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Community Improvements (speak your mind)

Timo Langston

Well-known member
Balls deep in Jasper
For the past year or so I have heard many complaints about the overall state of the server that seem to be becoming more and more frequent. These complaints being from all across the server ranging from your average crim, to police, to NHS, to staff themselves and everyone seems to be pointing the finger, or getting offended by the comments made. Also these complaints seem to be becoming more and more frequent as time goes on and peoples patience wears thin. I believe this is a big part of why the overall standard of RP has taken a nose dive. I want to make it clear that this not a post pointing fingers, but merely an attempt for people to suggest ways that we can all improve and try to repair some of the damage that has been done and hopefully bring the server back to what it once was.

Il start this thread off:
- I believe the level of police response has become very inconsistent an example being when I myself have hit a life invader and had no police turn up but then taking a chase for running a red light I've seen 9+ police cars. My suggestion to try and solve this is maybe having a limit to the amount of units that can attach to a call unless of course the stakes are raised i.e. firearms are pulled or panic alarms are used. I feel this will allow for more police units to be available to go to other calls then allowing others to have a piece of the pie so to speak.

- Crims now a days seem very bored and as a result they are quick to escalate and not allow RP to play out and this goes for everything from chases to just your average baldy talking smack. My suggestion to solve this is multi layered. My first thought is more content but that's to easy and pins the responsibility onto others. So a better idea would be for seniors in groups to be more strict on their members and set the standard that they want to see. This can be done multiple ways an idea ive had is to talk between other group leaders or even police seniors and arrange a RP story for the two groups to go down with a clear end goal in mind something with a bit of depth that can be played out for a week or two.

- My personal view on the staff team is they are very fed up with the majority of the player base and seem to be taking more control of the reins in certain aspects of the server. It seems the trust has gone for them were the players are concerned. My suggestion for this is to try and bring some of that trust back and allow the players to take more control over the way the server plays out i.e. allow people to sell businesses with out it all going through the COC. Also just allowing players in general to have more control over how their business is run. I fear that the direction things are going it will end up being that we are in RPUK's sandbox and we cant play with their toys unless given permission regardless of the amount of effort and RP that has been put in.

- My final comment for now is that the server performance seems to be getting worse day by day. I went from being able to have Quant and NVE and my game looking beautiful while still having a decent frame rate to now turning those shaders off and playing Microsoft PowerPoint in most areas of the server. Now I'm not entirely sure how to solve this as this seems like a more backend thing that I have no clue about. However an idea I've had is to maybe spread out some of the businesses/MLO's in the central city as it seems from AE down to Legion square is where I myself am affected worse.

I would encourage others to bring their suggestions forward not just for what I have said here but to add onto it in terms of issues they are facing and what they think can be done to improve the experience for everyone. I would like to avoid the finger pointing and the usual police V crim debate as that has been had many times and never leads to any change.
My suggestion to try and solve this is maybe having a limit to the amount of units that can attach to a call

This is already a thing boss, but lots of factors play into it such as your characters backstory, PNC markers we’ve set on them etc.

I did cover this in another post but the main reason you see so many police turn up to even the most minor incident is because there’s just fuck all else going on. The days when every turf had people dealing meant resources were far more split up and far less units attached to each pursuit. Now we can literally go 30+ mins at prime time and sometime hours in the morning / early afternoon hours without a single dispatch. In other words #MakeDrugDealingGreatAgain #BringBackMtHaan 😄
This is already a thing boss, but lots of factors play into it such as your characters backstory, PNC markers we’ve set on them etc.
Thank you for clarifying this.

the main reason you see so many police turn up to even the most minor incident is because there’s just fuck all else going on.
I can understand how boring/frustrating that can be. Can I maybe suggest then that the police start to reach out to group seniors or leads and maybe arrange some RP to be had. I would just really like to see a change in the amount of units sent to mid/minor calls as this can really negatively impact peoples drive to commit crim or have fun while doing so thus having less and less calls to go to. Also this could be a good opportunity for yourself to bring this up internally in the police and take suggestions from them on how to improve this.

