@Banana Duck you want my opinion on scrapyards?
Right, firstly they serve no propose in RP, Even if you comply with someone taking your Heli/Truck, They use it for illegal things and police don't check licence it ends up scrapped, if they do illegal things in it and they leave it near Kavala (Drug dealer) some hobo robs it and its scrapped. Each one of them has happened to me and serves no RP benefits after the initial robbery and maybe rebel contact with police (ending up in a shootout at drug place) and my stuff getting scrapped by them.
I have had about 9 helis scrapped to the turn of about 27 million in loses, That fully complying with persons taken my stuff. (I value my life like it
IS my own life.
I have lost about 20 or so Hemtt Boxes to turn of about 6 million, Again fully complying or getting fail RP'ed. Thats 33 million in loses for me that has served no propose for RP after the inital robbery.
I'm not "Salty" about losing my stuff, I'm disappointed.
I would be more happy about having ARAC having impounding poweres but maybe having a script that a car that not had anyone inside for say 10 minutes can be impounded by them, That saves the problem of ninja impounding or combat impounding but I also know that could be abused by people who are uncouth.
If they did bring back scrapper it should be out of the way and off the beaten path so it is not just case of going 500 meters off a main road, like at the bottom of the map in rebel land so people have to weight up if its worth scrapping v's travel time/risk of not getting back to a city for a while.
Overall there has little to no disruption to how the game is played without a scrapyard and there is little to no gain by re-adding them, would be better to create new and interesting ways to RP with ARAC being able to impound or tow broken stuff at side of the road thus adding more RP into the server + adding ARAC as a meaningful worthwhile job to do.