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Changing the gang cap.


Well-known member
Brief Summary: I have noticed since i have came back the decline in the gang/group scene as a whole is very very much dying out, you see less gangs now a days, and if you do see some, you see very few, i think currently in the server like 2 or 3 gangs you will see about from time to time, Changing the gang cap from 25 to 15 or 20 could benefit as a whole as i will explain in hopefully more detail below.

Detailed Suggestion:
I know this suggestion will probably get a bit of backlash and a lot of downvotes, but what i am suggesting, is not just about your gang that is 20+ or 25+ but to every single gang and group out there and the future of the gang scene on the server going forward, you may be active and bigger than other groups at the minute, that is nice but not nice when you see all the other groups that just are non existent

Reducing the maximum gang size will encourage more gangs to form, mainly of people who didn't make the "cut" i guess of others. With a lower cap, large groups will naturally split into smaller factions, leading to a more variety of gangs. This change can benefit the roleplay experience by introducing new alliances, rivalries, and storylines.

Smaller gangs will drive more active participation from each member. With fewer members, every player's involvement becomes crucial, encouraging regular activity and engagement. This can lead to more frequent interactions and conflicts, making the server feel more lively and dynamic, each character in that gang will have a "story" or a certain "field" they benefit the gang in.

With smaller gangs, members will likely know each other better and work together more effectively, leading to richer and more cohesive roleplay scenarios. This close-knit dynamic can deepen character development and create more intricate and engaging narratives

More gangs mean more leadership opportunities for players. As gangs split or new ones form, players who might not have had the chance to lead in a larger gang can now step up. This can show new creativity and change within the community as new leaders bring fresh ideas and perspectives.

Characters in gangs will show through more, rather than, "that's one of the marabunta" it will be "that's such and such from marabunta and he deals with this and that"

To help with the change staff/management can announce the change well in advance to allow current gangs to adjust their structures and plans.

The Pros:

-Increase in number of gangs
-A more lively active Gang scene
-Roleplay will improve from each and every gang, and if they don't they'll soon show who isn't here to RP and who is.
-More Storylines, More characters noticed within gangs rather than "background members"
- In areas with gang fights there will be less lag, rather than 50 you could have 30
- It benefits the police as well, the police should be strong.
- You will have more dynamic fights, rather than @EVERYONE PUSH TIME IS 8PM, you will have people online throughout the days or nights, rather than only logging on for the fights
- The RP getting into gangs will be longer, to make sure they are the right person, and they will be more trusted to get in, and you will get them in, they will feel rewarded and cherish their time and the position they finally got in.
- Gang leads will be able to keep track of the gang better and what they are doing, will become a lot easier, and it will benefit their roleplay, it will hopefully lead people to less rule breaks, as being a previous gang lead, i know how hard it is , to keep track of a lot of people at once.

The Cons:

-Some people may feel hard done by , by not making the "25"
-Might take up a bit more staff time down the line with keeping gangs in check?
-People do not like change.
-Could lead to more random gangs popping and cause more "chaos" rather than roleplay.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? Yes
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I am all for this, even tho it would mean I would have to get rid of 5-10 of my members. But for the past year I have barely seen a few gangs/groups manage to fill the 25 member cap.

This is a thing I've brought up and talked about a few times before, and would be a nice addition to bring gangs closer, and eventually get more smaller gangs pop up here and there. 🙏
+1 Its sad to drive around and see almost all the gang turfs dead, Even if each one had 2 to 5 members just hanging out and chilling doing GANG things on thier turf repping it. protecting it and just chatting to people who come by makes it all much more fun.
I dont think reducing the gang cap will help with activity, i think its more likely to cause the whitelisted groups to be even more inactive.

Dont get me wrong, I would love to see more smaller groups around in general but i think it is more a question of content.
If the core idea is to increase the population lampposting at their turf or general activity? How is reducing the pool of potential people able to hop on gonna help that.

I don't dislike the idea at it's core but i feel like it wont achieve what it should to make gang RP more fun.

I feel like there are quite many other things to make Gang RP better and less about "bad man got offended yo we shooting now" but that is for other suggestions.

Reducing Gang cap just means short term groups are gonna be ripped appart and long term that groups are gonna die out because their vital 15 members are burned out and need a break. Atm there is a healthy backup to pick up the slack when certain people are on holiday or simply chilling out for a bit.

But hey that is my Opinion.
I think this would be a positive for bigger more active gangs in driving a more active gang scene from that perspective. Like Jeep says it may be tougher on groups the likes of Cyprus who probably have a fair number of members but not a regular large attendance of those members (personal experience too).