Just to add a way something can be arranged is a date is set for a heist such as bobcat or the big bank and it can be arranged in a way to allow both parties to have some fun RP with chases etc. I would put myself forward as one of those people that can be contacted to arrange some fun RP between police and a crim group.
Thank you for clarifying this.

I can understand how boring/frustrating that can be. Can I maybe suggest then that the police start to reach out to group seniors or leads and maybe arrange some RP to be had. I would just really like to see a change in the amount of units sent to mid/minor calls as this can really negatively impact peoples drive to commit crim or have fun while doing so thus having less and less calls to go to. Also this could be a good opportunity for yourself to bring this up internally in the police and take suggestions from them on how to improve this.

Just to add a way something can be arranged is a date is set for a heist such as bobcat or the big bank and it can be arranged in a way to allow both parties to have some fun RP with chases etc. I would put myself forward as one of those people that can be contacted to arrange some fun RP between police and a crim group.

Definitely something we can take on board and discuss for sure. Despite what people think, we’re not all win hungry robots!
Let gangs be gangs and crims be crims.

When I first joined the server over a year ago now there was soo many different groups and gangs it was actually insane, you had : Cutlass , Hustlers , Vagos , Grove , Ballas , Lost , Firm , Bingle , 229 , Mara , Teccas and probably more i left out, the wars and chaos made the server fun and for someone new/a civ it was genuinely exciting to watch and see who won what attacks and seeing all the videos and RP going on. You would actually have to be "on guard" because you could get robbed/ "G checked" at any given moment and lose hours of progression, now it just feels like there's no one around, most turfs are just empty and you never see big wars going on anymore, I'm talking the Big 25v25 229 v Tecca type of wars. Everyone just feels all "lovey dovey", there's not much "hatred ( within RP obv ) anymore, even from learning how to get a hold of guns or make them, it was fun finding it out, you actually had to put RP into it, everything was super secretive and you had to build connection to get the smallest hints, getting coke/drugs was fun too, even when teccas were taxing the whole island, creating class RP and making big changes WITHIN the actual server itself, now you do bins for 5 mins and can get a gun in your hand even as a baldie within a few hours of being on the server.

I'm not too sure how or what needs to be changed but I think something HAS to be done, shake things up and breathe some fresh air into RP once more.
For the past year or so I have heard many complaints about the overall state of the server that seem to be becoming more and more frequent. These complaints being from all across the server ranging from your average crim, to police, to NHS, to staff themselves and everyone seems to be pointing the finger, or getting offended by the comments made. Also these complaints seem to be becoming more and more frequent as time goes on and peoples patience wears thin. I believe this is a big part of why the overall standard of RP has taken a nose dive. I want to make it clear that this not a post pointing fingers, but merely an attempt for people to suggest ways that we can all improve and try to repair some of the damage that has been done and hopefully bring the server back to what it once was.

Il start this thread off:
- I believe the level of police response has become very inconsistent an example being when I myself have hit a life invader and had no police turn up but then taking a chase for running a red light I've seen 9+ police cars. My suggestion to try and solve this is maybe having a limit to the amount of units that can attach to a call unless of course the stakes are raised i.e. firearms are pulled or panic alarms are used. I feel this will allow for more police units to be available to go to other calls then allowing others to have a piece of the pie so to speak.

- Crims now a days seem very bored and as a result they are quick to escalate and not allow RP to play out and this goes for everything from chases to just your average baldy talking smack. My suggestion to solve this is multi layered. My first thought is more content but that's to easy and pins the responsibility onto others. So a better idea would be for seniors in groups to be more strict on their members and set the standard that they want to see. This can be done multiple ways an idea ive had is to talk between other group leaders or even police seniors and arrange a RP story for the two groups to go down with a clear end goal in mind something with a bit of depth that can be played out for a week or two.

