusing or avoiding.

it's not a cheap way out of it, it's a role playing server that your having skill issues on and because its not in your favour winning you want something changing,

i struggle at breaking out of cuffs do we remove them? or do we put it in third eye break out of cuffs? no i just got to try and get better at breaking out.
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Agreed, The amount of times police taze me for no apparent reason or cuff me super quick. They won’t have an issue tazing us one more time for an actual reason this time to apply “Leg Restraints”

Obviously, it would be quite a bad mentality to be tazing someone who is already in cuffs. Both in-character as OOC.
This speculation is also quite a dangerous one, let's say police will start restraining someone, taze them, put leg restraints and you will have become a statue, where is the fun and fairness in that?

+1 The police mentality is getting a bit crazy, i literally watched someone get shot in head an officers made them check in and booked them. Thats the issue RP For police is shoot and arrest. i dont like police as you just get shot or when speak to someone it's well police did this and i agree not all police same but i do understand when crim treat us the same as ive seen it from both angles the mentality needs to change on some not all.

People always complain about win-mentality from police, is it there? Sure but are they the only ones? But how many reports or effort has anyone in the community put in to the fact of adressing this rather than just complaining about it on discord or the forums?
There is so many private channels you can use to ask questions, adress and make the correct people aware of certain subjects that you may not agree with.
The current mentality of people is just to complain and drag each other into the same (negative) mindset without coming up with any meaningful sollutions that can discussed or implemented.
As it currently stands, it's a vicious circle and as long as this continues, you will probably never see a change in mentality from neither side.
At the end of the day, roleplay is a two-way street.

(In this scenario I am just calling it to be a group/gang, but this entire scenario can be swapped around as thats the whole point of the story)
People on different sides are meeting the same attitudes and reflecting this upon new situations.
E.g. Group 1 doesn't agree with how police has dealt with a situation and is pissed off with this. Let's say this has happened for 3 weeks on many occasions.
Group 1 now is not interrested in roleplaying or even properly roleplaying with police.
It's weekend and group 1 has now had enough and a different altercation happens between them and police, though it being different officers from all the previous situations.
They provide subpar roleplay and have generally poor attitude during the situation reflecting their previous interractions between them and the alleged shit officers onto people that have nothing to do with it.
This in return does not motivate the current officers to give you the full package of roleplay that they would normally give you and co.
With this the vicious circle is complete as Group 1 doesn't agree with how police has dealt with a situation and is pissed off with this. (Line 1)

As mentioned above, this can definitly be police not liking gang x and giving them shit roleplay and shutting down scenarions etc. It's an interchangeable story.

This kind of stuff happens all the time, it's not what we should be doing. We should be providing the best roleplay in every situation regardless of what has happened in the past. People leave and join all the time and definitly no one is the same. Ofcourse there will always be a resentment for X group or X police officer or unit but as long as everyone puts their best forward regardless of past happenings it will go a long way.
AND if there is people with win-mentalities e.g. tasing you straight into a foot chase or on a decamp of a car etc, you bring it to the right people.
No one likes to see pursuits being cut-off from the second it starts, it's a bad trait and most of the longer standing police officers frown upon this behaviour.

Aside from that wall of text,
I don't think there need be any change to how handcuffing works.
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use that walk or have a bind to quickly change it
icl mate, I doubt anyone has it "binded" to a key to change walk style. This mentality ive seen from a lot of Police mains recently is outrageous, you're no better then the rest:

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This just seems like another way for Police to always get the win. Take a loss every now and then...


Edit: Did a quick look at other videos of yours and you complain about this "quick" walk and you're carrying both of these? Bit baffled as to where you're coming from here...
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Obviously, it would be quite a bad mentality to be tazing someone who is already in cuffs. Both in-character as OOC.
This speculation is also quite a dangerous one, let's say police will start restraining someone, taze them, put leg restraints and you will have become a statue, where is the fun and fairness in that?

People always complain about win-mentality from police, is it there? Sure but are they the only ones? But how many reports or effort has anyone in the community put in to the fact of adressing this rather than just complaining about it on discord or the forums?
There is so many private channels you can use to ask questions, adress and make the correct people aware of certain subjects that you may not agree with.
The current mentality of people is just to complain and drag each other into the same (negative) mindset without coming up with any meaningful sollutions that can discussed or implemented.
As it currently stands, it's a vicious circle and as long as this continues, you will probably never see a change in mentality from neither side.
At the end of the day, roleplay is a two-way street.

