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Changes to the conceal carry mechanic


Legendary Donator
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My Suggestion: Modify Conceal Carry Mechanics for Enhanced Realism

Current Mechanic:
In Grand Theft Auto, players can currently conceal carry any weapon, regardless of size, without any visible indication of it on their character.

I propose that the game should limit the ability to conceal carry to smaller weapons, such as pistols and knives. Larger weapons, like sawn-off shotguns or automatic rifles, should be visible on the character unless the player has a bag or other storage equipment. This change would add a layer of realism and strategy to the gameplay, as it would prevent players from unexpectedly pulling out large, powerful weapons without prior warning.

Increased Realism: It would make the game more immersive by reflecting real-life constraints on weapon concealment.

Enhanced Strategy: Players would need to plan their loadouts more carefully, considering when and where they can carry larger weapons without drawing attention.

Balanced Combat: It reduces the likelihood of surprise attacks with high-powered weapons, as opponents would be able to see if someone is carrying a large weapon.
Visual Cues: It allows other players or NPCs to assess threats more accurately, creating more dynamic interactions and encounters.

Development Time: Implementing this change could require significant coding work to adjust inventory mechanics.
This aint arma. Yeah could have and add more bags for that reason but openly having big guns on your back would be silly. everyone seeing it. police running around fighting everyone cause of it. would cause more issues than it fixs
Im not sure i really get the whole idea of "this isnt arma" with that mindset the server is arma but just with a "out of sight out of mind" take of everyones guns are concealed XD
Pulling a full length shotgun with a stock out of your shorts isnt silly but having a large firearm on your back is? even if it was just a case of you have to wear a bag or something to make it more believable would make things more interesting in my opinion

literally, it takes baiting to the next level.
Does this not come down to the players and how they roleplay rather than the change in how the mechanic works?

It take 10 seconds to lockpick a car. Who would leave a £1m gun in a car that can be stolen in 10 seconds...

Theres public parking in alot of places for concerns about that, but also begs the question of if its so absurd storing a big expensive gun in a locked vehicle for when you need to use it why is carrying the same big expensive gun on your person in public when youre going to hospital, shops, talking to people or going to events any less absurd? if anything that same weapon is more at risk of being lost when its on your person.

I feel like there's been so many things against crims and i feel like people don't look at it from both sides and its just going to make being a crim more of a chore when we're all here to have fun.
I fully agree crims have it very difficult and theres also very limited things crims can actually do on the server especially with drugs not really being distributed much anymore, but on the other hand i feel this isnt necessarily a nerf to gangs, we would all be on the same playing field it wouldnt be like well one gang can still conceal everything. it could make gang wars a bit more refreshing, more interesting rp and how people go about warring and the types of weapons gangs use for different situations. maybe it would force police to get more creative too with their roleplay. I think it could be beneficial as a whole.
I fully agree crims have it very difficult and theres also very limited things crims can actually do on the server especially with drugs not really being distributed much anymore, but on the other hand i feel this isnt necessarily a nerf to gangs, we would all be on the same playing field it wouldnt be like well one gang can still conceal everything. it could make gang wars a bit more refreshing, more interesting rp and how people go about warring and the types of weapons gangs use for different situations. maybe it would force police to get more creative too with their roleplay. I think it could be beneficial as a whole.
If an officer spots an AR on a gang member's back no matter if ur a serious Roleplayer or not it will always end in a shootout with feds and thats facts.

I get pulling out a service carbine from your ass aint realistic but its not meant to be, Its a game at the end of the day and I feel like i could speak for everyone that's downvoted that this change will cause way more issues than actual do good for this server and might as well play Gta online with the amount of fights this change would bring.
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If an officer spots an AR on a gang member's back no matter if ur a serious Roleplayer or not it will always end in a shootout with feds and thats facts.

I get pulling out a service carbine from your ass aint realistic but its not meant to be, Its a game at the end of the day and I feel like i could speak for everyone that's downvoted that this change will cause way more issues than actual do good for this server and might as well play Gta online with the amount of fights this change would bring.
Except if it was changed it wouldent bring more fights if gang members actually played smart with them instead of deeming it needed to carry one all the time, again why do you need to go everywhere with a massive ass assault rifle, you don't if your popping to she shop you don't need to take that kinda gun with you

Also for anyone who hasn't realised it but if you were carrying those kinda things around less often the police would also have no need to carry theirs as often......
You will just end up seeing 10 people from each gang running around with bags on their back, you're not really changing much but the appearance / aesthetic of guns being pulled out, you can say people pull guns out from their back but put it this way, could be on a sling under their jacket / shirt that they just unclip, its more of a perspective/imagination thing.