- My personal view on the staff team is they are very fed up with the majority of the player base and seem to be taking more control of the reins in certain aspects of the server. It seems the trust has gone for them were the players are concerned. My suggestion for this is to try and bring some of that trust back and allow the players to take more control over the way the server plays out i.e. allow people to sell businesses with out it all going through the COC. Also just allowing players in general to have more control over how their business is run. I fear that the direction things are going it will end up being that we are in RPUK's sandbox and we cant play with their toys unless given permission regardless of the amount of effort and RP that has been put in.

- My final comment for now is that the server performance seems to be getting worse day by day. I went from being able to have Quant and NVE and my game looking beautiful while still having a decent frame rate to now turning those shaders off and playing Microsoft PowerPoint in most areas of the server. Now I'm not entirely sure how to solve this as this seems like a more backend thing that I have no clue about. However an idea I've had is to maybe spread out some of the businesses/MLO's in the central city as it seems from AE down to Legion square is where I myself am affected worse.

I would encourage others to bring their suggestions forward not just for what I have said here but to add onto it in terms of issues they are facing and what they think can be done to improve the experience for everyone. I would like to avoid the finger pointing and the usual police V crim debate as that has been had many times and never leads to any change.
Hit it right on the mark.

Personally, i think when stuff started getting way too controlled where players got less and less freedom to progress their story or do whatever they like, it ended up making it feel more like a chore to a certain degree. I understand why it was done because some bad apples were per say "Exploiting" the system and trying to gain advantages over others, but i think it spiraled out of control.

To give some examples:

The teaming situation when it first started being a problem back with Triads and ballas and Triads and Vagos, when it was seen that it was being abused I think the rule didn't need to be implemented to say no teaming allowed period but instead deal with the ones causing the problem instead of punishing the rest for progressing the RP story that "The Problem" created aka (Grove, Aztecas, Apostles Vs Ballas, Triads as an example).

The COC is another thing that i don't feel like it needed implementing either, I think players RPing selling their business and stuff was fine as it was and the value of the things was warranted thats how an economy works, prices are based on what people put that stuff valued at now obviously there is something's that could have changed to make it a better experience but add an entire staff run faction to deal with that was just not needed neither it was the need to remove people with a criminal history from owning businesses. To be honest while it might be a bit of an Hot take but i feel like alot of criminals back in the day that owned businesses were better at RPing their business than current business owners, i remember when 229 and Ballas had PDM or when Father owned Little Seoul or when he owned the Holy one stop (might have gotten the name wrong on that one xd) and it was always popular 24/7 with active advertisement, the only issue that the businesses truly had was that there was way to many people in a single group/Gang/faction that owned one which is still the case and hasn't changed to certain groups.

As for Crim RP i also agree with Tim, Yes Crim RP has indeed dip down in quality, but you know what, I feel like everyone in the server dipped down in quality so blaming one single group of people in the community isn't going to solve anything, the fact all the people that play the server need each other to a certain degree to play it and giving one demographic slaps 24/7 like they are the sole reason for the way everything is wont solve it. I think that sometimes a leap of faith is just what's needed for people to change their mentalities, like Tim said if every group had something to be responsible for, i reckon they would all change the way they play the game currently because they will have something to lose that they worked for.

As for the Police part, i think Atlas pretty much covered it, they are bored to they will respond to anything with 20 man deep, while i agree its shit for whatever crim gets caught doing the slightest offense its not either side's fault since the criminal part has been slacking on activity's that make cops respond to but at the same time dont report them on the forums when they do as soon as a situation is lost but this goes for both gangs and police.
I think what is currently happening on the server is something that a lot of people were worried about and raised a long time ago, the crim player base is on a slow decline as they've been subject to a hale of nerfs, restrictions and increased pressure both in-game by the judiciary and in the community by staff. I can't recall the exact quote but during the last Group leads meeting i remember something along the lines of this being because crim players cant ''behave'', i made the point then that everyone is being punished for the actions of the few wich hardly feels fair...

