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Call this a rant if you like

I hear a lot of rebels complaining about the police always wanting to win, I'm the sort of cop that likes to reward the criminal for good role play and if their role play story convincing I let them off/let them win but the amount of times when I do let the criminal win they take advantage of it.

An example of this is when we stopped an ifrit and the driver claimed the ifrit was just a camper van and personally I think that's good story as if you go in the back of an ifrit in first person, the screen looks like a TV the back could be the bed and the back seats could be the dinner table. So instead of scraping it as ifrits are scrap on site vehicles I lowered it to impounding the ifrit so all the necessary paper work could be done to confirm that the ifrit was a camper van and they can collect it at the police depo once it's all done. But I stupidly agreed to letting them go to get their suitcases and their other things before I impounded it, they got in the ifrit and drove off. A few minutes later my game crashed but I was fuming that I wanted to rage quit anyway. 

That is all we need, why have we not done this?
Because this sort of meeting had been done before and aggression was there..

Sent fra min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk

My own real life experience being a police officer in a country that was pretty much founded on the principal of firearm ownership/freedom is that most Criminals just use what they can get their hands on. Most firearms we deal with are 90% of the time stolen, or purchased by someone who can legally buy them and pass them to their friends. In that case, it's usually cheap low quality 9mm/.380/.32 ACP pistols. Even an AK47 at minimum is $650-$900 depending on the type, which yes you can just walk into a gun store and purchase in my state. 

Unlike the movies, I've never seen criminal street gangs or outlaw motorcycle clubs carrying 5.56MM Assault rifles, 9MM Submachine guns, Uzi's, etc...

There's a little phrase we use in America: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturday_night_special

That's why I think it's kinda unrealistic for the MX series to be purchased.

I think gangs should not be able to buy Guns in their bases anymore. Clothing, Food & basic Stuff like Bino's, 1st Aid Kits, Repair Kits should be fine tho. (Those are things that they could easily have in stock in their bases or could get delivered RPwise) but no more Guns. Maybe Pistols I don't know. There should be ONE Red-Zone Black Market where they can buy for example normal Katibas, MXes or whatever people decide should be buyable over there. AND there should be BIG GUNS in the AR-Treasury thing. That should be the only way to get really good military gear. On the same hand the Police should not get Big guns too. AR exclusive. They can have whatever gun at for example the Rank of .. hm SGT.
(I don't know how it currently is and I don't know wich guns are assigned to wich position) 

There needs to be balance. Want to make it harder for Rebels? Also make it harder for Cops. EZPZ. You can not blame one side of the Players.

That's just unfair and childish. So yeah that's my suggestion if someone said something similar soz TL;DR. ♥

I think gangs should not be able to buy Guns in their bases anymore. Clothing, Food & basic Stuff like Bino's, 1st Aid Kits, Repair Kits should be fine tho. (Those are things that they could easily have in stock in their bases or could get delivered RPwise) but no more Guns. Maybe Pistols I don't know. There should be ONE Red-Zone Black Market where they can buy for example normal Katibas, MXes or whatever people decide should be buyable over there. AND there should be BIG GUNS in the AR-Treasury thing. That should be the only way to get really good military gear. On the same hand the Police should not get Big guns too. AR exclusive. They can have whatever gun at for example the Rank of .. hm SGT.
(I don't know how it currently is and I don't know wich guns are assigned to wich position) 

There needs to be balance. Want to make it harder for Rebels? Also make it harder for Cops. EZPZ. You can not blame one side of the Players.

That's just unfair and childish. So yeah that's my suggestion if someone said something similar soz TL;DR. ♥
This and TheSoldiers suggestion is the best I've seen so far!! +1

(why is it that the admins come with the best suggestions?)

Sent fra min GT-I9505 via Tapatalk

I think gangs should not be able to buy Guns in their bases anymore. Clothing, Food & basic Stuff like Bino's, 1st Aid Kits, Repair Kits should be fine tho. (Those are things that they could easily have in stock in their bases or could get delivered RPwise) but no more Guns. Maybe Pistols I don't know. There should be ONE Red-Zone Black Market where they can buy for example normal Katibas, MXes or whatever people decide should be buyable over there. AND there should be BIG GUNS in the AR-Treasury thing. That should be the only way to get really good military gear. On the same hand the Police should not get Big guns too. AR exclusive. They can have whatever gun at for example the Rank of .. hm SGT.
(I don't know how it currently is and I don't know wich guns are assigned to wich position) 

There needs to be balance. Want to make it harder for Rebels? Also make it harder for Cops. EZPZ. You can not blame one side of the Players.

