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Call this a rant if you like

Some incredibly constructive arguments, as good as it would be for everyone to have lower calibre weapons it would be a drastic change and could drive people away. I'd much prefer it if guns were a last resort instead. Gunfights are going to happen, this is a game based entirely around shooting so why be surprised you encounter people who like to shoot stuff?

I can see Lemmen has rustled some rebels and I'm surprised. He's not personally attacked anyone nor has he tried to shit on your face. We cannot be judged for venting on the forums as we as Police must keep ourselves to a high standard of RP or face the consequences. This leads to frustration. There's only so many times one can die during a patrol without thinking "fuck this" and logging off or turning into a negative Nelly.

The constructive criticism must return, sodium levels must be returned to normal, the petty arguing must stop and everyone must chill their collective peas.

I believe what's happening at the moment is rebels are to scared to lose their gear as they believe when they try to RP with SOME cops they are completely denied and insta-jailed. Or, insta-scrapped. However, if rebels initiate I believe the cops are being too stubborn to fully co-operate at times. SO, If necessary, the cops get killed then they moan... However some rebels do this too.  :) Not here to argue just stating my opinion.

I believe what's happening at the moment is rebels are to scared to lose their gear as they believe when they try to RP with SOME cops they are completely denied and insta-jailed. Or, insta-scrapped. However, if rebels initiate I believe the cops are being too stubborn to fully co-operate at times. SO, If necessary, the cops get killed then they moan... However some rebels do this too.  :) Not here to argue just stating my opinion.
I agree, it is just some of these bad pickles that are ruining it for the rest.

I remember I  got caught at processing (weed) with some other randoms by the NIU. I fully complied despite having a large caliber weapon and could have easily attempted to retaliate. Instead I put up my hands and attempted to role play the scenario as a baker who is out on a errand for his uncle who runs a bakery in kavala, the weed is the 'special' ingredient in the crumpets and I was non the wiser of the weed being weed and said I believed it was an oregano spice or something like that.

Instead what I got was a 'ya sure, ok *grumble grumble* get in the car'. I then get searched, scrapped and arrested. The police were not willing to do any RP or anything like that. What was the worst was that this NIU squad had several higher ups and a couple SPC's. Non of which were willing to further talk about what had happened and seemed more concerned on the statistics of scraped vehicles and arrests made. It scares me that this is the attitude coming from SPC's SGT's and Desk Sgt (I understand not all, but enough to place an image). This really urked me and left me with a bad taste in my mouth for a while after, as I had lost all in all 1.7 Mil (potentially, weed + truck) as well as some of the respect I had for the police.

What is even more sad is that these are often not one of cases, this happens enough for people to stop seeing the police as a RP opportunity but rather as an obstacle that could be over come by a gun fight instead of an RP session.

the fact is both sides are as bad as each other and these same old arguments have been doing the rounds since i joined the server over a year ago, so i dont think lower calibre weapons will help as it doesnt matter if a guy has a 7.62 or a 5.56 if he doesnt want to rp then no matter what gun he has he is still gonna want a fire fight.

Rebel role play is at an all time low and i think this is just down to the fact that rebels can no longer get kitted up for under 100k so there terrified of dying as they will lose a decent amount of money every time , where as cops dont really mind if they die as they lose nothing, i remember when police payed for there gear they were always much more willing to find an alternative solution as they actually had something to lose 

As for the solution i have no idea its been tried time and time again and it never works rebels and cops will always be at each others throats because one wants to uphold the law the other wants to break it, maybe instead of bickering and arguing we just learn to deal with it after all it is only a game and not exactly the life or death situation some of you drama queens are making it out to be[

First of all I want to thank everyone who has taken part in this discussion. I think these are a great way for people to air their concerns and allow others an insight into how the Server and Community is going from their Point of view which is always great. I have thought long and hard about this and I can see the issues that both sides are having. I have a few ideas which I would love to get feedback on and I hope they could go someway into helping get the Community back on track and enjoying their time here rather than ending a night on a low because situations haven't gone their way. 

Right, so as I am a Police Officer I will begin from this Point of view first and then talk about my experience from the Rebel point of view thanks to my brief time as one during my Police Holiday. I will then talk about where I think we can go from this point and how we can progress.

I love being an Officer, always have and although it's been rough recently I can't see myself stepping away any time soon. The problem from my perspective at the moment is the lack of creativity and this I feel is what is really killing the mood for Police. You Rebels are fucking amazing, you are brave bastards who can make or break an evening for most Cops. Most of you are creative as hell and you honestly catch me with me knickers down half the time, but lately it's like the scene from Bronson where you're in the mental home. You are sat their dribbling. Now, I am not saying this to insult you, because I imagine it's the same for the Police too. What I mean by this is the lack of effort you appear to put into anything once a safe answer has been found.

Guns. Holy shit do you guys drop the ball when you are caught. "It's a BB gun, it's a Water Gun, it's a Nerf Gun". I mean fuck me. It's stupid, because I'm still going to take it from you anyway, it looks far too damn realistic, but the problem is, is that excuse worked when it was new, because it was different from the Hunting Rifle crap, now everyone uses it. Nobody tries to create a big story anymore, I mean...off the top of my head, you could be a Contractor for a Major Corporation that is here on business, you could provide your full compliance to the Police and talk about your RoEs, your training and past, how you were introduced to firearms etc. But no, it's just bullshit about how the weapon with a magazine, a silencer and a scope is clearly not what it appears to be, but is instead some sort of damn water hose or some shit. 

