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hello guys my name is marko and i have been rebel for almost 2 years

rebel outpost is in worst state right now

bye friends

Suggestion. Make some sort of rules like the police have. If there are more than 3 of you rebels working together you can't camp at the outpost for more than 15/20 minutes?

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Suggestion...... Stop moaning , when gang bases come will it even matter ? Till then, buy a house , store your guns, problem solved ,      *..drops mic and walks away*

Suggestion...... Stop moaning , when gang bases come will it even matter ? Till then, buy a house , store your guns, problem solved ,      *..drops mic and walks away*
What a solid comment... Easy for people that already have money. So people need to stop moaning because gang bases will be coming? We don't even know when that will happen, it could be a week or two months who knows. You need to be able to buy guns in the outpost to store them in your house.

I dont see the fuss, take out the money before you go there, check around before you enter the outpost and make sure its clear, then move in and buy.. There are also 2 outposts, so try using another one time to time.

What a solid comment... Easy for people that already have money. So people need to stop moaning because gang bases will be coming? We don't even know when that will happen, it could be a week or two months who knows. You need to be able to buy guns in the outpost to store them in your house.
Lel I have 1 mil , not exactly rolling in it am I haha and to be honest, no you don't, rob a house, kidnap a unsuspecting rebel with your rook you bought legally, buy one from a creepy dude in kavala square, your welcome for my wisdom, use it wisely

im just saying imagine all the players that wanna play alone and try to get a rifle and then he meet like 10 rebels what a nightmare i havent been on the server for a while because my computer is broken but if you want to put the atm far away from the rebel outpost make it really hard to camp like right at the end of a mountain so you can shoot inside it when you have initiated 

I recently visited the new rebel outposts and was annoyed that were no ATMs but I got over it as gang bases are coming in and it wont matter. When the gang bases come, gangs wont be camping these rebel outposts unless theyre really bored. Me and my gang camped it once, it was really boring and only one gang came. If you're getting robbed left right and centre, maybe try join a gang theres loads. I'm sure they'll protect ya, theres loads of hills you can spot for your gang mates even take your time when going up? dont just bum rush it or even call the cops?

The Company

Mohammed Ajazuri

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I recently visited the new rebel outposts and was annoyed that were no ATMs but I got over it as gang bases are coming in and it wont matter. When the gang bases come, gangs wont be camping these rebel outposts unless theyre really bored. Me and my gang camped it once, it was really boring and only one gang came. If you're getting robbed left right and centre, maybe try join a gang theres loads. I'm sure they'll protect ya, theres loads of hills you can spot for your gang mates even take your time when going up? dont just bum rush it or even call the cops?

The Company

Mohammed Ajazuri
im in the tw clan just talking about the lonly ones on the server havent been there because my computer is in for repair can someone plzz take some pics of it

im in the tw clan just talking about the lonly ones on the server havent been there because my computer is in for repair can someone plzz take some pics of it
The east one is just a military tower and a helipad.

Cannot believe the main feedback of just under 2 weeks of converting and map editing is .... ATM's

I don't think they should be re-added it doesn't make sense for a rebel outpost to have an ATM.. and there all over the map, However more outposts are on the way.

Cannot believe the main feedback of just under 2 weeks of converting and map editing is .... ATM's

I don't think they should be re-added it doesn't make sense for a rebel outpost to have an ATM.. and there all over the map, However more outposts are on the way.

Cannot believe the main feedback of just under 2 weeks of converting and map editing is .... ATM's

I don't think they should be re-added it doesn't make sense for a rebel outpost to have an ATM.. and there all over the map, However more outposts are on the way.
does this mean more towers for us to camp in 

Cannot believe the main feedback of just under 2 weeks of converting and map editing is .... ATM's

I don't think they should be re-added it doesn't make sense for a rebel outpost to have an ATM.. and there all over the map, However more outposts are on the way.
Lets not forget this is a GAME and everyone should have fun not just police who have everything within a 5m radius when they spawn. 

Lets not forget this is a GAME and everyone should have fun not just police who have everything within a 5m radius when they spawn. 
Not just police who have their Mk20s* within a 5m radius from them

PS: This isn't intended as a dig, just making a point. 

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