That's just unfair and childish. So yeah that's my suggestion if someone said something similar soz TL;DR. ♥
If we need to get bigger guns out of the AR-Treasury isn't that just asking for more gunfights, seeing that is the only way you can get your hands on bigger guns?


We rebels have to atleast do a drug run, in which we risk gear and our truck and also the risk of getting robbed, just to regear. We do this all just to get an edge over the cops who get everything for free. Which I totally think is fair, don't get me wrong.

At the end of the day nothing is going to change. If we get smaller guns 5.56, so should the police, but that means we still have better guns, and this whole topic is going to made again.. but that time 5.56 are to "overpowerd"

What I don't get - from how understand the real world - why are the rebels fighting the police so much and not each other?

It doesn't seem normal to me that all these gangs are so friendly with each other.

I come from another server where you had to control the drug processing plants to process the drugs - this meant that you - as a gang - would have to protect it against other gangs while you were doing drug runs. This also let to some alliances between smaller gangs to keep bigger gangs at bay.

From my perspective the majority of the police is there to solve crime, protect the citizens, regulate behaviour and so forth, not fight a war. I also agree that it would make more sense to have special units in the police trained and geared up for these types of situations:

Lets continue with the drugs why is there so many police officers camping in the hills watching the Weed Processor all day long? I mean I checked the hill there was probably 8-10 officers watching the weed processor, but no police officers to be found anywhere but there. I would suggest having a National Drugs Intelligence Unit (NDIU) scouting for drug related matters, piecing the clues together (if you were spotted at the weed field, and maybe followed, to the weed processor, so the police beyond reasonable doubt can prove that you are infact transport and producing drugs), report it back to central, get some backup and make the arrest based on the evidence. - This is opposed to just sitting on the hill in a little bush with the binos out and having some police cars down in the valley searching all vehicles that comes through. This bring about the idea of make a swap with trucks. (Loose the police tail, swap the weed from one truck to the other - make sure you look like an ordinary citizen "blend in" and make your way there as the police can not search at any time they please without evidence - though they can then follow the truck from the weed processor to the drug dealer and catch you there)

I know my idea is not a solution and it is not perfect - by far - but rather than flaming, shifting blame, focusing on the effects of what is happening, why not try to locate the source of the issue?

I believe that making that trying to make steps towards improving roleplay situations and explore alternative ideas will help more than "gun control". It's not the guns that kills people, people kill people. Start with solving the people issue.


  • Is it too much for to handle the rebels?
  • Do you need better, and/or more training?
  • Are you tired of the hassle, and maybe want to quiet instead?
  • Have you lost the passion; do you need help regaining it?
  • How well is your communication, and do you have the procedures ready to respond to tough situations?
  • What is your objective:
  • Get the criminals; peacefully or by force?
  • Are you concerned about casualties; any means necessary?
  • Do you want to be topdog or smooth going?

  • Are you bored; lost your passion?
  • Do you need better, and/or more training?
  • Why do you want to fight the police?
  • What do you think about more interaction with other gangs; alliances, protecting money, drugflow control (fees), product stashing?
  • Why have you giving up on engineering great plots for roleplay and resorted to use your weapon instead?
  • What gain from roleplaying is missing; the reward for roleplaying?
  • What is your objective:
  • Achieve your goal; peacefully or by force?
  • Are you concerned about casualties; any means necessary?
  • Do you want to be topdog or smooth going?

Make rebels more like guerrilla, and bring back the UNMC for the militarised 'rebels'.

But then again, looking at this, this the year 2036 (or whatever) guns will have increased, we are on a island of the coast of Greece and are close to countries that are able to ship in weapons let alone Altis producing her own. What I think might be a good idea (similar to previous ones seen here) is to have weapon factories, a place for rebels to go and pick weapons to create for a price. 

As for rebels vs rebels, there are plenty of rebel vs rebel encounters on the island, hell, 80% of the shootouts im involved with are to do with other rebel gangs. In the early days of the server it was more so. However since then the rebels have found a common enemy, the police, and because of that, we work together against them.

As for reducing caliber sizes, in my opinion, the most rebel like guns are the katiba and Mk14, 6.5 and 7.62. Its not the weapons that need changing, its the mentality.