Banks. Everyone Roleplays as Security now and it is so damn boring for Cops. Being honest so did I because I didn't have the patience, energy and ability to think of a new scenario and so I spooled the same old bullshit, did some more indepth research and basically created a situation in which I was almost guaranteed cash for providing fuck all which is stupid. Cops feel shit cause they just stand there with their dicks in their hands while this blatant bullshit occurs and then have to accept it as some simple reward for you recycling the vomit at them and not shooting them, which they'd prefer because they can actually do something.

This brings me to TI who blew my balls off with their fantastic Roleplay very recently. A major fire at the bank, and they were there is fire uniforms, gas masks, fire trucks. They roleplayed nonstop for at least an hour, they had people getting wounded, people providing analysis of the buildings damage and threat assessments of gas pipes and all this shit. I was so damn impressed because they didn't just fucking home in on the vault and go "erm, here this is the room where it is ok now go away," they cleared every room, saved people, and then after a gas pipe exploded they slowly loaded trucks. It was fantastic and I think all the Officers who attended that were more than happy to let them go away with Gold. When you provide us with entertainment like that, we'll do our best to help make sure you get something in return. The only iffy bit is when a truck disappeared and refused to communicate to the Fire inspector for about 5 minutes. They were clearly banking the Gold but it annoyed me because it was so unrealistic and we had no interest in taking the Gold at that point, we simply escorted and supported as best we could. Now, TI got a lot of gold in that run and they bloody well deserved it, but if I come across more of the same, it's gonna drop, because the creativity isn't there, it's like repeating a scripted sequence and expecting a big payout for it. Anyway, TI has my respect and love for that, they put the effort in and it showed. Their standard of RP was top tier.

Ok, next for me is the way in which Rebels / Civilians complain when Police do their job. Realistically, Police search people, yet apparently on Altis it is meant to be some sort of last resort. Lately with all this playing of Who can be the coolest and fire their guns more (a slightly more advanced game of Bogeys!). People get pissy when Police start stopping people and searching them for being around the area in which a firearm was discharged. Realistically people run away, but here people run towards the danger, to investigate, and then they get all pissed off when Police try to find the culprit. I mean, drugs, alcohol, burglary. We can search people for these things yet still people moan, because they've obviously hidden stuff in there. And there this is that whole thing of "Let me drop my weapon Officer (takes off silencer and scope)". 

Attitude towards Police. This whole "Pigs, oink oink, fuck the po po". I mean cmon, Rebels would fucking shoot you for less, but for some reason we have to put up with this shit and it's apparently acceptable on a Serious RP server. The only people I can fucking envision pulling this shit is a bunch of Chavs sat on their swings with their moped and two cans of Fosters between em all. But apparently everyone does it here in Altis. And then they all fucking zigzag away like a fucking snake on stilts. 

Next, is the sort of respect that actions imply, which I think most people don't get. Today I saw a gang, was GC I believe, told the guy he couldn't sell here, he said he was delivering some shit, I checked his reg and confirmed he had been selling. At that point, with him having back up and me having Police around we made a deal. You've sold, don't sell anymore and I'll leave you be, you made some profit, GG, Go bank it and have fun, I won't try to even arrest you. He goes away, then I stop another truck. About 5 minutes later that first truck is parked close by. I reg check it, he's given the whole gang a key and they've fucking sold it all while I was talking to other people. I mean, we literally fucking had an agreement and you've gone thrown that out the window having all your friends sell it because you are that desperate to make some moar money. So yeh, that really grinded on me. It just shows a lack of fucks given, when you could have just gone away for a bit and I would have been none the wiser...

Now, for the Police being harsh and powergaming. I can only apologise. I can promise you this though, Police are being told to relax. Honestly, every CSO, PCSO I see now who talks about the prices for something, I always tell them the same, as does every other Officer I see. "Those prices are a guideline, fine them whatever you think is best and as long as you can back it up we are happy". So if you are a complete fucking idiot you will get a ticket, but if you guys have a bit of banter, act appropriately and all that, most of us want to try and help you work it down. There are a few who are strict, and I believe it's because when they finally have someone, they don't want to let go, because some stuff we have to accept "My gun is a sprinkler" ........................pardon....but I can assure you Police are being taught different and although it will take time, hopefully Police can become more accommodating. 

Can I just add at this point. A few weeks back there was this huge issue of the "Value your life Officer" and that has now gone from what I have seen. So I want to thank all the Rebels, all the Gangs who clearly took notice of our Police QQing and changed the way in which they acted in order to benefit us. Thank you very much. Job well done. 

Ok, now my time as a Rebel. it was very brief and that's because I cannot play Rebel. I simply can't. I am too much of a coward to invest heavily into equipment that can be lost, and for that you all have my respect. Also, re-gearing, holy shit that takes a fucking time and a half doesn't it!. I'd die, and then have to drive to the Airfield, get a chopper to get some more gear oh my Jesus it was so shit, and it genuinely took up a large chunk of time with it all adding up. So again, Rebels. I can understand how this can affect attitudes and demotivate you. As for gas station robberies and the more criminal stuff, I didn't do any...too scared. Because it would either be regurgitating the "I was forced to do it" shit or a gunfight, and I didn't want that. So I spent my time kidnapping Police.

At this point I'd like to say sorry to hear about the changes to kidnapping and the financial issues the Police Department is facing. I don't speak for everyone but I feel the majority of the Police are willing to pay out of pocket to ensure everyone can have a good experience, if it's a good one that is! ha!. 