(In this scenario I am just calling it to be a group/gang, but this entire scenario can be swapped around as thats the whole point of the story)
People on different sides are meeting the same attitudes and reflecting this upon new situations.
E.g. Group 1 doesn't agree with how police has dealt with a situation and is pissed off with this. Let's say this has happened for 3 weeks on many occasions.
Group 1 now is not interrested in roleplaying or even properly roleplaying with police.
It's weekend and group 1 has now had enough and a different altercation happens between them and police, though it being different officers from all the previous situations.
They provide subpar roleplay and have generally poor attitude during the situation reflecting their previous interractions between them and the alleged shit officers onto people that have nothing to do with it.
This in return does not motivate the current officers to give you the full package of roleplay that they would normally give you and co.
With this the vicious circle is complete as Group 1 doesn't agree with how police has dealt with a situation and is pissed off with this. (Line 1)

As mentioned above, this can definitly be police not liking gang x and giving them shit roleplay and shutting down scenarions etc. It's an interchangeable story.

This kind of stuff happens all the time, it's not what we should be doing. We should be providing the best roleplay in every situation regardless of what has happened in the past. People leave and join all the time and definitly no one is the same. Ofcourse there will always be a resentment for X group or X police officer or unit but as long as everyone puts their best forward regardless of past happenings it will go a long way.
AND if there is people with win-mentalities e.g. tasing you straight into a foot chase or on a decamp of a car etc, you bring it to the right people.
No one likes to see pursuits being cut-off from the second it starts, it's a bad trait and most of the longer standing police officers frown upon this behaviour.
This suggestion is to ruin the fun and fairness no? People can’t break out of cuffs easily and there only other option is try walk away whilst in cuffs or (jog away) yet a suggestion is then insta put up to remove it because they are kinda annoyed they lost that situation in the clip and blaming the walk style. Reason I can back this up is because there explanation behind it and backup cover is “you can’t place people in a car whilst escorting them” when you can 🤣

Also the statue thing no it isn’t nice but trust me a lot of us have experienced it Alot and being tased and open fired on and I’m always told that it’s and IC issue how they conduct themselves and duties
This suggestion is to ruin the fun and fairness no? People can’t break out of cuffs easily and there only other option is try walk away whilst in cuffs or (jog away) yet a suggestion is then insta put up to remove it because they are kinda annoyed they lost that situation in the clip and blaming the walk style. Reason I can back this up is because there explanation behind it and backup cover is “you can’t place people in a car whilst escorting them” when you can 🤣

Also the statue thing no it isn’t nice but trust me a lot of us have experienced it Alot and being tased and open fired on and I’m always told that it’s and IC issue how they conduct themselves and duties
If you do have genuine issues and concerns with specific cops, the Faction Leads (Barry, Mike and whoever the next SI is) are always open to reviewing clips of cops and how they conduct themselves and then passing that down to the respective cops command team, I honestly don't know why more people don't approach the Faction Leads about these issues, again this is only if you have specific gripances or OOC issues with specific cops (Tasing instantly, shooting on sight, providing poor or shit roleplay as well) the faction leads are there for that reason, hope that helps :)

The only way this would be an “exploit” is if someone knew they were about to get cuffed and threw in a cheeky little “/walk quick” right before hand. If it’s a walk they always use then it’s not exploiting imo.

It wouldn't be fair to the select few who don't use that walk
Again that’s individual choice? If they don’t want to use that walk they don’t have to. Those that use that walk every day shouldn’t be called exploiters because you’re getting frustrated having to chase a PIC every time they run away from you?

If we can't do vehicle placement cause you jog away, we most definitely can't apply leg restraints.
You can vehicle place while escorting someone no? You don’t have to stop escorting them to put them in a vehicle? If you’ve been un-escorting to vehicle place then that’s a you issue unfortunately. No wonder you’re chasing every PIC.
-1 Its down to you to secure a PIC, If they get away so what expands the RP further sure its annoying but the literal point of leg restraints. Coming from a cop main I could care less if crims get away as long as it furthers roleplay later down the line.
-1. If this was to be implemented, that would mean that carrying someone with this walk and escorting someone in zipties / handcuffs would also have to get changed since it all does fall under the same umbrella.