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Corrupt a Wish

Granted, but most of the people you recruit are mental and retarded.

I wish i lived in a gaint ass house

Granted but it is actually a house that is a giant ass.

I wish I had the marksmen DLC

Granted, but your skill quickly takes over your life and you lose everything including your home.

I wish bae wasn't a word.

Granted but the button is 400 degrees hot.

I wish Real win La Undecima

Granted but they lose very other game after for the rest of existence.

I wish I had a good wish to write down.

Granted, but it doesn't come true.

I wish that my keyboard was cleaner

Granted But then you would have a dirty Pc in return

I wish I could quickscope liek FaZe

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Granted but then all CoD game servers die and nobody plays it.

I wish the new star wars battlefront was out already.

Granted but you have no arms or legs to drive it ;)

I wish the NHS got an update already.
Granted but then the server gets DDOS'd so bad it has to close.

I wish i could go to every England game in the Rugby World Cup

Granted but Wales win every game in the Rugby World Cup

I wish Steph would stop being so mean to me

Granted but the blast radius was so big it hits the Wirral.

I wish I could go to the moon.

Granted, but you couldn't come back

I wish that I could be invisible

Granted but you constantly emit a high-pitched wailing noise.

I wish the fkin server wouldn't be so dead.

Granted, but then your computer would stop working.

I wish that wishes will keep being wished, for if not the three dies.