The trust in Police ability is so low. When I was a Rebel, one thing I love doing is seeing how well Roleplay is valued and Police seem to majorly undervalue it at times. I drove the speed limit in an Ifrit,I was immediately pulled over in Kavala. I stopped, they didn't get out because they thought some hobos were going to ambush, so I drove the Kavala HQ. As soon as I got in I was spike stripped and yelled at. I calmly got out and began explaining. I was instantly restrained and surrounded. I then had SGT Kral try to talk to me, and he moved me away so we could chat. I had a good friend with me who didn't want to leave the vehicle in case they tried to scrap, which is worrying that it may happen before any sort of explanation. But I had to genuinely listen to SGT Kral shout at other Officers into letting me speak. I mean fuck me, I thought Cops would welcome an ifrit that listened, that didn't just troll and speed off over hills but no. They want to fucking scrap straight away and an Officer had to verbally argue with other Officers simply to let the driver explain why he had it. I mean shit did I fucking value Kral then. I'd never experienced that before and can only apologise to Rebels that have. I personally long for the day in which an Ifrit pulls over and actually talks to me and provides a good Roleplay reason for being there, so I can let him go. SGT Kral then informed the other units of my presence after I explained, and I went on my way...I think stuff like this needs to change. Yes, it's an Illegal vehicle and there is always a huge buzz for catching these, but we need really start learning to calm down and talk to the people involved first. I mean...scrapping without even providing an opportunity for the person to RP out of it is shit. And considering the cost of equipment I bet most Rebels fear they will have this issue, so they choose not to by falling in battle.

I think Police have lost the respect of Rebel groups due to these sort of incidents happening far too often and I think as Police we forget how expensive and time costly everything they have and do is. There is no one stop shop vendor, it's miles away...

Sadly that is all I have for Rebel. As I said, I am a shit Rebel and you all have my respect for your ability to play it. Because I don't have the stomach for it. 

Now. Onto my potential ideas!.

I've read through your comments, your reasoning and from what I can see. Rebels would rather die because surrendering has the same end, but with fighting to the death there is more chance of keeping gear. 

Ok so. Personally, I am of the opinion that we are at an all time low because there hasn't been an update in a while. I imagine there is a big one in the works that will blow our balls off, but at the moment it's like the housing update, where it's not here and people are bored and restless, the server hit what seemed like an all time low on players, then as soon as the update came everyone came back. We have the awesome Community, but we are always craving content!.

So, how about we look at making Rebel gear a good amount cheaper for Rebels. The reason for this is that if we can create a situation whereby the Rebels are happy to lose their equipment, because they no longer have the concern of the financial burden, then they will be much more willing to Roleplay it, they will surrender it, because it won't be much money, it won't take as much time for them to get back, because let's be honest. People are spending their free time grinding cash, cash that they can lose in a second. 

So, now that Rebels are earning good amounts and gear is costing less, what can people work towards?. Well, with Mods it could be anything!!!. Could you imagine it....amazing collector items...rare weapons, rare cars, implement some new structures or mansions or some shit...with mods the possibilities are endless. I know people here like stuff done in-house, but there is such a strong ArmA Modding community with the skill and sportsmanship to allow the use of their stuff. I think we could do it.

Ok, so in short

Rebel Gear made a "good amount" cheaper. Cops can become more realistic, searching will become a lot more commonplace and hopefully this will lead to an increase in creativity. Rather than simply saying the item isn't what it is, Rebels can then have the financial burden of gearing up taken away, or at least massively reduced. They can then start saving for major assets that they don't have to fear losing...fast cars, rare cars, houses, collectors items, special clothing...planes, jets.

Anyway, just an idea. Maybe people will dislike it...

Also love the other ideas here...I'm personally still waiting for a nice Glock...love em..

Anyway, just my input, please excuse the language, it's late and it's not meant to upset.

Walt....well...currently The Riddler because I can't change it back...deary me

This brings me to TI who blew my balls off with their fantastic Roleplay very recently. A major fire at the bank, and they were there is fire uniforms, gas masks, fire trucks.
Godammit @Mortan, was this you...?
Why would you do this to me? :(


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Yes, that was me. I'm sorry you weren't there! :/

@Mycaelis I'm sure we will be able to do that togther sometime in the future! :)

Well, that was a great constructive read from Walt in that post a lot of good points were made.

My whole view on everything is the current militarization is fine I mean what year is it? 2035? look how much the we have developed in the last 15 years in my opinion things would be a lot different than they currently are in our Arma 3 world, vehicles, weaponry, buildings, weather put your imagination to use some times.

Right, on the topic of rebels being to militarized they are not, you don't have to be living in an airbase in the middle of Afghanistan to have the gear we're able to obtain here however how easily we're able to obtain it is another matter and should be looked at and has been previously mentioned.

  • One Rebel outpost as suggested by @Steph ♥ earlier in this thread right now you don't even need to risk anything to buy rebel gear you have 3 shops that aren't even in the Red-Zone, MF, MM and Aegis, which is what most of the players are using including myself some times why take the risk when you don't have to?

  • Different stages of rebel licenses, suggested by @♥PrincessShannon♥ HERE 500k for a rebel license is ridiculous when you get 1.1 Million for a Hemmt box of weed I would make the prices even higher than suggested.  

I think it's understood now days that the Police get a lot more shit that they use to ever since the UNMC disbanded they are the only direct rival to rebel forces apart from other rebel gangs which there is not too many of, and there is no reason to go into the red zone because there is rebel outposts outside of the red zone why take the risk to buy your kit when you don't need to there would be a lot more red zone activity if you could only buy your gear from there.