What I think is being overlooked is that the crim players are the foundation of the server, there is no other group of players that activley interact with the rest of the population frequently and widely. This of course means that when that particular group is struggling to find motivation and inspiration it affects many more than just them. I think the crim player base can take being the punching bag of the community but if you're disputing that they're also the greatest and most frequent source of roleplay content on the server you must be blind.

I think it would be good to see crims being shown some appreciation in development (all though i understand this is a big ask) even minor stuff like buff's to the bank heist (used to be 5m according to @Bmav now its 3m for big bank) and drug prices.
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I think what is currently happening on the server is something that a lot of people were worried about and raised a long time ago, the crim player base is on a slow decline as they've been subject to a hale of nerfs, restrictions and increased pressure both in-game by the judiciary and in the community by staff. I can't recall the exact quote but during the last Group leads meeting i remember something along the lines of this being because crim players cant ''behave'', i made the point then that everyone is being punished for the actions of the few wich hardly feels fair...

What I think is being overlooked is that the crim players are the foundation of the server, there is no other group of players that activley interact with the rest of the population frequently and widely. This of course means that when that particular group is struggling to find motivation and inspiration it affects many more than just them. I think the crim player base can take being the punching bag of the community but if you're disputing that they're also the greatest and most frequent source of roleplay content on the server you must be blind.

I think it would be good to see crims being shown some appreciation in development (all though i understand this is a big ask) even minor stuff like buff's to the bank heist (used to be 10m now its 3m for big bank) and drug prices.
Bank used to be 5mil pal get it right or be square.

But yhe the "behave" argument is an impossible argument. Think about it, there is about 8 gangs (Thats without counting family groups such as callaghans, padrinos, cypress etc..) so you are basically asking 200+ players (just in gangs alone without the crime familys groups) to behave. Thats like asking all the players currently playing the server to behave which is just impossible to do.

Like i said in the past if there is such reluctantly in adding something to groups, just make so only the group lead and the second in command or higher ups only can make or take responsibility for whatever stuff they get added to their group because if its something you can add into a permission than you only have to deal with the person who gave such permissions away to their group.

But letting an entire section of the community starve because of a few bad apples is a bit unfair because if thats the case then both Police and NHS wouldn't have had stuff added to them either nobody is a saint there aint any groups full of saints that will do everything the way you expect it.
This was a response to me shark fishing the weekend, 10+ units on scene majority firearms with 2 police boats and a car, couldn’t believe the response we hadn’t even put the anchor down and they were on us 😂 the ones who did stay in the cells had great interactions with them including a guy reading my rights in three languages (sorry😂) but the numbers soon thinned out and officers disappeared when the boring paperwork came along.

All in all I think there’s a lot which needs to change but the community makes the server and it’s a brilliant one, hopefully more crimes are committed to spice things up for the police because I’m sure they didn’t enjoy having a guaranteed arrest out of the situation im sure they would have preferred a bit of a chase atleast.


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I feel like this post is overdue, its a large part of the reason I do not have the enthusiasm to log in at the moment.
I want to make this very CLEAR, the points below are based on my opinions and experiences.

Double Standards
-Recent changes by COC in owning a business, setting activity requirements when COC themselves will not follow "x" requirements.
-How certain people in the server are treated versus others. I've come to notice based on your "popularity" you are treated very differently.
-The shit talk across discords not being a problem until it affects certain people.
-I have experienced police rule breaks such as RDM but when taken to QE it was a case of mis-communication on the radio. Afterwards I was told to take legal action in RP. From my time on the server I've seen people banned for RDM after shooting at someone regardless of mis-communication.

-Different expectations of RP leading to forums reports. (Your expected standard of RP being greater or less than someone elses)
-Winning and Losing mentality.