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Speaking from experience in the past few days though every time I get arrested it's either I fight or die, RPing never gets me anywhere cops just ignore the story and say 'well I'm searching you for any illegal items' which then results in prison due to the amount of attachments I carry etc. Kinda frustrating.

I hear a lot of rebels complaining about the police always wanting to win, I'm the sort of cop that likes to reward the criminal for good role play and if their role play story convincing I let them off/let them win but the amount of times when I do let the criminal win they take advantage of it.

An example of this is when we stopped an ifrit and the driver claimed the ifrit was just a camper van and personally I think that's good story as if you go in the back of an ifrit in first person, the screen looks like a TV the back could be the bed and the back seats could be the dinner table. So instead of scraping it as ifrits are scrap on site vehicles I lowered it to impounding the ifrit so all the necessary paper work could be done to confirm that the ifrit was a camper van and they can collect it at the police depo once it's all done. But I stupidly agreed to letting them go to get their suitcases and their other things before I impounded it, they got in the ifrit and drove off. A few minutes later my game crashed but I was fuming that I wanted to rage quit anyway. 
just to add to this after bobmarley's game had crashed it felt like the ifrit rider was taunting me and pcso jamie by driving around us then speeding off (knowing full well we couldn't pursue) 

its this attitude along with bad losers that make it a pain in the arse to play occasionally... On the whole though there are some very good rebel groups!

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bring back the UNMC for the militarised 'rebels'.

I understand that people believe that cops do bad rp and ad a police officer I have seen this a lot.. a cop asking for fingerprints or not even acknowledgin someone's story or if it'd genuinely goof RP... a lot of the time in the bank ops we get the same few who are for example saying ahh we can't give them any gold blabla 

I'm not going to lie and yes.. I do love RP but also a firefight... I mean... most of us do...

I understand that people want to limit rebel firearms so they have to rob the AR cache.... but that just won't happen. More people will not want to rp it and it will turn into a never ending circle of people storing weapons in their houses and police raiding it more often...

From the rebels I see where you are coming from... that you believe most police don't roleplay to their best but if we see shocking RP we report it to our seniors... who then look at it and talk with the person... I mean.. if someone is fingerprinting a whole ago we were told directly who to speak to about it.. I don't think that rebels should get weaker firearms.. but instead the high caliber ones should be harder to get hold of.

as a cop i also see where the cops come from.. well some of them...

a lot of cops can get sick of the same old shite.. as someone who played a lot during the shit times the amount of times I've seen a hunting rifle in Kavala where last time I checked there were no animals in a fucking city is unbelieveable.. I mean.. ironically a few months ago one of the rebels on this thread actually robbed the bak with his gang and then went to the gold buyer with firearm on his back.. I'm talking marksman equipment... military grade... guess what he was doing?hunting.. in the centre of kavala...

so yeah.. I see where both sides are coming from... but unless the shitty rp'ers are weeded out afraid there ain't much that can be done.. and I'm talking from both sides

Luckily for the rebels the police have a chain of command and you can always speak to a high ranking officer if you don't feel like putting a PCC up (especially for something like constant ahit rp). Cops for rebels well gang leaders... and unfortunately the 2 times I spoke to a gang leader about one of their players doing shit rp.. only one of the  got anywhere (<3 Ti)... the second time I was pretty mch told to fuck off...

I remember that our glorious community rep (a few months ago) did some great things with two gangs that were constantly doing poor rp and it worked wonders... y getting them to a) change their ways and b) get them in the cops for a few weeks... this worked wonders and was something dain did they was awesome... something the community rep should be looking at now? ? @ Neo

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I think gangs should not be able to buy Guns in their bases anymore. Clothing, Food & basic Stuff like Bino's, 1st Aid Kits, Repair Kits should be fine tho. (Those are things that they could easily have in stock in their bases or could get delivered RPwise) but no more Guns. Maybe Pistols I don't know. There should be ONE Red-Zone Black Market where they can buy for example normal Katibas, MXes or whatever people decide should be buyable over there. AND there should be BIG GUNS in the AR-Treasury thing. That should be the only way to get really good military gear. On the same hand the Police should not get Big guns too. AR exclusive. They can have whatever gun at for example the Rank of .. hm SGT.
(I don't know how it currently is and I don't know wich guns are assigned to wich position) 

There needs to be balance. Want to make it harder for Rebels? Also make it harder for Cops. EZPZ. You can not blame one side of the Players.

