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Changing the gang cap.


Well-known member
Brief Summary: I have noticed since i have came back the decline in the gang/group scene as a whole is very very much dying out, you see less gangs now a days, and if you do see some, you see very few, i think currently in the server like 2 or 3 gangs you will see about from time to time, Changing the gang cap from 25 to 15 or 20 could benefit as a whole as i will explain in hopefully more detail below.

Detailed Suggestion:
I know this suggestion will probably get a bit of backlash and a lot of downvotes, but what i am suggesting, is not just about your gang that is 20+ or 25+ but to every single gang and group out there and the future of the gang scene on the server going forward, you may be active and bigger than other groups at the minute, that is nice but not nice when you see all the other groups that just are non existent

Reducing the maximum gang size will encourage more gangs to form, mainly of people who didn't make the "cut" i guess of others. With a lower cap, large groups will naturally split into smaller factions, leading to a more variety of gangs. This change can benefit the roleplay experience by introducing new alliances, rivalries, and storylines.

Smaller gangs will drive more active participation from each member. With fewer members, every player's involvement becomes crucial, encouraging regular activity and engagement. This can lead to more frequent interactions and conflicts, making the server feel more lively and dynamic, each character in that gang will have a "story" or a certain "field" they benefit the gang in.

With smaller gangs, members will likely know each other better and work together more effectively, leading to richer and more cohesive roleplay scenarios. This close-knit dynamic can deepen character development and create more intricate and engaging narratives

More gangs mean more leadership opportunities for players. As gangs split or new ones form, players who might not have had the chance to lead in a larger gang can now step up. This can show new creativity and change within the community as new leaders bring fresh ideas and perspectives.

Characters in gangs will show through more, rather than, "that's one of the marabunta" it will be "that's such and such from marabunta and he deals with this and that"

To help with the change staff/management can announce the change well in advance to allow current gangs to adjust their structures and plans.

The Pros:

-Increase in number of gangs
-A more lively active Gang scene
-Roleplay will improve from each and every gang, and if they don't they'll soon show who isn't here to RP and who is.
-More Storylines, More characters noticed within gangs rather than "background members"
- In areas with gang fights there will be less lag, rather than 50 you could have 30
- It benefits the police as well, the police should be strong.
- You will have more dynamic fights, rather than @EVERYONE PUSH TIME IS 8PM, you will have people online throughout the days or nights, rather than only logging on for the fights
- The RP getting into gangs will be longer, to make sure they are the right person, and they will be more trusted to get in, and you will get them in, they will feel rewarded and cherish their time and the position they finally got in.
- Gang leads will be able to keep track of the gang better and what they are doing, will become a lot easier, and it will benefit their roleplay, it will hopefully lead people to less rule breaks, as being a previous gang lead, i know how hard it is , to keep track of a lot of people at once.

The Cons:

-Some people may feel hard done by , by not making the "25"
-Might take up a bit more staff time down the line with keeping gangs in check?
-People do not like change.
-Could lead to more random gangs popping and cause more "chaos" rather than roleplay.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server ? Yes
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worst idea ive seen in a long time not gonna lie hardly ever does a gang travel in 25 man your are trying to isolate people that cant commit to loads of time of getting kick from a gang because people are going to want 15/20 more active people having 25 man will allow people that can be less active and play as and when they can i.e if they work unsociable hours, but yeah if you want loads of smaller gangs running round the city then this is a good idea
I have mixed views. The potential success of this change relies on whether your theory on its impact and results are correct.

I never really viewed the 25 as a target, but more of a maximum limit to avoid a serious gang monopoly.

I'm really struggling to see a world, where restricting numbers per gang will result in higher activity from said gangs. The high 25 member count allows for activity rotation on times when others can't fly in. I also believe a lot of people attempt to join whitelisted gangs for their certain perks (free coke access, tools, benches etc)

Based on this you can't confidently assume that people booted out of the gangs as a result of this change would form a lesser gang with none of the access they were previously used to.

"With fewer members, every player's involvement becomes crucial, encouraging regular activity and engagement."

This can also be read as "With fewer members, more and more pressure will be put on players to sacrifice their personal lives to keep their gangs heads above water in RPUK"

I feel the risks of this change, are just as prevalent as the potential rewards.

Get more capable people in leadership roles in gangs who prioritize creating rewarding experiences over senseless grinds and wars. How you do this? I have no idea. As we can police, pick and choose who are in charge of breathing like into these gangs.

To put it bluntly @Father there needs to be more you's in charge of these groups.
Good Change if the server had stuff for these gangs to do, 90% of gangs are mostly banned or completely burned out, there's nothing to do anymore people are sick of no content so do dumb shit and get themselves banned (sometimes doing nothing and still being banned). People need to get their heads out there arse and add content and stop adding shit like being able to wear a durag and a hat or Arm wrestling, like anyone actually cares if they can take off their jacket and still have a shirt on stop focusing on making the server a vr chat competitor and pay a dev to add u some good content.
The issue is people are tryna run the server like 2014 Arma. It doesn't work. shame some still believe this server is a top server for the uk Rpuk is just another server now.

Its the Harsh reality whether u like it or not.
Good Change if the server had stuff for these gangs to do, 90% of gangs are mostly banned or completely burned out, there's nothing to do anymore people are sick of no content so do dumb shit and get themselves banned (sometimes doing nothing and still being banned). People need to get their heads out there arse and add content and stop adding shit like being able to wear a durag and a hat or Arm wrestling, like anyone actually cares if they can take off their jacket and still have a shirt on stop focusing on making the server a vr chat competitor and pay a dev to add u some good content.
The issue is people are tryna run the server like 2014 Arma. It doesn't work. shame some still believe this server is a top server for the uk Rpuk is just another server now.

Its the Harsh reality whether u like it or not.

Have you posted suggestions to the things you'd like to see added? Link me
Give each (main gang) something to control, some specific drugs etc, add a blackmarket system/ illegal currency e.g. washed money, rework the drug selling script, introduce turf wars with NPC's who defend them. People have asked for these things a multitude of times, I don't see lowering the cap of each group, as it's just going to make people make more groups that amount to nothing or just leave the server in general.

I know the OCG reputation isn't 100% positive, but I would like to see the crime scene get a little love. The bank robbery system was amazing, just not really something that should of been first in the pecking order imo.

I know there are probably a lot more important things for a lot of devs and management to work on, but I think it's time.
I like the idea, I'd love to see more groups around. Perhaps the idea or the system itself can be worked out to be more tiered to achieve this sort of effect.

EG; Group, Gang, Organisation, Faction, each with an ever increasing level of trust from the community to provide good experiences which are a net positive to the server. They should of course be rewarded as such, turfs, special crafting things, bigger member caps, cetra.
+1 on this. Been saying it for a while the gang RP has dropped off massively, turfs are empty and theyre usually all on bins :cry:
+1 on this. Been saying it for a while the gang RP has dropped off massively, turfs are empty and theyre usually all on bins :cry:

Crim content has been the same for some time now a lot of people are now bored sitting on a bike selling drugs including my self. Then the bin jobs came out. When doing bin jobs i can make more money than a drug dealer.
I like the idea, I'd love to see more groups around. Perhaps the idea or the system itself can be worked out to be more tiered to achieve this sort of effect.

EG; Group, Gang, Organisation, Faction, each with an ever increasing level of trust from the community to provide good experiences which are a net positive to the server. They should of course be rewarded as such, turfs, special crafting things, bigger member caps, cetra.
I like!