Updates (I understand this is based on dev work)
-Gang bunkers not being a problem for 4 years until they were a problem and patched in 2 days.
-Crims being 16 updates behind police.
-The lack of minor/new updates for quality of life on crim characters.
-Updates for Gang are so far behind, using The Occult for example I have requested minor things every other gang has 6 months ago.

Police (I believe a few points were posted earlier) (Also note this does not include all members in the police force)
-The amount of firearms responding to minor crimes examples being: Roadside accidents, Shark Fishing
-Hostage negotiations non existent without a shoot out.
-The excessive use of helmet armour.
-The win mentality.

Staff (again not all of you)
-I was recently pulled for "encouraging" 60+ people to NVL. My arguement remained it was done for fun, it did not affect anyones RP and overall everyone was happy. I think its important that sometimes the game has to be treated as a game for everyone to have fun!
-I've noticed some staff being more fed up with other in how they may approach or talk to people.
-Recently a member of the Occult was banned on the spot at the casino, he had a strange problem where the horses were ahead on his screen and would see the winner before anyone else. (NOTE He did not know the winning horse before the start of the race. The race would start half way ahead on his screen versus others.) After being banned he opened a ticket to query if it was in error to which they then explained. I feel this situation could have been easily handled by pulling him aside.
-Listen to the community. I feel like a lot of what I am saying or others, has been said a hundred times, now we might not have the answers but thats also because we don't know what is coming.

-Acting to quickly and not allowing RP to develope
-Being too big for their boots without developing in RP

-Bins, its the marmite of RPUK.
-People have been asking for a long time for more jobs and there is endless suggestions of great jobs that could be added to RPUK.

Unfortunately I don't have all the answers, but they're most likely in this forum buried along with all the other suggestions that have been made for RPUK. I cherish the memories I have made in this community and hope to always see it thrive, but personally I am feeling burnt out from it all along with a large player base of it. I think its important that we recognise that even though some people are not logging in because they're burnt out does not mean they're tired of RPUK, they're tired of waiting for the change that never came.
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Spot on this is lad. It’s a variety of things I feel that have built up over a long period of time is to where the servers at nowadays. Although having a fully legal character (Barry) and running a burger shop on that character for some time to joining a gang on my other character (Wayne Bigzy), it’s nice to say that although my second character hasn’t experienced much crim at the moment, I have now seen both ends of the spectrum.

The legal side (let’s please not forget) is just as bad as the crim side if not worse off! By this I’m meaning that one thing I have really really struggled on playing Barry is trying to get people to Roleplay buying a burger from a burger shop. Nowadays more so it just feels like this is so much harder to do as people are drawn to convenience and money unfortunately over Roleplay. It would be nice to one day see change to the way the shops are run in order to make people Roleplay buying specific items from a player and not the till but until then it is what it is.

On my time playing Wayne so far I can vouch for what you’re saying 100%. It’s mad that gangs are no longer around selling on turf most the time anymore like they used to be!! They’re gang members, not bin men! As a result of this I also agree with the fact that some may have gotten bored and as a result are jumping to fights etc as the roleplay side is becoming harder. And to a point, I do understand and see this too.

Will be nice to see more of a change with a few things one day but who knows…

I have really really struggled on playing Barry is trying to get people to Roleplay buying a burger from a burger shop. Nowadays more so it just feels like this is so much harder to do as people are drawn to convenience and money unfortunately over Roleplay. It would be nice to one day see change to the way the shops are run in order to make people Roleplay buying specific items from a player and not the till but until then it is what it is.
Thank you for the insight.
I think this would be a great change and I would love to see that shops are actually RP ran across the board not only allowing more natural RP but also opening up opportunity's to rob the people on the tills etc. Dealerships, Mechanic shops and even places like Card Freakz and Vangelicos have no issue doing this so why cant the others in my opinion.
Police do more than just all pile on a police chase IRL if there is fuck all going on.