Walt mentioned things that rebels could work towards such as collectors items, rare weapons, cars etc, we use to have that every rebels holy grail was a Lynx or a .408 I was luckily enough to have both but they have now been removed and there is nothing like that anymore the closest we have now are LRPS scopes and black bipods, it wouldn't even take mods to implement anything like that just items that cost extortionate amounts of money like different types of helicopters that are not currently available to us as civilians, like the Taru or the Ghost Hawk and even Armed Helicopters, there are restrictions on using the weapons on jets the same could be added to helicopters even though there are scripts to allow them to spawn without any ammo on top of vehicles add back some of the antiques, Snipers, Zafirs, MK200s or even some of the new DLC weapons I know this is totally what this thread is about but people wanting rebels demilitarized is wrong we simply need more to work for, things that won't be considered overpowered like Zafirs and MK200s use to be, they just need to be made incredibly hard to get so they are to be valued and not bought with every loadout the same can be done with some of the higher level equipment we're able to get right now as rebels.

All in all I just think everyone needs to take a step back and chill out a lot of us are bored and we haven't had an update for a long time because of the new framework that is being worked on but I am sure the wait will be worth it and I am definitely looking forward to it.

-TI Ben

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Personally, I agree with @The Riddler. In my opinion the reason why there have been so many gunfights is because of the price to regear. One sucessful weed run in a HEMTT gets you enough money to regear twice (maybe 3 times if you sell at the highest price). This is why I think so many gunfights have been occuring recently. 

When the cops stop you it is always hit or miss about whether the particular cop will powergame you or not. Most cops will actually let you RP a bit instead of powergaming you to the max, but there are always the cops that will say "I'm going to fingerprint you, your Arjun and wanted for 2 counts of manslaughter/murder and one armed robbery." This is why we have shoot outs. If you try and RP with the cops, I hate to say it but is about 50/50 whether you will get arrested. You at least have a chance of getting away with a shootout. 

Now on to my suggestions!

One thing that hasn't been suggested yet is coming back after your 15 minutes NLR is over. A lot of times cops (and rebels to a lesser extent) come back the second their 15 minute NLR is over. This creates gunfights that last over an hour and cause rebels to regear more than once. I also think it destroys RP when you kill the same person twice in the same gunfight. Coming back after NLR is over causes us to regear more than we have to. I 

Another thing that could be done is make it easier to do drug runs. There are many ways this could be done. The first is to place more drug dealers that pay almost full price. For example:

  • Kavala Church:100%
  • Kavala (Old drug dealer): 95%
  • Kavala (Near cider processing): 90%
  • Athira: 83%
  • Telos: 75%
  • Agios: 50%
Other drugs runs could be easier aswell instead of just weed. Cocaine could be a shorter run and LSD Processing could be farther west. This would give the cops alot more to hande and make it easier to make money.

An alternative would be to of course lower gun prices, so even if you do get arrested you don't lose as much. 

Just my 2 cents

First of all I want to thank everyone who has taken part in this discussion. I think these are a great way for people to air their concerns and allow others an insight into how the Server and Community is going from their Point of view which is always great. I have thought long and hard about this and I can see the issues that both sides are having. I have a few ideas which I would love to get feedback on and I hope they could go someway into helping get the Community back on track and enjoying their time here rather than ending a night on a low because situations haven't gone their way. 

Right, so as I am a Police Officer I will begin from this Point of view first and then talk about my experience from the Rebel point of view thanks to my brief time as one during my Police Holiday. I will then talk about where I think we can go from this point and how we can progress.

I love being an Officer, always have and although it's been rough recently I can't see myself stepping away any time soon. The problem from my perspective at the moment is the lack of creativity and this I feel is what is really killing the mood for Police. You Rebels are fucking amazing, you are brave bastards who can make or break an evening for most Cops. Most of you are creative as hell and you honestly catch me with me knickers down half the time, but lately it's like the scene from Bronson where you're in the mental home. You are sat their dribbling. Now, I am not saying this to insult you, because I imagine it's the same for the Police too. What I mean by this is the lack of effort you appear to put into anything once a safe answer has been found.

Guns. Holy shit do you guys drop the ball when you are caught. "It's a BB gun, it's a Water Gun, it's a Nerf Gun". I mean fuck me. It's stupid, because I'm still going to take it from you anyway, it looks far too damn realistic, but the problem is, is that excuse worked when it was new, because it was different from the Hunting Rifle crap, now everyone uses it. Nobody tries to create a big story anymore, I mean...off the top of my head, you could be a Contractor for a Major Corporation that is here on business, you could provide your full compliance to the Police and talk about your RoEs, your training and past, how you were introduced to firearms etc. But no, it's just bullshit about how the weapon with a magazine, a silencer and a scope is clearly not what it appears to be, but is instead some sort of damn water hose or some shit. 

Banks. Everyone Roleplays as Security now and it is so damn boring for Cops. Being honest so did I because I didn't have the patience, energy and ability to think of a new scenario and so I spooled the same old bullshit, did some more indepth research and basically created a situation in which I was almost guaranteed cash for providing fuck all which is stupid. Cops feel shit cause they just stand there with their dicks in their hands while this blatant bullshit occurs and then have to accept it as some simple reward for you recycling the vomit at them and not shooting them, which they'd prefer because they can actually do something.