Feel like the main issue it would make it feel like some frag server with guns on display like so many of them do as is.
It's a good suggestion as it does increase the immersion but even then you have to see both sides.
Its funny to see how people are complaining about how it would cause more shoot outs than there already are. It seems that crims are not capable of being more strategic with the big guns and all of them are constantly running around with them all the time.

I do not believe that is going to be as bad as some voices are putting it.

Suitcases, duffle bags and such has recently been implemented. The way to do it is there.
Its funny to see how people are complaining about how it would cause more shoot outs than there already are. It seems that crims are not capable of being more strategic with the big guns and all of them are constantly running around with them all the time.

I do not believe that is going to be as bad as some voices are putting it.

Suitcases, duffle bags and such has recently been implemented. The way to do it is there.
Not every suggestion is going to be approved by the community and if it doesn't just move on and clearly everyone but feds are against this idea. Can tell by the -6 downvotes.
My Suggestion: Modify Conceal Carry Mechanics for Enhanced Realism

Current Mechanic:
In Grand Theft Auto, players can currently conceal carry any weapon, regardless of size, without any visible indication of it on their character.

I propose that the game should limit the ability to conceal carry to smaller weapons, such as pistols and knives. Larger weapons, like sawn-off shotguns or automatic rifles, should be visible on the character unless the player has a bag or other storage equipment. This change would add a layer of realism and strategy to the gameplay, as it would prevent players from unexpectedly pulling out large, powerful weapons without prior warning.

Increased Realism: It would make the game more immersive by reflecting real-life constraints on weapon concealment.

Enhanced Strategy: Players would need to plan their loadouts more carefully, considering when and where they can carry larger weapons without drawing attention.

Balanced Combat: It reduces the likelihood of surprise attacks with high-powered weapons, as opponents would be able to see if someone is carrying a large weapon.
Visual Cues: It allows other players or NPCs to assess threats more accurately, creating more dynamic interactions and encounters.

Development Time: Implementing this change could require significant coding work to adjust inventory mechanics.
personally I believe this change would be a little silly as I don't want rpuk to look like or to be seen as every other fragging public server; yes it would be a little realism but if anything its a feature to cause conflict leading to even more fragging, not to mention baldies would be magnetized to those who carry them.

It also removes the element of surprise as for example imagine being a new member messing with the lost or the firm if they see a weapon they obviously wont try anything unless (they are an idiot) however, if the weapon was concealed, the newbie has no clue of their status (good) or their power (good), the newbie might try something and then swiftly learn in rp that you don't fck with certain groups like that and its a lesson but this suggestion would completely remove that and just be another push for even more conflict.
After some further thinking. I am going to plus 1 this, As its stupid to watch crims shoot a ton of police then put their gun away and run with hands up. If youre gonna shoot police. Stick to it dont pussy out and hide the full AR
I like the idea of this, but I've always hated the thing where the guns on their backs, always looked so tacky to me idk, maybe there would/could be another way to do this.
The simplest way to do this is to just make it so you can’t carry a primary weapon without a backpack. However, I don’t really see the necessity for this and probably wouldn’t accomplish anything apart from make people wear bags they are already wearing…
I like the idea of this, but I've always hated the thing where the guns on their backs, always looked so tacky to me idk, maybe there would/could be another way to do this.
Reminds me of a mechanic I saw quite some time ago playing on a gmod server, if you had a gun thats visible ie a rifle you could choose where exactly its displayed, for example on your front like armed response have it or on your back ect ect (I understand this would take a fair bit of dev work and may not even be possible to do, is just a cool mechanic I remembered that was quite snazzy)
If an officer spots an AR on a gang member's back no matter if ur a serious Roleplayer or not it will always end in a shootout with feds and thats facts.

I get pulling out a service carbine from your ass aint realistic but its not meant to be, Its a game at the end of the day and I feel like i could speak for everyone that's downvoted that this change will cause way more issues than actual do good for this server and might as well play Gta online with the amount of fights this change would bring.
What about not carrying it or being smarter to do so? Back in the day, you only carried a gun if you had to, nowadays everyone walks with one in case their dick gets too thick and they need to show off. Since people started to carry no matter what, everyone followed because you don't wanna be caught with your pants down.
Furthermore Cops get shot for no reason whatsoever because? Oh right it's a game and suppose to be fun and you don't wanna lose what you grinded for and spent hours to do so. Wake up, this is not an MMO Shooter where you grind until you have your items of desire, to then go raid or PVP with another Clan. The realism in particular is the balance so this is not GTA online . It is already Gangster Vs Police at this point, since there is apparently nothing else to do than shooting another gang or the police because it's a game? No it's roleplay server where we meant to orientate on the realism, it's not GTA online, that's what differentiates this server from other and why people return here because they think it has this special realism and seriousness to it.
If you are bored log out and play another game instead of making this unfun for others, because, you are bored.

Sorry for the rant.