Try and make something go on, set up vehicle check points, ask if the vehicle has an mot and roleplay out a vehcle check, not one fed has checked my tyres! some garages now do MOT RP and give out certificates!

Firearms could check and service a hunters rifle maybe rather than wait for a 9 car car chase piled 4 man deep in each car. Or escort that elderly lady across the road.

As you say maybe make selling drugs worth the risk for gangsters ranther than bins.

i do a bank heist we get everyone and their dog turn up making it almost a loose loose due to the time it takes for game mechanics the amount of time a drill takes or to hack systems, and police sometimes dont want to wait and would rather force entry and gun us all down 30+ deep. Imagine being on the receiving end of that when sometimes numbers are capped for us to 6 - should be a cap for feds too.

We try to take over a g6 transport and again everyone turns up.

tried a boosting event the other day, and was lucky if 1 fed turned up for the case, because aparantlty they were busy gun fighting.
This is already a thing boss, but lots of factors play into it such as your characters backstory, PNC markers we’ve set on them etc.

I did cover this in another post but the main reason you see so many police turn up to even the most minor incident is because there’s just fuck all else going on. The days when every turf had people dealing meant resources were far more split up and far less units attached to each pursuit. Now we can literally go 30+ mins at prime time and sometime hours in the morning / early afternoon hours without a single dispatch. In other words #MakeDrugDealingGreatAgain #BringBackMtHaan 😄
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What first pulled me into the server was it felt like you were talking to a variety of different CHARACTERS, everyone had a story, there was always something interesting in rp going whether it was gang beef, a new group starting up or whatever else. People were roleplaying for the sake of enjoyment and entertainment. Over time this has slowly degraded and its gotten to the point where there are very few people around who actually roleplay a character, theres been a shift i noticed quite some time back of people roleplaying only when theyre trying to get something that benefits them over roleplaying for the sakes of roleplay and fun, i will also say (not aimed at any staff in paticular) i feel the bar for what is classed as good roleplay has dropped so much in staff members eyes that the quality thats being enforced as good is so low compared to what it used to be a year ago or so which has just added to the fire.

Secrecy on the crim side has almost completely vanished, everyone knows everything. If you walk around and speak to people as a new player youre no longer pushed away and treated as shady, people simply dont care about consequences in rp for their characters anymore and are more than happy to give out info or advice. you can find people willing to sell you a gun or drugs (if they were still around being sold at all XD) with little to no questions when a year back groups were much more apprehensive to disclose information which pushed for newer players to roleplay more and talk to people.

The server has slowly shifted community wise to people (not aimed at anyone in paticular just an observation) roleplaying purely just to check off that checklist of "ok ive provided this roleplay so now its not rdm" ect ect ive seen quite a few people where its almost like theyre not roleplaying cause they want to, theyre roleplaying cause they HAVE to so they dont run into issues haha.

Like Barry Bones has said businesses have it rough, people are drawn to convenience and will always choose to avoid rp and just go to a cash register to stock up on their meta food to save themselves time, because of this its had this slow effect of business owners struggling to motivate themselves to play on their chars and be active at their business providing rp as our attempts are usually avoided by people who want something done quick and conveniently without the hassle of "having to rp"

The new jobs that were pushed at first were great, we were seeing people in groups socialising and doing bin jobs together but within a week it declined into people trying to min max everything, the essence of the job creating roleplay was completely thrown aside and players began purely doing the job because its the highest paying which in turn has slowly made all the other jobs that were already looking quite dire now not worth the time in many players eyes the big issue with jobs that i think is a big cause for the shift in people now just doing bin jobs and nothing else is simply this:

"whats the point of providing roleplay being a taxi driver picking up actual players instead of npcs when someone doing bin jobs is rewarded with much more money for not interacting with anyone but their friends for an hour or so." The jobs dont reward and promote rp, they reward people that go out their way to min max and avoid rp. i cant count how many times ive had to grind a boring npc job so then i have some money to actually roleplay as i know i will lose money having fun and roleplaying over being rewarded for providing good rp and gaining money furthering my character and progression.
RPUK 2.0

