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Driving Changes

Avion Solar

Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Senior
Los Santos Police Trainer
United Kingdom
Brief Summary:
Rework vehicle stats, Vehicle collision damage and Realistic driving rule

Detailed Summary:
Ok so I can honestly say I'm not sure how this suggestion is going to be received I have seen similar ones int he past and I have made ones myself with overlaps with this suggestion.

I personally think a look should be taken into how people drive on the server. the current meta means that a lot of people can afford incredibly high powered and flashy cars and then they drive them round the city at silly speeds knowing that if they crash usually the worst thing that will happen is they will have to get out of their car, spend a few seconds repairing their vehicle then off we are again to driving like a lunatic. All great fun but not really realistic. I have been working hard and actively pushing for the LSPS to improve their driving standards and drive in a more realistic manor however when everyone else isn't then it means that there is little reason to as it would mean people just always get away. I believe that steps need to be taken to improve the realism of driving in the city.

I will break this suggestion down into 2 sections:

Section 1 Vehicle damage and collisions
I have made a suggestion similar to this in the past but a high speed collision should mean something. At the moment if you have a collision the usually the worst thing that will happen is that you will have to stop, take a few seconds to use a repair kit and then you're on your way again. There is no real medium or short term implications to a collision that should probably have killed you IRL or at the very least really fucked you up and totalled your car. IMO minor damage (Broken lights popped tyres ect should be able to be dealt with via a repair kit at the side of the road as many people have a spare tyre and bulbs in their vehicle and I would also suggest that due to the lack of mechanics sometimes for quality of life a repair kit should be able to allow a broken down vehicle to drive slowly allowing someone to limp to a garage. however for anything for rxtensive a trip to a garge woudl be required to get a vehilce back to full function. I also beleive that being thrown through your windsheild should always result in incapacitation and greater gammage should be takenf rom other collisions. This woudl encorage everyone to drive more carfully and provide real consiquences for collisions (Police, and Civ)

Section 2 Reduced vehicle speed and acceleration
Currently vehicles cna go incredably fast increadably quickly. When was the alst time you saw anyone ont he road IRL driving 100+ maybe on the motorway you ger a few but not often. I think all vehilces should have thier accelaration and top speed nerfed this would mean that people would ahve to drive slower at thier tiop speed making it mroe realsitic and make it harder to get to that speed. It would make police persuits slower and alsop make police slower to respond to incidents however

Section 3 Realistic Driving Rule
Expand the realist driving rule to include driving in a manor that is not realsitic such as driving 100+ in the city centre

I am aware that alot of people will not like this suggestion citing that this isa game and should be fun but we are triyng to RP in a realstic fashion and I believe this will help. I am open to hear others options on this matter however and i do accept that there are people (probably quite a few) who dont see this as an issue like I do.

Thank you for reading

Pros: Improved realism and emersion, more RP for mechanics,

Cons: Dev time, not sure if this is possible, some people may be put off by having to drive more carefully
Personally I actually agree and think the first suggestion about vehicle collision/damage and repairs is a really good idea. It would also enhance more of the roadside mechanic RP/mechanic RP in general. And as you mentioned, people would probably be a lot more careful about speeding past a bump and sending their car flying. Collisions causing more damage could be an interesting experiment, I reckon these two suggestions would already help quite a bit with the driving situation. Again, personal opinion anyway.

Someone also made a suggestion to have smooth throttle on a toggle which would tie into this quite nicely as well.

As for the other two, I'm not the biggest fan of. High speed chases are fun, you get less time to react when a local veers off, and a crash could (or should if we take your first suggestion into account) be fatal. Sometimes as police -correct me if I'm wrong- you should know when to call off a chase because it's endangering the lives of too many people, and call in more appropriate measures to either continue the chase (with a heli), or put a warrant/search warrant out in the meantime so you're ready to arrest them when they least expect it.

When it comes to people driving like idiots in the centre of the city, I don't think changing the gta driving rule is the way to go about it. People are always going to speed because it's a lot more fun, so I reckon making the risk bigger is probably a good way to address that.

+1 on the first suggestion, -1 on the others =)
Same as Leroy said I like the first idea however, I disagree massively that crashes aren't significant. I do a lot of racing and police chases and from mine and many others experiences; car durability is very low. Even small knocks and bangs or a couple sign posts can make the car start smoking and not long after that it's fully dead. I feel that crashes above a certain speed should cause your car to stall for a few seconds or misfire to punish people for pushing a car too hard but to balance that, cars should have atleast double the durability to survive more crashes.

The second point, why? Sports and super cars are meant to be fast. I understand it's not realistic to drive 130mph through a busy city but its still GTA, no one wants to take 10 minutes to get to the other side of the city. Not to mention driving at high speeds is risky, as I've already said cars break very easily so you do have to be careful and 120+mph chases are far more fun and interesting than 70mph ones.

Third point, again why? Yes it's not very realistic but it's still a game. If you want people to be more careful and drive slower maybe a better way is to be harsher with the punishments. Every time I've pulled over for speeding all I get is a small ticket or a telling off to which I go straight back to speeding. Maybe bigger fines or even prison time is a better deterrent than an actual rule. Not to mention getting reported for "driving to fast" is silly IMO.
Gotta agree with this, its boring af tho driving 30mph in the city. Imo the speed limits should be revised along with this as scale is alot different in games to IRL, 30mph in game feels like 15mph irl and its just not feesbile for people to drive at that speed. Maybe 50 in City 90-100 on motorways/ Great suggestion wish it would be implemented but its gonna be downvoted to shit by the arena fraggers with no intention to RP
Agree fully with the first point 100%, it would also make people think twice before mindlessly piling their cars into someone else's car to get them to stop.

I got chased down about a year ago by literally 15 OCG cars - admittedly I was being mouthy, but the manner in which they stopped me was insane, cars flying in from all angles at stupid speeds, crashing into each other - made zero sense.

As for suggestion 2 - I can't see a reason as to why this would improve the server.

Suggestion 3 - also see no real benefit.

So the first point doesn't get drowned out by suggestion 2 and 3 getting downvotes, maybe pop suggestion 1 into it's own post.