I like the idea but can see that it pisses people off. I don't like the AR on the back magically though. Not sure how it would be displayed. All in all I think ARs and similar shouldn't be available like they are now. It escalates anything. The gun heavy meta is simply annoying.
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You will just end up seeing 10 people from each gang running around with bags on their back, you're not really changing much but the appearance / aesthetic of guns being pulled out, you can say people pull guns out from their back but put it this way, could be on a sling under their jacket / shirt that they just unclip, its more of a perspective/imagination thing.

Feel like the main issue it would make it feel like some frag server with guns on display like so many of them do as is.
It's a good suggestion as it does increase the immersion but even then you have to see both sides.
It already feels like a frag server. Not sure if we talk about the same.
Without replying to individual people or quoting people because that takes a lot of effort, in my personal opinion this change would just be a buff to the police as no one would carry big guns and no one would be able to challenge the police with just pistols/smaller weapons at all. As mentioned, no one would use big guns meaning no one would buy big guns - they'd essentially become useless. Anytime police see someone with a big fuck off AR on their back (regardless of if they're carrying it for a planned event or not) they'll be all over them like flies on shit, even in the middle of a gang shootout.

If I could trust the police to adapt to this change by either not constantly carrying their primaries or always wearing helmet armour, I'd maybe be for this change. But honestly, I could probably count on one hand the amount of police mains that are there to RP and not there to win. There's a comment on this thread about the server being a frag server... The police are a part of the problem, that's all I'll say on that.

Major -1 for me.
We won't see any quality improvement by stating that the police won't take action. If there is a significant change in the server's meta, we could revert to British policing with armed officers and a weapon safety policy. Such changes would necessitate granting arming authority, similar to real life, and returning to the server dynamics from four years ago. I would be satisfied with this approach, as it would allow us to remove helmet armor. However, this requires a reduction in firearms and an alteration of the gun meta. Otherwise, we will continue to see the presence of keyboard warriors without any real change, because the police won’t adapt. If we could truly embrace British policing styles, the game would be more enjoyable. A decrease in police guns should lead to fewer shootings on the server, and the focus could then be on the dynamics between cops and robbers.
Even though we are currently monitoring this on the server, we can understand why CTSFO is deployed 24/7.

The deployment of AFOs should only be authorized under the following circumstances:

- When the officer authorizing the deployment has 'reason to suppose' that officers may need to protect themselves or others from a person who:
- Is in possession of, or has immediate access to, a firearm or other potentially lethal weapon, or
- Is otherwise so dangerous that the deployment of armed officers is deemed appropriate, or
- Is required as an operational contingency in a specific operation (based on the threat assessment), or
- Is necessary for the destruction of animals that are dangerous or are suffering unnecessarily.


@Tadworth can give pretty good idea how Firearms was set up and could be in future if we get a meta change
I like the idea but can see that it pisses people off. I don't like the AR on the back magically though. Not sure how it would be displayed. All in all I think ARs and similar shouldn't be available like they are now. It escalates anything. The gun heavy meta is simply annoying.
The issue with this is what no meta is every going to please everyone, it started with helmet armour people weren’t happy it was so available, so it became less available. Then the next thing was Marksman, now they are not so readily available to use. Now it’s the ‘heavy weapon’ meta and people want that changed.

There’s constantly meta changes made, but they aren’t going to make everyone happy. One thing that annoys you, most likely makes others enjoy the game.
The issue with this is what no meta is every going to please everyone, it started with helmet armour people weren’t happy it was so available, so it became less available. Then the next thing was Marksman, now they are not so readily available to use. Now it’s the ‘heavy weapon’ meta and people want that changed.

There’s constantly meta changes made, but they aren’t going to make everyone happy. One thing that annoys you, most likely makes others enjoy the game.
I don't care what gun is currently optimal, I just want less of it. It shouldn't be a regular item. But since the economy is pretty fucked by the first time of garbage trucks and people pumping their bank accounts and therefore gaining access to more precious goods, it's irrelevant what is meta.

I refer to 3 years ago. Gang wars in the open were rare. When fought you brought the good stuff. If You were not actively fighting you didn't carry because you didn't wanna lose something precious. Getting 500k grinded wasn't done so easily.

I don't say it has to be like that again, but similar. Guns had a purpose and weren't a meta and carried because it was best to win.

You guys I don't have access to an AR or helmet armour. I'm not the one you fight, I am the one you farm and say "ded" . So I'm highly annoyed by the current state of the server and the min maxing and using game mechanics to the fullest so you get an advantage. Chill out lads, take a step back and think what story is this here. Can I take an "L" for the purpose is of the story? Instead of sweaty grinding for two min of Fame.
I like the idea, but for a UK server you do run the risk of having so many people running round with big guns on their backs it might start to look a bit stupid.