This brings me to TI who blew my balls off with their fantastic Roleplay very recently. A major fire at the bank, and they were there is fire uniforms, gas masks, fire trucks. They roleplayed nonstop for at least an hour, they had people getting wounded, people providing analysis of the buildings damage and threat assessments of gas pipes and all this shit. I was so damn impressed because they didn't just fucking home in on the vault and go "erm, here this is the room where it is ok now go away," they cleared every room, saved people, and then after a gas pipe exploded they slowly loaded trucks. It was fantastic and I think all the Officers who attended that were more than happy to let them go away with Gold. When you provide us with entertainment like that, we'll do our best to help make sure you get something in return. The only iffy bit is when a truck disappeared and refused to communicate to the Fire inspector for about 5 minutes. They were clearly banking the Gold but it annoyed me because it was so unrealistic and we had no interest in taking the Gold at that point, we simply escorted and supported as best we could. Now, TI got a lot of gold in that run and they bloody well deserved it, but if I come across more of the same, it's gonna drop, because the creativity isn't there, it's like repeating a scripted sequence and expecting a big payout for it. Anyway, TI has my respect and love for that, they put the effort in and it showed. Their standard of RP was top tier.

Ok, next for me is the way in which Rebels / Civilians complain when Police do their job. Realistically, Police search people, yet apparently on Altis it is meant to be some sort of last resort. Lately with all this playing of Who can be the coolest and fire their guns more (a slightly more advanced game of Bogeys!). People get pissy when Police start stopping people and searching them for being around the area in which a firearm was discharged. Realistically people run away, but here people run towards the danger, to investigate, and then they get all pissed off when Police try to find the culprit. I mean, drugs, alcohol, burglary. We can search people for these things yet still people moan, because they've obviously hidden stuff in there. And there this is that whole thing of "Let me drop my weapon Officer (takes off silencer and scope)". 

Attitude towards Police. This whole "Pigs, oink oink, fuck the po po". I mean cmon, Rebels would fucking shoot you for less, but for some reason we have to put up with this shit and it's apparently acceptable on a Serious RP server. The only people I can fucking envision pulling this shit is a bunch of Chavs sat on their swings with their moped and two cans of Fosters between em all. But apparently everyone does it here in Altis. And then they all fucking zigzag away like a fucking snake on stilts. 

Next, is the sort of respect that actions imply, which I think most people don't get. Today I saw a gang, was GC I believe, told the guy he couldn't sell here, he said he was delivering some shit, I checked his reg and confirmed he had been selling. At that point, with him having back up and me having Police around we made a deal. You've sold, don't sell anymore and I'll leave you be, you made some profit, GG, Go bank it and have fun, I won't try to even arrest you. He goes away, then I stop another truck. About 5 minutes later that first truck is parked close by. I reg check it, he's given the whole gang a key and they've fucking sold it all while I was talking to other people. I mean, we literally fucking had an agreement and you've gone thrown that out the window having all your friends sell it because you are that desperate to make some moar money. So yeh, that really grinded on me. It just shows a lack of fucks given, when you could have just gone away for a bit and I would have been none the wiser...

Now, for the Police being harsh and powergaming. I can only apologise. I can promise you this though, Police are being told to relax. Honestly, every CSO, PCSO I see now who talks about the prices for something, I always tell them the same, as does every other Officer I see. "Those prices are a guideline, fine them whatever you think is best and as long as you can back it up we are happy". So if you are a complete fucking idiot you will get a ticket, but if you guys have a bit of banter, act appropriately and all that, most of us want to try and help you work it down. There are a few who are strict, and I believe it's because when they finally have someone, they don't want to let go, because some stuff we have to accept "My gun is a sprinkler" ........................pardon....but I can assure you Police are being taught different and although it will take time, hopefully Police can become more accommodating. 

Can I just add at this point. A few weeks back there was this huge issue of the "Value your life Officer" and that has now gone from what I have seen. So I want to thank all the Rebels, all the Gangs who clearly took notice of our Police QQing and changed the way in which they acted in order to benefit us. Thank you very much. Job well done. 

Ok, now my time as a Rebel. it was very brief and that's because I cannot play Rebel. I simply can't. I am too much of a coward to invest heavily into equipment that can be lost, and for that you all have my respect. Also, re-gearing, holy shit that takes a fucking time and a half doesn't it!. I'd die, and then have to drive to the Airfield, get a chopper to get some more gear oh my Jesus it was so shit, and it genuinely took up a large chunk of time with it all adding up. So again, Rebels. I can understand how this can affect attitudes and demotivate you. As for gas station robberies and the more criminal stuff, I didn't do any...too scared. Because it would either be regurgitating the "I was forced to do it" shit or a gunfight, and I didn't want that. So I spent my time kidnapping Police.

At this point I'd like to say sorry to hear about the changes to kidnapping and the financial issues the Police Department is facing. I don't speak for everyone but I feel the majority of the Police are willing to pay out of pocket to ensure everyone can have a good experience, if it's a good one that is! ha!. 

The trust in Police ability is so low. When I was a Rebel, one thing I love doing is seeing how well Roleplay is valued and Police seem to majorly undervalue it at times. I drove the speed limit in an Ifrit,I was immediately pulled over in Kavala. I stopped, they didn't get out because they thought some hobos were going to ambush, so I drove the Kavala HQ. As soon as I got in I was spike stripped and yelled at. I calmly got out and began explaining. I was instantly restrained and surrounded. I then had SGT Kral try to talk to me, and he moved me away so we could chat. I had a good friend with me who didn't want to leave the vehicle in case they tried to scrap, which is worrying that it may happen before any sort of explanation. But I had to genuinely listen to SGT Kral shout at other Officers into letting me speak. I mean fuck me, I thought Cops would welcome an ifrit that listened, that didn't just troll and speed off over hills but no. They want to fucking scrap straight away and an Officer had to verbally argue with other Officers simply to let the driver explain why he had it. I mean shit did I fucking value Kral then. I'd never experienced that before and can only apologise to Rebels that have. I personally long for the day in which an Ifrit pulls over and actually talks to me and provides a good Roleplay reason for being there, so I can let him go. SGT Kral then informed the other units of my presence after I explained, and I went on my way...I think stuff like this needs to change. Yes, it's an Illegal vehicle and there is always a huge buzz for catching these, but we need really start learning to calm down and talk to the people involved first. I mean...scrapping without even providing an opportunity for the person to RP out of it is shit. And considering the cost of equipment I bet most Rebels fear they will have this issue, so they choose not to by falling in battle.