- Re write all the drug scripts - make it worth making other drugs - make it less easy to just grind coke all day
- Launch a few new civ jobs - progression? Rep based pay?
- Increase petty crime activity (ATM robberies, boosting, better racing, House robberies, Mugging NPCs)
- Bring back turf map colours - IDC about realism this caused people to go explore out of intrigue and increased interactions
- If gangs die, take them off the people running it and give newer people a shot at it - too many gangs sitting inactive knowing they can go back in 2/3 months for a war and just play again
- Restrict the access of guns more, it used to be that only pistols made it onto the streets but now everyone just sells everything, the gun plug isnt as sacred as it used to be
- make QOL updates maybe a new UI etc
- RESET everything, who cares about continuity the economy is broken, its unrealistic everyone is rich. who cares if people have to start again at least they have purpose.
RPUK 2.0

- Re write all the drug scripts - make it worth making other drugs - make it less easy to just grind coke all day
- Launch a few new civ jobs - progression? Rep based pay?
- Increase petty crime activity (ATM robberies, boosting, better racing, House robberies, Mugging NPCs)
- Bring back turf map colours - IDC about realism this caused people to go explore out of intrigue and increased interactions
- If gangs die, take them off the people running it and give newer people a shot at it - too many gangs sitting inactive knowing they can go back in 2/3 months for a war and just play again
- Restrict the access of guns more, it used to be that only pistols made it onto the streets but now everyone just sells everything, the gun plug isnt as sacred as it used to be
- make QOL updates maybe a new UI etc
- RESET everything, who cares about continuity the economy is broken, its unrealistic everyone is rich. who cares if people have to start again at least they have purpose.
+1 However I feel civ jobs don't need to be added? More so be changed to suit RP within actual businesses
RPUK 2.0

- Re write all the drug scripts - make it worth making other drugs - make it less easy to just grind coke all day
- Launch a few new civ jobs - progression? Rep based pay?
- Increase petty crime activity (ATM robberies, boosting, better racing, House robberies, Mugging NPCs)
- Bring back turf map colours - IDC about realism this caused people to go explore out of intrigue and increased interactions
- If gangs die, take them off the people running it and give newer people a shot at it - too many gangs sitting inactive knowing they can go back in 2/3 months for a war and just play again
- Restrict the access of guns more, it used to be that only pistols made it onto the streets but now everyone just sells everything, the gun plug isnt as sacred as it used to be
- make QOL updates maybe a new UI etc
- RESET everything, who cares about continuity the economy is broken, its unrealistic everyone is rich. who cares if people have to start again at least they have purpose.
+1, 100% agree with everything here. As you said the economy is broken and a reset would fix it.
Said it before and I'll say it again, bin men get paid more than drug dealers.

The servers economy has been raped by bins.

Have said this for a long time "British Themed Serious Roleplay" hate when gangsters in the UK patrol round in armoured cars, fully auto guns and combat gear real struggle.
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RPUK 2.0

- Re write all the drug scripts - make it worth making other drugs - make it less easy to just grind coke all day
- Launch a few new civ jobs - progression? Rep based pay?
- Increase petty crime activity (ATM robberies, boosting, better racing, House robberies, Mugging NPCs)
- Bring back turf map colours - IDC about realism this caused people to go explore out of intrigue and increased interactions
- If gangs die, take them off the people running it and give newer people a shot at it - too many gangs sitting inactive knowing they can go back in 2/3 months for a war and just play again
- Restrict the access of guns more, it used to be that only pistols made it onto the streets but now everyone just sells everything, the gun plug isnt as sacred as it used to be
- make QOL updates maybe a new UI etc
- RESET everything, who cares about continuity the economy is broken, its unrealistic everyone is rich. who cares if people have to start again at least they have purpose.
Agree with everything you have said in this.