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Complaint on Doro clan members (Rejected - Not RDM)

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Dont cluster with bullshit please. Quadpost.. Anyhow, What you described might be considered bad RP, I atleast find it bad RP. What we did was NOTHING near that. We held you for a good 4-5 minutes doing our thing and having some fun. What you describe is poor RP and should be avoided, although i think it is not considered RDM.

RDM is a harch word to throw at someone ( in this case a group ) who actually did not RANDOMLY (as in the R in RDM) kill you.


My bad, we did not kill you Phoeni3X, ofcourse i meant Dekkers.
Yea, I'm sorry about the Quadpost, Failed quite miserably there. Anyhow, you might be right about the bad roleplaying part, but even if you did make a good roleplay, I just think it is gamebreaking if someone takes me hostage, just to kill me for their God. I don't see the choices I would have.

In a robbery for example, you have the choice of complying to the demand and lose money yet live, or run and you might die. In that situation of yours, I really only see the option of dying and nothing else, which in my opinion isn't quite fair.

But hey, that's just my opinion ^^

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Yep, pretty much what I said. 

The admins will solve this... I guess everyone said their part. Let's just wait now

Sounds to me like there twisted way of RP, i mean they have taken you hostage... to a church by the looks of it, you have sang... they have sang and then they killed you.

RDM is if someone just comes up with no or little RP and kills you so cannot accept this for RDM.

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