I think Police have lost the respect of Rebel groups due to these sort of incidents happening far too often and I think as Police we forget how expensive and time costly everything they have and do is. There is no one stop shop vendor, it's miles away...

Sadly that is all I have for Rebel. As I said, I am a shit Rebel and you all have my respect for your ability to play it. Because I don't have the stomach for it. 

Now. Onto my potential ideas!.

I've read through your comments, your reasoning and from what I can see. Rebels would rather die because surrendering has the same end, but with fighting to the death there is more chance of keeping gear. 

Ok so. Personally, I am of the opinion that we are at an all time low because there hasn't been an update in a while. I imagine there is a big one in the works that will blow our balls off, but at the moment it's like the housing update, where it's not here and people are bored and restless, the server hit what seemed like an all time low on players, then as soon as the update came everyone came back. We have the awesome Community, but we are always craving content!.

So, how about we look at making Rebel gear a good amount cheaper for Rebels. The reason for this is that if we can create a situation whereby the Rebels are happy to lose their equipment, because they no longer have the concern of the financial burden, then they will be much more willing to Roleplay it, they will surrender it, because it won't be much money, it won't take as much time for them to get back, because let's be honest. People are spending their free time grinding cash, cash that they can lose in a second. 

So, now that Rebels are earning good amounts and gear is costing less, what can people work towards?. Well, with Mods it could be anything!!!. Could you imagine it....amazing collector items...rare weapons, rare cars, implement some new structures or mansions or some shit...with mods the possibilities are endless. I know people here like stuff done in-house, but there is such a strong ArmA Modding community with the skill and sportsmanship to allow the use of their stuff. I think we could do it.

Ok, so in short

Rebel Gear made a "good amount" cheaper. Cops can become more realistic, searching will become a lot more commonplace and hopefully this will lead to an increase in creativity. Rather than simply saying the item isn't what it is, Rebels can then have the financial burden of gearing up taken away, or at least massively reduced. They can then start saving for major assets that they don't have to fear losing...fast cars, rare cars, houses, collectors items, special clothing...planes, jets.

Anyway, just an idea. Maybe people will dislike it...

Also love the other ideas here...I'm personally still waiting for a nice Glock...love em..

Anyway, just my input, please excuse the language, it's late and it's not meant to upset.

Walt....well...currently The Riddler because I can't change it back...deary me
By far my favorite comment throughout the whole post :)  

In regards to the handbook fines, I've explained they're a guideline, but some Officers are under the impression they can get in trouble for not charging the exact amount. I've explained to many Officers we do have discretion, and that fines can be reduced depending on the circumstances.

I think one of the biggest issues is that if there is something people dislike - even the smallest thing -that people ( and especially certain police officers that should be aware of me knowing ) rather go bitch around and moan instead of texting the person and be like "Hey look I did not like this and this and this .. maybe you could have done it like this." You don't have to sit there for hours and argue but sometimes it's enough if you just text someone and EVEN if they are bitchy the first second ( no one really likes "negative" input let's be real ) maybe it makes them think on the long ride. Speaking of your mind is very important and always the key to make things better. This counts for Police, Rebels and Civilians. Just make sure to be mature about it. I think it's great that we have a Thread were people can speak of their mind and tell how they see it but yet AGAIN there is people digging holes again. Stop being imature. Say what you think in a polite way and don't attack personally. List the ISSUE not the Person you have an issue with.

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If I may just put it out there. Today there was a bank job that was done by EXP and I wanted to talk to see what they wanted but they told me they wanted all the gold and that I should just leave. When the rebels complain that we don't RP most of the time. We try to role play but it doesn't work out because no one wants to lose.

Again not putting any drama out there and not saying EXP is a bad Gang just wanted to say what goes on in Altis Life and that it should be fixed. (Many gangs do pretty much the same thing this is just what happened today)
We said that cuz you guys would never ever give us the whole vault worth of gold , we can spend an hour RPing its gonna end up in a shootout anyway , and i think with all honesty everyone loves a good fight even if you lost.
No, I dont. Because as stated after you've been in so many firefights with *SOME* Rebels and gangs that baits police for nothing other than a firefight to get our guns, it get's boring to be in firefights, even though I myself perform pretty well in combat I'm slowly growing tired of getting a gun with me on patrol, since some people will just come with 6 guys point their weapons at me, take my weapon and beret and then leave.

First of all I want to thank everyone who has taken part in this discussion. I think these are a great way for people to air their concerns and allow others an insight into how the Server and Community is going from their Point of view which is always great. I have thought long and hard about this and I can see the issues that both sides are having. I have a few ideas which I would love to get feedback on and I hope they could go someway into helping get the Community back on track and enjoying their time here rather than ending a night on a low because situations haven't gone their way. 

Right, so as I am a Police Officer I will begin from this Point of view first and then talk about my experience from the Rebel point of view thanks to my brief time as one during my Police Holiday. I will then talk about where I think we can go from this point and how we can progress.

