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Complaint on Doro clan members (Rejected - Not RDM)

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Well-known member
The Netherlands / Weedland / The Go Kart Track
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [Doro] De La Vega, [Doro] Shrow, [Doro] Jean Pierre, [Doro] Burmeister, Bulgrim
Time & Date this happened: 19:04 GMT +1 - 19:10 GMT +1
Description of what happened: They performed a ritual on me, which is cool. They sang and so did I, but then all of a sudden they shot me. They claimed that it was part of the ritual, but I am rather sure that that is not an excuse to kill.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes. I asked friendly if they wanted to refund me, as it saves us both time, but they claim that their reason is valid. I am curious to find out.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence)
http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/537385812074419007/D73CA0185AD37A75875265B6B52EDEFAD4CB89DF/http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/537385812074419153/772EBFB6498A411A55D0377A05A049A7E69A69C2/Before the murder
http://cloud-4.steamusercontent.com/ugc/537385812074419300/5EE53DD7AEE7C159E2CCE1DE8F15662819BB8BB6/- After the muder

I recorded it all but yeah as you can see he stated it himself in the post, we did nothing wrong. We took him hostage, we sang for him, we prayed for his soul, we told him we needed a sacrifice for father doro and then we killed him after this great RP situation.

Edit: Oh shit my shadowplay wasnt running :::::::::::::::::

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Yes, that's the point. By your logic I could RP a mass murderer and then every kill would be valid. I am rather sure that RP kill reasons are not meant to be used like that.

Then we have a situation where we disagree about the rules, we have spooken with Goose Cartel and all is well between us. We did the same thing with those guys that turned into a hostage situation which ended poorly for us but all is well and we will let the admins decide. I even believe Sophie the admin was with us stealthed and observed.

Description of what happened: They performed a ritual on me, which is cool. They sang and so did I, but then all of a sudden they shot me. They claimed that it was part of the ritual, but I am rather sure that that is not an excuse to kill.

Don't know if you are serious or trolling. Because we stated during the whole ritual that it was a sacrificial act. We WERE going to sacrifice you to "father Doro" that was the whole point of it. However, we are not needed to state that, since you are our hostages and under our control to do with you as we please. 

I think you have missunderstood the rules because that is no way close to RDM.

RDM - Random Deathmatch

Sit in a bush, aim, randomly shoot someone without interacting in roleplay. Or staying OOC (Out of character).

We did the same thing with Goose Cartel and their leader and they had no problems with it. 

Doro Clan and Goose Cartel had a war at the area and we both loss casualties. Nothing more than that. We sacrificed one of them in the exact same way as we sacrificed you. End of story.

You should really stop complaining on everything and just play the game. 

I'm starting to believe that you have never encountered a real RDMer before in your AltisLife playtime.

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Then we have a situation where we disagree about the rules, we have spooken with Goose Cartel and all is well between us. We did the same thing with those guys that turned into a hostage situation which ended poorly for us but all is well and we will let the admins decide. I even believe Sophie the admin was with us stealthed and observed.
Yep, I guess the admins will decide.

Description of what happened: They performed a ritual on me, which is cool. They sang and so did I, but then all of a sudden they shot me. They claimed that it was part of the ritual, but I am rather sure that that is not an excuse to kill.

Don't know if you are serious or trolling. Because we stated during the whole ritual that it was a sacrificial act. We WERE going to sacrifice you to "father Doro" that was the whole point of it. However, we are not needed to state that, since you are our hostages and under our control to do with you as we please. 

I think you have missunderstood the rules because that is no way close to RDM.

RDM - Random Deathmatch

Sit in a bush, aim, randomly shoot someone without interacting in roleplay. Or staying OOC (Out of character).

We did the same thing with Goose Cartel and their leader and they had no problems with it. 

Doro Clan and Goose Cartel had a war at the area and we both loss casualties. Nothing more than that. We sacrificed one of them in the exact same way as we sacrificed you. End of story.

You should really stop complaining on everything and just play the game. 

I'm starting to believe that you have never encountered a real RDMer before in your AltisLife playtime.
I am being serious.

Anyway, because an individual is cool with it doesn't automaticly mean it's allowed. I would find it rather odd if it was allowed as it would mean that you can RP any innocent individual to death.

We'll see what the admin has to say.

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So, according to your rules, I could basically walk up to a random dude, tell him get down, shout something weird and foreign, say " U need to die for Dolan!(random god) " and kill him, take his gear, and walk on?

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So, according to your rules, I could basically walk up to a random dude, tell him get down, shout something weird and foreign, say " U need to die for Dolan! " and kill him, take his gear, and walk on?

Yes? Who are you to put limits and rally points what a player can achieve and wants to rolepaly as. If he does obey you I see no point in shooting him ofcourse. However, if the purpose from the start is clear, that he is going to kill you it's absolutely no problems with that. 

Are you people being serious... Like, honestly?

i don't see where is the ''RDM'' maybe you got a video ? .
because you can only see they look on you and kill you maybe they have a reason for that?
i don't see where is the ''RDM'' maybe you got a video ? .
because you can only see they look on you and kill you maybe they have a reason for that?
They already said what happened themselves. I don't need video evidence. If our stories wouldn't match I would, but they do. The only issue is: What happened, is it valid or not?

That can only be decided by an admin, so all we can do is wait.


So, according to your rules, I could basically walk up to a random dude, tell him get down, shout something weird and foreign, say " U need to die for Dolan!(random god) " and kill him, take his gear, and walk on?
Dont cluster with bullshit please. Quadpost.. Anyhow, What you described might be considered bad RP, I atleast find it bad RP. What we did was NOTHING near that. We held you for a good 4-5 minutes doing our thing and having some fun. What you describe is poor RP and should be avoided, although i think it is not considered RDM.

RDM is a harch word to throw at someone ( in this case a group ) who actually did not RANDOMLY (as in the R in RDM) kill you.


My bad, we did not kill you Phoeni3X, ofcourse i meant Dekkers.

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I get your point, it is just that I don't think that the rules allow your kind of RP for murder.

I think that the rules mean with RP reason that you need a reason that makes common sence to commit murder. Examples:

-You give an order during a robbery and the person you rob just runs away;

-You're in a firefight and you see someone pointing a gun at your face.

I don't believe that "Rituals for gods" are included.

Like I said previously, I guess the admins decide.

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Remove didnt see this was report a player section

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