Personally RP wise from what would be considered an "outsiders" perspective by people I think the negatives would work themselves out and the positives from reducing the cap would be much better.
I really do think people would strive to do better and have higher standards if groups were more limited on who they would allow in and to have access to things. Speaking to one gang lead who said they plan on removing people because they don't really follow any directives or wishes of the seniors in RP whilst having full access to benches, Gus etc... I honestly think standards are really poor across certain members in probably all groups, having visited a longer term whitelisted groups turf and stopped to say hello I was met by a "I'm not scared by the gods. I watched your body cam footage and that was crazy" referring to a fight I was in which was a total 180 on what I was expecting...

I think what you say about the police and large fights is probably one of the most important things. Having perspective from both sides of the fence I don't think the police are feared and even if you have to fabricate it for the sake of RP its not really done at all. I think lowering the cap would hand some power back to the police which has been lost and ultimately would hopefully make people smarter about how they fight etc... I would even say this exists across the criminal world where people have no fear of repercussions from gangs/groups.

Ultimately I'm a big +1.
I understand the idea behind the suggestion and it's hard to predict the impact it would have. I think this would have more impact than we recognise.

For example,
I think you'll find more groups teaming because of friends being split up. I also think by lowering the cap on all groups whitelisted groups could lose their flare.

Ultimately I'd love to see groups active again and the variety booming all around the server but unfortunately 50% (maybe more) are banned or bored. The core members of the community are losing interest and you can't blame rpuk because people grow up. People eventually need a break.

Solution would be to keep content coming and keep RPUK at the top of roleplayers server! That will keep new people around. Because at the end of the day the server needs a rotation of users for it to say active and that intern will fill up the groups again (if some whitelisted group leaders woke up or handed over aswell)
Now that you’ve actually typed up the suggestion - yeah I’m a big +1 for reducing the gang cap to 15. I’ve said this before on a few suggestions I think it’d massively benefit the gang scene, it should be quality over quantity, instead of people trying to get 25 because another gang they are fighting has 25.

I think this would be amazing to see happening, paired alongside Jeeps suggestion of making whitelisted gangs more useful. Alongside this suggestion and that one though, I’d like to see it a revival of gangs that have disappeared, I don’t know how you’d find viable leaders for them but there’s so much potential for groups like Triads, Coalition, Hustlers etc… if they had an active leader.
+1, I'm a fan.
As Jack has said before me, it should always be quality, not quantity. Having fewer gang members roll around in huge numbers should encourage them to be smarter about how they would push another terf or actually spend more time gathering resources and contributing to the gang to make the loss of the members.

As others have said too, having less members might encourage other people to search for other gangs, in which we can revive the likes of some old, treasured gangs such as Triads. Not to mention all the others.

I think it's a good idea and hopefully this idea can be implemented to help bring more quality RP.
In my opinion I think if gang cap gets lowered you should also be lowering police cap because 25 gang members are still out numbered a lot but having 15 or 20 members u would be enormously out number I don't see this being that fair if u lower gangs but not police I get some gangs can't fill all 25 members but that's because almost every other person is a fed lowering it I don't see changing anything just more complaints and more people having to be removed from gangs because it is changed then more people leaving the server due to them having to be removed from there original gang they was in before the reduce

also you would have to lower every other group/faction because if u only lower gangs how would that be fair compared to other groups/factions still being allowed 25 man
I think if this is put in place there would have to be an impact on all groups/ factions. This meaning Lost, Firm and especially police!

I believe it would increase the number of gangs but like you said there could be the negatives i.e. all "fraggers" leaving one gang and making there own, leading to a decline in roleplay and ultimately resulting in multiple groups like alliance who got themselves in multiple wars.

My opinion is split at the moment I see both negatives and positives, we really wouldn't know until it is in effect.
Like Jack says,

Its looking bleak for some WL gangs that are unactive, rebuilds are tough.
Lowering the gang cap would offer these unactive groups the chance to gain members create more gang roleplay with different groups rather than the same gangs/faces, Also a lot of the time members of a group will get into a scrap, lose & join the opposing gang anyway.

I don't see the police being a issue as even now if you committed a bank heist with 4-5 people you'd still be massively out numbered due to them being police? during shootouts they tend to say out of it unless given a reason, its not like they move like a typical gang & roll round 25'd up.

Only issue that i can see is people will get sour for not making the cut or being dropped.
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