I love being an Officer, always have and although it's been rough recently I can't see myself stepping away any time soon. The problem from my perspective at the moment is the lack of creativity and this I feel is what is really killing the mood for Police. You Rebels are fucking amazing, you are brave bastards who can make or break an evening for most Cops. Most of you are creative as hell and you honestly catch me with me knickers down half the time, but lately it's like the scene from Bronson where you're in the mental home. You are sat their dribbling. Now, I am not saying this to insult you, because I imagine it's the same for the Police too. What I mean by this is the lack of effort you appear to put into anything once a safe answer has been found.

Guns. Holy shit do you guys drop the ball when you are caught. "It's a BB gun, it's a Water Gun, it's a Nerf Gun". I mean fuck me. It's stupid, because I'm still going to take it from you anyway, it looks far too damn realistic, but the problem is, is that excuse worked when it was new, because it was different from the Hunting Rifle crap, now everyone uses it. Nobody tries to create a big story anymore, I mean...off the top of my head, you could be a Contractor for a Major Corporation that is here on business, you could provide your full compliance to the Police and talk about your RoEs, your training and past, how you were introduced to firearms etc. But no, it's just bullshit about how the weapon with a magazine, a silencer and a scope is clearly not what it appears to be, but is instead some sort of damn water hose or some shit. 

Banks. Everyone Roleplays as Security now and it is so damn boring for Cops. Being honest so did I because I didn't have the patience, energy and ability to think of a new scenario and so I spooled the same old bullshit, did some more indepth research and basically created a situation in which I was almost guaranteed cash for providing fuck all which is stupid. Cops feel shit cause they just stand there with their dicks in their hands while this blatant bullshit occurs and then have to accept it as some simple reward for you recycling the vomit at them and not shooting them, which they'd prefer because they can actually do something.

This brings me to TI who blew my balls off with their fantastic Roleplay very recently. A major fire at the bank, and they were there is fire uniforms, gas masks, fire trucks. They roleplayed nonstop for at least an hour, they had people getting wounded, people providing analysis of the buildings damage and threat assessments of gas pipes and all this shit. I was so damn impressed because they didn't just fucking home in on the vault and go "erm, here this is the room where it is ok now go away," they cleared every room, saved people, and then after a gas pipe exploded they slowly loaded trucks. It was fantastic and I think all the Officers who attended that were more than happy to let them go away with Gold. When you provide us with entertainment like that, we'll do our best to help make sure you get something in return. The only iffy bit is when a truck disappeared and refused to communicate to the Fire inspector for about 5 minutes. They were clearly banking the Gold but it annoyed me because it was so unrealistic and we had no interest in taking the Gold at that point, we simply escorted and supported as best we could. Now, TI got a lot of gold in that run and they bloody well deserved it, but if I come across more of the same, it's gonna drop, because the creativity isn't there, it's like repeating a scripted sequence and expecting a big payout for it. Anyway, TI has my respect and love for that, they put the effort in and it showed. Their standard of RP was top tier.

Ok, next for me is the way in which Rebels / Civilians complain when Police do their job. Realistically, Police search people, yet apparently on Altis it is meant to be some sort of last resort. Lately with all this playing of Who can be the coolest and fire their guns more (a slightly more advanced game of Bogeys!). People get pissy when Police start stopping people and searching them for being around the area in which a firearm was discharged. Realistically people run away, but here people run towards the danger, to investigate, and then they get all pissed off when Police try to find the culprit. I mean, drugs, alcohol, burglary. We can search people for these things yet still people moan, because they've obviously hidden stuff in there. And there this is that whole thing of "Let me drop my weapon Officer (takes off silencer and scope)". 

Attitude towards Police. This whole "Pigs, oink oink, fuck the po po". I mean cmon, Rebels would fucking shoot you for less, but for some reason we have to put up with this shit and it's apparently acceptable on a Serious RP server. The only people I can fucking envision pulling this shit is a bunch of Chavs sat on their swings with their moped and two cans of Fosters between em all. But apparently everyone does it here in Altis. And then they all fucking zigzag away like a fucking snake on stilts. 

Next, is the sort of respect that actions imply, which I think most people don't get. Today I saw a gang, was GC I believe, told the guy he couldn't sell here, he said he was delivering some shit, I checked his reg and confirmed he had been selling. At that point, with him having back up and me having Police around we made a deal. You've sold, don't sell anymore and I'll leave you be, you made some profit, GG, Go bank it and have fun, I won't try to even arrest you. He goes away, then I stop another truck. About 5 minutes later that first truck is parked close by. I reg check it, he's given the whole gang a key and they've fucking sold it all while I was talking to other people. I mean, we literally fucking had an agreement and you've gone thrown that out the window having all your friends sell it because you are that desperate to make some moar money. So yeh, that really grinded on me. It just shows a lack of fucks given, when you could have just gone away for a bit and I would have been none the wiser...

Now, for the Police being harsh and powergaming. I can only apologise. I can promise you this though, Police are being told to relax. Honestly, every CSO, PCSO I see now who talks about the prices for something, I always tell them the same, as does every other Officer I see. "Those prices are a guideline, fine them whatever you think is best and as long as you can back it up we are happy". So if you are a complete fucking idiot you will get a ticket, but if you guys have a bit of banter, act appropriately and all that, most of us want to try and help you work it down. There are a few who are strict, and I believe it's because when they finally have someone, they don't want to let go, because some stuff we have to accept "My gun is a sprinkler" ........................pardon....but I can assure you Police are being taught different and although it will take time, hopefully Police can become more accommodating. 

Can I just add at this point. A few weeks back there was this huge issue of the "Value your life Officer" and that has now gone from what I have seen. So I want to thank all the Rebels, all the Gangs who clearly took notice of our Police QQing and changed the way in which they acted in order to benefit us. Thank you very much. Job well done. 