That's just unfair and childish. So yeah that's my suggestion if someone said something similar soz TL;DR. ♥
Come on Steph its not our fault that we are winning all the firefights. It doesnt needs a balance in the weapons most of the cops dont know actually how to aim a weapon or how to get in positions or even how to aproach cautiously. They just need training i mean come on the rubber bullet knocks out with 1 shot and our weapons needs 3-4 bullets in the chest to kill someone with a vest they have more chance in close combat its not our fault if they cannot take the chance. And well we all need to RP more because other than that people are always going to complain about each other.

Come on Steph its not our fault that we are winning all the firefights. It doesnt needs a balance in the weapons most of the cops dont know actually how to aim a weapon or how to get in positions or even how to aproach cautiously. They just need training i mean come on the rubber bullet knocks out with 1 shot and our weapons needs 3-4 bullets in the chest to kill someone with a vest they have more chance in close combat its not our fault if they cannot take the chance. And well we all need to RP more because other than that people are always going to complain about each other.
win all the firefights? What? Yes... a lot of cops run around like headless chickens bur if your that deluded and think you win all the firefights then you are wrong. Let's call all the other people from other gangs who aren't deluded and seewhat they say about that.. firefights are 50/50.. 

I am one who believes that it's the worker not his tool but you say that the weapons are balanced... 7.62 is all I need to say

'They just need training'. How many cops do you know that want to fight always?most of them just want to roleplay

win all the firefights? What? Yes... a lot of cops run around like headless chickens bur if your that deluded and think you win all the firefights then you are wrong. Let's call all the other people from other gangs who aren't deluded and seewhat they say about that.. firefights are 50/50.. 

I am one who believes that it's the worker not his tool but you say that the weapons are balanced... 7.62 is all I need to say

'They just need training'. How many cops do you know that want to fight always?most of them just want to roleplay
Firstly yes we won almost every firefight and i am sure i am not deluded. 7.62 would not a good weapon in the hands of a bad shooter and if you know how to position yourself and move to cover from cover you wont get in its sight therefore you wont get shot and will be able to knock him out with the rubber gun without getting hit. And i said They just need training i didnt said they always want to fight. Please dont twist my words. If someone needs training on something it doesnt point that he must do it every time.

Firstly yes we won almost every firefight and i am sure i am not deluded. 7.62 would not a good weapon in the hands of a bad shooter and if you know how to position yourself and move to cover from cover you wont get in its sight therefore you wont get shot and will be able to knock him out with the rubber gun without getting hit. And i said They just need training i didnt said they always want to fight. Please dont twist my words. If someone needs training on something it doesnt point that he must do it every time.
OK.  I don't know if you saw but I quoted exactly what you said.. no changING or twisting. 

If you truly believe that you have won majority of your fights then OK Ali.  

You say 7.62 would not be any good in the hands of a bad shooter. Once again..  OK Ali. 

I personally so not believe that cops need any training in fighting as most of the time they are roleplaying . 

Firstly yes we won almost every firefight and i am sure i am not deluded. 7.62 would not a good weapon in the hands of a bad shooter and if you know how to position yourself and move to cover from cover you wont get in its sight therefore you wont get shot and will be able to knock him out with the rubber gun without getting hit. And i said They just need training i didnt said they always want to fight. Please dont twist my words. If someone needs training on something it doesnt point that he must do it every time.
Not much you can do against a sniper when you hear the same old "unrestrain me in 5 seconds or your dead" considering you are not suppose to communicate with people with comms when restrained

OK.  I don't know if you saw but I quoted exactly what you said.. no changING or twisting. 

If you truly believe that you have won majority of your fights then OK Ali.  

You say 7.62 would not be any good in the hands of a bad shooter. Once again..  OK Ali. 

I personally so not believe that cops need any training in fighting as most of the time they are roleplaying .
 I dont know what youre trying to point out but your argument doesnt make any sense... Well i wont be answering anymore anyways. Yea well some cops are starting to complain again while i am trying to put something constructive i dont want to be part of it again so see y'all!

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I'm debating Ali.. not complaining. 
That wasnt for you Dylan. That was for bobmarley. Because some rebel is going to come here and going to say that police displays bad RP and it will turn into an argument because both sides are doing mistakes 'unrestrain me in 5 seconds or your dead' pointing out something like this is not going to solve any thing it will just cause a argument. As Khandamir and Lemmen said something 'constructive'. This is the mistake both sides do point their fingers on each other and thats where the all drama comes out. 