Ok, now my time as a Rebel. it was very brief and that's because I cannot play Rebel. I simply can't. I am too much of a coward to invest heavily into equipment that can be lost, and for that you all have my respect. Also, re-gearing, holy shit that takes a fucking time and a half doesn't it!. I'd die, and then have to drive to the Airfield, get a chopper to get some more gear oh my Jesus it was so shit, and it genuinely took up a large chunk of time with it all adding up. So again, Rebels. I can understand how this can affect attitudes and demotivate you. As for gas station robberies and the more criminal stuff, I didn't do any...too scared. Because it would either be regurgitating the "I was forced to do it" shit or a gunfight, and I didn't want that. So I spent my time kidnapping Police.

At this point I'd like to say sorry to hear about the changes to kidnapping and the financial issues the Police Department is facing. I don't speak for everyone but I feel the majority of the Police are willing to pay out of pocket to ensure everyone can have a good experience, if it's a good one that is! ha!. 

The trust in Police ability is so low. When I was a Rebel, one thing I love doing is seeing how well Roleplay is valued and Police seem to majorly undervalue it at times. I drove the speed limit in an Ifrit,I was immediately pulled over in Kavala. I stopped, they didn't get out because they thought some hobos were going to ambush, so I drove the Kavala HQ. As soon as I got in I was spike stripped and yelled at. I calmly got out and began explaining. I was instantly restrained and surrounded. I then had SGT Kral try to talk to me, and he moved me away so we could chat. I had a good friend with me who didn't want to leave the vehicle in case they tried to scrap, which is worrying that it may happen before any sort of explanation. But I had to genuinely listen to SGT Kral shout at other Officers into letting me speak. I mean fuck me, I thought Cops would welcome an ifrit that listened, that didn't just troll and speed off over hills but no. They want to fucking scrap straight away and an Officer had to verbally argue with other Officers simply to let the driver explain why he had it. I mean shit did I fucking value Kral then. I'd never experienced that before and can only apologise to Rebels that have. I personally long for the day in which an Ifrit pulls over and actually talks to me and provides a good Roleplay reason for being there, so I can let him go. SGT Kral then informed the other units of my presence after I explained, and I went on my way...I think stuff like this needs to change. Yes, it's an Illegal vehicle and there is always a huge buzz for catching these, but we need really start learning to calm down and talk to the people involved first. I mean...scrapping without even providing an opportunity for the person to RP out of it is shit. And considering the cost of equipment I bet most Rebels fear they will have this issue, so they choose not to by falling in battle.

I think Police have lost the respect of Rebel groups due to these sort of incidents happening far too often and I think as Police we forget how expensive and time costly everything they have and do is. There is no one stop shop vendor, it's miles away...

Sadly that is all I have for Rebel. As I said, I am a shit Rebel and you all have my respect for your ability to play it. Because I don't have the stomach for it. 

Now. Onto my potential ideas!.

I've read through your comments, your reasoning and from what I can see. Rebels would rather die because surrendering has the same end, but with fighting to the death there is more chance of keeping gear. 

Ok so. Personally, I am of the opinion that we are at an all time low because there hasn't been an update in a while. I imagine there is a big one in the works that will blow our balls off, but at the moment it's like the housing update, where it's not here and people are bored and restless, the server hit what seemed like an all time low on players, then as soon as the update came everyone came back. We have the awesome Community, but we are always craving content!.

So, how about we look at making Rebel gear a good amount cheaper for Rebels. The reason for this is that if we can create a situation whereby the Rebels are happy to lose their equipment, because they no longer have the concern of the financial burden, then they will be much more willing to Roleplay it, they will surrender it, because it won't be much money, it won't take as much time for them to get back, because let's be honest. People are spending their free time grinding cash, cash that they can lose in a second. 

So, now that Rebels are earning good amounts and gear is costing less, what can people work towards?. Well, with Mods it could be anything!!!. Could you imagine it....amazing collector items...rare weapons, rare cars, implement some new structures or mansions or some shit...with mods the possibilities are endless. I know people here like stuff done in-house, but there is such a strong ArmA Modding community with the skill and sportsmanship to allow the use of their stuff. I think we could do it.

Ok, so in short

Rebel Gear made a "good amount" cheaper. Cops can become more realistic, searching will become a lot more commonplace and hopefully this will lead to an increase in creativity. Rather than simply saying the item isn't what it is, Rebels can then have the financial burden of gearing up taken away, or at least massively reduced. They can then start saving for major assets that they don't have to fear losing...fast cars, rare cars, houses, collectors items, special clothing...planes, jets.

Anyway, just an idea. Maybe people will dislike it...

Also love the other ideas here...I'm personally still waiting for a nice Glock...love em..

Anyway, just my input, please excuse the language, it's late and it's not meant to upset.

Walt....well...currently The Riddler because I can't change it back...deary me
Well as you know as Gc we tried. We didnt shoot 1 bullet but we were getting fired at as i was carrying you to the old post office and we tried our best to RP we didnt wanted any money or item we only wanted a higher upto made a public speech and apologising from hobos and rebels for their disrespectful attitude as in RP. And while we were hold you hostage at gun point we only get the answer of "youre surrounded leave or die" we didnt want a fight because we knew our position was bad anyways. if cops are like this taunting us for fight when we try to fully rp something why shouldnt we just use our snipers and be safe? I know some of you going to say "rotten apples" but the order was given directly by a CI and lower ranks look upto and learn from higherranks.
